Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, November 11, 2023

MVNews this week:  Page 17



Mountain View News November 11, 2023 

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Here we are in November when all sports get really interesting. 
With high school football, college football, NFL 
football getting down to last games, along comes NHL 
hockey, NBA basketball, and of course, THE WORLD 
SERIES!. Let’s see, what did I forget? Golf still going, tennis 
slowing down a bit and NASCAR, NHRA, Drag racing 
each weekend. Now, can’t forget Formula ONE coming to Las Vegas November 18th 
starting at 10:00PM. And please do check out the ticket prices! 

Every television station and affiliate carries some kind of sport. How about all the other 
media coverage? Now there are more sports and less space in newspapers. Sports writers 
and TV sports reporters have less time and space to cover this, as papers are smaller and 
news in TV seems to be cutting minutes for sports. Three or four minutes to cover it all.

Then there are some areas which have almost no coverage. I am speaking of the community 
colleges. This is really a shame. There was a time when these schools were a really 
strong part of the athletic process. They were feeder schools for universities and colleges 
serving a real purpose of preparing youngsters for the next level of both academics and 
sports. Today they still serve an important purpose of preparing for next level academics 
and for important and valuable life careers. 

In these times, unfortunately, sports are a welcome and beneficial relief from all the 
“hard” news. ( Today they should call it this because it is so difficult to hear and see.) 
Sadly I have it from reliable sources that television stations and newspapers are cutting 
way back on sports coverage. Many of us look to the sports pages and sports coverage as 
our first view of what is happening around us and care about results of games and events. 
I personally would rather see sports highlights than people breaking in to stores and 
homes, freeway chases and random shootings! (We won’t mention anything political just 
to be safe.)

What are our young people thinking about when they watch and hear about the news? 
For ages 5-12 it is terrible and possibly damaging. This is the world they have entered. 
Let’s have some positive coverage of events and local activities. When kids and adults can 
see pictures of themselves and their friends and read about how great they are!

By the way, are you getting tired of hearing how much money professional and college 
athletes and coaches are making today? (I think I came along too early!!) I guess it is just 
proof of how important sports are to so many. In entertainment, in service industries, 
in communities in cities and even countries. I say, please just play the game, be a good 
example to some of the young kids who may want to be just like you, act like you and 
dress like you. Please give respect to all aspects of life. We know there will be very few to 
reach that status.

So I suggest, don't get too confused about what team or sport or event to follow, attend 
or support. You can’t do them all (maybe you can do almost all.) Just enjoy the moments 
of excitement, suspense, happiness or disappointment that sports can bring. There’s just 
more and more and more for us. 

I think sometimes, let’s shorten the seasons for all these sports. Professional sports are 
in some ways taking away from the seasons for college, high school and other sports. 
College basketball is starting next week. High school football now starts in August. Kids 
almost have no summer with families and vacations. I remember when I was coaching at 
Pasadena City college, my wife’s family didn’t know whether to cheer our teams on to a 
winning season or not. Not winning meant we all would go on a vacation with her entire 
family in November. Winning meant a play off or bowl game and that she and I and our 
kids would not be going on that great family outing. Now, in my retirement, I say “Family 
first.” But in my coaching days, I admit I did want those play off games, forget Yosemite 
and Big Bear. I also admit that on the vacation years, we really did have an amazing time 
with great memories on those trips. 

For us today, I say, read your local listings of games and teams playing, what’s on television, 
and what can you support in person. I’m still into high school and college football 
and are keeping track of those. You keep up as best you can with all the other choices. 

By the way, those of you who missed Pasadena Quarterbacks Club missed a great program 
with Westridge girls football coach, and PCC football coach Robert Tucker whose 
team has won every game except one. People should know this. Feature speaker David 
Baker gave just a great message. Next meeting is November 17th our USC/UCLA traditional 
kick-off luncheon. (Elks Club 11:30am)

You can keep up with my radio shows at or follow @coachharveyhyde 
on X.


 SSttaarrtt wwiitthh aann IInnssppeeccttiioonn WWee’’llll AAnnsswweerr YYoouurr CCaallll 2244//77 
New Roof, 
Roof Repair 
Attic and 
- The Rose Bowl Aquatics 
Center (RBAC) a nonprofit organization 
dedicated to promoting watersafety, 
lifelong wellness, and love for aquatic activities, 
is delighted to announce the Rose 
Bowl Aquatics team’sofficial recognition 
as a

USA Swimming Gold Medal Club in the 
2023-24 Club Excellence Rankings.

Out of 3000+swim clubs nationwide, Rose 
Bowl Aquatics proudly secures the 14th 
spot, marking a significant milestone in 
thedevelopment of athletes aged 18 years 
and younger.

This remarkable achievement is not merely 
a testament to the club's success in the 
pool but also a tribute to therelentless 
commitment and collective effort of the 
entire Rose Bowl Aquatics family, including 
our athletes,families, team support, 
Boosters, coaches, and RBAC staff. The 
dedication, unwavering support, passion, 
and allthe support behind the scenes have 
undeniably set us apart.

As a Gold Medal Club, Rose Bowl Aquatics 
joins an exclusive group of swim clubs 
across the country that exemplifyexcellence 
in competitive swimming development. 
Their commitment to nurturing 
athletes to reach their fullpotential, fostering 
a strong sense of teamwork, and promoting 
character development has earned 
us thisprestigious recognition.

Andrew Nguyen, Head Coach of Rose 
Bowl Aquatics,

expressed pride in the team's pursuit of 
excellence,reflecting a shared team vision.

"We're committed to supporting our athletes 
in the pool and life. Our dedicationto 
core values remains steadfast, building a 
strong foundation for athletes, families, 
and coaches. Special thanksto the RBAC 
Executive Team, staff, and Board for their 
vital role in our Gold Medal recognition."

In a second remarkable feat, Rose Bowl 
Aquatics celebrates the naming of 19 student-
athletes to the

USASwimming Scholastic All-America 


ranking fourth in the nation for the most 
number of student-athletesselected. This 
achievement underscores the dedication, 
hard work, and commitment of our 
student-athletes, notonly in their swimming 
pursuits but also in their academic 
endeavors. To qualify for this prestigious 
recognition,student-athletes must maintain 
a minimum 3.5 GPA and achieve 
at least a Winter Junior National time 
standard,showcasing their well-rounded 


This achievement showcases the collective 
effort and empowering team culture 
that drives excellence in allaspects of these 
student-athletes’ lives”,


Jimmy Francis, President and Executive 
Director of RBAC.

Hecredits the success of Rose Bowl Aquatics’ 
student-athletes to their families, 
teammates, and dedicated coachingstaff.

Join us as we extend our warmest congratulations 
to all members of Rose Bowl Aquatics 
for these remarkableaccomplishments.

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