Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 27, 2015
B6 OPINION Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 27, 2015
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
Richard Garcia
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard HaysPaul CarpenterKim Clymer-KelleyChristopher NyergesPeter Dills
Dr. Tina Paul
Rich Johnson
Merri Jill Finstrom
Lori KoopRev. James SnyderTina Paul
Mary CarneyKatie HopkinsDeanne Davis
Despina ArouzmanGreg WelbornRenee Quenell
Ben Show
Sean KaydenMarc Garlett
Pat Birdsall (retired)
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Calif. –
sizing up
the drought
have said
that water is
the new oil. They’re wrong, of course.
Oil supplies merely send nations towar, while the water shortage pits
neighbors against each other.
This condition is evidenced bythree types of front yards that dotthe landscape here on the parchedCentral Coast. Some are dark greenand meticulously manicured – justlike in the pre-drought days. Othershave brown remnants of lawns that
turned quickly without daily watering.
And an increasing number of yardshave been revamped by conscientioushomeowners to include indigenous,
drought-resistant plants and ground-
covering mulch.
The underlying question goes beyondcosmetics: Is it acceptable to wastewater during a drought even if you’rewilling to pay exorbitantly for it?
Water prices vary widely across thestate but normal household use costs
roughly $20 to $100 per month. Yet,
add an average size lawn with severalwaterings each week and the billshere soar because water companiescharge higher rates plus penalties asconsumption climbs.
A clerk at the local water company
says she’s seen monthly bills
over $5,000 for wealthy residentsdetermined to retain lush landscapes.
Put another way: they would ratherpay than conserve.
Drought conditions across much of
the West have worsened over several
years. California Gov. Jerry Brownhas set a water conservation goal of
25 percent and the state issued a raftof regulations to force compliance.
Yet, for individual homeowners the
inconveniences remain minimal.
Landscape watering is limited totwo days per week, runoff is to bemonitored, washing cars requireshoses with special shutoff nozzles, etc.
The carrot for those not otherwise
conservation-driven is still money,
with tiered rates requiring consumersto pay more per unit as their overallusage increases. California pointsto a 2009 study by researchers fromHarvard and Yale concluding thatprice is the most effective tool for
reducing consumption, as opposed tomandatory restrictions.
Even the pricing approach was
thrown a bit of a curve in Aprilwhen a state appeals court ruled thatlocal municipalities may not charge
tiered rates for water unless they candemonstrate that the actual cost of
delivery is similarly tiered.
As if things aren’t complicatedenough, local water companies standto lose money as residents conserve
more. Variable costs of delivery godown, but fixed costs of operationalong with maintenance and research
expenses remain the same. To
compensate, some water companiesare levying drought surcharges.
And this is just on the residentialside. Agriculture is California’s largestwater user, and the state has recentlymoved to limit farmers’ water suppliesfor the first time since 1977.
But back to the moral questionconfronting homeowners. In timeof drought is it reasonable to buy asmuch water as you want if you don’tcare what it costs?
The poster community for thisquestionable behavior is Rancho
Santa Fe in Southern California,
known for its lavish estates, numerous
golf courses – and per capita water
use that is five times the state average.
To the horror of all but the most
dedicated lawn preservationists,
Rancho Santa Fe’s water use actuallyclimbed by 9 percent immediatelyafter the governor urged a statewide
Wealthy Rancho Santa Fe residents
insist that water is a natural resource
to which government should not
restrict access. The counter claim is
that such resources, although vast, arefinite and must be conserved – by lawif necessary.
So, should it be illegal to have a lawn?
Government wouldn’t dare issue such
an edict, preferring onerous waterpricing and penalties. But that will
only guarantee that in drought areas
large lawns are eventually for thesuper rich instead of just the rich. Amore equitable solution, if it comes
to it, would be true rationing: eachhomeowner gets his share but maynot buy up to a higher level.
In the long run the best solution isa combination of price persuasionand peer pressure. It’s only a matterof time before society concludesthat lush lawns aren’t just wasteful,
they’re also ugly. It’s the same sortof evolution that has shifted our
tastes away from large, gas-guzzlingvehicles.
We’ll know we’re there when it
becomes fashionable to observe with
envy that the grass is always browneron the other side of the fence.
Peter Funt is a writer and speaker.
His book, “Cautiously Optimistic,”
is available at and
A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder
circumstance would have it, and I like
to give circumstances due credit, I was
visiting my grandchildren without the
Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage.
Normally, if there is such a status, my wife
travels with me when we visit the grandchildren.
However, when she is along I do not have a chance.
I will not say that she hogs the grandchildren,
she does, I just will not say so. As a husband,
I know when to speak my mind and when to
mind my speaking. The inexperienced husband
does not know the difference and pays for it.
With the opportunity before me to go
solo with the grandchildren, I determined
to make the best of it. I never know when this
kind of a situation will repeat itself. When my
wife is with me, she always holds the reins,
but now I have nobody to curtail my visit with
the grandchildren. I am a freelance grandpa.
What many people may not know is
that there are rules governing the successful
grandfather. Most people do not know these
rules because the most prominent grandparent
is usually the grandmother. I’m not complaining
here, just explaining. Somebody needs to
explain this and the sooner the grandfather
knows and understands these rules the sooner
he can enjoy exploiting his role as grandpa.
The first rule that should be understood is
simply this: whatever makes the grandchildren
happy makes the grandfather happy. This brings
out the unselfish nature of grandfatherhood. It is
a wise, not to mention happy, grandfather who
invests his resources in making the grandchildren
happy. Whatever it takes. I say invest because
there are marvelous dividends to be reaped.
`This is perhaps the greatest burden the
grandfather has to shoulder. Everybody knows
how difficult it is to make and keep children
happy. In addition, during the grandfather’s
visit it should be one long happy adventure.
1 Another rule associated with
grandfathers is rather basic. Jellybeans ARE
fruit. Anybody with any kind of common sense
can see the different colors of jellybeans and
understand that they represent fruit. It is the
dutiful responsibility of a grandfather to have
an endless supply of jelly beans on his person at
all times. After all, children do need their fruit.
While on the subject of food, another rule
has to do with vegetables. Every grandfather
knows that vegetables are not all that
grandmothers say they are. And broccoli... is
absolutely forbidden when grandpa is sitting at
the table. Another important aspect of eating at
the table is that cleaning up everything on your
plate is not necessary when grandpa is there.
Also, when grandpa is at the table the order
of the dinner is drastically changed. For example,
the dessert should be eaten first because of the
danger of eating too much and not having enough
room for the dessert at the end of the meal.
When going out to a restaurant together for
a meal there is another rule that is most crucial.
This is something dear to my heart and something
I wish to pass on to my grandchildren. Simply
put, it is this, a straw has many functions. And
the beautiful thing about a straw is it comes with
its own supply of ammunition. There are many
wonderful things to be done with a “loaded straw.”
Another grandpa rule is that noise is
welcome and since grandpa is a little hard of
hearing, the louder the better. A grandchild
yelling like wild banshees is the music of the
gods. And the most important part of this music
is all of the grandchildren should be yelling
at the same time. This idea of taking turns is
something that only grandmothers think up.
With the children’s health in mind, this next
rule is crucial. Jumping on the furniture is good
exercise, especially when grandpa hits the ceiling
with his head. And because of the great deal of
laughter involved in such exercise, it adds to their
health and longevity. I read somewhere where
laughter adds to your life. Whether it is true or not
is immaterial, the fact is children need to laugh
and laugh a lot. Grandmothers do not understand.
Then, as long as grandpa is staying
overnight, bedtime is merely a goal. This idea
of having an exact bedtime is not healthy,
especially when grandpa is visiting. Bedtime
should be a negotiable commodity, not
something that is an exact science. What
does science have to do with going to bed at
night? Leave science at school where it belongs.
There is one last rule that I need to mention.
Grandpa’s rules trump everyone else’s rules...
except grandma’s, which is why grandpa needs to
visit the grandchildren by himself occasionally.
Understanding the rules enables everybody
to enjoy the time together. Without rules, there
would be chaos. With grandpa’s rules, the chaos
is a marvelous harmony of joy, excitement
and fun. Every grandchild needs a grandpa
who understands the grandpa rules and who
has the opportunity to exploit those rules.
There is one rulebook that I go by implicitly.
That book is the Bible. It is the most profitable
book I have ever discovered. “All scripture is
given by inspiration of God, and is profitable
for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for
instruction in righteousness: That the man
of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished
unto all good works” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
When you know the rules of life, it becomes
a wonderful and exciting adventure.
Rev. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family
of God Fellowship, PO Box 831313, Ocala, FL
34483. He lives with his wife, Martha, in Silver
Springs Shores. Call him at 1-866-552-2543 or
e-mail or website www.
HOWARD Hays As I See It
“We can’t hide from
any of these hard truthsabout race and justice
in America. We have
to name them and own
them and then changethem.”
- Hillary Clinton
“I don’t know.”
- Jeb Bush, asked if
the shooting in SouthCarolina was “raciallymotivated”
Candidate Bush did allow that the shooting ofnine black worshippers at Charleston’s EmmanuelAME Church was motivated by “hatred” - butdemurred in identifying who or what that hatred wasdirected against.
Part of my column a couple weeks ago was aboutan incident in McKinney, Texas. Cops were called inresponse to a fight instigated by white residents ofa predominately white community shouting racistobscenities at black kids invited to a pool party.
When the cops arrived, they went after the blackkids – with the only white person handcuffed being a12-year-old girl who stood up to the racists targetingher friends.
The other part of the column was about thereaction, particularly on Fox News, of disgust andanger not over the incident itself but over suggestionsit had to do with race.
In any recovery program – booze, drugs,
whatever – the first step is to admit you have theproblem. We’ve been trying, especially over the past150 years since the Civil War, to recover from rootsof racism - but there remain those unwilling to takethat first step of admitting there’s a problem.
I was familiar with Lincoln’s words about
how “this government cannot endure . . . half slaveand half free.” But in school, the emphasis was onthe economic conflict between an increasinglyindustrialized North and a largely agrarian South.
It was later I found it was, in fact, about race - about
regarding another human being as property. InSouth Carolina’s “Declaration of Immediate Causes”
from December 1860 explaining its decision tosecede (the first state to do so), no mention wasmade of conflicting economic models. It was about“an increasing hostility on the part of the nonslaveholding
States to the institution of slavery”
(based in part on “erroneous religious belief”).
The final straw was the election the month
before of Sen. Abraham Lincoln (R-IL) to thepresidency, “whose opinions and purposes”,
according to the Declaration, “are hostile to slavery”,
and who encourages the “belief that slavery is in thecourse of ultimate extinction.”
A hundred years later, when the Confederateflag appeared on the dome of the South Carolinastatehouse in Columbia, it was referred to as a
commemoration of the Civil War’s centennial; a
remembrance of those who served, of “heritage” anda “way of life”. But it was about race.
The flag was resurrected in 1948 as the symbol ofthe Dixiecrats; southern Democrats led by SouthCarolina’s Gov. Strom Thurmond. They split whenthe party led by President Truman sought to banemployment discrimination, eliminate poll taxes,
desegregate the Army and make lynching a federal
crime. As Thurmond put it to crowds of Confederateflag–waving supporters, “There’s not enough troopsin the Army to force the Southern people to breakdown segregation and admit the Nigra race into ourtheaters, into our swimming pools, into our homes,
and into our churches.”
The flag was prominent at Ole Miss in 1962as riots broke out over the federal government’sinsistence on admitting black student James
Meredith. The next year, Gov. George Wallace had itraised over the statehouse in Montgomery to protestefforts to desegregate the University of Alabama.
A study by the Georgia senate in 2000 found thatalthough following the 1956 insertion of Confederate“stars and bars” in the state flag there’d been after-
the-fact explanations of it being related to the CivilWar centennial, it was in fact done at a time the
Georgian State Assembly was “entirely devoted topassing legislation that would preserve segregationand white supremacy”. (They were removed fromthe flag in 2013.)
Charleston shooter Dylann Roof enjoyedposing with that flag, along with symbols of colonialRhodesia and apartheid South Africa. He warnedthat blacks “rape our women and you’re taking overour country. And you have to go.”
But race was somehow not an issue at Fox News.
Steve Doocy pointed out the “hostility towardsChristians, and it was a church.” Colleague BrianKilmeade surmised the shooter “hates Christian
churches”. Elisabeth Hasselbeck called it an “attack
on faith”. Not to be outdone, Fox pundit and RedState blogger Erick Erickson somehow managedto make a connection with Caitlyn Jenner andtransgenderism.
On the campaign trail, presidential candidate
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) noted, “It’s 2015 there
are people out there looking for Christians tokill them” (without noting any similar attacks onwhite Christian churches). He described Roof not asa “thug” or “terrorist”, but as a “strange, disturbedyoung man”. The Confederate flag was defended as“part of who we are . . . it works here.” CandidateRick Santorum concurred in grouping the shootingwith “assaults on our religious freedom”. Sen. RandPaul (R-KY) identified the problem as “people notunderstanding where salvation comes from.” Newestcandidate Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) decided not togo there at all; “Law enforcement will figure out whathis so-called motivations were.”
Most of us don’t need to rely on “lawenforcement” to “figure out” anything; DylannRoof made clear himself what his motivations
were. We know why the Civil War - which broughtmore U.S. deaths than WWI, WWII, Korea and
Vietnam combined – was fought. We know whatthat Confederate flag stands for. We’re also able toacknowledge the racism that continues to afflict andfester in our country.
No one expects any individual leader tooversee its eradication. But if they’re unwillingto even take that first step and admit to the“hard truths about race and justice in America”,
acknowledging at least that there’s a problem as afirst step towards recovery, we can expect little ifany recovery at all.
JASON Stanford
You probably have not heard a peep about
my campaign for the Republican presidential
nomination. All the attention lately has been
focused on Lindsey Graham explaining why he’s
single, Jeb Bush avoiding his family, and Donald
Trump telling us all how lucky we are that he is
running for president. The way I figure, the more
attention they get, the better I look in anonymity.
So far, my plan is working perfectly. If I can remain largely unknown
throughout the primary season, the nomination is as good as won. TheRepublican Party used to brag that it was a big tent. After the last twoweeks, the GOP has become a circus tent, and no one likes cleaning upafter elephants.
How unpopular are the Republicans running for President? Accordingto Google consumer surveys and reputable opinion polls, Voldemort—
the villain from the Harry Potter novels—is viewed more favorably by
Americans than Bush and Trump as well as Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz,
Rick Santorum, and Chris Christie.
You’d think the most notable thing about Graham is that he thinks theproblem with America is that we aren’t at war with enough countries.
Told that most Americans lack his fervor for more war, he replied,
“Well, don’t vote for me.” Given his single-digit standings in the polls,
most Republicans are doing exactly that, but it’s for a different reason.
It’s because he’s a confirmed bachelor, or, as Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinoiswas caught saying recently, a “bro with no ho.” Apparently this is aproblem the Founding Fathers did not anticipate, but Graham is a manwith a plan, at least when it comes to not having a First Lady.
“Well, I’ve got a sister. She could play that role if necessary,” Grahamsaid. “I’ve got a lot of friends. We’ll have a rotating first lady.” So far,
people don’t seem all that excited about his plan. He should stick tofantasizing about another land war in Iraq.
It’s hard to recapture the majesty of America when Republicans areteasing a United States Senator because he doesn’t have a girlfriend.
But maybe Americans are easily bamboozled. That’s the thinkingbehind Bush’s—I’m sorry, Jeb!’s—campaign to make everyone forgetthe time we elected his brother. Twice.
Sure, Jeb!—musn’t mention the last name, now—agrees with hisBrother-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named on high-stakes standardized
testing, privatizing Social Security, the Middle East, and a host of other
vital issues of the day on which his brother’s coterie of experts advisehim. Jeb!, though loyal to his unnamed relation, is his own man. We
know this because not only did he say, “I’m my own man,” but he putan exclamation point behind his first name in the logo: Jeb!
Snappy punctuation might not be enough for Jeb! On the day he
announced for president Jeb! was more disliked than liked amongRepublicans. Ironically, polls now show that his brother is far morepopular than Jeb! is.
Trump is a man for whom punctuation for emphasis is superfluous.
His announcement covered myriad subjects under the Republicansun but made only one point: Trump is awesome. It would be easyto disregard Trump as a frivolous exercise in ego amplification if notfor the fact that at one point in 2012 he was the front-runner for thenomination I now seek. But having worn out his welcome, he is theleast liked person running for president, though Trump is still more
popular than Congress.
To be fair, Americans aren’t making golden calves in the images of the
other candidates of either party. While viewed much less unfavorably
than the other candidates, the Democrats running for president—aswell as Rand Paul and Marco Rubio—are still less popular than Darth
Vader and the shark from Jaws. I am not making this up.
To know the Republicans running for president is to loathe them.
That’s why I steadfastly avoid not only campaigning but refuse to serveif elected. Debates? Don’t need ‘em, don’t want ‘em. Speeches? Notgonna do it. TV ads? I’d rather watch baseball. The less I do, the betterI’m doing.
America, I think this can work.
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