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11ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 20, 2015 11ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 20, 2015 


By Sean Kayden 

Trails and Ways – or abroad. 

Pathology – Oakland 

based band Trails Kid Wave – “Wonderlust” - London-based 

and Ways have been foursome, Kid Wave, is destined for big things. 

creating lovely music The group’s melodic dream-pop flair is both 

cooperatively for imposing and enthralling, which is shown in 
numerous years now. “Pathology” marks thegreat strides on the debut LP, “Wonderlust” (via 
foursome’s long awaited debut LP Barsuk Records.Heavenly Recordings). Lea Emmery (vocalist), 
Hannah Van Loon (lead guitar, synths), Ian QuirkHarry Deacon (bassist), Mattias Bhatt (guitarist), 
(drums), Keith Browner Brown (rhythm guitar,and Serra Petale (drummer) have released several 
synths), and Emma Oppen (bass) met during theirsingles leading up to “Wonderlust,” Now with 
period at UC Berkley. The unique

an 11-track record ready for 
thing about Trails and Ways is not

the world to hear, the band has 
that each member supply their

progressed their delightful sense 
own vocals for individual songs

of style into new apexes. Most 
but how the sounds they create are

of the tracks inhabit an ethereal 
inspired from the places they’ve

ambiance. Jangly guitars, 
lived over the years together.

striking rhythmic drums, and 
They resided as far as Ceara in

sweet harmonies inhabit the 
Brazil and Galicia in Spain before

scene on Kid Wave’s first full-
heading back to Oakland to

length outing as well. The 
refine their craft. In fact, Brown 

record has a supreme balance of 
has a proclivity for singing in

dreamlike tracks and fast paced 
Portuguese, while Oppen in 

tunes giving the listener a full 
Spanish. Trails and Ways are aauditory experience. Emmery’s 
special kind of indie-pop band since their politicalgrungy vocals come in as a colossal enticement 
side always sounds remarkably jubilant and notsince many bands in the genre possess high-
disillusioned. Their beats, hooks, harmonies, pitched, saccharine vocals. With each delivered 
and guitar lines are lush, rich, and sprightly.statement, it is as if she’s hankering for something 
The structures for each song are beaming andjust out of reach. Nonetheless, it provides heavy 
unequivocally vibrant. Frankly, the band’s creativityemotional weight for the tracks that make up 
is rather evident as “Pathology” is a 38-minute“Wonderlust.”While some tracks have an extra 
endeavor of enthusiasm. Their sound doesn’t fall affecting result than others, Kid Wave easily 
into one specific category. The inspirations of echoesprovides a grand coming-of-age effort certainly 
are grand as the songs all come together to formpositioning itself to connect with today’s youth 
an exceedingly unified album. Trails and Ways addculture. “Wonderlust” is enriching as it explores 
considerable complexity and superb value to theirvivid atmospheres, meditative undertones, and 
debut record with their worldly sounds, politicalmelancholy lyrics. Luckily, the band’s examination 
assertions, and profound ingenuity. “Pathology” isof youth comes off immensely fulfilling for the 
a summertime soundtrack for anyone and the ideallistener as Kid Wave discovers that the great path 
vacation record no matter where you go—stateside is really no path at all. 

On the Marquee: 
Notes from the Sierra MadrePlayhouse 
Jeff’s Book Picks By Jeff Brown 

a ship carrying a German Along the Broken Road (The

scientist on the verge of an Roads to River Rock Book 1)

astonishing breakthrough. 
Armed with only a journal and a

by Heather Burch 

More than a century later, Juan 
promise, soldier Ian Carlisle returns

Cabrillo will have to deal with 
home to fulfill his friend’s dying

that scientist’s legacy.During a 
wish: to find the man’s daughter

covert operation, Cabrillo and 
and read her his journal, one page

the crew meticulously fake the 
at a time. The woman he finds in 

sinking of the Oregon—but 
River Rock, Missouri, is just as

when an unknown adversary 
warmhearted, artistic, and feisty as

tracks them down despite 
her father described. Ian had fallen 

their planning and attempts to 
in love with Charlee McKinley

assassinate them, Cabrillo and 
before he even met her, but he has 

his team struggle to fight back 
no idea if she’ll ever return his 

against an enemy who seems 
feelings.Charlee loved her father—

to be able to anticipate their 
but she didn’t like him very much.

every move. They discover that 
Regimental and strict, Major Mack 

a traitorous American weapons 
never approved of his daughter’s 

designer has completed the 
choices. So when a down-on-his-

German scientist’s work, and 
luck soldier arrives on Charlee’s 

now wields extraordinary 
doorstep, she’ll give him the benefit

power, sending the Oregon on 
of the doubt, but not her heart. It isn’t 

a race against time to stop an 
until he starts reading to her that the

attack that could lead to one 
beautiful, touching words begin to

man ruling over the largest 
unlock something deep inside. But

empire the world has ever 
when Ian reveals a secret that shakes 

Charlee to her core, will she close 
herself off to love out of fear? 

Natural Pain Relief: A 

Practical Handbook for 
Piranha (Oregon Files) by

Self-Help by Jan SadlerClive Cussler & Boyd Morrison 

This guide introduces self-help 
Juan Cabrillo and the crew of the 

techniques to reduce, control 
Oregon return in the exciting 

and manage on-going pain 
new novel in the #1 New York 

in a natural and caring way, 
Times–bestselling series by the grand master maximizing the body’s own healing potential. 
of adventure.In 1902, the volcano Mt. Pelée A range of techniques are provided to allow the 
erupts on the island of Martinique, wiping out reader to break free from the pain cycle and to 
an entire city of thirty thousand—and sinking take control of their own pain management. 



Many parents believe that by adding children’snames to a property deed, they can easily pass alongthat property to their children. Unfortunately, thosewho act on that belief often find they have invitedmore problems than they have avoided.

This is because in California, when more thanone person owns property together and they arenot married, the default form of title ownership isreferred to as tenants in common. This means that 
if one of the owners dies, his or her ownership sharedoes not transfer to the other owner(s). Instead, itgoes to the deceased owner’s heirs through probate.

The problems of probate (and there are many)
can be avoided if the deed designates propertyownership as joint tenants with the right ofsurvivorship. However, there are several big reasonswhy it may not be advisable for you to deed realestate to your children in this manner, with adversetax consequences topping the list. This is because 
deeding property to children is actually considered 

a gift, and the cost basis for that gift is what you paidfor your home.

For example, let’s say you paid $150,000 for yourhome many years ago. You then add your childrento the deed at some point, which the IRS deems agift. After you die, the children sell the home for thecurrent market value of, let’s say, $550,000. They willbe taxed on the difference between the cost basis of 
$150,000 and the sale price of $550,000 – or $400,000.
That’s a huge tax burden you’ve left for your children.
It would be better if your children inherited theproperty via your will, then selling it under thescenario described above would not create the same 
tax liability because their cost basis would be whatthe property was worth when they inherited it (thatbeing the current market value of $550,000).

But there is an even better way; much better infact. While inheriting property through a will doesavoid some of the tax issues discussed above, it doesNOT avoid probate. The way to avoid tax issuesAND probate is by creating a living trust and titlingthe property in the name of the trust, and namingyour children as the trust’s beneficiaries. You avoid 
– or more accurately, your kids avoid – the problemsand costs of probate and do so in a tax-advantaged 
So if you own real estate, give us a call today. We willreview your current deed and advise you on on theeasiest and most cost effective ways to pass it to yourchildren. 

To your family’s health, wealth, and happiness, 

A local attorney, father, and CASA volunteer (CourtAppointed Special Advocate for Children), Marc Garlett ison a mission to help parents protect what they love most.
His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave., Ste. G, Sierra 
Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointment to sit downand talk about ensuring a legacy of love and financialsecurity for your family by calling 626.355.4000 or for more information. 

INSTAGRAM SYSTEM: Post Once, Populate Many

Building systems for your social media will save you time and help you get your message out. Thereare lots of ways to set up your tools so you can post in one place and populate others. Instagram is a 
great starting tool in a system. You can take a picture from your smart phone, post it on Instagramand it will automatically post on Twitter, Facebook and your website.
Here are two easy steps that will build a system for your Instagram posts:

1. Instagram settings: choose “share settings.” Select Facebook and Twitter and follow the 
instructions to link to your accounts. You can set up your Facebook feed to go to your personal 
profile page or to a business page you admin.
2. Add a feed to your website: Use a widget maker like to create code that you
can install on your website. There are several widget format types to choose from (grid, slide show,
scrolling etc.) This is a great way to keep images current on your website.
Setting up systems saves you time and extends the reach of your content. 
About MJ: MJ and her brother David own HUTdogs, a creative services business that specializes in 
Internet Marketing strategies and Social Media. They offer social media management services and 
help their clients build a strong on-line presence. “Like” them on Facebook for trending news in 
social media, internet marketing and other helpful tips,