Mountain View News Saturday, December 28, 2024
• A non-profit animal welfare organization.
• Founded in 2016, to help sick or injured animals
obtain critical medical care when their owners cannot afford
• Funds are raised through our crowdfunding website,
shown here.
• We have paid over $1.6 million for the essential
medical care of more than 1,100 pets.
• In 2021, we opened a low cost spay & neuter clinic.
• The clinic is self-sustaining, despite the fact it is only
open once a week.
• Successfully spayed or neutered more than 2,900
dogs and cats, repaired 30 hernias, removed 27 masses,
and vaccinated over 450 pets.
The Urgent Need to Expand
• Crowdfunding is an efficient fundraising method;
however, it has one significant limitation, it takes time to
raise the vital funds.
• In emergencies, when a pet’s condition demands
immediate care, time is the one thing these pets do not have.
• Pets needing immediate care are forced to endure
their painful condition until all funds are raised.
• Delays in treatment may cause secondary
• Sometimes care may come too late.
The Solution
• Replace our existing spay & neuter clinic with a full-
service veterinary clinic.
• A clinic capable of providing a broad and diverse
range of quality veterinary care.
• With a full-service veterinary clinic, we can provide
essential veterinary care, when that care is needed, without
having to wait until all the funds are raised.
Proposed clinic Benefits
• Eliminating delays in treatment provides significant
benefits to all pets, especially in emergencies.
• Providing care when care is needed, yields the best
possible medical outcome, and dramatically reduces the time
the pet suffers.
• Offers financially disadvantaged pets’ better access to
essential medical care.
• By owning a full-service veterinary clinic, we control
costs, allowing us to offer the lowest possible prices. Helping
more pets per dollar.
Existing and proposed clinic locations in Arcadia, CA
We need $1.1 million to complete the project.
• $600,000 to purchase 4 used mobile homes (60’ X 12’)
which will be modified and combined to create our new 2880
sq ft. modular surgical clinic. See below.
• Another $25,000 for utility hookup and site
• And finally, $475,000 to purchase diagnostic
machines, surgical equipment, and kennels.
• Free Animal Doctor is contributing up to $200,000 in
reserve funds toward risk mitigation during initial years of
operation to ensure a successful start.
• Once construction begins, the clinic should be
completed within 4-5 months and operational shortly
• During the first year, we expect to provide essential
medical care to 600 pets in addition to offering spay & neuter
This integrated crowdfunding and pet care delivery model is
a social innovation and will provide disadvantaged pets with
broader medical services in a more timely and cost-effective
manner. Please donate to their health. Once we have shown
this business model viable, we will expand, beginning in
southern California www.freeanimaldoctor.org
The Friends of the Sierra Madre Libray is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote awareness of, support for, and utilization of the
high quality programs, services, and facilities of the Sierra Madre Library as a lifelong center of learning.
To that end volunteers provide countless hours working both inside the library and on the grounds of the library supporting the library staff. We organize
the Best Used Book Sales, Annual Silent Auction, the annual Wine and Cuisine Tasting, Snowflake Celebration, and the spring Art Fair to raise money
to augment that which the city is able to provide to the library.
The Friends of the Sierra Madre Library endeavor to do the following:
• Provide support for the Sierra Madre Public Library’s existing programs and services
• Support additions to the Library’s collections, equipment purchases, and improvements and expansion of facilities
• Encourage membership, participation, and involvement in the Friends by residents of the community served by the Library
• Plan and implement fund-raising activities and events
• Actively seek contributions/endowments/grants from individuals, organizations, foundations, and the public sector
We are always looking for volunteers, to learn more please go to our website at sierramadrelibraryfriends.org or follow us on social media:
Instagram @folsm91024
Facebook @FriendsoftheSierraMadreLibrary
The Kiwanis Service Club of Sierra Madre has been an active
club since 1927.
It has made many contributions to our town such as the
pergola in Memorial Park, cubbies for the children at St. Ritas
school, the covered patio at Sierra Madre Elementary School,
the emergency radio system for the town, the horn that use
to sound at noon every day, The Veterans have been paid
tribute by the club each year. We started a Builders Club for
the Middle school and help them with their service to several
Sierra Madre organizations.
There are many more contributions Kiwanis Club has made
over the almost 100 years all focused on building a better
community, one child at a time!.
We are a club that welcomes all and would love for you to join
us on Tuesdays at noon at the Lodge.
Rotary is a global network
of 1.4 million neighbors,
friends, leaders and
problem solvers who see a
world where people unite
and take action to create a
lasting change across the
globe, in our communities
and in ourselves.
Our mission is to provide
service to others, promote
integrity, and advance
world understanding,
goodwill and peace
through our fellowship of
business, professional and
community leaders.
US AT: https://www.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com