Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, April 13, 2024

MVNews this week:  Page 6



Mountain View News Saturday, April 13, 2024 

San Marino Upcoming 
Events & Programming

Tournament of Roses to Hold 
Youth Empowerment Forum

City Announces General 
PWP Manager Recruitment 

 City Manager Miguel Márquez 
has announced Friday the 
recruitment process for the 
next General Manager of Water 
& Power. Applications for the 
position are being accepted now 
with screening and interviews 
taking place in May.

 The public is encouraged to 
attend a meeting to provide 
input about the most important 
qualities that potential 
candidates should have. Anyone 
who would like to offer input 
can alsodo so online at Bit.
The online survey will remain 
available until April 28.

 “Community input is crucial 
to selecting the best individual 
to lead the Department,” 
Márquez said. “I encourage all 
community stakeholders to 
attend the upcoming forum 
and share their thoughts on the 
characteristics and professional 
background they feel are most 
important when selecting a new 
General Manager.”

The community forum will take 
place on Zoom on the following 
date and time:

Thursday, April 25 at 6:00 p.m.

Meeting information:

Join Zoom Meeting

Virtual Community Meeting 

Meeting ID: 

834 0391 1415

Passcode: 362049

 For more information visit:

6th Cycle Housing Element Update Community Conversation

 Join us for the 6th Cycle Housing Element Update Community 
Conversation at the San Marino Community Center on Tuesday, 
April 23 at 6:00 PM. Learn about the draft Housing Element 
and share your input on state laws and requirements, citywide 
housing needs, rezoning opportunities for accessory dwelling 
units (ADUs), mixed-use developments, missing middle 
housing, multifamily housing, and more. Be a part of shaping 
the future of our community! More information at: https://www.

2024 Advisory Body Recruitment

 The 2024 Advisory Body Recruitment is now open! The City is 
seeking volunteers for the Planning Commission, Design Review 
Committee, Recreation Commission, Public Safety Commission, 
and the Library Board of Trustees. For the Planning Commission, 
there are three (3) full member terms ending this year, and one (1) 
alternate member term ending this year. For the Design Review 
Committee, there are three (3) full member terms ending this 
year, and one (1) alternate member term ending this year. For 
the Recreation Commission, there are two (2) full member terms 
ending this year. For the Public Safety Commission, there are two 
(2) full member terms ending this year. For the Library Board of 
Trustees, there are two (2) full member terms ending this year.

 Applications are due to the City Clerk by 12:00 PM, April 22 
for all positions. Please contact City Clerk Walker at CityClerk@ or at (626) 300-0705 with questions or for 
further information.

April 20 at Lacy Park!

San Marino Fire Association Pancake Breakfast at 9 AM

 Get your Saturday off to a good start at the SMFA Pancake 
Breakfast at Lacy Park. Tickets are $5 per person and are available 
for pre-sale at the San Marino Community Center or in-person at 
Lacy Park on the day of the event. Pre-sale tickets purchased for 
the original date (March 30th) will be honored on April 20. Join us 
on April 20 to support our firefighters!

No-Sew T-Shirt Tote!

Monday, April 15 from 3 – 4 PM, Barth Community Room

 In celebration of Earth Month, teens in grades 6-12 are invited 
to upcycle an old t-shirt into a reusable bag. No sewing required 
for this ecofriendly project! Teens may bring an old t-shirt or the 
Library will provide one (while supplies last). Registration is not 

Story, Stomp, & Sing

Thursday, April 18 at 10:30 AM, Children’s Area

 In partnership with the San Marino Music Center, we are proud 
to present an all new music and movement Storytime for children 
ages 0-5! This early literacy program will feature instrument 
exploration, songs, fingerplays, dances, and books. Please watch 
our social media for cancellations. Registration is not required.

Lil’ Learners Open House

Wednesday, April 24 from 6 – 7 PM, Stoneman Building

 Open House is for families who are currently enrolled or who 
are looking to enroll in the Lil’ Learners program (for ages 2-4). 
This is your chance to tour the classrooms, meet the teachers, and 
ask any questions that you may have. Registration is not required.

Donuts with Dispatch

Join us for 'Donuts with Dispatch' on May 4th from 9 AM to 12 
PM at the San Marino Police Department! Enjoy coffee, donuts, 
games, and crafts with your children for an educational and fun-
filled morning!


Special Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Monday, April 15 at 8:00 AM; Barth Room and Zoom (Public 

Public Safety Commission Meeting

Monday, April 15 at 6:00 PM; City Hall Council Chambers and 
Zoom (Public Access)

Design Review Committee Meeting

Wednesday, April 17 at 6:00 PM; Barth Room and Zoom (Public 

Special Recreation Commission Meeting

Thursday, April 18 at 7:00 PM; Barth Room and Zoom


 The Pasadena Tournament of 
Roses will host #ThisGen2024: 
A Youth Empowerment Forum 
presented by Pasadena City 
College Wednesday beginning 
at 9 a.m.

Back for the fourth year, 
#ThisGen will focus on 
empowering the next generation 
of leaders and give students 
the opportunity to learn about 
inspiring leadership, breaking 
barriers and aligning passion 
with skill sets. Attendees will 
leave feeling empowered to 
be courageous, confident and 
intentional with the choices that 
impact their future.

 Bringing together more 
than 500 of students from 
surrounding high schools and 
colleges, #ThisGen2024 will 
feature an impressive lineup 
of panelists from some of 
the most influential sports, 
entertainment, and technology 
organizations including Mattel, 
Angel City FC, Moose Toys, 
National Football Foundation, 
William Morris Endeavor and 

This year’s host will be Ari 
Waller - Senior Event Producer

Panelists include:

Bree Jensen- CEO/Founder | 
The Social Impact Firm

Nina Osorio- Senior Manager, 
Panda Cares, Panda Restaurant 

Corine Taylor- Senior Manager, 
Community Relations | LA28 
– 2028 Olympic & Paralympic 
Games Organizing Committee

Tiffany Yu- CEO & Founder | 

Arielle Estoria- Poet. Author, 
Actor, & Artist

Mario Godoy- Lead Graphic 
Designer | Mattel

Stephanie Haggerty- Vice 
President Global and US 
Marketing – Youth Electronics 
and Girls | Moose Toys

Nic Mercado- Vice President 
of Digital Marketing | William 
Morris Endeavor (WME)

Mason X. Bryant- Board 
Member | National Football 

Janette Espino- Senior Manager 
of Commerce | Angel City 
Football Club

Austin Naylor- Manager of 
Operations | SoFi Stadium and 
Hollywood Park

Bios can be found at

Registration is free of charge and 
open to high school and college-
aged students throughout 
Pasadena and Greater Los 
Angeles. Deadline to register is 
Tuesday at 5 p.m.

Pasadena City College – Sexson 
Auditorium is located 1570 E 
Colorado Blvd.

Event Schedule:

8:20 – 9 a.m. Check-In

9:05 a.m. Welcome and 
#ThisGen Introduction

9:10 - 10:10 a.m. 


and Q&A

10:10 a.m. BREAK

10:20 - 11:20 a.m. 

11:20 a.m. BREAK

11:35 - 12:35 p.m. 



12:35 p.m. BREAK

12:45 – 1:45 p.m. LUNCH – 
provided by Panda Cares, the 
charitable branch of Panda 

than 20 organizations

2:00 PM Event ends

 For more information visit:

Barger Recognizes 
Dark Sky LA County for 
Combatting Light Pollution

 Supervisor Kathryn Barger 
successfully introduced a 
motion during this week’s 
Board of Supervisors 
meeting to recognize a 
newly established non-profit 
organization, DarkSky LA 
County, for their local work 
to preserve natural darkness 
and diminish the impact of 
artificial light locally. 

 “Dark Sky LA County’s 
commitment to protecting 
our nighttime skies is a noble 
cause that can help millions 
of people in our County 
access, appreciate, and enjoy 
the beauty of our dark night 
sky,” said Supervisor Kathryn 
Barger. “Light pollution is 
growing and we need to 
make a deliberate effort to 
preserve natural darkness. 
Dark Sky LA County is our 
local steward of the night 
sky and I wholeheartedly 
appreciate their work.”

 The Board of Supervisors’ 
recognition comes on 
the heels of the end of 
International Dark Sky Week 
2024, which wrapped up 
on April 8, 2024–the day a 
solar eclipse crossed North 
America. UCLA’s Institute 
of the Environment and 
Sustainability also recently 
shared highlights of a new 
research report titled The 
World at Night that explores 
the harm light pollution has 
on human and animal health 
and behavior. According 
to the report, excess light 
is increasing globally by 
approximately 10% per year.

Dark Sky LA County’s 
website, darkskylacounty.
org, provides practical tips 
and guidance about how to 
protect the visibility of the 
night sky. It also features a 
mini documentary produced 
by Los Angeles County on 
preserving dark skies in L.A. 

 Los Angeles County’s 
work to preserve night sky 
visibility is spearheaded by 
the Department of Regional 
Planning (DRP). Supervisor 
Barger is a strong supporter 
of Los Angeles County’s Rural 
Outdoor Lighting District 
(ROLD), a supplemental 
district for the rural areas 
of the County created to 
promote and maintain dark 
skies. ROLD is administered 
by DRP. 

 ROLD best practices include 
turning off household 
exterior lights by 10:00 p.m. 
unless controlled by a motion 
sensor and being intentional 
about using only the amount 
of light that is needed.

For more information visit:



 The Pasadena Symphony 
closes the 23/24 season 
with Vivaldi Four Seasons 
on Saturday, April 20 
with performances at 
2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. at 
Ambassador Auditorium. 
Continuing its tradition 
of showcasing the stars 
of tomorrow here today, 
the orchestra welcomes 
violinist Charlotte Marckx 
to perform Vivaldi’s most 
cherished concerti, The 
Four Seasons, just in time 
for spring. A Colburn artist, 
Marckx has been celebrated 
for her technical chops and 
expressive panache, which 
have earned her multiple 
awards, including the Gold 
Medal and Bach Prize at the 
2018 Stulberg International 
Competition, among others.

 Chinese conductor Linhan 
Cui will lead the orchestra 
for this colorful program 
blooming with Baroque 
masterworks. Noted for 
her natural expression, Cui 
recently won second prize 
in the Malko International 
Conducting Competition 
and was a Dudamel 
Conducting Fellow for the 
22/23 season. The concert 
will open with Bach’s 
most beloved chamber 
work, Brandenburg 
Concerto No. 3, before 
Cui takes the podium for 
Chinese composer Si-
ang Chen’s contemporary 
piece, Symphony No. 
1 “Expedition” (2nd 
movement, adagio). The 
string section will blossom 
for Puccini’s i Crisantemi 

followed by Vivaldi’s 
Four Seasons to close a 
monumental season for the 
Pasadena Symphony.

 Arrive early for the pre-
concert discussion Insights, 
or enjoy a bite or a glass 
in the Symphony Lounge, 
before the concert and 
during intermission.

 All concerts are held at 
Ambassador Auditorium, 
131 South St. John Ave, 
Pasadena, CA. Single 
tickets start at $42 and may 
be purchased online at: 
org or by calling (626) 793-

Portantino Urges President 
Biden to Include Armenian 
Representation in Census


 State Senator Anthony 
Portantino led efforts this 
week to submit a letter to 
the White House urging 
President Biden to address 
the exclusion of Armenian 
Americans from the Middle 
Eastern and North African 
(MENA) checkbox in the 
U.S. census.

 “I am deeply concerned that 
hundreds of thousands of 
Armenian Americans were 
excluded from the MENA 
checkbox,” stated Senator 
Portantino. “Excluding 
an entire segment of the 
population in the census 
has serious repercussions 
for equality, justice, and 
democracy. Armenian 
Americans have a rich and 
vibrant history in the United 
States, and especially in 
the 25th Senate District. 
They have made significant 
contributions to the cultural, 
economic, and social fabric 
of our state and nation. It 
is imperative that they are 
accurately counted and 
represented in the census 
to ensure fair allocation 
of resources and equitable 

 On March 29, the Office 
of Management and Budget 
announced revisions to 
Statistical Policy Directive 
No. 15: Standards or 
Maintaining, Collecting, 
and Presenting Federal 
Data on Race and Ethnicity 
(SPD 15). Although the 
notice is intended to yield 
a more accurate census 
of people with Hispanic, 
Middle Eastern and North 
African heritage, Armenian 
Americans were excluded 
from the new Middle Eastern 
and North African Category.

 “California is home to 
the largest population of 
Armenian Americans in 
the nation. Excluding them 
from the census fails to 
acknowledge the atrocities 
their people have faced, and 
diminishes their ability to be 
represented. I strongly urge 
the Biden Administration 
to right this wrong,” stated 
Senator Scott Wilk (R-Santa 

 The letter, also signed 
by Senators Archuleta, 
Durazo, Wilk, Stern, and 
Menjivar, urges the Office 
of Management and Budget 
to rectify the oversight and 
to ensure that Armenian 
Americans have a presence 
in the census. Senator 
Portantino chairs Senate 
Select Committee on 
California, Armenia, and 
Artsakh Mutual Trade, Art, 
and Cultural Exchange.

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: