Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, January 6, 2024

MVNews this week:  Page 5


Mountain View News Saturday, January 6, 2024 

Library to 
140 Years 

of Service

San Diego Zoo Wins Sweepstakes Trophy

Washington Park Community 
House Opening on Jan, 13

To celebrate 140 years of 
service, the Pasadena Public 
Library is planning a year-
long celebration highlighting 
the past, present and future 
through the contributions 
of trailblazers, innovators, 
and future thinkers. “We 
are excited to celebrate 
this milestone with our 
community and continue the 
tradition of offering impactful 
service to all,” said Pasadena 
Public Library Director Tim 

 Since first opening its 
doors in 1884, The Pasadena 
Public Library has served the 
community with free and 
open places to commune, 
connect, learn, read and 
belong. Pasadena Public 
Library has spent 140 years 
shaping the past, sculpting the 
present, and building toward a 
brighter future.

 The Central Library stands 
as the cornerstone of the 
Pasadena Public Library, 
offering vital support to its 
nine branch libraries. In May 
2021, our Central Library 
temporarily closed following 
a structural assessment that 
uncovered its susceptibility 
to seismic activity due to 
unreinforced masonry. Today, 
as we commemorate the 
rich history of our libraries 
spanning 140 years, discover 
more about the future of the 
Central Library, the necessary 
earthquake retrofit, and the 
significant contributions 
it is poised to make in the 
21st century by visiting:

 With hundreds of on-
site programs, free Wi-Fi 
services and an extensive 
collection of printed books, 
periodicals, media and cloud-
based eBooks, the Pasadena 
Public Library serves as a 
lifelong learning center and 
cultural beacon for the greater 
Pasadena community.

 Kick off the celebration by 
picking up a 2024 calendar 
from any branch location and 
participate in a time capsule 
program this morning at 
11 a.m., at Jefferson Branch 
Library, 1500 E. Villa St. 
Community members of all 
ages are invited to help draft 
the story of the library’s future 
with mementoes from the 
present. Bring photos, letters, 
artwork, or trinkets to include 
in the time capsule or add the 
items you make day of. The 
time capsule will remain open 
all month to collect more 
memories before being sealed 
for ten years.

 Throughout the anniversary 
year, Pasadena Public Library 
will host a different feature 
program at each branch 
location, January – October, 
release limited edition 
merchandise, launch a 14 
book reading challenge to 
celebrate 14 decades of library 
service, collect and feature 
community stories of what 
the library means to you, and 
broadcast videos of interviews 
with library staff. "These 
monthly vignettes will offer a 
glimpse into how the people 
of Pasadena have shaped our 
library from the beginning 
and continue to guide our 
growth into the future."

 For information visit:


 City of Pasadena officials 
announced Thursday that 
the grand opening of the 
Washington Park Community 
House will be Saturday, January 
13 from 10 a.m. to noon. The 
new facility is set to provide an 
enhanced experience for the 
entire community and serve 
as a hub for various events and 

 According to officials the 
new, approximately 2,000 
square-foot Community House 
includes a multi-purpose 
room, kitchenette, gender-
neutral restroom, storage room, 
accessible office for recreation 
staff, Wi-Fi, and outdoor 
gathering space. The park also 
features new outdoor restrooms.

 “Washington Park has long 
been a cherished landmark in 
our city, fostering community 
engagement and providing a 
space for residents to come 
together,” said Parks, Recreation 
and Community Services 
Director Koko Panossian. 
“After months of planning 
and renovation work, the 
Washington Park Community 
House is ready to unveil its new 
facilities, offering an array of 
amenities and opportunities for 
the community to enjoy.”

 The grand opening will feature 
a celebration filled with exciting 
activities for people of all ages. 
The festivities will commence 
at 10 a.m. with an official 
ribbon-cutting ceremony, 
where esteemed community 
leaders, local officials, and 
distinguished guests will come 
together to mark this amazing 
occasion. Following the 
ribbon-cutting, attendees will 
have the opportunity to tour 
the new Community House 
and experience its amenities. 
Attendees will enjoy program 
demonstrations, information 
booths, live music, arts and 
crafts, and more!

 Washington Park is located at 
700 E. Washington Blvd. 

 For more information, 
please call (626) 744-7330 
or email ParksAndRec@

Pictured top: San Diego Zoo’s “It Began with a Roar.” Pictured 
left: 2024 Sweepstakes Trophy


 Just before Monday’s Rose 
Parade, as tradition, The 
Pasadena Tournament of Roses 
announced the 23 floats awarded 
honors in the 135th Rose Parade 
—recognized for excellence in a 
variety of categories from Best 
Animation to the Bob Hope 
Humor Award.

 The 2024 Sweepstakes Trophy, 
the most beautiful entry: 
encompassing float design, floral 
presentation and entertainment 
was presented to the San Diego 
Zoo’s “It Began with a Roar.”

 The float featured polar bears 
gliding through the ocean and 
koalas rustling atop the forest 
canopy to the animated calls of 
flamingoes, the soulful heartbeat 
of an orangutan and soothing 
melodies from centuries 
old tortoises. All with the 
harmonious sounds of wildlife 
echo across Earth. 

 Since 1924, the Tournament 
of Roses has recognized one 
participant with the Sweepstakes 
Trophy for the most beautiful 
entry, encompassing float 
design, floral presentation, 
and entertainment. This year 
marks the 100th anniversary 
of the Sweepstakes Trophy and 
Tournament celebrated with a 
specially designed arrangement 
to showcase the Award. Float 
judge Heather de Kok created 
the display of red roses.

 The San Diego Zoo float was 
built by Artistic Entertainment 

 This year’s Rose Parade theme 
was “Celebrating a World of 
Music: The Universal Language.”

For a full list of winners visit:

Cordova Complete 
Streets Project Finished

Tournament President Alex 
Aghajanian and his family 
rode in the famous Omnibus 
as it makes its world debut in 
the Rose Parade. Performing 
on the Omnibus was a group 
of Taiko Drummers and a 
dance band, SoundBytes. 
These buses were once the 
kings of mass transportation 
from Paris to London from 
1900 to the 1930s. Walt 
Disney built two of these 
double-decker buses for 
Disneyland in 1956.


 Pasadena officials announced 
that construction of the Cordova 
Street Complete Streets capital 
improvement project has been 
considered complete as of 

 This project installed 1.5-mile-
long Class II buffered bike lanes 
on Cordova Street from Hill 
Avenue to Arroyo Parkway as 
well as street enhancements 
across all modes of travel. 
The new “complete streets” 
configuration consists of a travel 
lane and Class II bike lanes in 
each direction, a bi-directional 
left turn lane, parking on both 
sides of the street, and crosswalk 
curb extensions to reduce the 
pedestrian crossing distances at 
eight intersections. 

 The project also upgraded 
traffic signal equipment, 
including electrical conduits, 
controllers, cabinets, and 
fiber optic communication. 
In addition, video detection 
equipment was upgraded for 
improved bicycle detection 
and functionality. Roadway 
improvements included 
resurfacing of the pavement on 
Cordova Street, Hill Avenue to 
Arroyo Parkway, installation of 
58 ADA-compliant curb ramps, 
and repairs of damaged concrete 
sidewalk, curb and gutter within 
the project limits. 

 This project originated with 
the City’s Department of 
Transportation (DOT) and was 
part of the Pasadena Bicycle 
Transportation Action Plan 
developed in 2015. Upon DOT’s 
completion of the conceptual 
design, the City’s Department 
of Public Works managed 
the project through the final 
design and construction phases. 
Community outreach and input 
were integral components of the 
design process during which 
stakeholders had multiple 
opportunities to comment and 
therefore shape the final product. 
Project design was completed in 
2021, Pasadena City Council 
awarded the construction 
contract to California 
Professional Engineering, Inc. in 
August 2022, and construction 
began in March 2023. The 
successful completion of this 
project connects the City’s 
major institutions, businesses, 
employment centers, and 
shopping areas via an enhanced 
roadway network available to all 

 For more information visit:

Mills Place 
Alley History 

 Pasadena city officials are 
inviting the public to join the 
Human Relations Commission 
for a Plaque Installation Event 
at 3 p.m. Tuesday in Mills Place 
Alley in Old Pasadena. 

 The event is set to recognize 
two newly installed plaques 
that provide a historical 
background of the events that 
led to the fire of 1885 at Yuen 
Kee’s Laundry and the impact 
to Chinese residents in the 

 The event is expected to be 
held outside at the site of the 
first plaque, adjacent to 33 
W. Green Street. Attendees 
will hear remarks from city 
representatives, the Hunan 
Relations Commission and 
historical stakeholders. Light 
snacks and refreshments will 
be provided. Officials said 
temporary parking will be 
available, at a cost, adjacent 
to Mills Place Alley and in the 
parking structures in the Old 
Pasadena area. 

 For more information, or to 
RSVP, email Jane Whitmore 
at: jwhitmore@cityofpasadena.
net or call (626) 744-7295. 

The 2024 Rose Court, Olivia Bohanec, Trinity Dela Cruz, Phoebe 
Ho, Mia Moore-Walker, Jessica Powell,, Emmerson Tucker and 
the 105th Rose Queen Naomi Stillitano ride on the Rose Court 

Mayor of Pasadena, Victor Gordo, and his family rode down 
the parade route in a 1967 Crown Fire coach Triple Combination 
fire truck. The truck was first designated Engine 38 for the 
department and served Pasadena until 1985. It was decorated 
by FTD Flowers. All Photos by D.Lee/MVNews. 

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