Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, March 8, 2025

MVNews this week:  Page 3


Mountain View News Saturday, March 8, 2025

Weather Wise


 The Social Side by Deanne Davis

A note from the Editor: Our beloved columnist and friend took a 
bad fall last week, but she will be back as soon as she is able to Walk 
Sierra Madre Again. In the meantime her timely messagee from this 
time last year.

6-Day Forecast Sierra Madre, Ca.

 Sun Sunny Hi 60s Lows 50s 

 Mon: Sunny Hi 60s Lows 50s 

 Tues: Sunny Hi 60s Lows 50s 

 Wed: Rain Hi 60s Lows 50s

 Thur: Rain Hi 60s Lows 50s 

 Fri: Rain Hi 60s Lows 50s

Forecasts courtesy of the National Weather Service

“March bustles in on windy feet and sweeps my doorstep 
and my street.” Susan Reiner

“Our life is March weather, savage and serene in one hour.” 
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are 
the morning yawn.” Lewis Grizzard

“That’s the trouble with March – the warmth never lasts. 
There’s that narrow stretch when it parades as spring, just 
enough for you to thaw if you’re sitting in the sun, but then 
it’s gone.”

V. E. Schwab

“Daffodils, that come before the swallow dares, and take the 
winds of March with beauty.”

William Shakespeare

You might not know this, but the flower of March is the 
daffodil. I love daffodils and when those green spears start 
poking out of the ground, it’s a signal to rejoice. The daffodil 
symbolizes affection, new beginnings, optimism and 
sympathy. If you were born in March, you are outgoing 
and affectionate, you are creative and have a good sense 
of humor. You are a peace-lover and strive to resolve conflicts. 
You are a caring and loving person. You are kind and 

The picture today is, of course, daffodils! As I mentioned 
last week, my daughter, Patti, and her daughter, Nicole, 
were both born on March 1st and they both embody all 
these wonderful qualities. They are splendid people.

My granddaughter, Nicole, mentioned above here, informed 
me that March is Dolphin Awareness Month. Dolphins 
are described as the smartest marine animal and 
they have a long history of being friendly with human beings. 
It is unclear when March became the month that focused 
on dolphin awareness, but for at least 20 years, the 
world has celebrated Dolphin Awareness Month in an effort 
to conserve dolphins globally.

With several species of dolphin having been declared endangered, 
it has never been more important to dedicate a 
month to the protection of these marine mammals. The 
earliest fossil records of dolphins have been dated back to 
the early Miocene Epoch period, ranging from 16.4 to 23.8 
million years ago. Wow! 

One of the neatest things I’ve ever seen is dolphins leaping 
out of the water at the beach or alongside a boat. I’ve been 
whale watching and never saw a single hint of a whale, but 
dolphins show up with their friendly faces and enchant everyone 
who sees them. Nicole is an Orca whale trainer at 
Sea World and sees dolphins on a daily basis and has frequently 
put them through their paces.

In my last Emma Gainsworth Kindle novelette, “Hurricane,” 
I have a great scene where two of my characters are 
rescued by dolphins…

“The fins they had seen in the distance, 
the fins that had terrified 
them, fins that looked like shark 
fins, began to close in with great 
speed on the wreckage of The Little 
Easy. Hawk sighed, “This is probably 
the end for us.” Then, to his amazement, 
a shiny black head poked out 
of the water with a smiling face and 
laughing mouth just a few feet away 
from them. Freshwater dolphins! A large pod of them, right 
there close to them. He felt a presence under his numb and 
weakened body and soon realized one of the dolphins was 
under him, lifting him up. “Marlene!” Marlene! He shouted, 
hoping to rouse her. Then he saw her being nudged 
and lifted. Dolphins were all around them. The family of 
dolphins moved Hawk and Marlene away from the wreckage. 
These beautiful mammals joyfully leapt up out of the 
water and splashed back down next to them. He could not 
help but laugh as he knew his desperate prayer had been 
answered. God had sent them dolphins! Barely conscious, 
Marlene instinctively held onto the dolphin lifting her out 
of the water. “Hawk! Hawk! What’s happening!” “Hang on, 
baby, you’re about to get the ride of your life. Thank you, 
Jesus! I think we’re gonna make it!”

There now, wasn’t that exciting. I’ve written about five of 
these adventures and ought to write another one. You can 
get it on (subtle hint).

I have been seeing some of the amazing fruit and veggie 
smoothies, build-your-own-fruit bowls, and sandwiches 
served by The Organic Juice Dude. Here, just listen to this: 
Organic Sourdough Turkey Melt – Organic sourdough 
bread, organic turkey, organic heirloom tomato, organic 
mayo and organic Swiss cheese. This looks incredible and 
it couldn’t be healthier! The drinks include The Morning 
Energizer, The Flu Buster and there’s an Avocado Toast absolutely 
beyond fabulous. If you haven’t been in, go! Your 
body will thank you. The Organic Juice Dude is at 55 No. 
Baldwin and they’re open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday 
through Friday and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. 
The Flu Buster! We need it!

The Wistaria Festival is coming! Just a week away, March 
19th, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hoping the wistaria has enjoyed all 
this rain and will be the most beautiful ever. Don’t miss it! 

In a world where you can be anything you want to be…Be 


My book page: Deanne Davis

Look there for “The Crown,” a paperback book that’s practically 

This is a beautiful story of what might have happened to 
that infamous crown of thorns.

With Easter on its way, this little book is the perfect read for 
yourself or a friend. 




March 11, 2025 5:30pm


As part of the City of Sierra Madre’s 

COVID-19 transparency efforts and The 
Brown Act provides the public with an opportunity 
to make public comments at any 
public meeting. Public comment may also be 
made by e-mail to PublicComment@CityofSierraMadre.
com by 3:00 p.m. on the day of 
the meeting. 

Emails will be acknowledged at the Council 
meeting and filed into public record. The 
public may also comment in person at the 

The meetings will be streamed live on Foothills 
Media website at 
and broadcast on Government 

Access Channel 3 (Spectrum)..


Free on-air publicity for local events

 Sierra Madre’s EMERGENCY radio station is now accepting scripts for 
Public Service Announcements (PSAs) about community events. PSAs 
will be broadcast on the air at no charge. The station operates 24/7 and can 
be heard at 1630 on the AM dial.

 Any local non-profit or non-commercial organization can have their 
event information broadcast to the public on Sierra Madre Community 
Information Radio. The station covers the city of Sierra Madre, plus 
surrounding areas of Pasadena, Arcadia, and Monrovia. 

Your event must:

• Benefit a non-commercial or non-profit entity
• Be open to the public
• Be of general interest to local citizens

write a Public Service Announcement that describes your event and 
e-mail it to 


Local students are invited to enter the popular annual Bookmark Contest in March 2025. 

This year’s theme is: “Love My Sierra Madre”.

Artwork may be designed with any tools but must be completely original work. Entries should showcase people, places, or things 
that illustrate what they love about Sierra Madre.

Winning entries will be displayed in the Library and winners will receive a certificate and a cash prize at a ceremony in their honor 
at the City Council Chambers on Wednesday, April 30, 2025. 

The contest is open to children in Kindergarten through 8th grade (including Transitional Kindergarten), who go to school in 
Sierra Madre, live in Sierra Madre, or who have a Sierra Madre Public Library card.

Pick up your bookmark application at the Sierra Madre Public Library, on the Library website, and at schools in Sierra Madre starting 
March 3, 2025. Entries are due by April 10, 2025 at the Library. No late entries will be accepted.

For more information, contact Librarian Doreen Thomas 


 Calls for Service Formal Investigations

February 23 to March 1, 2025 294 15

Total Year to Date for 2025 2,277 112

The following represents a summary report of some of the major incidents handled by the Sierra Madre Police Department 
during this period. This list is not intended to be considered exclusive or all-inclusive.

Tuesday, February 25

 Vehicle Violation

At approximately 12:00 PM, while on patrol in the area of N Mountain Trail and E Laurel Ave, officers observed a vehicle 
in violation of driving while on his cellphone. Officers conducted a vehicle stop for the violation. The subject lied to officers 
about his name and was driving on a suspended license. The subject also had outstanding warrants from Monrovia 
Police Department. The subject was cited and released to Monrovia PD for the outstanding warrants.

This case has been forwarded to the LA District Attorney’s Office for filing consideration.

Wednesday, February 26 


At approximately 12:00 PM officers responded to the 
police station lobby to meet with a citizen regarding 
a fraud report.The victim received multiple calls 
instructing her to take a large amount of money out 
of her bank and drop it off at a specific location. The 
victim came to the police station lobby to seek advice 
from officers before dropping off the money. The victim 
does not wish to pursue prsecution at this time 
and the report was taken for documentation puposes 
only. The case is pending further additional 

 Recovered Vehicle

At approximately 1:00 PM, officers responded to the 
600 block of W Highland Ave in regards to an unknown 
vehicle left in the reporting party’s driveway. 
Officers arrived on scene and later determined the 
vehicle was stolen. Officers towed the vehicle and 
stored it for evidence. The case has been forwarded 
to the Taskforce for Regional Auto Theft Prevention. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: