Mountain View News Saturday, March 1, 2025
The Altadena Library
District is excited to announce
the reopening
of its Main Library on
Tuesday, March 4, at 10
After two months of
recovery efforts, the
library is remediated
and ready to serve the
residents of Altadena
as they work to rebuild
from the devastation of
the Eaton Fire.
“Over the past two
months, we’ve partnered
with many local
organizations to support
our community,
including a fundraising campaign with LA County Library to provide free hotspots to our
community,” says District Director Nikki Winslow. “We also helped staff the LA County Parks’
Care Camps, hosted programs at Pasadena Library branches, and have been to countless outreach
events. But we are so happy return to our library, to serve Altadenans here in our community.
We want the library district to be a symbol of hope and recovery for our community.”
For nearly a century the Altadena Library District and its facilities have served as essential
community gathering places. At the library, Altadenans connect with their neighbors, use
computers and free WiFi, research school assignments and resolve life challenges, build literacy
skills, create things in the Fab Lab, download new music and ebooks, check out materials
from books to blood pressure monitors, enjoy local art and music, and more.
“Our library is deeply committed to supporting Altadena in every way possible,” says Winslow.
“Whether you are looking for a place to study or work remotely, need reference help, attend a
craft or concert, or simply want a familiar space to meet with your neighbors, we are here for
With the library open, the district will start hosting programs again at Main, located at 600
E. Mariposa St. in Altadena. The first big event is the Second Saturday concert on Saturday,
March 8, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. featuring local band Suavé, which performs jazz, rock, swing,
R&B, and many Latin styles.
To register for this concert and for more information about this and other events, visit www.
San Marino Upcoming Events &
Complete Budget Priority Initiatives Survey by Monday
Your voice matters! Join us in shaping the future of San Marino. Public participation
is crucial in the budget process. Take a moment to complete the 2025 Budget Priority
Initiatives Survey - your insights will directly influence the Mayor and Council in their
FY25-26 Budget Discussions. Let's work together for a better community! Submit your
feedback by this Monday, March 3 at 5 PM.
Battalion 9: Dedication and “Push in” Ceremony
This month, the San Marino Fire Department placed a new Command Vehicle into
service as Battalion 9. The Fire Department is currently planning a dedication and “push
in” ceremony on Saturday, March 8 from 10 AM to 11 AM to unveil the new command
vehicle to San Marino residents. The “push in” ceremony dates to the days of horse-drawn
equipment when members had to push the equipment into the bay of the fire station.
Tree Planting Ceremony
Join us for the annual Tree Planting Ceremony on Thursday, March 13, 2025, at 10 AM
at Lacy Park. The Chinese Club of San Marino has donated a tree in honor of Arbor
Day, which will be planted during the event. Join the community as we come together
to commemorate this meaningful contribution. The ceremony will take place at the
southwest corner of the inner walking loop. For questions, call (626) 300-0788.
Joyful Living Happy Life
Sunday, March 2 from 2:00 – 4:30 PM, Barth Community Room
This workshop gives you tools to face challenges in the workplace, social life, and family
life. Join the Unified Charity Foundation as they talk about the customs and traditions in a
new land and how to remove cultural obstacles to prosperity. Registration is not required.
East Meets West Parent Education Club
Sunday, March 9 from 2:00 – 3:30 PM, Barth Community Room
This multicultural parent club presents professionals who share their knowledge and
pass on skills to the local parents on how to raise their children in an international and
competitive world. Although the program is presented in English, Mandarin speakers
will be on hand to translate. Registration is required.
Happy Mar10 [Mario] Day
Monday, March 10 from 3:00 – 4:30 PM, Community Center, Fireside Room
We’re celebrating Mario Day! Young adults ages 11-17 are invited to play in a Mario
Kart tournament for the chance to win a prize, make a Yoshi egg or Toad pot painting
craft, and more! This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Registration is
required and begins March 1.
Lacy Park Non-Resident Weekend Entry Fees Suspended
Given the widespread impacts of the Eaton Fire on the San Gabriel Valley, and the
significant impacts on places for individuals to recreate, the City Council has expressed a
desire to make Lacy Park more accessible while the region heals.
The City Council voted to approve a temporary suspension of the non-resident weekend
entry fee to Lacy Park. Admission will be free for all on weekends for the coming months
as staff assess the impact to the park this will have, please be prepared for the following
weekend operations at the park:
- All guests must check in at the Gatehouse.
- Please be prepared to provide your zip code.
Street Rehabilitation Project
The City’s Annual Street Rehabilitation Project is currently ongoing and progressing
on schedule. The project is currently in the roadway improvement phase to resurface the
streets, which is expected to conclude within the next few weeks. A total of 26 streets are
scheduled to be re-paved as part of the project, helping ensure the City’s infrastructure
is well-maintained. For more information on the project, including timelines for specific
streets, please visit the City’s Current Projects page at: sanmarinoca.gov.
Design Review Committee Meeting
Wednesday, March 5 at 6 PM; Barth Room and Zoom (Public Access)
For more infomation visit: sanmarinoca.gov.
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Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com