Mountain Views News Saturday, May 18, 2024
San Marino Upcoming
Events & Programming
Playhouse looks toward
the 100th Anniversary with
a New 2024/2025 Season
Pasadena Ban on Gas Leaf
Blower Ordinance Update
On April 25, 2022, the City
Council approved a ban of gas-
powered leaf blowers with an
extended implementation date
to allow ample time for the public
to prepare. Effective April 28,
2023, Jennifer Paige, Director
of Planning and Community
Development, announced the
use of gas-powered leaf blowers
was banned throughout the
The Planning and Community
Development Department
has implemented an extensive
bi-lingual outreach program
to inform the public of the
new regulations and available
grant programs. Local
landscape equipment dealers
and landscapers have taken
advantage of available funding,
with local dealers issuing over
1,300 discount vouchers.
Upon receiving a complaint,
inspections are scheduled at
an approximate date and time
provided by the reporting
party. In many cases the
landscaper (responsible party
by Ordinance) is not present,
requiring additional follow-
up inspection attempts.
Enforcement protocol
entails making the resident
aware of the inspection and
proactive engagement with
the landscapers. Some of
the barriers expressed by the
landscapers include the cost
of equipment, battery-life,
charging availability, increased
weight and blowing power.
Staff conducted a city-wide
field survey on May 7, 2024,
and based on a sample of
103 observations, found that
59 (57%) landscapers were
utilizing an electric powered
leaf-blower. It is estimated that
prior to the ban, less than 10%
of landscapers were utilizing
electric-powered leaf blowers.
Over the past year, 1,702
code compliance cases were
opened. This figure represents
approximately 50% of all 3,399
code compliance cases opened
over the past year, demanding
significant resources, and
effectively doubling average case
It is expected that compliance
rates will continue to rise
with ongoing education
and enforcement efforts,
technological advancements,
reduced costs, and the statewide
ban on the sale of gas-powered
landscape equipment that took
effect January 1, 2024.
For more information visit:
Public Works Open House - Vehicle & Equipment Showcase
In celebration of National Public Works Week, the Parks and
Public Works Department is holding an open house, including
a vehicle and equipment showcase/meet and greet with staff
vendors. The event will be held on Wednesday. May 22, from 3
PM – 6 PM at Lacy Park. This is a great opportunity to learn more
about the Department, including the different types of equipment
it uses, such as lawnmowers, backhoes, loaders and lift trucks.
Stop by to learn more and see these cool machines up close,
Honoring Our Heroes: Memorial Day Service at Lacy Park
A Memorial Day Service will be held on Monday, May 27 at 9
AM in Lacy Park by the War Memorial. Please join us as we pay
tribute to the dedication and sacrifices the men and women of our
Nation’s Armed Forces have made. The ceremony will include
recognition of Veterans, special guest speakers, and patriotic
music. This event is open to the public.
4th of July Parade-Palooza - Grand Marshal Nominations
We’re excited to announce that the City has taken over
management of the 4th of July Parade! The parade route will
cover approximately 1.5 miles along Monterey Road to Virginia
Road and through Lacy Park. Each year, the Parade Committee
honors a community member as the Grand Marshal of the parade.
Do you know someone who has significantly contributed to the
betterment of San Marino? Submit your nomination by May 31
online at: sanmarinoca.gov,
Public Safety Meeting on May 29
Join us for a Public Safety Meeting at the San Marino Community
Center on May 29th at 6 PM, hosted by the San Marino Police
Department. We'll discuss crime trends, neighborhood watch,
pedestrian/bicyclist safety, and hate crime reporting. For details,
call (626) 300-0720.
Important Update to Library Hours: Starting June 3, the
Library will close at 8 PM Monday through Thursday.
But don’t forget! The Library has resources available online for you
Search the full catalog of materials and place holds on items
Access e-books and e-audiobooks in English, Chinese, and
Access databases and newspapers
Coffee Connections
Weekly on Monday and Wednesday from 9 – 11 AM, San Marino
Community Center, Fireside Room
Come spend your mornings with neighbors, friends, and a hot
cup of coffee at the newly renovated Community Center! Free
coffee will be provided. Stay for a variety of organized activities
like bingo, chair volleyball, and lectures beginning at 10 AM. This
program is for active adults ages 55+. Registration is required.
Taste of San Marino: Chapresso
Monday, May 20 at 11 AM
Cost: R: $7 / NR: $9 (non-refundable)
Calling all active adults ages 55+! Join us as we discover what
San Marino restaurants have to offer! Next in this series, we visit
Chapresso located at 2142 Huntington Drive. Attendees can order
any size tea with a topping and a cookie. Participants are required
to meet at Chapresso; transportation is not provided. Registration
is required by May 17.
Coffee, Tea, and Chat
Friday, May 31 from 10 AM – 12 PM, Thornton Conference Room
Connect with your neighbors to learn more about the community
and its traditions. This program is presented in Mandarin by
the United Charity Foundation for ages 18+. Registration is not
Parks & Public Works
Striping on Virginia Road
Last week, Public Works maintenance staff completed refreshment
of striping of street parking markings on Virginia Road just
south of Huntington Drive. Staff has also recently refreshed turn
arrows and other traffic striping and markings along Huntington
Drive. This work is part of the City’s annual signing, striping, and
marking program, which helps refresh these markings to improve
visibility and ensure driver and pedestrian safety.
Fire Department
On May 10, San Marino Fire Investigators Jason Sutliff and Mike
White responded to a multi-family dwelling fire on the 600
block of Foothill Boulevard in Monrovia. Monrovia and Arcadia
Fire Departments responded to a fire in a residential unit at
approximately 8:24 PM. San Marino investigators were dispatched
at 9:19 PM to conduct an investigation into the cause and origin
of the fire. Investigators determined that the fire originated from a
candle left unattended in the home. San Marino investigators were
assisted by the South Pasadena arson canine.
Special Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Monday, May 20 at 8:00 AM; Barth Room and Zoom.
Planning Commission Meeting
Wednesday, May 22 at 6:00 PM; City Hall Council Chambers and
Pasadena Playhouse looks
toward the 100th anniversary
of its building in 2025 with a
new season. Producing Artistic
Director Danny Feldman
announces the Mainstage
offerings for the 2024/2025
Season including Martin
Crimp’s critically acclaimed
new adaptation of Cyrano de
Bergerac; a fresh new revival
of Jerry Herman and Harvey
Fierstein’s Tony Award® winner
for Best Musical, La Cage aux
Folles; a new production of
Suzan-Lori Parks’ Pulitzer Prize
and Tony Award®-winning
classic, Topdog/Underdog; and
a new play to be announced at
a later date.
New for the Playhouse in
the 2024/2025 Season will be a
Special Theatrical Event at the
Pasadena Civic Auditorium:
Anything Goes in Concert,
starring Jinkx Monsoon
(RuPaul’s Drag Race) as
Reno Sweeney and Follies in
Concertwith two back-to-back
weekends of performances.
Season packages are now
on sale and include the four
Mainstage productions and one
concert event. Creative teams
and casting will be announced
at a later date.
In January 2025, the Playhouse
will also present The Next Stage
Immersive Summit 2025 in
partnership with The Immersive
Experience Institute, the
main service organization for
immersive theater artists. The
premiere gathering of creators of
immersive art & entertainment
will draw international guests
from the fields of performing
arts, themed entertainment, XR,
and gaming. This is the largest
gathering of its kind in the
“We are thrilled to begin our
celebration and honor one of
the most iconic buildings in
the history of the American
Theater as it turns 100 years
old with a bold and thrilling
season of iconic theater” said
Danny Feldman. “Our historic
stage will feel alive with a
sizzling new adaptation of one
of the greatest plays of all time,
Cyrano de Bergerac, a fresh
revival of the celebrated musical
La Cage aux Folles, a new
production of Suzan-Lori Park’s
masterpiece Topdog/Underdog,
and an exciting new play to be
announced at a later date.
Our celebration is so big, it
extends beyond the historic
walls of our theater. Like the
expansion in our current season
of new professional children’s
theater productions off campus,
next season we return with
another musical venture to the
Pasadena Civic Auditorium for
two back-to-back weekends of
grand concert events featuring
two of the most enduring
musicals of all time: Anything
Goes starring the singular talent
Jinkx Monsoon and Follies, an
encore to our recent Sondheim
Celebration. These special
theatrical events will expand
our initiative exploring classic
American musicals with our
community. ”
Memberships are now available
at pasadenaplayhouse.org, or by
calling 626-356-7529.
Asian American & Pacific
Islander Heritage Month
The City of Pasadena is
celebrating Asian American
and Pacific Islander Heritage
Month by recognizing the
contributions and influence of
Asian Americans and Pacific
Islanders to the history, culture
and achievements of the
United States with a series of
virtual programs, events and
activities for all ages. The events,
programs, classes, and more are
coordinated by the Pasadena
Public Library and Parks,
Recreation, and Community
Services Department. Library
activities are sponsored by The
Friends of the Pasadena Public
For all ages unless specified.
American Mah Jongg Club
Mondays (except May 27), 12:30
– 2:30 p.m., Lamanda Park
Branch Library, 140 S. Altadena
Join us for an afternoon of this
wildly popular game. All levels
of players are welcome. Bring
your Mah Jongg set and yearly
game card or use the library’s.
For ages 18+.
The Architecture of the
Huntington’s Chinese and
Japanese Gardens
Today at 2 p.m., Lamanda Park
Branch Library, 140 S. Altadena
The Huntington Library,
Art Museum and Botanical
Gardens’ Chinese and Japanese
Gardens are celebrated
worldwide as outstanding
examples of East Asian garden
design. This program focuses
on the architecture of the
buildings within those gardens.
These include the recently
opened 17th century Japanese
country magistrates’ residential
compound, transplanted from
Japan, and the dozen classical
Suzhou-style buildings and
pavilions within the Chinese
Garden. These buildings were
constructed, in large part, by
over 60 traditional Chinese
craftsmen from Suzhou, who
spent over a year working on the
project. For ages 18+.
Celebrate AAPI Heritage
Month & National Foster Care
Month with the Asian Foster
Family Initiative (AFFI)
Today, 3 p.m., Hill Avenue
Branch Library, 55 S. Hill Ave.
Understand the challenges
faced by Asian foster children.
Discover how you can help these
children and families in need.
Learn the process of becoming
a foster/adoptive family. AFFI
is an adoption and foster family
agency seeking Asian bilingual
and/or bicultural families
to meet the needs of Asian
foster children. Registration is
encouraged, and walk-ins are
welcome! To attend, sign up at
Calendar/. For ages 18+.
Gamelan Merdu Kumala
Today at 4 p.m., Linda Vista
Branch Library, 1281 Bryant St.
Join us to learn about and
enjoy Balinese music-making
tradition through Gamelan
Merdu Kumala, a community
gamelan assemble. For ages 5+.
Chinese Tea Brewing and
Tasting: Gong Fu Style
Friday, May 24, 1-3 p.m. • Jackie
Robinson Community Center,
1020 N. Fair Oaks Ave.
Participants will taste four Gong
Fu style brewed teas, including
leaves from the Ancient Tea
Tree in the Yunnan Province
in southwestern China.
Presentations on the history,
brewing techniques, and
benefits of tea will be provided
by Wendy Chen and Nathan
Epstein, owners of the Callisto
Tea House. Open on a first
come, first serve basis to the first
50 participants in attendance.
For more information, call
(626) 744-7300.
Tea Tasting with Callisto Tea
House • Explore the Teas of
China, Korea and India
Saturday, May 25, 11 a.m., Hill
Avenue Branch Library, 55 S.
Hill Ave.
From China to Korea and India,
the types of tea are as varied as
the countries they come from.
Join us and learn more about
the benefits of tea, different tea
growing regions of the world,
tea culture and brewing styles.
Presented by Callisto Tea
House. To attend, sign up at
Calendar/. For ages 13+.
Maps & Music: AAPI Edition
Thursday, May 30, 4 p.m., Santa
Catalina Branch Library, 999 E.
Washington Blvd.
Travel with us as we discover
some of the locations and music
of Asia and the Pacific Islands.
Sashiko Mending
Saturday, June 1, 2:30 p.m.,
Santa Catalina Branch Library,
999 E. Washington Blvd.
Learn the basics of sashiko
mending, a Japanese style of
hand stitching, in this hands-
on program. To attend, sign up
at CityOfPasadena.net/Library/
Calendar/. For ages 18+.
Chinese Storytime
Asian American and Pacific
Islander Storytime
Wednesday, May 22, 10:30 a.m.,
Santa Catalina Branch Library,
999 E. Washington Blvd.
Join us for a special storytime
featuring Asian American and
Pacific Islander stories and
authors, then stay to make a
craft! For ages 3-5 and their
parents or caregivers.
Kwentuhang Pambata: A
Bilingual Storytime
Saturday, May 25, 3 p.m.,
Lamanda Park Branch Library,
140 S. Altadena Dr.
Join us in this fun and interactive
Kwentuhang Pambata: A
Bilingual Storytime. We will
be sharing Tagalog/English
children’s stories, fingerplays,
songs and craft. “Samahan
kami sa masayang kantahan at
Read with Pasadena Public
Library: Asia & the Pacific
Join us for a story map tour of
library literature celebrating
the voices, experiences and
contributions of authors of
Asian and Pacific Islander
Heritage - Arcg.Is/5S4Sz0.
For more information visit:
City of Pasadena to Honor
Fallen Heroes Memorial Day
The City of Pasadena and
the Pasadena Veterans Day
Committee announced
Thursday that they will honor
the sacrifice of fallen heroes at
the Pasadena Memorial Day
Commemoration on Monday,
May 27 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30
p.m. at Memorial Park, 85 E.
Holly St.
The ceremony will include the
reading of 320 names of the
men and women from Pasadena
who lost their lives during
World War I, World War II, the
Korean War, the Vietnam War,
and other conflicts. The Condor
Squadron will perform a
missing man formation flyover,
paying tribute to those who
did not return from the battle.
As a final homage to the fallen,
the event will conclude with
funeral honors performed by
the 2nd Battalion, 23rd Marines,
symbolizing the respect and
gratitude owed to those who
made the ultimate sacrifice for
our country.
The event is open to the public,
and all community members are
invited to join in remembrance
and reflection during this
solemn ceremony.
For more information visit:
Memorial Day
at the
Senior Center
Event to include live
band, dancing and
tribute to USO
Break out your stars and
stripes and get ready to cut the
rug at the annual Pasadena
Senior Center Memorial Day
concert and dance event,
Monday, May 27, from 1:30 to
3:30 p.m. It will be red, white
and blue all the way as we
observe this national holiday
that remembers and honors
U.S. military personnel who
died while serving in the
United States Armed Forces.
Light snacks will be available.
The event will include live
music courtesy of the Great
American Swing Band.
Featuring bandleader and
trumpet player Jodi Gladstone
and vocalist Linda Vogel,
the band will play a variety
of musical — and patriotic
— favorites with a salute to
the USO to keep everyone
dancing. Pam Kay’s Tap
Chicks will perform as well.
The cost is only $8 for
members of the Pasadena
Senior Center and $12 for
nonmembers. To register, visit
org and click on Activities &
Events, then Special Events.
Only cash payments will be
accepted at the door.
As a donor-supported
nonprofit, the center operates
without any local, state or
federal funding and provides
more services to older adults
in the San Gabriel Valley than
any other organization. Hours
of operation are Monday
through Friday from 8:30 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m. and Saturday from
8 a.m. to noon. To learn more,
visit: pasadenaseniorcenter.
org or call 626-795-4331. The
Center is located at 85 E. Holly
Street in Pasadena.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com