Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, May 18, 2024

MVNews this week:  Page 6



Mountain View News Saturday, May 18, 2024


Adolescent mental health is of critical importance for several reasons:

1.Developmental stage:

Adolescence is a crucial period of development marked by significant physical, cognitive, emotional, and 
social changes. Mental health issues during this period can have long-lasting effects on an individual's
overall well-being and development.

2.Academic performance:

Mental health can impact academic performance and learning abilities. Adolescents struggling with
mental health issues may have difficulty concentrating, retaining information, and performing well in

3.Social relationships:

Healthy mental well-being is essential for building and maintaining positive relationships with peers,
family, and other social connections. Mental health problems can lead to social isolation, conflicts, and
difficulties in forming healthy relationships.

4.Physical health:

Mental health is closely linked to physical health. Adolescents with mental health issues are more
likely to engage in risky behaviors such as substance abuse, have poor self-care habits, and neglect their
physical health needs.

5.Long-term outcomes:

Mental health problems in adolescence can have long-term consequences, impacting an individual's
quality of life, relationships, career prospects, and overall functioning in adulthood. Early intervention
and support for adolescent mental health can help prevent these negative outcomes.

6.Mental health stigma:

Addressing mental health issues during adolescence can help reduce stigma and increase awareness
about the importance of mental health care. By promoting open discussions and seeking support
when needed, adolescents can learn to prioritize their mental well-being and seek help without fear of

Overall, promoting positive mental health during adolescence is crucial for ensuring the well-being and 
success of young people both in the present and in the future. It is essential to provide support, resources, 
and education to help adolescents navigate the challenges they may face and develop resilience and 
coping strategies for maintaining good mental health.


Arcadia, CA – Calling all enthusiasts of Hollywood's behind-
the-scenes, glamorous tales and Asian American representation 
in film! The Arcadia Public Library is thrilled to announce the 
upcoming visit of author and Arcadia native, Katie Gee Salisbury, 
as part of her book tour for her latest work, "Not Your China 
Doll: The Wild and Shimmering Life of Anna May Wong."

Come and be part of an enriching conversation with the author 
on Friday, May 24, at 10 a.m., moderated by Paul Childs, an 
educator from the Arcadia Unified School District and Katie Gee 
Salisbury’s former middle school teacher.

Katie Gee Salisbury is the author of Not Your China Doll, a new 
biography of Anna May Wong, the first Asian American movie 
star. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, Vanity 
Fair, The Believer, the Asian American Writers' Workshop and 
elsewhere. She was a finalist for the Jerome Hill Artist Fellowship 
in 2021 and gave the TED Talk “As American as Chop Suey.” She 
also writes the newsletter Half-Caste Woman. A fifth-generation 
Chinese American who hails from Arcadia, California, she now 
lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Learn more about the book at, and access a reader’s guide at

For more information, please call (626) 574-5440 or visit The Arcadia Public Library is 
located at 20 W. Duarte Rd.

Portantino Joins Newsom 
in Meeting with Armenia 
President Khachaturyan

 State Senator Anthony 
Portantino joined Governor 
Gavin Newsom last week for 
a meeting with His Excellency 
Vahagn Khachaturyan, the 
President of Armenia (pictured 
right), to discuss continued 
economic collaboration on 
trade and investment.

 “California has always had 
a strong partnership with 
the Republic of Armenia and 
we look forward to further 
strengthening our collaboration 
on trade and investment,” 
Portantino said. “As the Chair 
of the Select Committee on 
California, Armenia, and 
Artsakh Mutual Trade, Art, 
and Cultural Exchange, I 
was honored to be included 
in a meeting with President 
Khachaturyan and Governor 
Newsom to discuss the 
California-Armenia Trade 
Desk and explore ways to 
expand our historic ties. In the 
past, California and the Select 
Committee has also affirmed 
their commitment to Artsakh’s 
sovereignty. On this Shushi 
Liberation Day, I also want to 
take a moment to remember the 
heroic efforts of those who led 
Artsakh to independence, as we 
look forward to the days when it 
will be free again.”

 At the request of Senator 
Portantino, the California State 
Senate Rules Committee first 
established the historic Senate 
Select Committee on California, 
Armenia, and Artsakh Mutual 
Trade, Art, and Cultural 
Exchange in 2017 to expand 
business opportunities through 
trade, economic development, 
cultural awareness, and 
education between California, 
Armenia, and Artsakh. Senator 
Portantino also helped negotiate 
the historic Memorandum 
of Understanding between 
California and Armenia and 
joined Governor Newsom in 
New York for its historic, official 
signing - formally establishing 
the California Trade and Service 
Desk in Armenia.

 The California Trade and 
Services Desk was established 
to strengthen the economic 
partnership between Armenian 
and California, support efforts 
for mutual economic benefit, 
and encourage trade and 
investment by California and 
Armenia businesses. Yerevan is 
the first California International 
Trade and Services Desk to be 
established by the Newsom 

 Both California and Armenia 
benefit from collaboration and 
cooperation. Armenia has a 
flourishing high-tech industry, 
robust arts community, and a 
digital business corridor that 
is underutilized. California is 
at the forefront of these sectors 
and continues to be a leader in 
these areas. Tourism is also a 
place where California would 
benefit from direct marketing of 
our modern Golden State, while 
also highlighting the amazing 
and vast historical sites and 
landmarks of Armenia.

 California has the largest 
population of Armenian 
Americans in the country, with 
the 25th Senate District having 
the largest concentration. 

AAvvaaiillaabbllee aatt:: 
􀀃􀀃Arnold’s Hardware 
Our library 
Collective Co-op (next to Monsieur 
Pax Pharmacy 
E.Waldo WardSavor the FlavorLizzie’s Trail Inn Museum
AA rreeaallllyy ffuunn rreeaadd 

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