Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, July 13, 2024

MVNews this week:  Page 2


Mountain View News Saturday, July 13, 2024


For the next several months Sierra Madre’s Police and Fire Departments will be running a weekly 
segment titled, “Get to Know Your Public Safety Officer” here in the Mountain Views News. The 
purpose of this special segment will focus on our police and fire department employees and all of 
us to learn a little bit more about the men and women who serve our community. 

Sierra Madre Mayor Pro Tem Robert Parkhurst

In the spirit of celebrating our Nation’s Independence this 
past week, it is only fitting that we launch this special segment 
by profiling, Corporal Lilian Shaw. 

Lilian is a 7-year veteran of the Police Department, who also 
serves our nation as a member of the U.S. Army Reserves. 
Lilian, or “Lily” as she is more commonly known, was first 
hired as a dispatcher and promoted to Police Officer in March 
2018. In 2021 she was promoted to the rank of Corporal, 
where her duties entailed field supervision of a patrol team. 

Just recently, she was assigned to the detective bureau as 
a Detective. Lily also serves as the department’s Public 
Information Officer, Use of Force Trainer, and has expertise 
in Crisis Negotiation. 

Let’s learn more about Lily Shaw:

1. Why did you choose to work for the Sierra Madre 
Police department? I was initially drawn to the City of Sierra 
Madre Sierra because my husband grew up here. We ended up 
living here together for a few years and I got to know and love 
the town just as much as he did. Sierra Madre embodies the true sense of community and I love 
that! So, when I saw there was a job opening at the police department, I took the opportunity to 
apply and was fortunate enough to get hired.

2. What do you like best about your job? I love that I get to be part of the big picture that 
is law enforcement’s positive influence on community and society. Although law enforcement 
has its challenges, some are tied to history, it requires more good people to join the force so we 
may continue to work for a positive impact. I am grateful for the opportunity to be entrusted as 
one of those people here at the Sierra Madre Police Department.

3. What’s the biggest challenge with being a Police Officer? Brushing off the negative 
veil that the media sometimes unnecessarily throws on law enforcement which can set us up 
for immediate distrust from the public. There is no denying the bad apples who have ruined 
lives and broken up communities. I lived in south L.A during the 1992 riots and I understand 
certain frustrations. It is why I love my career path and do my best to be a part of a positive 
movement moving forward.

4. What got you interested to join the U.S. Army Reserves? I was born in a small Central 
American country that was negatively affected by a civil war, where human rights had no value. 
I came to the U.S at 5 years old and it became my new home. I am grateful every day for the 
opportunities I was able to utilize for personal growth so it is my way of giving back. Don’t get 
me wrong, nothing was ever just handed to me, I’ve worked very hard and sacrifices a lot to get 
to where I am today. But it is what life is all about; the struggles that help build our character. So 
that one day I can sit back in my rocking chair and say, wow, I accomplished some pretty cool 

5. What is your favorite recreational activity? I love horseback riding and competitive 
shooting. I own a few firearms that I enjoy practicing with. I don’t own a horse yet but I’m 
working on it. Maybe one day I’ll be able to combine the two.

6. Do you own any pets? If so, what are their names? I have two dogs. Bella is an 11-year-
old Maltese and Charlie is a 2-year-old Golden-Doodle. Bella is my chill little princess while 
Charlie… I have to always keep a close eye on Charlie. He’s a sweetheart but he easily gets into 
trouble because he’s still learning. For example, he likes to steal socks. So if you ever notice I’m 
wearing holey socks, you know the reason.

7. Favorite place you frequent in Sierra Madre: I love the Mt. Wilson Trail. I enjoy being 
out in nature as well as the exercise. It’s a beautiful trail altogether.

8. What would be your favorite song? I love music and I have many favorite songs, but the 
first one that comes to mind is a Spanish song called “Cielito Lindo.” It’s a song my grandfather 
sang to me as a kid in Central America. It relaxes me and takes me back to happy childhood 
days every time.

9. Name one thing unique about you that few people know about? It isn’t very unique but 
most people don’t know I like to draw and paint (watercolor and oil). 


10. What is your motto in life? My current motto is made up of two famous quotes: Be the 
change that you wish to see in the world (Gandhi) and enjoy the passage of time (James Taylor).

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Corporal Lilian Shaw

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