Mountain Views News     Logo: MVNews     Saturday, June 20, 2015

MVNews this week:  Page 3

Mountain View News Saturday, June 20, 2015 


During the week of Sunday, June 7th, to Sunday, June14th, the Sierra Madre Police Department respondedto approximately 266 calls for service. 

Monday, June 8th

 At 2:39 pm, Sierra Madre Police responded to the700 block of East Sierra Madre Blvd regarding anauto burglary report. Upon arrival, Officers wereinformed by the victim that she had parked andsecured her vehicle about an hour earlier. When she 
came back she noticed her front passenger windowhad been smashed and her bag that was left on theseat was now missing. Her bag contained personalidentification, expensive jewelry and several 
electronic devices. The estimated total loss was 
valued at over $6,000. This case has been forwardedto the Detective Bureau. 

At 3:35 pm, Sierra Madre Police responded to the100 block of East Alegria Avenue regarding a welfarecheck. Officers were contacted by a local bank andinformed that earlier that day, an elderly lady andtwo men entered the bank and attempted to closeout the elderly lady’s bank account. The employeestated the woman did not speak and appeared tohave a black eye. Officers responded to the residenceand met the elderly woman. Officers noticed thewoman had a bruised eye and had bruising on herarms and legs. The woman stated the bruises werefrom her falling and that she often falls around herhome. During questioning the woman was unableto answer questions or stated that she had forgot. Sheinformed Officers the two men she was seen with 
were her grandsons, one of whom lives with her, andthey had gone to the bank to make arrangementsto have them receive her money when she passes.
She stated her grandsons took care of her and nevermistreated her. Officers inspected her home, andwere assured that the home was very clean and goodcondition and that the woman had edible food in her 
kitchen. Officers notified adult protective servicesand this case has been forwarded to the Detective 

Tuesday, June 9th

 At 11:52 am, Sierra Madre Police responded to the400 block of Santa Anita Court regarding a burglaryalarm activation. Upon arrival, Officers discoveredthe front door was open and investigated thehome to see if anyone was inside. After the homewas cleared, Officers discovered that the masterbedroom had been ransacked. Officers concluded 
that the suspect(s) entered the home through anunlocked side gate, then accessed the home througha back door, ransacked the bedroom, then fled outthe front door. Upon contacting the homeowner,
she stated that she had left her home about an hour 
prior to the alarm, and that although she set heralarm, she wasn’t sure if she had locked her backdoor. Although ransacked, nothing appeared tobe missing. This case has been forwarded to theDetective Bureau. 

Thursday, June 11th

 At 11:11 am, Sierra Madre Police responded tothe 100 block of North Lima Avenue regardinga disturbance call. Upon arrival, Officers wereinformed by the victim that while he was in hisresidence, he heard a large truck stop in front of hishome. He looked out from a window and noticed a 
man was crouched near the back end of his vehicle 
that was parked on the street. The victim thoughtthe man may be trying to take his plates. The victimconfronted the man, and the suspect stated that hewas just looking at something on his own vehicleand that he would leave now. The victim kept thesuspect from leaving and notified police. Uponinvestigating the victim’s vehicle, Officer’s noticedthat the registration tab on the victim’s vehicle waslifted and torn. Officers questioned the suspect andhe confessed to them that he had tried to remove 
the victim’s registration tab so that he could placeit on the used vehicle he purchased that day andhappened to be towing. The suspect was arrestedand booked for petty theft. 


Earlier this week, Katrelya Angus contacted the MountainViews News with the following note to the community: 

“I am very sad to announce that, on what would have beenmy 24th Anniversary of uninterrupted belly dancing in theFourth of July Parade, I am physically unable to dance in theParade this year due to a knee injury. 

Most belly dance movements come from the knees, and abelly dancer must take good care of his or her knees in orderto give good clean and safe performances. I am working veryhard at speeding up my recovery and hope to be all better byHalloween and hope to be in top form, once again, by Christmas. 

I may be able to dance at smaller parties and smaller venues in the meantime. I just want to givemy fellow Sierra Madreans, those who work in Sierra Madre, and all of our wonderful guests thehigh-quality work that I have been striving to provide this town since 1977, when I first learnedhow to belly dance, at the Sierra Madre Rec Center, at age 16. 

I am paying very close attention, and, even after my recovery, will continue to pay very closeattention, to the trainers at Sierra Fitness for whom, without exception, I have the very deepestrespect in regards to getting me strong, and keeping me strong. 

I am looking very forward to the Fourth of July 2016, in which I hope to be back in the Parade,
stronger than ever before!” Best Regards, Katrelya Angus (Photo MVNews Archives) 

Read us online at:
Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side

by Deanne Davis 

“Everything good, everything magical, happens between 
the months of June and August. Winters are simply a time 
to count the weeks until the next summer.” Jerry Han 

“Summer me those have always the two 
most beautiful words

 in the English language.” Henry James 

We’re thinking summer, and it looks like it’s upon us...but 
waking up to those wonderful drizzly mornings was kind 
of nice. It dampened the roses, refreshed the tomatoes, 
didn’t really water anything, but made us think that rain 
might possibly be on the way. It wasn’t. We still need to 
watch every drop of water and try even harder to use less. 
More Mediterranean gardens are popping up around town 
and these things are nice with gravel and different colors of 
mulch covering up the ground. 

School is out, happy kids are running around all over the 
place, free at last from the desk and textbooks. Mothers 
are signing their little sweeties up for every VBS in town, 
regardless of denomination. Mother Moo is advertising 
popsicles and summer flavor ice creams, and the next 
thing we know, it will be hot and we can barbecue and eat 
outside, invite people over for a glass of wine and a salad 
and just enjoy our lives. We plucked and devoured our 
first tomato of the season. There are more ahead but that 
first one was beyond delicious. Let’s go with ambrosial! 
Nothing like tomatoes you grow yourself. We’ve got 
cantaloupe sprouting, some more tomato seeds are coming 
up, the dahlias have started blooming and my favorite rose 
tree has given up the ghost. Ah well...

Have you noticed the new hair salon there on the 
northeast corner of The Kensington? It’s Hair Studio 245 
(that’s the address of The Kensington). Met the delightful 
proprietress, Lynda Sheum, and her daughter, who 
happened to be hanging out with mom the day I stopped 
in. Lynda was formerly at Votre Salon in Arcadia but when 
the opportunity arose to open Hair Studio 245, Lynda went 
for it! She has another stylist, Kela Browning, with her and 
is looking for one more to complete the salon. 

Originally from Indonesia, Lynda arrived in the United 
States in 1982 as a student and lived with her aunt in New 
York. Her husband owns a wholesale meat company and 
the family, including her daughter and a son live in West 
Covina. She says the thing she misses most about Indonesia 
is the food! 

If you haven’t peeked in the windows or walked into 
Hair Studio 245, you’re going to want to do that. It’s an 
absolutely exquisite place, décor matching that of The 
Kensington, with orchids in many shades placed around 
the salon. Soothing earth tones and some really nice pieces 
of art complete the look of a place where one could relax 
and enjoy just about anything imaginable in a full service 
salon. Lynda specializes in color and she’s ready to give you 
Ombre colors, painting, highlights, all the latest newest 

banks and even the Red Car. Most of the 
manufacturers, businesses and services are long 
gone, but some, such as Ward’s, are still going 
strong. The museums are located at 167 E. Mira 
Monte (next to Mount Wilson Trail Park at the 
top of Mountain Trail Ave.) and are open from 

10:00 a.m. - noon every Saturday. 
This wonderful new exhibit will be spotlighted at 
the June 27th Sierra Madre Historical Preservation 
Society’s Chicken & Ravioli dinner which will 
be held in the park next to the museums. Please 
join us! Tickets are on sale at Arnold’s Frontier 
Hardware, the library, Savor the Flavor, Mary’s 
Market and Lizzie’s Trail Inn. For further 
information, look for the posters around town, or 
visit our website 

You can read more about Sierra Madre’s potteries 
and their powerful boost to local employment in 
Michele Zack’s award-winning history of Sierra 
Madre and the forces that shaped it, Southern 
California Story; Seeking the Better Life in Sierra 
Madre. Ms. Zack devotes several pages, rich with 
photographs, to Sierra Madre’s many potteries. If 
you don’t already own a copy of this delightfully 
written, lavishly illustrated history, you can 
purchase a copy at the museums, at the Historical 
Society booth at city festivals, and at the library, 
Vroman’s, Arnold’s Hardware and Bean Town. 

trends in style and color. Lynda is accomplished in cuts, 
and she also does roller sets, perms and just about anything 
to make you walk out looking and feeling fabulous. There 
will soon be a manicurist on hand, too. 

Hair Studio 245 is open Tuesday through Saturday 
10 a.m. to 6 p.m.. This beautiful new salon is available to 
everyone, friends and neighbors, not just residents of The 
Kensington. You can stop by to make an appointment or 
give Lynda a call at (626) 355-5700. The address is 245 W. 
Sierra Madre Blvd. here in town. 

Tomorrow is Father’s Day. You’ve still got time to get 
your Dad a card, plan to make a phone call if he’s far away, 
and tell him you love him, appreciate him, and be sure to 
share a laugh together. 

And last, but certainly not least...There was an ad in the 
Star News stating, “Zombies Needed To march in the Sierra 
Madre 4th of July Parade. Please call A.S. Rogers/Zombie 
Players Association. Ask for Patty 626-282-2156. Make-up 
Artists Needed!” So, if you’ve always wanted to be a zombie 
in our parade, here’s your chance!

My book page: Deanne Davis 

 “Tablespoon of Love, Tablespoon of Laughter” is available 
An excellent graduation or Father’s Day gift, by the way! 


Special Exhibit at our Museums 

During WWII and for some time afterwards, 
there was a shortage of decorative pottery in the 

U.S. due to both the lack of imports during the 
war and the U.S.’s own pottery manufacturers 
having to devote themselves to war-related 
projects. In our own little Sierra Madre, which 
has always harbored artists, potteries sprang up, 
concentrated mostly on Montecito Ave., to meet 
the popular demand for decorative ceramic items. 
Many of these potteries grew to employ hundreds. 
Often employees could work from home, creating 
a cottage industry that particularly benefited the 
elderly. In addition, employment offered many the 
opportunity to accumulate desperately needed 
Social Security work credits, Social Security being 
a relatively new program at the time. 
An extensive special exhibit at our museums 
focusing on Sierra Madre manufacturers, 
businesses and services from the 1930s through 
the 1950s will celebrate not only the potteries but 
also other Sierra Madre manufacturers, grocery 
stores (Roess and The Green Frog), pharmacies, 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: