Mountain View News Saturday, September 23, 2023
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Peter Lamendola
Stuart Tolchin
Harvey Hyde
Audrey Swanson
Meghan Malooley
Mary Lou Caldwell
Kevin McGuire
Chris Leclerc
Dinah Chong Watkins
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Rich Johnson
Lori Ann Harris
Rev. James Snyder
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Jeff Brown
Marc Garlett
Keely Toten
Dan Golden
Rebecca Wright
Hail Hamilton
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
I wonder why? Why would anyone read my column? I make sure my
photo is at the top of each column to “scare” you away. Furthermore, I
insure my every column skates on the edge of the U.S. Supreme Court
standard for an obscenity conviction under the Constitution! Really! I
looked it up.
In Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15 (1973) a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court
modified its earlier definition of obscenity from: “utterly without socially redeeming value”
to that which lacks “serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value”. Known affectionately
as the “Miller Test”.
I qualify under every test. And yet here we are.
Oh well. Speaking of wondering why, why is it illegal for you to pump your own gas in New
Jersey? Don’t know but station owners get fined $250 if you do and get caught.
Why are dalmatians connected to fire departments? I know this one. Cause before fire
trucks, departments used horses to pull fire engines. Thieves stole horses and fire departments
discovered dalmatians and horses bonded easily. And dogs bark when robbed. Who
Why doesn’t Tarzan have a beard? There is an answer. Because even though he loved his
ape friends, he didn’t want to become one. So, he shaved with his knife. Ouch.
Why is there a light in the refrigerator but not the freezer? Actually, there is one refrigerator
out there that offers a lighted freezer. It’s the Sub-Zero Pro 48 model. It costs $16,950.
Knock yourself out lol.
Why does Goofy stand on two legs and Pluto stands on four? Official Disney answer:
Because Goofy is actually a person drawn to resemble a dog. Geesh! By the way, Goofy
originally had no name, then he was “Dippy Dawg”, then “Dippy the Goof”, and then “Mr.
Geef”. (Rumor has it Disney is considering changing his name to “Rich Johnson”)!
Why do dogs not like to be blown in the face but love sticking their head out the window
in a moving car? I don’t know. I’ve asked a few dogs and got no answers. Face it…we may
never know.
Will pushing an elevator button over and over again bring the elevator quicker? I think
the answer is obvious. But I do wonder if pressing the “close doors” button actually works?
What’s the speed of darkness? The speed of light travels at roughly 186,000 miles per second.
Darkness is the absence of light. So, once light is gone, darkness returns. Darkness
has the same speed as light. (Go figure that one out.)
So, while we got the astronomers on the line, I asked them what the oldest thing was in
the universe? The answer? GRB 090423 Of course, thanks for answering. Ummmm, what
is a GRB 090423?
The astronomer looked a me like I was a electron. No, a proton. Come to think of it, he
said I looked like a moron. The GRB 090423 is obviously a Gamma-ray burst. Time for
this “moron” to burn out.
I won’t remind you of the JJ Jukebox, Saturday, October 28 Halloween/Rich Johnson the
Moron’s Birthday concert at Nano Café (626) 325-3334. Come as GRB 090423.
there seems to
be no reason for
me to feel all of
this angst. My
wife tells me that it annoys her to be
around me just because she can feel
my dissatisfaction and discomfort-
--and that’s before I say anything.
She’s not wrong. When I do talk I
seem to get into an argument with
whomever I’m speaking with. Outwardly
there seems to be no reason
for this chronic displeasure. I live in
this beautiful house in this beautiful
place and am in no physical discomfort.
Really, my wife is wonderful,
my children who I see a few times
a week are nearby and caring ---so
what’s the problem?
Speaking of my children,
a few months ago as a continuing
birthday present, my daughter ar-
ranged for me to receive a monthly
communication from an organization
called History by Mail located
in Las Vegas. What is contained in
these monthly envelopes are historical
communications such as letters
to the sitting President or letters
from one General to another. A
particular favorite of mine is an
exchange of letters between President
Ford and his appointed Ambassador
to Ghana, Shirley Temple
Black. That’s right child-star Shirley
Temple in her later years is revealed
in these letters to be much more
knowledgeable about Ghana and
Africa than is the President.
In the letter to the President
Shirley said “I have no trouble being
taken seriously as a woman and diplomat
here (referring to Ghana)…
My only problem has been with
Americans who----refuse to believe
I had grown up since my movies.” I
believe that is still the problem for
many of us Americans including
me. We refuse to grow up and adapt
and don’t recognize the problem.
Recently I spoke with a former
colleague who is still practicing
Law at the age of eighty. He is
a member of a County Panel that
receives appointments to represent
indigent Defendants. He with great
irritation informed me that he had
been suspended from the panel for
90 days because he had said to a
female Alternate Public Defender,
“You have nice legs”. The conversation
ended at that point but I
was already fuming with probably
unthinking righteous anger. My
daughter, who is almost fifty and
a hard-working attorney herself,
called me soon thereafter and I relayed
the conversation and my anger
to her.
She somewhat condescendingly
explained that the times have
changed and I would have to “grow
up” and understand that women
no longer would accept being “objectified”.
My daughter had little
patience with this conversation
and terminated it saying in conclusion
that perhaps old men (like me)
should be given a pass implying that
they are generally beyond hope and
don’t make much difference anyway.
That is the problem I think.
I and many old guys still want to
make a difference but find them-
selves completely out of step with
the current rhythms. Yesterday I
received another envelope from the
History by Mail folk which contained
a letter from General Dwight
Eisenhower directed to 175,000
Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary
Force. On the eve of history’s
largest seaborne invasion which
would take place on D-Day June 6,
1944 a statement was distributed to
soldiers, sailors and airmen as they
stepped on their transports across
the English Channel. The fighting
men were reminded that their task
would not be an easy one but that
the General had full confidence in
each man’s courage, devotion, to
duty, and skill in battle. You undoubtedly
know, I hope, that the
invasion resulted in a Full Victory
during which an estimated 10,000
Allied Soldiers were killed, of which
over half were Americans.
Today I am my only enemy
and I recognize my need to find relevance
and purpose and frank-ly
I am pleased that I am willing to
continue that battle. Maybe I enjoy
feeling superior to those relying on
mood altering drugs that so many
around me ingest daily to tolerate
themselves. I want to “grow up” like
Shirley Temple. I want to be my own
hero but it would be nice to have
General Eisenhower or somebody to
commend me on my courage in at
least writing the articles.
It would be well-received if you
would contact me at stuarttolchin@
gmail.com no matter what your
message is.
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A member of
I suppose it was just a matter of time before casual dress
hit the U.S. Senate.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has told the Senate’s
sergeant-at-arms to no longer enforce the hallowed
chamber’s informal dress code, which had required senators
and their staffers to wear business attire.
Schumer’s directive appears to be tailor-made for Pennsylvania Sen. John
Fetterman, who prefers gym shorts and hoodies over the suits and ties
male senators have always worn.
When Fetterman first arrived at the Senate, he attempted to wear a suit
and tie — but looked as uncomfortable as a kidnap victim constrained by
a straitjacket.
After being treated for clinical depression, however, he returned to the
Senate in his favorite frump duds.
To paraphrase comedian Dennis Miller, Fetterman’s clothes make him
look like the kid who taps the keg at fraternity parties.
As someone who prefers slothful wear over formal attire — running pants,
a long-sleeved Pitt Panthers shirt and frayed sandals — I’m sympathetic to
Fetterman’s situation.
On one hand, I think the Senate deserves incredible courtesy and respect.
It is a tremendous honor to be among 100 of the most accomplished and
powerful people on the planet.
Senators must honor their colleagues through their manner, gestures,
words and dress — one man’s comfort should never trump one’s duty to
show respect to his colleagues and the august institution he represents.
On the other hand, our culture sure has gotten sloppy.
I recently found an old photo of my grandfather at a baseball game in the
1920s. He and the other guys at the game were sporting suits and ties and
fedora hats.
Pretty much everyone dressed up in formal clothes when they went to restaurants,
movies and Sunday Mass well into the 1970s.
The Atlantic reports that our national shift to casual wear began in the
mid-’80s with tech companies in California.
“Restrictive clothing worn for appearances’ sake was inefficient, and Silicon
Valley was all about efficiency,” reports the magazine.
Long work hours writing computer code gave way to tech employees dressing
down in khaki pants and button-down collar shirts.
Casual Friday soon loosened corporate dress standards across the country,
and that evolved into casual day every day.
Now, thanks to covid, we’ve become a country of wrinkled slobs who look
like we just crawled out of bed.
Like it or not, we are living in the heyday of frump, and no public figure
symbolizes frumpiness more than Fetterman — whose bold stand for slovenliness
surely motivated Schumer to abolish informal dress standards for
senators. Schumer may rue the day he made this change, however.
It’s just a matter of time before Mitt Romney interviews witnesses as he
still wears last-night’s silk pajama top, Ted Cruz casts votes in cargo shorts,
black socks and scuffed wingtips, and Bernie Sanders filibusters in the raggedy
white robe given to him as a gift 40 years ago.
Though I’m guilty of frumpism, if I were a senator I’d embrace the
old saying “Dress for the job you want.”
I’d wear a crisp suit and tie and make sure my shoes were perfectly
I’d do so for the simple reason that dress is a form of expression and
communication — and that “dressing like a senator” will make it
easier for my colleagues to respect me and collaborate with me than
they would with the kid who taps kegs at frat parties.
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Integrity will be our guide.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com