Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, November 18, 2023

MVNews this week:  Page 3


Mountain View News Saturday, November 18, 2023 



“May your stuffing be tasty, may your turkey 
be plump. May your potatoes and gravy have 
nary a lump. May your yams be delicious and 
your pies take the prize, and may your Thanksgiving 
dinner stay off of your thighs!”

Thanksgiving is Thursday! This suddenly 
dawned on me as I was leisurely removing all 
the Halloween stuff and leaving all the Fall 
stuff up in my house. A quick family consultation, 
though, helped my heart quit pounding. 
Nobody is cooking a turkey. Blasphemy, 
I know, but we finally all admitted we like 
the sides better than the bird. I am making 
creamed spinach and Lime Jell-O Salad and 
we will buy sliced deli turkey, which comes in 
hickory, honey or mesquite smoked slices and 
ham which could be brown sugar, tavern honey 
or several other incarnations. Last year we 
brought home garlic mashed potatoes, sweet 
potatoes, mac and cheese and I can’t remember 
what all else and they were all delicious. 
We will have egg nog, relax, put it all out as 
a buffet and let everyone serve themselves. It 
will be wonderful. We will be stuffed and it 
will be a delightful, stress-free, Thanksgiving. 
No matter what you’re serving, the best part is 
inviting family and friends to share the feast and all the familiar family stories. Like this one, 
but I know none of you folks have ever had the following experience...



The Festive Bird is in the stove,

It’s time now for a nap.

I laid me down, closed my eyes,

And at the window heard a tap.

It’s far too soon for guests to come,

I need a little peace!

The stuffing’s ready, cranberries chillin’,

Pies overflow with pumpkin fillin’.

The tap just keeps on at my window,

But I’m not gonna look!

There’s nothing more for me to do,

This is one tired and sleepy cook.

So I snuggled deep down in my afghan,

Turned my head the other way.

I don’t care who’s at that window,

They can tap all day.

Off I went to slumberland and dreamed a lovely dream,

A kitchen, clean and spotless, everything just right.

But then I dreamt a dreadful dream,

That made me shriek with fright!

The tapping at my window,

More insistent grew.

And what was out there tapping,

I’ll now describe to you.

The Ghost of my Thanksgivings Past,

A turkey that was huge!

Tapped his enormous beak at my window,

And gobbled…. “J’accuse!”

“Fifty Thanksgivings, and more,” he said,

“Since you walked down that wedding aisle.

So many turkeys you’ve served up, 

With sweet potatoes and a smile.”

“All those turkeys come and gone,

And still your gravy’s awful!

And the year the turkey hit the floor,

Should be declared… unlawful!!”

“Most of them were nicely done, I’ll give you that,” he said.

“But some were cooked so badly,

You should have ordered Chinese instead!”

What an awful dream, I thought, as I cowered in my bed.

But the Ghostly Turkey wasn’t finished,

With his accusations many.

And I, stuttering out my pathetic excuses,

Discovered I hadn’t any!

But then he smiled and said to me,

“Your crimes are all forgiven.

For those who’ve gathered at your table,

Have rejoiced and laughed for hours.”

“We turkeys relish meals like these,

They are sweet as summer flowers!

Enjoy today, with friends and family,

gathered ‘round your table,

Give thanks for health and joy and peace...

Then share this Thanksgiving fable.”


And with a last gobble…gobble, the Ghost of Thanksgivings Past,

 Flew up, up, and away…

And I heard him exclaim, ere he flew out of sight…

“Happy Thanksgiving to all…

And for heaven’s sake, learn to make better gravy!”


Hope your Thanksgiving will be the best one ever!

On Veteran's Day, the Sierra Madre Rotary Club joined the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club in presenting 
its' annual "A Walk Through The Park Celebrating Our Veterans Past and Present".


Thanks to the dedicated volunteers, young and old, coordinated by Chamber Members Carol 
Canterbury and Michelle Keith, who made certain that the decorations in Kersting Court were 
ready for Santa when he arrives next Satuday at the Winter Village!

At last but not the least, let's come together in the spirit of love, gratitude, and giving this 
year. Sierra Madre Rotary Club, Fire Department, and Police Department are teaming up 
to support "Toys for Tots" from the Marine Corps Reserve. You can donate toys at the Sierra 
Madre Fire/Police Station and City Hall, with the final day of collection being December 
16th during the "Meet & Greet Santa" event. We look forward to seeing you!

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