Mountain View News Saturday, February 15, 2025
Weather Wise
The Social Side by Deanne Davis
A note from the Editor: Our beloved columnist and friend took a
bad fall last week, but she will be back as soon as she is able to Walk
Sierra Madre Again. In the meantime her timely messagee from February
22, 2020 is reprinted below.
6-Day Forecast Sierra Madre, Ca.
“Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of
what’s left of you.” Katie Reed
“Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.”
Brene Brown
“Self-care means giving yourself permission to pause.”
Cecilia Tran
I had to go to the doctor a week or so ago. Nothing serious,
turns out the reason my hip was killing me with every step
I took and no sitting position was comfortable was because
the poor thing has bursitis.
“Trochanteric bursitis is inflammation (swelling) of the
bursa (fluid-filled sac near a joint) at the outside (lateral)
point of the hip known as the greater trochanter. When this
bursa becomes irritated or inflamed, it causes pain in the
hip. This is a common cause of hip pain.”
No kidding! I see there are over 200,000 cases of this per
year…Symptoms include pain on the outside of the hip
that's worse with activities such as standing, walking, or
running and I can add sitting or lying down. Treatments
include ice, anti-inflammatory medications, steroid injections,
and physical therapy.
My doctor prescribed an anti-inflammatory called Meloxicam
and I think my hip is getting better. Not better enough
yet, but better. A few days after my office visit, I got an email
from the medical center inviting me to fill out a survey
about how happy/unhappy I was with my visit and the way
everyone there treated me…excellent all the way around…
and a nice essay about self-care by a Dr. Yazhini Srivathsal.
He starts right off by talking about Valentine’s Day and how
we select this day to appreciate and recognize the people in
our lives we love, he goes on to say it’s equally, if not more
important, to focus on self-love as love of ourselves is what
allows us to empathize and really connect with others on
a deeper level, i.e., an empty tank will take you exactly nowhere.
Take time to refuel.
This is hard to do. We feel guilty if we’re not always occupied
doing something productive, useful, or for somebody
else. The very idea of sitting down somewhere pleasant,
reading and having a cup of tea makes us feel guilty. You
know, that old Puritan work ethic.
Here are a few of the points that Dr. Srivathsal listed:
Know you are worthy – no matter what! Our worthiness
does not depend on anything we do or don’t do. It doesn’t
have anything to do with how we look. We deserve to treat
ourselves with respect, compassion and genuinely love ourselves
for who we are in this moment, flaws and all. Kind of
like the way God views us: with love, flaws and all!
Treat yourself like you would treat your best friend – If our
best friend is upset or feeling just plain crummy, we don’t
go out of our way to make them feel worse, do we? I hope
not! So we need to treat ourselves with love and compassion…
especially in one of those moments when things
didn’t go as planned.
Don’t compare yourself to anyone else – That’s hard. We
want to have this person’s body, that person’s hair, this person’s
ability to play the piano, that person’s singing voice,
and on and on. We are who we are and that’s a lot to be
grateful for.
Try to live intentionally every day – Little steps that will
help us get where we want to be…you saw this coming,
right? Eat good food that will help your body. More veggies,
less cheesecake. More fresh fruit, and put down those
Girl Scout cookies that are everywhere currently. If you
got a huge heart box full of chocolate caramels, just eat a
couple, not the whole box. It’s probably too late for that, but
if somebody gives you a huge box of candy any time soon,
give it to somebody else! Do things that make you happy
like walking and looking at everybody’s flowers. Notice all
the tiny green leaves that are beginning to appear signaling
the coming of Spring!
Be your own cheerleader – There’s nothing like the feeling
of accomplishing something new, maybe something
you never thought you could do. My friend, Marilyn Williams,
started taking piano lessons when she was well into
her 50’s and it has given her more pleasure and enjoyment
as she practices and improves than she ever imagined. She’s
always wanted to play the piano, and now she does. I’ve
started doing jigsaw puzzles. These are somewhat addictive
as you sit down for a minute and discover two hours have
evaporated while you fit a piece here and a piece there.
Make sure you have at least a few minutes of “me time”
every day – Another tough one for us guilt embracers. This
can be part of that walk you’re taking. Thanking the Creator
for the beauty of His creation is a nice way to spend
some of that “me time.”
Surround yourself with people who support you and lift
you up – Learn about the grace of saying, “No.” There are
people in all our lives who are negative, needy, whiny, and
who we wish we could avoid. So let’s avoid them! We can’t
fix everybody and some people just need to be in someone
else’s life. So let’s let them be with someone else. Also, just
because someone tells us we’d be perfect for this committee
or job doesn’t mean we have to say yes.
Love yourself as you are right now – Not when you’ve lost
ten pounds, learned to speak French, gotten a promotion
or bought a Lexus. Loving ourselves as we are this minute,
even if the dishes are still in the sink, the laundry isn’t done,
the lawn isn’t mowed and there’s nothing for dinner, means
we are still splendid people, worthy of love.
Dr. Srivathsal winds up by saying that self-love and self-
care are important parts of being a happy and healthy individual.
I loved this whole idea of self-care and wanted to
pass it along to you, dear friends and neighbors. Hence, in
the interest of self-care, I saw these chairs at Target on sale
for $17.60 each and brought them home thinking how nice
it would be to sit in the sun in the late afternoon when it’s
warm, the sun’s not so hot, and enjoy a glass of an adult
beverage. I’ve managed to do this very thing three times
and enjoyed it immensely, in spite of the weeds that need to
be pulled and the dishes that are sitting in my sink.
Do something loving for yourself this week. It will be good
for your health. Honest! Trust me.
Sun Ptly Cldy Hi 70s Lows 40s
Mon: Ptly Cldy Hi 60s Lows 40s
Tues: Ptly Cldy Hi 60s Lows 40s
Wed: Ptly Cldy Hi 60s Lows 50s
Thur: Rain Hi 60s Lows 50s
Fri: Rain Hi 60s Lows 50s
Forecasts courtesy of the National Weather Service
February 25, 2025 5:30pm
As part of the City of Sierra Madre’s
COVID-19 transparency efforts and The
Brown Act provides the public with an opportunity
to make public comments at any
public meeting. Public comment may also be
made by e-mail to PublicComment@CityofSierraMadre.
com by 3:00 p.m. on the day of
the meeting.
Emails will be acknowledged at the Council
meeting and filed into public record. The
public may also comment in person at the
The meetings will be streamed live on Foothills
Media website at foothillsmedia.org/sierramadre
and broadcast on Government
Access Channel 3 (Spectrum)..
Free on-air publicity for local events
Sierra Madre’s EMERGENCY radio station is now accepting scripts for
Public Service Announcements (PSAs) about community events. PSAs
will be broadcast on the air at no charge. The station operates 24/7 and can
be heard at 1630 on the AM dial.
Any local non-profit or non-commercial organization can have their
event information broadcast to the public on Sierra Madre Community
Information Radio. The station covers the city of Sierra Madre, plus
surrounding areas of Pasadena, Arcadia, and Monrovia.
Your event must:
• Benefit a non-commercial or non-profit entity
• Be open to the public
• Be of general interest to local citizens
write a Public Service Announcement that describes your event and
e-mail it to radio@cityofsierramadre.com.
Save the date on Monday, February 24 from 7:30 pm - 9:30
pm for this FREE One Book One City event - a staged
reading of The World’s Strongest Librarian in collaboration
with Sierra Madre Play-house’s OFF the PAGE. It’s
a play about the power of books, muscles, and human
Call the Library at (626) 355-7186 for more information.
One Book One City is a community program that invites
everyone in to read, discover and connect over the same
book in February through book d… It’s a play about the
power of books, muscles, and human kindness.
Call the Library at (626) 355-7186 for more information.
One Book One City is a community program that invites
everyone in to read, discover and connect over the same
book in February through book discussions, programming,
and special events.
OBOC 2025 Selection:
What You Are Looking For by Michiko Aoyama and is
available at the Library
Despite the rain, the Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce
and the Kensington held a ribbon cutting for the facility's latest
edition, The Kensington Hair Studio. Shown above are La-
La Mann, Owner & Stylist in the forefront, and left to right,
SMCC Board Member Rachelle Arizmendi, SMCC President
Chris Cimino, Mayor Robert Parkhurst and Councilmember Ed
is back and ready for business!
Originally designed, built, and
installed by Bob Spears, it was
destroyed because of the winds
on 1/7th. It is now back in its
original location on Grandview
Avenue adjacent to the Sierra
Madre Elementary School Field,
courtesy of Jim Walsworth. This
is another sign that Sierra Madre
is springing forward stronger.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com