Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, July 13, 2024

MVNews this week:  Page 16



Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 13, 2024




As summer sets in, so does a wave of exciting 
fitness events like 5K runs, cycling tours, 
and various outdoor competitions. For many 
athletic participants, these events are an 
excellent opportunity to test their limits, enjoy 
the friendship of fellow athletes, and appreciate 
the joy of physical activity. Enhancing athletic 
performance doesn't necessarily require 
high-tech gear or cutting-edge supplements. 
Instead, there are numerous natural ways to 
boost your performance and make the most 
of your summer fitness goals. Ways for you 
to perform at the very best you are capable 
of without dangerous doping substances or 
performance-enhancing drugs.

The foundation of any athletic performance is 
a well-balanced diet. For optimal energy and 
recovery, focus on a diet rich in whole foods. 
Complex carbohydrates, such as those found 
in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, provide 
sustained energy for endurance activities. 
Lean proteins, essential for muscle repair and 
growth, can be sourced from tofu, soy, green 
peas, quinoa, beans, and legumes. Healthy fats 
from avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil support overall health and provide a slow-burning 
energy source. Hydration is vital for peak performance, so aim to drink at least 8-10 glasses 
of water a day, more if you're training hard or the weather is particularly hot.

Don’t underestimate the power of adequate sleep and rest. Sleep is when your body repairs 
itself and builds muscle. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Establish a routine that 
includes a consistent sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, 
even on weekends. Engage in relaxing activities like reading or taking a warm bath before 
bed, and make your bedroom a sleep sanctuary – dark, quiet, and cool. 

Flexibility and mobility are often overlooked but are crucial for preventing injuries and 
improving performance. Incorporate dynamic stretches (stretches done while moving 
through a full range of motion vs. stretches that are held) before workouts to warm up muscles 
and increase blood flow. Two people with the same abilities can differ in performance if one 
is more flexible than the other. Take running for example. The more flexible runner is 
capable of taking bigger strides and can ultimately cover the same amount of distance in 
a shorter time. Post-exercise static stretching helps in muscle recovery and maintaining 
flexibility. Regular yoga practice is great to enhance flexibility, strength, and mental focus, 
all beneficial for athletic performance.

Strength training isn't just for bodybuilders. It's essential for everyone, including endurance 
athletes, to build and maintain muscle mass. Exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups 
engage multiple muscle groups and improve overall strength. Aim for at least two strength 
training sessions per week, focusing on different muscle groups each time. Ensure you're 
using correct form to avoid injuries and maximize benefits; consider working with a trainer 
to learn the basics. 

Athletic performance is as much a mental game as it is a physical one. Building mental 
resilience can significantly enhance your performance. Set realistic, achievable goals to 
stay motivated and track your progress. Visualize your success – many top athletes use 
this technique to enhance performance. Practices like mindfulness and meditation can help 
reduce stress, improve focus, and increase overall well-being.

When it comes to training, more isn't always better. Smart training focuses on quality and 
efficiency. Engage in different types of activities to work various muscle groups and prevent 
overuse injuries. Make sure you have rest days in your training schedule – your body needs 
time to recover and grow stronger. Pay attention to signs of fatigue, pain, or discomfort; 
pushing through pain can lead to injuries. While a balanced diet should provide most 
of your nutritional needs, some natural supplements can support athletic performance. 
Electrolyte supplements are especially important in hot weather to maintain hydration and 
prevent cramps. Some studies suggest beetroot juice can improve endurance by increasing 
nitric oxide levels, enhancing blood flow to muscles.

Take advantage of the great outdoors for a refreshing change from indoor workouts. Trail 
running offers a challenging and scenic alternative to road running, engaging different 
muscle groups. Cycling is a low-impact activity that improves cardiovascular health and 
builds leg strength. Hiking combines cardio and strength training, providing a full-body 
workout in a natural setting. Swimming is a great full body workout that is gentle on the 
joints. Doing them all is a great cross training tool.

To improve your athletic performance naturally focus on the above, simple strategies. It 
doesn’t matter whether you're gearing up for a marathon, cycling event, or any other summer 
fitness challenge, these tips can help you perform at your very best.

Michele Silence, M.A. is a 37-year certified fitness 

professional who offers semi-private/virtual fitness 
classes. Contact Michele at 
Visit her Facebook page at: michelesfitness Visit 
her Facebook page at: michelesfitness.


Are you on vacation? Have you been on vacation? Are you 
going to be on vacation? Will you not have a vacation? Here 
it is summer time…..And our sports/football fans are now 
thinking: We are now 6 weeks away from college’s first big 
football weekend: LABOR DAY! If you are a football fan, it’s 
been the usual waiting game during Spring and Summer. We 
can start preparing our minds and hearts for the beginning 
of “our” season.

And what a game schedule we are looking forward to! The NFL has said “just go for it, “ 
and college football has done just that. Texas A&M and Notre Dame. Clemson and Georgia. 
USC and LSU. How’s that for starters?! The SEC, the BIG10, and Independents, the ACC, 
all will be represented on that day. 

Let’s get ready for all football. High school football. Community College football, and let’s 
not forget that girls are now playing high school football…. And they are good! And then 
there is the ladies “Flag League.” Don’t forget to support these programs. Their participants 
practice and exercise and train and plan just as much as the other levels. They need support 
just as much (maybe more so) as NFL and major college teams. 

Still in the Summer…… The NFL opens up with the NFL Hall of Fame presentation and 
the Hall of Fame Game on Thursday August first. High schools start so much earlier than 
in years before (at least for me) so some high school games will be played in August before 
college football and the NFL even open! Remember when school started after Labor Day, 
and ended in June? I liked that format for the calendar. Now some school years end in May, 
and begin in August. Whose idea was that? For football teams, that means practicing in the 
heat of August, the hottest part of summer. September in the West is bad enough! 

As much as some of us look forward to the football season starting, we need to think about 
the players and families. These young players need to take a break for a little normalcy. 
Take a family vacation, have a break from the passing leagues, and football camps and the 
whole “football is my life” package. (Here I have to admit…. my wife reminds me that this 
“take a break” mentality is a relatively new attitude for me. I used to have to be convinced 
that vacations were a good thing.)

And how about those coaches. They actually do need a break from football as well so they 
can come back refreshed after some time with family and friends. Let’s not get burned out! 
Studying and practicing during summer. Rest the mind and the body. You’ve got to want to 
go and be eager to go back to both school and football.

And it’s prep time for Media Days. They are starting for college football.. Big 12; Pac 12-(2 
teams) Mountain West conference are all in Las Vegas this year. The SEC in Indianapolis, 
the ACC in Charlotte, North Carolina, and all the others getting set up now. This is when 
all the coaches and sports information guys gather together and lie to everyone about their 
teams. The media is challenged to discover and report the “truth” as they see it. I remember 
one of my early years, I was so silly that I voted for our own team at UNLV to win the 
conference. Somehow everyone found out I voted for myself.. (Thank goodness we did go 
undefeated and won) But in conference play, they were all shooting for us.

At media days, the coaches usually bring a top offensive and a top defensive player. They 
are interviewed by press, and do a radio run and promos for station broadcasts. Normally 
this goes on for four days. So we’ve gone from Spring practice and work outs and spring 
games, to a little bit of no football to media day. 

Soon it will be time to put on the cleats. For college teams, in August to get ready for camps. 
For NFL probable July 20th week.. mostly. So we have another great month of planning and 
prepping for our teams. And maybe vacationing? Hope they have had a bit of a rest before 
they are ready to give us another fun season of football. 

You all, have a winning day.

Follow me at @coachharveyhyde, and find me at on that web.

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