Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, February 10, 2024

MVNews this week:  Page 3


Saturday, February 10, 2024 


by Deanne Davis

“Oh valentine, sweet valentine,

How I’ve wished that you were mine.

I’ve sent you flowers, wine and steaks,

Chocolates in a heart-shaped box,

I bought you a star up in the sky…

And you went and named it after some other guy.

I’ve sent you letters and some really

 sweet rhymes,

But I’m beginning to think I’m wasting my time.

I’m gonna look in another direction,

To find sweet love and a little affection.

I want a valentine whose heart is true,

Who will never ever make me blue.”

The last thing to be said about Valentine’s Day 
this year. I promise…now on to more February 

• February 12 is Abraham Lincoln’s 
Birthday. He was the 16th president of the United 

• February 13 is Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras 
Day, the culmination of the Carnival season, a 
weeks-long party of excessive over-the-top celebrations. Think New Orleans! Masks, beads, 
costumes, music, food. Laissez le bon temps rouler!! Let the good times roll.

• February 14 is Ash Wednesday, in addition to being Valentine’s Day. This marks the 
start of Lent.

• February 19 is Presidents’ Day, a federal holiday…no mail, no school. We also call this 
Washington’s birthday which is totally wrong. His actual birthday is February 22nd! A great 
little piece of trivia.

• February 29 is Leap Day! Which only happens every four years. 

I could go on for pages about the true meaning of Leap Year and the various calendars: 
Gregorian, Julian and the fact that the astronomical year lasts slightly less than 365-1/4 days. 
But you’d quit reading Walking Sierra Madre and throw the paper on the floor. Instead, let’s 
talk about the fun Leap Year stuff…

In Ireland and Britain, it is a tradition that women may propose marriage only in leap years. 
Supposedly, a 1288 law by Queen Margaret of Scotland required that fines be levied if a marriage 
proposal was refused by the man (talk about humiliation!) compensation was deemed to be a 
pair of leather gloves, a single rose, a pound ($$) and a kiss. 

A play from the turn of the 17th century, “The Maydes (Maid’s) Metamorphosis” has it that 
“this is leape year/women wear breeches.” A few hundred years later, the breeches were thrown 
out and ladies who were looking to propose to some guy needed to wear a scarlet petticoat.

In Finland, the tradition is if a man refuses a woman’s proposal on leap day, he should buy her 
the fabrics for a skirt.

In Greece, marriage in a leap year is considered unlucky. One in five engaged couples in Greece 
will plan to avoid getting married in a leap year.

In February 1988, the town of Anthony in Texas declared itself “leap year capital of the world” 
and an international leapling (a person born in a leap year) birthday club was started.

Probably not many of you remember the comic strip, “Li’l Abner” by Al Capp. Li’l Abner, a 
handsome and muscular fellow, was loved and pursued by Sadie Hawkins, ‘the homeliest gal in 
all them hills.’ She was 35 and still a spinster until her father, the mayor of Dogpatch, instituted 
Sadie Hawkins Day where Sadie could pursue bachelors till she caught one and he would be 
obliged to marry her. 

What, you are now asking, does this have to do with leap year? There is, indeed, a tenuous link: 
The date for Sadie Hawkins Day most commonly reported is November 13, two days before its 
first appearance in the comic strip. This date has on occasion been confused for February 29, 
the date for Bachelor’s Day according to the original Irish tradition of women being allowed 
to propose marriage. Sadie Hawkins day inspired a fad on college campuses. Life Magazine 
reported that 201 colleges in 188 cities held a Sadie Hawkins Day event. By then marriage was 
off the table and it was more like girls inviting guys to be their escort to a dance.

Why, you might ask, am I devoting so much space to Leap Year? My adorable daughter, Patti, 
is a leap year baby! A true leapling! We celebrate her birthday on March 1st. I think she should 
get two birthday parties, one on Leap Day and another on March 1st. To all you leaplings out 
there, Happy February 29th Birthday!

The picture this week celebrates leap year with…what else…A really cute frog!

One last thing I’m sure you already know: February is Black History Month, an annual 
celebration of achievements by African Americans. The 2024 Black History Month theme, 
“African Americans and the Arts,” explores the influence African Americans have had in the 
fields of visual and performing arts, literature, fashion, language, film, music, culinary and 
other forms of cultural expression. Since 1976, every U.S. president has officially designated 
the month of February as Black History Month. 

My book page: Deanne Davis

Lent is starting, which means Easter is on its way.

“The Crown” a story about what could have happened to 

The Crown of Thorns that pierced Jesus’ brow,

is now an actual book, in addition to a Kindle book.

“The Crown” will enrich your Easter experience.

SUNDAY, MARCH 17, 2024 􀍲 9:00 AM TO 5 PM􀀃 
Celebrate The Guinness Book of World Records Wistaria Vine􀀃􀀃Visit Local Shops and more than 100 Crafters & Food Vendors􀀃
aff=oddtdtcreatorSShhuuttttllee TTiicckkeettss OOnn SSaallee NNooww!!

Nominations are now being accepted for this renowned 
honor. Note that although worthy, Senior Community 
Commissioners are not eligible. Additionally, nominations 
will only be accepted for new candidates who have not been honored in years prior. 

The nomination form is available on the city's website at:
cms/one.aspx?portalId=212393&pageId=241945 and return it to the Hart Park House Senior 
Center, or mail/walk in to City Hall, Community Services Department, 232 W. Sierra Madre 
Blvd., Sierra Madre, CA 91024 prior to. or no later than. Wednesday. March 13th• 2024. 

The Commission will review nominations and select an honoree at their regularly scheduled 
meeting on Thursday, April 4th, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. 

The individual selected by you or your organization must live in Sierra Madre, while 
demonstrating outstanding community service and be at least the age of, or older than 60. The 
honoree will be recognized at a reception held in their honor on Wednesday., May 8th., 2024. 

Previous Honorees: Dick Johnson, Joan Crow, Jerry & Nan Carlton, Pat Alcorn, Fran Garbaccio, 
Ken Anhalt, Eph Konigsberg, Russ Anderson, George Throop, Loyal Camacho, John Grijalva, 
Joylouise Harte-Smith, James Heasley, Midge Morash, James Tyler, Isabella Paegal, Bonnie 
Garner, Rose Fafach, Ed Wellman, Celeste McCleary, Dorothy Tillquist, Doris Webster, 
Elsie Dammeyer, George Mauer, Karl Teigler, Laurie Cooper, Lucille Flanders, Ann Tyler, Jay 
Whitcraft, Darlene Crook, Paul Hagen and Clem and Nina Bartolai. 

Thank You in advance for your support and assistance with this spirited community event. 
Should you have any additional questions, feel free to contact Lawren Heinz, Administrative 
Analyst at (626) 355-5278 x704. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: