Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, August 3, 2024

MVNews this week:  Page 14



Mountain View News Saturday, August 3, 2024


Every four years, the world comes together to celebrate the Olympic Games. While high-profile 
events like track and field, swimming, and gymnastics capture the spotlight, many Olympic sports 
go unnoticed by the general public. Can you identify which of the following are included in 
the lineup: Cricket, Squash, Lacrosse, Softball, Karate, Chess, Bowling Pool, Ultimate Frisbee, 
and Wakeboarding. Drumroll…..none. But the 
first four will be making their way to the 2028 Los 
Angeles Olympics.

As of today, there are 36 summer Olympic 
sports. Rarely do we get a glimpse of all of them. 
Let’s explore five of the most overlooked games: 
Modern Pentathlon, Race Walking, Canoe Slalom, 
Equestrian Dressage, and Sailing.

Modern Pentathlon

Modern Pentathlon is one of the most diverse and 
challenging Olympic events, comprising fencing, 
swimming, equestrian show jumping, pistol 
shooting, and cross-country running. Despite 
its demanding nature, it attracts few viewers. Its 
complexity, involving the understanding of rules 
and scoring across five different sports, and the 
lengthy event format make it less appealing to those 
who prefer the quick excitement of a 100-meter 
dash or a gymnastics floor routine. Athletes in 
this sport must be versatile and skilled in multiple 
disciplines, making it one of the most challenging 
Olympic events. However, its intricate nature and 
long duration often leave it overshadowed by more 
straightforward and fast-paced sports.

Race Walking

Race Walking might appear unusual to the 
untrained eye, but it is a highly competitive and demanding sport. Athletes must walk as fast 
as possible while maintaining constant contact with the ground. Both feet leaving the ground 
simultaneously or not straightening the leg upon ground contact results in disqualification. This 
sport is often overlooked due to its perceived lack of visual excitement compared to sprinting or 
hurdles. However, the physical and mental endurance required to maintain technique and speed 
over long distances is remarkable. Race Walking is a true test of stamina and precision, but being 
less thrilling keeps it off the prime-time schedule.

Canoe Slalom

Canoe Slalom involves athletes navigating a canoe or kayak through a course of hanging gates on 
river rapids. It’s an exhilarating sport that demands skill, precision, and bravery, requiring athletes 
to maneuver through turbulent waters quickly without touching the gates. Despite its exciting 
nature, Canoe Slalom often doesn’t get the attention it deserves, possibly due to its niche appeal 
and unfamiliarity among viewers. Additionally, the event takes place on a specially designed 
course, making it less relatable to a general audience. However, for those who do tune in, Canoe 
Slalom offers an adrenaline-pumping experience with its combination of speed, strategy, and skill.

Equestrian Dressage

Equestrian Dressage is often referred to as the ballet of the horse world. In this sport, horse and 
rider perform a series of predetermined movements, called “tests,” from memory, showcasing the 
horse’s training, obedience, and athleticism, as well as the rider’s control and finesse. Dressage is 
a beautiful and elegant sport, but it can seem slow and technical to casual viewers. The lack of 
fast-paced action or dramatic moments makes it less appealing to a broad audience. Additionally, 
understanding the intricacies of each movement and the scoring system requires a certain level 
of expertise. Despite its low viewership, Dressage is highly respected within the equestrian 
community, showcasing the deep bond and communication between horse and rider.


Sailing is an Olympic sport that combines strategy, skill, and an understanding of natural elements. 
Competitors race in various classes of boats, navigating courses set on open water. They must read 
the wind, manage their sails, and outmaneuver opponents to reach the finish line first. Sailing is 
often overlooked due to its complexity and the challenge of filming it. Races take place over large 
bodies of water, making it hard to capture all the action engagingly for TV audiences. Additionally, 
the technical jargon and strategies involved in sailing are not well known to most viewers. Despite 
these challenges, sailing is an electrifying and dynamic sport that requires quick thinking, physical 
strength, and a deep understanding of wind and water. For those who take the time to understand it, 
sailing offers a unique and exciting Olympic experience.

All of the above games are remarkable sports that deserve more attention. They showcase the 
incredible versatility, skill, and determination of Olympic athletes. While they may not have the 
broad appeal of track and field or swimming, these overlooked sports add depth and variety to the 
Olympic Games. If you’re wondering where you can thoroughly check them out try the Olympic 
Channel website/app, NBC website/app, the official Olympic YouTube channel, Social Media 
platforms and Peacock streaming services.

Michele Silence, M.A. is a 37-year certified fitness 

professional who offers semi-private/virtual fitness 
classes. Contact Michele at 
Visit her Facebook page at: michelesfitness Visit 
her Facebook page at: michelesfitness.

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