Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, August 3, 2024

MVNews this week:  Page 3


Mountain View News Saturday, August 3, 2024

Weather Wise


by Deanne Davis

6-Day Forecast Sierra Madre, Ca.

Sun Sunny Hi 90s Lows 60s 

 Mon: Sunny Hi 90s Lows 60s 

 Tues: Sunny Hi 90s Lows 60s 

 Wed: Sunny Hi 90s Lows 60s

 Thur: Sunny Hi 90s Lows 60s 

 Fri: Sunny Hi 80s Lows 60s

Forecasts courtesy of the National Weather Service

“Just as at the Olympic games, it is not the handsomest or 
strongest men who are crowned with victory, but the successful 
competitors; so in life it is those who act rightly who carry off 
all the prizes and rewards.” Aristotle

“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish 
nothing in life.”

Muhammad Ali - USA boxing, Olympic gold medalist

“As simple as it sounds, we all must try to be the best person 
we can: by making the best choices, by making the most of the 
talents we’ve been given.”

Mary Lou Retton, Gymnastics – 

USA Gymnastics 5-time Olympic medalist

Yes, indeed, friends and neighbors, the Olympics in Paris 
are taking up all the time we should be doing other things. 
But how can we not watch the swimmers, the gymnasts, 
and as many other events as we can and leave the dishes in 
the sink and the laundry undone? The day of the Opening 
Ceremonies, the last third of the big tree in my front yard 
had succumbed to the previous night’s wind storm so I was 
home all day as my fabulous landscape guy, Ricardo, and his 
team turned that beauty into kindling, loaded it up and took 
it away. 

Being somewhat captive, I watched almost all of the Opening 
Ceremonies and saw so many great performances, all 
accomplished faultlessly in the rain! Hundreds of people 
dancing in the fountain in the rain, grand pianos and pianists 
performing fabulously in the rain, orchestra members on 
tiny balconies playing in the rain. Celine Dion was amazing. All the athletes in boats floating down (up?) the Seine, all 
so excited and happy to be there, drenched to the skin, waving their flags. The cauldron lighting with so many athletes 
passing the torch was awesome. And then there were a whole bunch of really strange parts that took my breath away for a 
totally different reason! 

My daughter, Crissy, said, “Well, it’s France!” Her birthday was July 30th, and I’m astonished at the age she will be 
reaching. Let’s just say it’s been a while since she arrived on the planet, but I will never forget this beautiful 10 lb. baby 
with a whole lot of dark hair being placed in my arms. She has been a joy to us all her life. Happy birthday, darling 

Speaking of birthdays, last week was granddaughter, Emily’s, 14th birthday. The thing she wanted most for her birthday 
was a record player. A record player? I thought those went out with the typewriter, the VHS movie, and floppy disks. 
Wrong again! Vinyl is back, and it’s expensive!

Back in the stone age when I was buying vinyl albums, they were less than $10. Of course, $10 was a lot of money then. 
We have discovered that vinyl albums now cost around $35.00. She is delighted with all the ones she’s acquired so far and 
Target has the best prices. 

This makes me laugh because her grandpa, John Davis, was on the radio most of his adult life, playing folk, eclectic and 
generally great music starting in the 1950’s up until just the year before he transitioned to heaven. Our house on Alegria 
contained one full wall, floor to ceiling of vinyl records. In case you didn’t know, John was a Saturday morning fixture on 
KPFK-FM with “Heartfelt Music” for many years and on KCBH-FM for many years before that.

I’m sure a lot of you were there Sunday night to see Sierra Madre’s best concert of the summer, Harry Shahoian/ Elvis 
recreator! My good friends, Tom and Mary Ann O’Hara were there and reported that the evening had cooled down a bit 
by the time Harry started his show at 6 and sitting in the shade of a tree made for a delightful experience. Harry brought 
his whole band with him from Las Vegas and shared that he grew up in our area and got his start singing waiting tables at 
Lozano’s. Remember Lozano’s? Many good times there. Harry is such an institution at his yearly concerts in our park and I 
thought I’d celebrate our beautiful town with this week’s picture. Thanks, Harry, for another great time. We appreciate you!

We are so very proud of Susan Henderson, our publisher/editor of the Mountain Views News. In case you didn’t know, 
the Greater Los Angeles Pro chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists will honor seven local journalists, including 
Susan, at its 48th Distinguished Journalist Awards Banquet on October 23 at the Castaway Restaurant in Burbank. The News 
reaches thousands of households each week via print and online editions. A member of California Newspaper Publishers 
Association, our Mountain Views News, “Where Your Community News Comes First,” was named 2023 Business of the 
year for Sierra Madre. Congratulations, Susan! I am so happy to be part of the Mountain Views News team.

Enjoy the Olympics this week, friends and neighbors, and fingers crossed that the U.S. comes home with a lot of gold!

My book page: Deanne Davis

So many fun books, great recipes and stories in

A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter, and

Sunrises and Sunflowers Speak Hope 




Sept. 10, 2024 5:30pm


As part of the City of Sierra Madre’s 

COVID-19 transparency efforts and The 
Brown Act provides the public with an opportunity 
to make public comments at any 
public meeting. Public comment may also be 
made by e-mail to PublicComment@CityofSierraMadre.
com by 3:00 p.m. on the day of 
the meeting. 

Emails will be acknowledged at the Council 
meeting and filed into public record. The 
public may also comment in person at the 

The meetings will be streamed live on Foothills 
Media website at 
and broadcast on Government 

Access Channel 3 (Spectrum)..


Free on-air publicity for local events

 Sierra Madre’s EMERGENCY radio station is now accepting scripts for 
Public Service Announcements (PSAs) about community events. PSAs 
will be broadcast on the air at no charge. The station operates 24/7 and can 
be heard at 1630 on the AM dial.

 Any local non-profit or non-commercial organization can have their 
event information broadcast to the public on Sierra Madre Community 
Information Radio. The station covers the city of Sierra Madre, plus 
surrounding areas of Pasadena, Arcadia, and Monrovia. 

Your event must:

• Benefit a non-commercial or non-profit entity
• Be open to the public
• Be of general interest to local citizens

write a Public Service Announcement that describes your event and 
e-mail it to 


During extremely hot and humid weather, your body's ability to cool itself is challenged. When the body heats too rapidly to cool itself properly, or 
when too much fluid or salt is lost through dehydration or sweating, body temperature rises and you or someone you care about may experience 
a heat-related illness. It is important to know the symptoms of excessive heat exposure and the appropriate responses. The Centers for Disease 
Control and Prevention (CDC) provides a list of warning signs and symptoms of heat illness, and recommended first aid steps. Some of these 
symptoms and steps are listed below.

Heat Cramps - Heat cramps may be the first sign of heat-related illness, and may lead to heat exhaustion or stroke. Symptoms: Painful muscle 
cramps and spasms usually in legs and abdomen and heavy sweating. Seek immediate medical attention if cramps last longer than 1 hour.

Heat Exhaustion Symptoms: Heavy sweating, Weakness or tiredness, cool, pale, clammy skin; fast, weak pulse, muscle cramps, dizziness, nausea 
or vomiting, headache, fainting.

Seek immediate medical attention if the person vomits, symptoms worsen or last longer than 1 hour.

Heat Stroke Symptoms: Throbbing headache, confusion, nausea, dizziness, body temperature above 103°F, hot, red, dry or damp skin, rapid and 
strong pulse, fainting, loss of consciousness.

First Aid: Call 911 or get the victim to a hospital immediately. Heat stroke is a severe medical emergency. Delay can be fatal. 

For more information on all of these heat related illnesses, see the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: