Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, August 31, 2024

MVNews this week:  Page 8



 Mountain Views NewsSaturday, August 31, 2024



1. Marriott hotel chain

6. Lockheed Martin Corporation @NYSE

9. Desert in central Asia

13. Tinder user?

14. Distinctive period in history

15. Munchausen’s title

16. Likewise

17. Campfire leftover

18. Jason Bateman/Laura Linney TV 

19. *Traditionally clipped

21. *OS in POS at the supermarket

23. Bro’s sibling

24. “____ there, done that”

25. T in Greek

28. FBI’s cold one

30. Windshield ____, pl.

35. “The ____ for Red October”

37. Coach of Dallas Mavericks

39. Bow’s partner

40. Black and white killer

41. Be in accord

43. First word in fairy tale

44. Formerly known as Pleasant Island

46. Long-lasting Steelers coach

47. TV’s “man named Brady”

48. *GO in BOGO

50. French “place”

52. 6th sense

53. Adored one

55. What cruelty and crush have in 

57. *Dairy aisle package

60. *S&H Green ____

63. Non motorized vessel

64. I have

66. Nev.’s neighbor

68. Offspring, collectively

69. Rank above maj.

70. Visual

71. QBR in football, e.g.

72. Will Ferrell’s Christmas classic

73. Like a gymnast


1. *What registers do

2. Nonclerical

3. Football legend Graham

4. Unborn vertebrate

5. ____ of Cancer

6. *Like freezer aisle “Cuisine”

7. “____ Robinson” by Simon & 

8. California/Nevada lake

9. Mediterranean Strip

10. Not written

11. Dull one

12. Pen juice

15. Home to Sarajevo

20. Port city in Japan

22. Like marines in slogan

24. Cowboy’s bedding

25. Flip-flop

26. Plural of aura

27. Adam Sandler’s “____ Gems”

29. Manual communication gesture

31. High school ball

32. Bert’s TV buddy

33. Ice in a cocktail

34. *TV’s “Supermarket ____”

36. Tropical tuber

38. *Sliced items section

42. Choose a president

45. “____ we stand, divided we fall”

49. Tokyo, once

51. Adenine’s partner in RNA

54. Chilled (2 words)

56. Savory taste sensation

57. *Rolling supermarket carrier

58. Dwarf buffalo

59. Type of canal, in dentistry

60. Ego’s main concern

61. Surveyor’s map

62. Accompanies relief

63. “Big Three” TV network

65. Radio knob, abbr.

67. ATM extra

Aug 10, 2024 Solutions

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