Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, July 20, 2024

MVNews this week:  Page 14



Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 20, 2024


Regular exercise and play isn’t just for 
people, but important for the overall health 
of pets too. About 53% of American homes 
have a dog, 35.7% have a cat. Regular 
physical activity helps prevent obesity, 
improves cardiovascular health, and 
enhances mental stimulation for both dogs 
and cats.

Pet Health Statistics

According to the Association for Pet 
Obesity Prevention (APOP), approximately 
56% of dogs and 60% of cats in the US are 
classified as overweight or obese. This can 
lead to health issues like diabetes, arthritis, 
and reduced lifespan. Studies show that 
30 minutes to 2 hours of activity per day 
is recommended for dogs, depending on 
the breed, age, and health condition. Cats 
also require daily physical activity to stay 
fit and avoid obesity. Regular exercise can 
significantly reduce behavioral problems 
in pets. For instance, dogs that receive 
adequate exercise are less likely to develop 
destructive behaviors such as chewing, digging, or excessive barking.

How To Give Your Dog More Exercise

Ensuring your dog gets enough exercise is vital. Daily walks are a must. The length 
and intensity should be adjusted based on your dog's age, breed, and energy level. For 
high-energy breeds, consider multiple walks or runs throughout the day. Engaging 
in interactive play sessions with toys like balls, frisbees, or tug-of-war ropes not only 
provides physical movement but also strengthens the bond between you and your 
dog. Setting up an agility course in your backyard or joining a local dog agility class 
provides a fun way for your dog to workout both physically and mentally. Many dogs 
enjoy swimming, which is an excellent low-impact exercise. If you have a pool, consider 
allowing them to go in and swim with you.

How To Give Your Cat More Exercise

Cats also need regular movement to stay healthy. Investing in toys that encourage your 
cat to chase, pounce, and bat around, feather wands, and motorized toys, can keep your 
cat entertained and active. If you’re using a laser pointer avoid frustration by keeping the 
play session short and ending it by directing the laser light onto a toy or treat your cat can 
catch. Providing cat trees, shelves, or climbing towers allows cats to climb and explore 
vertical spaces, helping them exercise and satisfy their natural instincts. Dedicating time 
each day for interactive play with toys that mimic the movements of prey, such as feathers 
or small stuffed animals on strings, is crucial. Using food-dispensing toys or puzzles to 
make mealtime more engaging stimulates your cat mentally and encourages physical 
activity as they work to get their food. If possible, creating a safe outdoor enclosure or 
using a harness and leash to allow your cat to explore the outdoors provides new stimuli 
and opportunities for exercise.

Benefits For You Too

Taking your dogs on regular walks doesn’t just benefit them but you just as much. 
Playing with your cat for a half hour a day is a half hour a day that you move too. If you 
feel like you can’t keep up or give them enough movement consider getting your dog or 
cat a companion. Animal shelters are busting at the seams right now. Animals brought 
in are usually put down immediately because there just isn’t room for them. Cats in 
particular have much higher euthanasia rates. Especially kittens. Young kittens are hard 
for shelters to care for and don’t stand much of a chance for adoption. Older kittens may 
have a few days to find a forever home. Many times just bringing home a second animal 
can give your resident dog/cat a mental boost by getting a friend they enjoy playing with. 
They’d much rather chew, bite and jump on their playmate than you. Behavior problems 
are often reduced or eliminated by simply adding a second pet to the home. Save another 
life. Just take time to choose the right one and introduce them to each other slowly.

Get over the idea that an overweight pet is cute. An overweight pet is headed for health 
issues and an early death. Instead of doling out excessive treats, give them physical 
exercise. As loving pet owners, the one thing we all want is for our little fur babies is for 
them to live the longest, healthiest and happiest lives they can. By adding daily physical 
activity and interactive play, you can help prevent obesity, reduce behavioral issues, and 
enhance their overall quality of life. Unlike many adults, they don’t have an aversion to 
moving. For you that means more joy and more years to have them around. You’ll also 
save tons of money on vet bills. That alone is something we can all celebrate.

Sunday’s: 10am-11am 
or 10am to 12:00noonCoach Harvey Hyde’s College Football Review & Preview8/18 –10am to 12:00noon8/25 –Angels Baseball9/1 -10am to 12:00noon9/8 –10am to 11am9/15 –Raiders Football9/22 –Angels Baseball9/29 –10am to 11am10/6 –10am to 11am10/13 -10am to 12:00noon10/20 –10am to 11am10/27 –10am to 11am11/3 –Raiders Football11/10 -10am to 12:00noon11/17 –Raiders Football11/24 -10am to 12:00noon12/1 –10am to 11am12/15 -10am to 12:00noon12/22 -10am to 12:00noon12/29 –Raiders Football1/5/25–10am to 11am1/12/25–10am to 11am1/19/25–10am to 11am1/26/25–10am to 11am
Michele Silence, M.A. is a 37-year certified fitness 

professional who offers semi-private/virtual fitness 
classes. Contact Michele at 
Visit her Facebook page at: michelesfitness Visit 
her Facebook page at: michelesfitness.

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