Mountain Views NewsSaturday, October 19, 2024
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Peter Lamendola
Michele Kidd
Stuart Tolchin
Harvey Hyde
Audrey Swanson
Meghan Malooley
Mary Lou Caldwell
Kevin McGuire
Chris Leclerc
Dinah Chong Watkins
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Rich Johnson
Lori Ann Harris
Rev. James Snyder
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Jeff Brown
Marc Garlett
Keely Toten
Dan Golden
Rebecca Wright
Hail Hamilton
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
After being
reprimanded for
something a year
or so ago I recall
my three-year old
proclaiming, “I
want to be a good person.” The
question for her seemed to be how
much she was willing to relinquish
of her own other wants to conform
to the needs of our civilized society.
Perhaps “civilized society” is a bit of
an overstatement. Each morning,
I, together with my wife, view the
Christiane Amanpour report on PBS
which is a reminder that this society
is not particularly “civilized.”
It so happens that this scheduled
viewing conforms to my intent to be
a good person living a satisfying life.
After retiring from lawyering, I
realized that without some sort of
set routine I would spend most of
the day unsatisfyingly wondering
what it is I am supposed to be doing.
Although, I cannot completely
ignore the diminution of my mental
capacity, watching Christiane and
staying current with the news, is part
of my personal attempt at being a
good person.
I am clear about this intent I know
much more is required but I am
confronted by many obstacles. I
considered this as I watched one of
the Israeli hostages being interviewed
on the show. The interviewee
briefly referred to the tortures
and humiliations she had recently
endured; but understandably, she
made it clear that she wished to
speak about what she needed to
do in the future. She wanted to do
something “meaningful” with her
life. She was willing to speak about
her experiences only in the context
of assisting in bringing about the
release of other hostages and solving
the current crises. The question for
her as she experienced her recently
regained freedom was what could
be done to assist other people in
removing the obstacles to a sane and
satisfying solution.
All right, in my way I face the same
problem. I already have a great deal
of free time as my wife takes care of
most things, but I still face obstacles.
The major obstacle is that I don’t
know how to do anything. Somehow,
I have reached the age of 80 and lack
the skills that everyone else seems to
have. Making the bed each morning
is a constant stumbling block. I make
a point of putting out the food for
our dog but often he refuses to eat it
because either I have given him too
much, or I put it out too early and
the ants get at the food. I have been
told “ there is a way” of putting the
food in a bowl contained in a larger
bowl containing water as a kind pf
protective mote so that the dog can
reach the food but the ants can't, I
admit that I haven’t quite been able
to do it yet but the ant season has
hopefully already passed and I will
keep learning ready for next year, if
there is a next year.
Laughingly, I have reached my
point. In any situation, rather than
accepting being blocked by obstacles,
one has a choice. Thankfully, my
granddaughter has accepted the
fact that even if she wants to do
something right now there are times
she has to wait. She is not a fan of
waiting, few of us are. Some of us
have never learned to work very hard
and instead accept the obstacles that
block our intent. I admit I have never
worked very hard, but I believe it’s
never too late to learn. How does
one cope with old age? It’s tough
and there are obstacles and for me
and many of the obstacles were not
foreseen. Like my granddaughter
I want to be a good person and do
more than complain and be a burden
to others. I know there is more to life
than watching TV and Sports and
complaining about feeling isolated
not feeling safe to drive. Instead as a
part of being a good person I will try
and edit this article in the hope that
some reader might be more able to
appreciate what I have tried to share
and will work to acquire the skills to
get past their own obstacles `
Well, I tried, and it doesn’t seem
to get easier! No matter what, I will
keep trying until all the obstacles are
gone; or I am!
Wow, believe it or not, I am going serious on you this week. I’ll try to end
on a upbeat and humorous twist.
Anybody other than me notice it seems like half of the cars on the road
have their headlights on all the time? That’s not the problem. The problem
is a significant number of people on the road are driving with their high beams on.
And, as you’ll see, it’s really dangerous.
According to the law firm of Dulaney, Lauer and Thomas HIGH BEAMS are
designed to be aimed squarely at eye-level for oncoming cars, so use is only intended for
use when there is no oncoming traffic.
What You Risk When You Misuse Your High Beams
Every driver has had (or will have) to drive after the sun goes down. Unfortunately,
during those times, you will have a 50 percent greater chance of getting into an accident,
according to the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration. To further these
frightening odds, data taken from the Department of Transportation estimates that 85
percent of drivers misuse their high beams at some point. The result: dangerous situations
that magnify the risks for blinding accidents in poor nighttime visibility collisions.
What’s more, if you run your high beams, when cars approach you, the more
intense light can temporarily blind the drivers which may cause them to swerve into
traffic…and that traffic just might be your vehicle.
What’s more high beams are so powerful they can cause you to misjudge the
distance in front of your vehicle. If you are using high beams all the time, your chances of
misjudging the distance in front of you and risk plowing right into the car in front of you
is much greater. It can also cause intersection and turning collisions. You can also blind,
distract, annoy, infuriate the car driving in front of you. And make mistakes trying to get
away from you.
Finally, according to the legal eagles, if you use your high beams 24/7 and get in
an accident, anyone injured can argue you were negligent and you have a good chance of
ending up being held responsible for the accident.
Okay, sermon over. I better revert back to the role of court jester and end on a more
positive note. How about a handful of actual, rather unusual road signs:
“Beware of Invisible Cows” (Really hard to see cows in darkness and fog)
“Warning: Air Force Bombing Range for Next 12 Miles” I don’t know about you but I
would seriously think about taking an alternate route. My driving is risky enough on my
“Turn Right to Go Left” If you know the works of Soren Kierkegaard or Jean-Paul Sartre
you’ll understand the existential reality embedded in this road sign. If these men are
unfamiliar to you, then it’s really just a sign where you have to multitask to go left.
“Speed Limit 20 K.P.H. Warthogs and Children Have Right of Way” Hopefully they’re
not crossing at the same time.
“Welcome to Accident” Believe it or not Accident is a town in Maryland. Not an invitation
to join in the road rage.
“Beware: Wild Animals/Children” Self-evident caution.
(A sign with a picture of a guy in a wheelchair careening downhill into the open jaw of an
alligator.) Apparently explanations are not necessary.
In conclusion, another shameless plug for my rock and roll birthday dinner concert at
Nano Café. In case you missed last week’s shameless plug, my birthday is being celebrated
with a costume (optional) event at Nano’s, October 26 from 6:30 to 9:15. (My actual
birthday is, self evident to most, it’s Halloween.) Come for fun, dining and dancing. And
if you’re of a certain minimum age drinking permitted. Phone number for reservations
is (626) 325-3334.
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HOWARD Hays As I See It
"They will look
at you - down
[there] a beautiful
woman - they'll
look at you and
they will kill you"
-Donald Trump,
addressing an
audience member
at the Economic
Club of Chicago when asked about
the impact of mass deportations on
the economy.
The big news of the week was
Trump’s comments to Maria
Bartiromo on Fox about the “enemy
from within”; “We have some very
bad people we have some sick people,
radical left luna-tics”. But he assured
they "should be very easily handled
by, if necessary, by National Guard,
or if really necessary by the military,
because they can’t let that happen."
Trump’s willingness to use the
military against Americans comes
in tandem with previews of Bob
Woodward’s new book, wherein
Trump’s former Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark
Milley describes Trump as “fascist
to the core” and “the most dangerous
person ever”. Last month, Trump
threatened to prosecute and jail
“unscrupulous” election workers
"at levels, unfor-tunately, never seen
before in our Country."
As expected, the MAGA team
assures there’s nothing to worry
about. On CNN, Virginia Gov.
Glenn Youngkin insisted Trump was
simply suggesting using the military
in dealing with undoc-umented
immigrants - even after host Jake
Tapper had played Trump’s exact
quote, in which he identifies one
of those “radical left lunatics” as
Congressman Adam Schiff.
Others have excused Trump’s
statements as merely “negotiating
positions”, or “Trump being Trump”.
But interviewed on CNN, Olivia
Troye, advisor to former V.P. Mike
Pence, recalled how "I walked those
grounds outside the White House the
day that Donald Trump suggested we
shoot protesters and Americans. . . I
had friends there in that square with
their families. They were peacefully
Also on that interview was Kevin
Carroll, former counselor to retired
Marine Gen. John Kelly when he
served as Trump’s homeland security
secretary; "He wanted to use the
military to shoot migrants, including
women and children, crossing the
Rio Grande. . . He wanted to invoke
the Insurrection Act to use federal
troops against protesters during the
George Floyd demonstrations . . .” As
Carroll summed it up, "Trump was
just itching to misuse the military."
The fear now is that, under hiring
guidelines outlined in Project 2025,
Trump would no longer have staff
members who’d tell him “No”. Asked
for an assessment of Trump’s threats,
his for-mer Defense Secretary Mark
Esper told CNN, "Yes, I think we
should take those words serious-ly."
But according to polls, the major
concern among voters remains the
economy. V.P. Harris has made her
priorities clear; help for first-time
homebuyers, affordable childcare,
the wealthiest in-dividuals and
corporations paying their fair share
of taxes, assistance for small business
start-ups, etc.
Trump has had opportunities to
put forward his own plans for the
economy. At a Fox town hall focused
on women’s issues, he was asked
specifically about the price of bacon.
Trump’s re-sponse was that Ukraine
wouldn’t have been invaded under
his watch. (He also referred to him-
self as the “Father of IVF”.)
Then there was the Economic
Club of Chicago, where Trump was
interviewed by Bloomberg Ed-itor-
In-Chief John Micklethwait. He was
asked about his proposed tariffs and
the fact they’d “push up the cost for all
of these people to buy foreign goods .
. . That is just simple mathemat-ics.”
Trump replied that he’s “always good
at mathematics”.
When asked for comment on a
Wall Street Journal analysis that his
proposals would push deficits up
by $7 trillion over a decade (twice
the amount of Harris’), Trump
observed “They’ve been wrong
about everything”. And as for the
interviewer himself, “You’ve been
wrong all your life on this stuff”.
Asked about breaking up Google,
Trump responded by talking about
voting rolls in Virginia.
Pressed for an example of cutting
waste in government, Trump
mentioned remodeling Air Force
One. And as for assembling
German-made cars in the U.S., “We
could have a child do it.” Asked
about help for small businesses,
Trump talked about Apple (with a
$3.6 trillion market cap). And then
as to the impact of forcibly deporting
11 million immigrants - well, there’s
that opening quote above.
As summed up by reporters Nikki
McCann Ramirez and Ryan Bort in
Rolling Stone, “it quickly became
clear that the former president has
no conception of the mechanics of
or the potential ramifications of the
economic platform he’s running on”.
But he doesn’t have to. He’s got bil-
lionaires Elon Musk, Peter Thiel and
those behind Project 2025 to handle
it for him.
But the one thing he’s always been
clear about and personally obsessed
with, as related by Gen. Kelly to
journalists Peter Baker and Susan
Glasser, is wanting “his” generals to
be “totally loyal” like "The German
generals in World War II” as the
then-president put it. And he wanted
that military pa-rade “in his honor”,
but without those “wounded guys”
because “It doesn’t look good for me”.
According to Gen. Kelly, Trump
remains “A person that has no idea
what America stands for and has no
idea what America is all about . . . A
person that has nothing but contempt
for our democratic institutions, our
Constitution, and the rule of law.”
Over 100 lawsuits have already
been filed by the Republican
National Committee in preparation
for challenging election results
regardless of how they come in. We
can’t allow this election to be even be
In all likelihood, 99 percent
of the Fox News faithful
who saw Kamala Harris
Wednesday night came away
convinced anew she’s awful.
But her decision to visit the
notorious propaganda outlet
had very little downside.
If she managed to sway a
percent or two, that could help her in a close
What she did demonstrate – for the small
share of Fox viewers with open minds – is she
is the precise opposite of how Trump routinely
depicts her. He says she’s dumb, cognitively
impaired, and incapable of stringing sentences
together. Perhaps it shocked some viewers to
discover none of those slurs are true. Perhaps
some viewers will give her points for sitting
in the lion’s den and showing she’s tough
and articulate. Perhaps some female viewers
noticed she refused to abide Bret Baier’s
constant interruptions, the first of which came
20 seconds into the interview.
But the most galvanizing moment came late in
the half hour, when Harris denounced Trump
for railing the other day about unleashing
the U.S. military against “the enemy within.”
Baier was ready for that – or so he thought. He
teed up a video clip that sought to whitewash
Trump’s comments; earlier Wednesday,
Trump had insisted, “I’m not threatening
anybody.” That was the clip.
Well. What else could we expect from a fake
news network that was compelled to shell out
$787 million in a court settlement after it was
outed for amplifying Trump’s relentless lies
about the 2020 election?
It was no surprise that the clip Baier aired
was deftly edited to omit all of Trump’s rants
about the so-called enemies within – the
“sick” and the “evil” and the “dangerous” and
the “Marxists” and the “communists,” and
“the Pelosis” (one of which was attacked by a
hammer-wielding MAGAt). Harris promptly
exposed that classic Fox trickery by slapping
Baier silly:
“Bret, I’m sorry, and with all due respect, that
clip was not what he has been saying about ‘the
enemy within’ that he has repeated when he’s
speaking about the American people. That’s
not what you just showed. Here’s the bottom
line, he has repeated that many times. You and
I both know that he’s talked about turning the
American military on the American people.
He has talked about going after people who
are engaged in peaceful protest. He has talked
about locking people up because they disagree
with him.
“This is a democracy. And in a democracy, the
president of the United States, in the United
States of America, should be willing to handle
criticism without saying he’d lock people up
for doing it. And this is what is at stake, which
is why you have someone like the former
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff saying
what Mark Milley has said, about Donald
Trump being a threat to the United States of
Baier was facing the camera, so it was
impossible to see the tire tracks on his back.
Another great moment was when Baier pointed
out that roughly half the voters seem likely
to support Trump, he asked Harris whether
she thought they were “stupid.” That was
an obvious Baier trap, inviting her to utter a
basket-of-deplorables remark a la Hillary. But
she was too smart to take that bait: “I would
never say that about the American people!”
Are at least a small percentage of Fox viewers
willing to abide a strong woman who refuses
to kowtow? We’ll see about that. But her
forthright fervor likely did her no harm – and
it’ll arguably play better, in the social media
clips, than Trump’s response Wednesday
night, during a Florida event, to a question
about whether he still thinks climate change
is a hoax. He proceeded to talk about his Doral
golf course:
“I get awards, environmental awards for the
way I built it for the water, the way I use the
water, the sand, the mixing of the sand and
the water, I mean many different, but I’ve had
many awards over the years for environmental,
the way I’ve built because you know about
building that’s what you do…The water is
coming up an eighth of an inch over 300 years,
the ocean is gonna rise and you know nobody
knows if it’s true or not but they’re worried
about the ocean rising an eighth of an inch or
a quarter of an inch in 300 years.”
Harris was willing to do Fox News, so perhaps
Trump would be willing to explain his climate
change comment in a sitdown with MSNBC.
He’ll do it right after he releases his medical
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Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com