Mountain View News Saturday, March 1, 2025
1. Giant Himalayan
5. *M in MAC
8. Bathtub libation
11. Joie de vivre
12. Do like fly fisherman
13. East side of Jersey
15. Tucked in
16. Diva’s solo
17. Length of a forearm
18. *____ Sunday
20. Osiris’ wife
21. Freshwater fish
22. Stir fry pan
23. Victorian era overcoat
26. Smallest
30. *Like attending band at the NCAA Tournament
31. Kaa of “The Jungle Book”
34. Great Lake
35. Prep mushrooms for steak, e.g.
37. Cooking fat
38. Bible song
39. Second to last word in some fairytales
40. False
42. Dip oreo into milk, e.g.
43. Tiresome
45. Hoariest
47. NBC’s sketch comedy show
48. Misrepresent
50. South American monkey
52. *2025 NCAA Championship game venue
56. Renaissance fiddle
57. “To ____ and to hold”
58. ____-friendly
59. Founding Father Thomas ____
60. Damien’s prediction
61. Reunion group
62. Bancroft to Hoffman in “The Graduate”
63. Agreement word
64. Ages and ages
1. Nay opposers
2. River in Bohemia
3. 1.3 ounces, in Asia
4. Owes money (2 words)
5. Angelina Jolie’s 2024 singing role
6. “Kick the bucket,” e.g.
7. *____ Smith, coach of 2 champs and 11 Final Four teams
8. Mongolian desert
9. Fleur-de-lis
10. *Cut down at end of last game
12. Like rheumy eyes
13. Descendant
14. *2024 winners
19. Thin pancake
22. *____ and move on
23. *Cinderella’s victory
24. Furlough
25. Spew, past tense
26. Cough syrup balsam
27. Use other end of pencil?
28. Farm structures
29. Dangle a carrot
32. *____-up or evenly matched game
33. Step on it
36. *2024 Most Outstanding Player Newton
38. Paralyzing disease, for short
40. Afghan monetary unit
41. Neolithic tomb
44. “Riunite ____ ____, that’s nice”
46. Figure out
48. Scapegoat’s due
49. Roof overhang
50. Salty drop
51. Avian wader
52. Sailor call
53. Capital of Norway
54. Statistics calculation
55. Sea eagles
56. Dashboard acronym
Feb. 22, 2025 Solutions
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com