Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, January 6, 2024

MVNews this week:  Page 11


Mountain Views-News Saturday, January 6, 2024 




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Gerald Day, Mary Tassop, Judy Webb-Martin, John Johnson, Mary 
Bickel, Marlene Enmark, Shirley Wolf, Ross Kellock, Ruth Wolter, 
Sandy Thistlewaite, Bobbi Rahmanian, Fran Syverson, Judy Zaretzka 
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please call the paper at 626.355.2737. YEAR of birth not required


Dear Savvy Senior:

What can you tell me about the eye disease glaucoma? 
My older brother was recently diagnosed with it and 
lost some of his vision, but never had a clue anything 
was wrong. Could I be at risk too?

Stressed Sibling

Dear Stressed:

Yes! Having an immediate family member with 
glaucoma significantly increases your risks of 
developing it, but there are other risk factors you need 
to be aware of too. Here’s what you should know.

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that can damage 
the optic nerve and cause vision loss and blindness 
if it’s not treated. This typically happens because 
the fluids in the eye don’t drain properly, causing 
increased pressure in the eyeball.

But the scary thing about glaucoma is that with no 
early warning signs or pain, most people that have it 
don’t realize it until their vision begins to deteriorate.

While there are two main types of glaucoma, the 
most common form that typically affects older 
adults is called open-angle glaucoma. This disease 
develops very slowly when the eye’s drainage canals 
become clogged over time, leading to blind spots in 
the peripheral or side vision. By the time you notice 
it, the permanent damage is already done.

Are You at Risk?

It’s estimated that more than 3 million Americans 
have glaucoma today, but that number is expected to 
surge to more than 6.3 million by 2050. If you answer 
“yes” to any of the following questions, you’re at 
increased risk of developing it.

 Are you African American, Hispanic/Latino 
American or Asian American?

 Are you over age 60?

 Do you have an immediate family member 
with glaucoma?

 Do you have diabetes, heart disease, high 
blood pressure, migraines or have extreme 
nearsightedness or farsightedness?

Have you had a past eye injury?


Have you used corticosteroids (for example, eye 
drops, pills, inhalers, and creams) for long 
periods of time?

 What to Do

Early detection is the key to guarding against 
glaucoma. So, if you’re age 40 or older and have 
any of the previously mentioned risk factors, 
especially if you’re African American, you need to 
get a comprehensive eye examination every 18 to 
24 months. Or, if you notice some loss of peripheral 
vision, get to the eye doctor right away.

If you’re a Medicare beneficiary, annual eye 
examinations are covered for those at high risk for 
glaucoma. Or if you don’t have vision coverage, 
contact EyeCare America, a national public service 
program that provides free glaucoma eye exams 
through a pool of more than 4,600 volunteer 
ophthalmologists. Visit or 
call 877-887-6327 to learn more.

While there’s currently no cure for glaucoma, most 
cases can be treated with prescription eye drops, 
which reduce eye pressure and can prevent further 
vision loss. It cannot, however, restore vision already 
lost from glaucoma. If eye drops don’t work, your 
doctor may recommend oral medication, laser 
treatments, incisional surgery or a combination of 
these methods.

For more information on glaucoma, visit the National 
Eye Institute at, and the Glaucoma 
Research Foundation at

Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, 
Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim Miller is 
a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The 
Savvy Senior” book.

Michele Silence, M.A. is a 37-year certified fitness professional 
who offers semi-private/virtual fitness classes 
and a weight management support group. If you have 
questions or ideas for this column 

Contact Michele at 

Visit her Facebook page at: michelesfitness.


Have you vowed to move more and eat better this 
year? If you're among the many aiming for a healthier 
lifestyle, understanding the interplay between 
exercise and diet is crucial for effective weight loss 
and long-term wellness. But the question remains: 
what is a truly "healthy diet"? In a world where new 
diets emerge regularly, distinguishing helpful advice 
from passing fads is essential.

Finding the Right Diet: Is It a Quick Fix or a Lifestyle 

Selecting a diet that's safe, effective, and sustainable 
involves discerning between quick fixes and long-
term lifestyle changes. Diets promising rapid results 
often don’t provide sustainable solutions and can 
be extremely restrictive. It's vital to avoid diets 
that eliminate entire food groups or excessively 
focus on high-fat intake, as these can lead to long-
term health issues like heart disease. Your body 
requires a balanced intake of nutrients, including 
carbohydrates for energy. Diets severely restricting 
carbs can lead to an imbalance, hindering proteins 
from performing their critical functions in building 
hair, nails, tendons, and hormones.

Understanding Macronutrients: The Role of Carbs, 
Proteins, and Fats

Each macronutrient plays a unique role in 
maintaining your body's health. Carbohydrates are 
the primary energy source for your brain and body. 
Proteins are crucial for repair and growth, while fats 
are essential for hormone production and cell health. 
A balanced diet should include an appropriate mix 
of these macronutrients to ensure optimal body 

The Pitfalls of Trendy Diets

Trendy diets like Paleo, Keto, Atkins, Slimfast, and 
the Raw Food diet often don't meet these balanced 
nutrition criteria. They might offer short-term 
weight loss but maintaining these restrictive diets 
over time is challenging and often leads to weight 

The Influence of Celebrity Endorsements on Diet 

Celebrity endorsements of diets can be a double-
edged sword. While they can raise awareness about 
certain health trends, they often don't provide a 
complete picture. Celebrities might have access to 
personal chefs, nutritionists, and trainers, making 
it easier for them to follow these diets, which is 
not the case for the average person. Furthermore, 
these endorsements can sometimes promote 
unrealistic standards and overlook the importance 
of a balanced, sustainable diet that suits individual 
health needs and lifestyles.

The Yo-Yo Effect: Why It's Harmful

The harmful impact of yo-yo dieting extends 
beyond temporary weight fluctuations. This pattern 
of rapid weight loss followed by gain can lead to a 
slowdown in metabolism, meaning your body burns 
fewer calories at rest. Additionally, the quick loss of 
weight often results in muscle breakdown, which 
can compromise your overall strength and health. 
The emotional consequences are also significant, 
as this cycle can damage emotional well-being, 
fostering feelings of failure and a poor self-image. 
Furthermore, the repetitive nature of such diets 
can lead to nutritional deficiencies and a weakened 
immune function, posing longer-term health risks.

Embracing Plant-Based Eating

Consider plant-based diets like the Mediterranean, 
DASH, vegetarian, and vegan. These diets are 
rich in nutrients, heart-healthy, and beneficial for 
managing diabetes and maintaining strong bones 
and joints. Their balance and variety make them 
easier to maintain than more restrictive diets.

Visualize Your Plate

What does your typical meal look like? A nutritious 
plate is vibrant, filled with colorful fruits and 
vegetables. Each color represents different nutrients 
and health benefits. Green vegetables are packed 
with vitamins, bright reds and oranges in fruits and 
vegetables offer antioxidants. Plates dominated by 
brown and gray shades often lack this nutritional 

Understanding Weight Loss

To lose one pound, you need to burn about 3,500 
calories more than you consume. Aiming to lose one 
to two pounds per week is a healthy and achievable 
goal. This means creating a daily calorie deficit 
of around 500 to 1,000 calories through diet and 

Creating Lifelong Eating Habits

When adopting a new eating plan, ask yourself: 
Is this a change I can maintain for life? Will it aid 
gradual weight loss and disease prevention? Start 
with small, manageable steps, like increasing fruit 
intake, choosing whole grains, and reducing calorie-
dense, nutrient-poor foods. These changes, though 
small at first, can lead to significant improvements 
in your health and well-being.

Combining Diet with Exercise

Integrating dietary changes with your exercise 
routine maximizes the effectiveness of your efforts. 
Exercise not only burns calories but also builds 
muscle, which can increase your resting metabolic 
rate. A combination of cardio, strength training, 
and a balanced diet is the most effective approach to 
achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Get started today. If you still feel like you need help 
taking the first steps contact me via my email or 
Facebook page.


A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder


On New Year’s Eve, The Gracious 
Mistress of the Parsonage and 
I were celebrating in our living 
room with some hot apple cider.

We wanted to end the year together. At our age, 
with so many children, grandchildren, and great-
grandchildren, that’s a tough agenda. We love all 
our family, but sometimes it is just good to be by 

As we were sipping our hot apple cider, we heard 
the roar of firecrackers around our neighborhood. 
We listened to it and chuckled as we leaned back 
in our chairs, enjoying the time together.

I must confess that this past year was filled with all 
kinds of things. It is hard to define what a “thing” 
is these days. Time, however, has a way of bounc-
ing along without any indication of stopping.

As we were coming to the end of our hot apple 
ci-der, The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage 
looked over at me and said, “Happy New Year.” 
How she said it caused me to believe she was an-
ticipating a “New Year.”

Even though it’s another year, I still am who I am, 
so I looked at her and said very seriously, “What’s 
so new about this coming New Year?”

I surprised her, and she did not understand what 
I was saying. She looked at me and said, “Well, it 
will be 2024 and not 2023. I’m sure you can see 
how that’s new?”

I took a deep sip of my hot apple cider, looked at 
her and said, “I’ve looked at the calendar for the 
year 2024 and all of the months are the same as 
they were in 2023. Every month has the same 
sev-en week days and each of those days have 24 
hours. What in the world is new about that?”

She looked at me as though I was a bit crazy, and I 
must say, she is never wrong.

Of course, she did know how to respond to my 

“Maybe, just maybe this New Year will be the year 
that you get a little bit mature.”

I was a little confused because I didn’t quite know 
what she was talking about. I thought about what 
she said and responded, “I’m as mature as I ever 
want to be.”

I couldn’t help but think of the time we went out 
to a restaurant to celebrate my last birthday. As we 
finished our meal, she looked at me and said, “So, 
how does it feel to be old?”

Without thinking, which is my MO, I reached 
across the table, took hold of her upper arm, gently 
squeezed it, looked at her, and said, “Old is feeling 
just fine.”

As I remember that incident, she wasn’t laughing.

Then, I did one of the dumbest things I have 
done throughout my life. I looked at her and said, 
“What do you think I need to do to improve my 

I think she set me up for that question.

“Well,” she said with one of her infamous grins, 
“maybe you could improve your listening ability 
this New Year. You just don’t listen when I say 
things and I have to repeat them over and over 
again.” “What did you say?” I asked.

“That’s exactly what I mean. You may hear what 
I’m saying but you don’t listen to what I am saying. 
Maybe this year you could practice listening a lit-
tle more.”

I almost asked, but I didn’t, what she would rec-
ommend that I do to practice listening. I’m sure 
she had an agenda there. She was not finished.

“Also, you could improve your memory. You 
forget so many things and I have to remind you of 
them all the time. Maybe you could do something 
to im-prove that part of your maturity.”

Those two things would take up my whole year, 
and I would have no time to do anything else. I 
was so afraid she would have a number three on 
her list.

Then it came, “And thirdly, maybe you could do 
something about your snoring at night. You snore 
so loud every night that sometimes it wakes me 

I’m not sure how I can do all three things in one 
year, but that was the recommendation from The 
Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage.

As I sat in my chair sipping some hot apple cider, 
I thought about these things, and then, she had 
something else to say.

“And there’s another thing you could do,” she said 
with a very serious perspective in her voice, “you 
could tell me some things I need to do to improve 
my maturity.”

That caught me by surprise, I didn’t see it coming. 
How I respond to her statement will determine 
how happy my life will be in this next New Year.

I just looked at her, smiled, and said, “My dear, 
you are the most perfect person I know, and I 
could never think of anything that you need to do 
that would improve your maturity.”

She just looked at me and smiled.

It’s not very often that I get out of a mess, but I 
think I got out of this one. Let’s see how long this 

Thinking on this, I thought of Ecclesiastes 1:9, 
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; 
and that which is done is that which shall be done: 
and there is no new thing under the sun.”

What more can be said?

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