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Mountain View News Saturday, June 27, 2015 3 Mountain View News Saturday, June 27, 2015 3 
Walking Sierra Madre…The Social Side

by Deanne Davis 

“I have never let my schooling interfere 
with my barbeque!” 
Mark Twain 

“Grilling, broiling, barbeque - whatever 
you want to call it – is an art, not just a 
matter of building a pyre and throwing 
on a piece of meat as a sacrifice to the 
gods of the stomach!” James Beard

Our esteemed editor, Susan 
Henderson, posted a comment on 
Facebook a few days ago stating, and 
I quote, “OMG! Bean Town in Sierra 
Madre now has a smoker and is selling 
FANTASTIC BBQ Chicken, Pulled 
Pork and Pulled Chicken sandwiches. 
Soooooo Goooood! I said I was onlygoing to eat 1/2 of my sandwich this 
evening. Ha! It was gone before I realized 
it!! Great job https://www.facebook.
com/matthew.krantz.94 Matthew 

Upon reading Susan’s enthusiastic 
endorsement, we realized, my BBQ 
loving buddy, John, and I, that we needed 
to get ourselves in there ASAP! We had 
the Pulled Chicken sandwich, split it, 
and couldn’t believe how great it was. 
Half a sandwich was NOT ENOUGH! 
Fortunately, it came with coleslaw and 
a heap of green salad. Gotta tell you, 
friends and neighbors, we’ll be going 
back to try all of the new BBQ Menu. 
And, trust me on this, you’ve got to get 
in there, too, to check it out. In addition 
to the chicken, Bean Town has slow 
smoked pulled pork, half chicken and 
Tri-tip sandwiches. This is brand new 
to Bean Town, along with this really 
nifty smoker they’ve got out back. Bean 
Town barista and all around nice guy, 
Matt Vidimos, shown here with the 
smoker, let me have a look and it’s pretty 

Remember that thing about raising revenues 
here in town? Stop by Bean Town, have a Smoked 
BBQ sandwich and raise a little revenue! You can 
choose between Mac & Cheese (their own recipe), 
Western Beans, Potato Salad, Macaroni Salad, and 
the aforementioned Coleslaw for your side dish. Don’t 
forget Bean Town is also home to an assortment of 
Gourmet Burgers. They’re giving new meaning to 
creative innovation in there, folks! 

How are you doing with your water? We’re doing 
better with not wasting any more in the kitchen than 
absolutely necessary. I’m taking our plastic sink 
water collection bowl out every day and giving some 
poor thirsty plant a drink. I’m losing a few things, got 
a really pretty Sweet Pea plant at Home Depot, which 
said it could tolerate dry soil – which is certainly 
what we have – but it just dried up and gave up. I’m 
thinking of cutting it back and seeing if it will come 
back. Hope springs eternal. The succulents are doing 

Just picked tomato #2 of the season and we’ll 
be enjoying that tonight with a little romaine and 
avocado. I’m not seeing anybody’s tomato plants 


During the week of Sunday, June 14th, to Sunday, June 23rd, the Sierra Madre Police Department responded to 
approximately 272 calls for service. 

Thursday, June 18th

 At 7:52 am, Sierra Madre Police responded to the 30 block of West Bonita Avenue regarding a suspicious 
person report. Upon arrival, Officers were informed by the victim that while in her home, she noticed the 
suspect on the east side of her property prowling near her trash bins. While calling police, the suspect leftthe property. The victim provided a description of the suspect and Officers located a male matching the 
description on the corner of Baldwin Avenue and Bonita Avenue. Upon interviewing the suspect, Officers 
were informed that the man was a transient and was trying to make his way back to Los Angeles. The suspect 
was arrested and cited for wandering upon the private property of another. 

At 3:41 pm, Sierra Madre Police responded to the 200 block of Auburn Avenue regarding a possible 
residential burglary. Upon arrival, the victim informed Officers that at approximately 5:35 pm, he closed both 
the rear and front door of his residence but did not lock them. While down stairs, the victim stated he heard 
footsteps in his pantry area. The victim yelled out and informed the suspect(s) that he was there and armed. 
Soon after he heard a loud noise followed by footsteps running out of the rear door. The victim ran out front 
in an attempt to locate the possible suspect(s). No items or valuables were reported stolen. This case has been 
forwarded to the Detective Bureau. 

Saturday, June 20th

 At 11:45 pm, Sierra Madre Police responded to the 100 block of East Alegria Avenue after the victim reported 
he had just been jumped and robbed at gun point in the La Crescenta area. Upon arrival, Officers were 
informed by the victim that the night before, he attended a house gathering in Altadena. At some point 
during the night, a fight broke out and he jumped in to help break up the fight, which resulted in him hitting 
a man in the face. The gathering was broken up by the police. The following night, he and his friends attended 
another house gathering in the La Crescenta area. While at the gathering, the victim noticed several men 
arrive and recognized one of the men to be the man he had punched the night before. The victim decided it 
was time to leave, and while walking to his friend’s vehicle, he was approached and surrounded by more than 
15 men who were questioning him about the incident the night before. The victim fled but was followed by 
two vehicles in which some of the men hopped in to. The victim was cornered and was ultimately assaulted 
by the group of men. The victim then stated one man brandished a gun and pointed it towards his head. The 
man threatened the victim’s life, then robbed the victim of his wallet, before fleeing with the group of men. 
The vehicles were described as a silver Scion and a black BMW. The suspect with the gun was described as a 
male Armenian having a faded beard, buzz haircut wearing a black jacket and blue jeans. Due to the incident 
happening outside of the city, Officers took the police report and forwarded to the Sheriff ’s Department for 
the area it occurred. 

around town looking like they’re overflowing with 
bumper crops so I’m dealing with it. Some of the 
roses we’re seeing are spectacular. Mine are pathetic 
and we’ll just leave it at that! The giant pumpkins 
are already growing with wild abandon and we’ll be 
seeing blossoms soon.

We were sorry to see that Katrelya Angus won’t 
be belly-dancing down the 4th of July Parade Route 
this year as she’s injured herself. We’ve known her 
since she was about twelve, her mom, Fay Angus, 
another local author, is our daughter’s godmother. 
Hope your Father’s Day was wonderful and that 
somebody else cooked BBQ for you! 

Zombie Alert! Star News ad: Zombies Needed To 
march in the Sierra Madre 4th of July Parade. Please 
call A.S. Rogers/Zombie Players Association. Ask for 
Patty 626-282-2156. Make-up Artists Needed!” 
My book page: Deanne Davis 

 “Tablespoon of Love, Tablespoon of Laughter” is 
available there… 
An excellent graduation gift, by the way! 


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