Mountain Views-News Saturday, August 15, 2015
JASON Stanford
Want to know
a secret?
isn't going
to stop the
Iran nuclear
deal, and not
because of
the merits,
popularity or
the fact that
despite what
everyone 's
telling you,
they can't really stop it (more on thatlater). I can say with near certaintythat the Iran deal is a done deal
because that's what an overwhelmingmajority of D.C. insiders are bettingwill happen.
People in politics rarely put theirmoney where their mouth is. Anynumbskull—and I've been one
of them frequently—can go on
cable news to argue against theirideological counterpart. The "he
said, she said" format encouragesa childish dichotomy, even whendiscussing over adult topics suchas the Iran nuclear deal. Nuance is
thrown over in favor of clear contrast
as pundits turn gray area into blackand white issues.
That's the way the Iran deal isbeing portrayed: It's Obama versus
Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu, andCongress has 60 days to rejectthe deal. Everything is riding onCongress' say-so, according to,
well, everyone, and this popularmisconception has turned this wholething into something of a legislativedoomsday clock counting down toa parliamentary apocalypse. It's this
deal or war with Iran. The fate of the
world hangs in the balance.
"If this deal is consummated, it will
make the Obama administration the
world's leading financier of radicalIslamic terrorism," said Ted Cruz.
Obama countered in a speech atAmerican University, saying, "Bykilling this deal, Congress would notonly clear Iran's path to a bomb, butwould accelerate it."
If you read your tealeaves on
television, the outcome is unclear.
One poll by Pew shows opponentsoutnumbering supporters by 12
percent. Another by WashingtonPost/ABC News says a 56-percentmajority of Americans support thedeal. American Jews want Congressto support the deal, 53 percent to 35
percent, while 70 percent if Israelisoppose it.
But I'm sure this sucker is good togo because 89 percent of people onPredictIt say so. PredictIt is a websitewhere you can make—for money—
predictions about current events.
The price of your prediction is someportion of a dollar that depends onhow popular the prediction is. If youturn out to be right, you win a wholedollar. For the folks in D.C. who
do this stuff for a living, this is likefinding money in old pants.
On July 23, PredictIt posted the
question "Will Congress overridethe Iran nuclear deal?" and the Yes
propositions shot to 18 cents andhave been falling ever since. Rightnow, you can bet—sorry, predict—
that Congress will reject the Irandeal if you have as little as 11 cents.
In other words, the PhiladelphiaPhillies, owners of the worst recordin baseball, have better odds to win
the World Series. The people whoknow how Washington works saythere's no way Congress rejects theIran deal.
How can that be so with the pollsin doubt and Congress under
Republican control? It's not
complicated. To reject the deal,
Congress would have to overcome
a presidential veto, and 150 Housemembers—more than needed to
sustain a veto—have signed a lettersupporting the Iran deal. This is athriller with no suspense, and we
already know the ending.
It's also possible that the D.C. insidersputting their money on PredictIt
know the dirty little secret aboutthe Iran deal: If Congress passes aresolution disapproving the Iran deal,
Obama can still sign it and ask theUnited Nations to lift international
sanctions. All Congress controls
is the sanctions put in place by theUnited States. The Iran deal isn't a
treaty requiring Senate approval,
and Obama still retains the power tonegotiate for the United States.
This deal is going to happen. Therewere show trials in the Soviet Union
with more integrity than this process.
Congress gets to act like it is fit tolead the country, and Obama getsto pretend he cares what Congressthinks. It's not a perfect system, butnow at least now you know the secretof how it works.
DANNY Tyree Tyrades
So, did a recent "Wired" magazine article bring your complacencyabout automotive safety and privacy to a screeching halt?
"Wired" assigned two security experts to attempt hacking into the"brain" of a Jeep Cherokee. Working from home, they were able tocontrol the stereo, air conditioner, transmission and brakes of the
vehicle, while the driver struggled to remain in charge.
The hackers didn't even bring out the big guns, like remotely causing
the license plate to morph into a Confederate flag, inflicting male
pattern baldness on the fuzzy dice or directing Siri to ask, "Are we there yet? Are we there
yet? Make Johnny quit looking at me!"
Some vehicles are safer than others; but given all of today's navigation systems, smartphonesyncing
setups and other electronic doodads, the problem goes far beyond Jeep.
The opportunities for eavesdropping and mayhem by car thieves, pranksters, paranoidbosses, spy agencies and terrorists are mind-boggling. It's an Orwellian nightmare.
(Especially if someone writes malicious code to run down people who are always saying"Orwellian nightmare.")
It gets scarier. With self-driving cars on the horizon, you might just soil the "rich Corinthianleather."
My own rattletrap pick-up truck is vulnerable enough, but at least it could only bereprogrammed via smoke signals or Morse Code. And the manual windows are still justbison hides scraped really thin.
We are ill-prepared for a world in which "dealer prep" includes administering last rites, inwhich "your mileage may vary" is replaced by "Your ritual beheadings may vary," in which"under factory invoice" is replaced by "under a parking lot somewhere in Jersey."
Henry Ford allegedly said that consumers could have any color of car they wanted, as longas it was black. Now the philosophy is, "You can have any personality of car you want, aslong as you rooted for the title character in Stephen King's 'Christine.'"
I worry about the cardiac health of all the valet parkers who will be able to drive yourvehicle like maniacs without even getting off their lazy duffs.
On a positive note, the next "Fast & Furious" movie can be filmed with more crashes, on ashoestring budget, unless those spoiled stars kick out a window and escape.
Of course I'm not so sure deliberate tampering would be any worse than the aggravationwe have to put up with from automotive SENSORS, which must be made of reconstituted,
extra-fragile Magic 8-Balls. Admit it: you get tired of (presumably) false warnings fromyour ashtray, such as "Attention! You have just struck a unicorn while driving 350 mph ata depth of 20,000 leagues."
What exactly is the automotive industry doing about the threat? Mostly saying things like,
"Um, here are about 10 years' worth of coffee and doughnuts in the Customer ComfortArea. Enjoy, while I run a few numbers past my, manager."
What can the poor consumer do, besides scour the used-car lots for low-tech vehicles?
("We won't steer you wrong — and neither will your girlfriend's crazy ex!")
At least wear a parachute in case someone activates those ejector seats. You know, theones that have been standard-issue in all American-made vehicles since 1965, but the
automakers have been too wimpy to tell anybody about them and rile up the Ian Fleming
Oops. Now they'll have to kill me.
Can I at least get a horse-drawn hearse?
Danny welcomes email responses at and visits to his Facebook fanpage "Tyree's Tyrades".
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Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
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HOWARD Hays As I See It
“A morsel of genuine history
is a thing so rare as to be
always valuable.”
- Thomas Jefferson
I’ve always been
fascinated by those able
to offer such a firsthand
“morsel of genuine
I was in grade school
home for the Veterans
Day holiday, when my mother recalled that
when she was a girl, on what was then called
“Armistice Day” her class would visit residents
at the “old soldiers’ home”. I asked if she heard
stories about fighting the Nazis. No, but she
remembered having met residents who’d fought
for the Union, and some for the Confederacy. I
then had serious concerns about how old my
mother really was.
My Dad was in the toy business in Seattle,
with an elderly couple with thick European
accents working for him. I knew what those
numbers tattooed on their inner forearms were
all about, but it was a history they didn’t talk
about. They did, however, occasionally refer to
loving families – parents, brothers, sisters and
cousins – who didn’t make it.
Christmas was the busiest time of year. I
remember a truck driver at the dock for a
late-hour holiday shipment to the department
stores – back when there were toy departments
in department stores. He marveled at the array
of toys ready for delivery, and then recalled
Christmas as a kid during the Depression. He
and his sister woke early and rushed to the
stockings they’d hung the day before, where
inside they each found “an orange! And it
came all the way from California! What a
special holiday treat that was!”
I used to hang out at a bar in L.A.’s
Chinatown, frequented by older Japanese-
Americans. I spoke with one who, like me, had
roots in Seattle. I mentioned the county fair in
the town of Puyallup, with its livestock shows
and horse races. She said she was familiar with
the race track, as her family lived in the horse
stalls during processing for relocation to the
Over the past few days there have been firsthand
accounts of the Watts riots (“insurrection”
or “rebellion”) of fifty years ago - evocations of
hopelessness and rage that led to “burn, baby,
One woman, who unapologetically took part
in her early-twenties, recalled when responses
sought solutions rather than assignment of
blame. She later used funds from the education
component of President Lyndon Johnson’s
“War on Poverty”, enacted the year of the riots,
to attend school, get her degrees and go on to
a nursing career. This enabled her to make
sure her kids went to college, and now she’s
confident they’ll make sure her grandkids do,
I enjoy recollections about Sierra Madre. A
woman I met who grew up here recalled that
at least until the late 1960s, Sierra Madre had
racial covenants in its real estate contracts –
enforcing racial discrimination in housing.
This was true with many communities
fifty years ago and provided context for the
1965 Watts riots. A bill was passed two years
before banning such discrimination, but the
California Real Estate Association teamed
with the John Birch Society and the California
Republican Assembly to make sure it never
took effect. Prop. 14 was put on the 1964 ballot
to amend our state constitution to protect the
“right” of landlords, sellers and communities
to racially discriminate. It passed with 65% of
the vote.
Gov. Pat Brown (D) went to court to have
that amendment overturned, an effort which
in 1966 became an issue in Ronald Reagan’s
campaign to defeat his bid for re-election.
Reagan characterized efforts to ban racial
discrimination as attempts “to give one segment
or our population a right at the expense of the
basic rights of all our citizens”.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against Prop.
14 in 1967. Its right-to-discriminate language
wasn’t removed from our state constitution,
however, until 1974 - a “morsel of history” few
care to talk about.
It’s getting hard enough to hear from those
with first-hand recollections of fifty years ago,
but even more so after seventy years. A couple
weeks ago I heard from such witnesses at a
memorial service held in Little Tokyo.
One began by stating that when you see your
first dead body at the age of sixteen, it’s a scary
thing. But by his count, at that age within a
short time he’d seen five-or-six thousand.
His job was taking them to the fires. The first
reaction of survivors was to go to the Red Cross
for help. But there was no Red Cross left to go
to; they didn’t arrive for another two-three
days – and within a month, they themselves
saw their own hair fall out, with splotches
appearing on their skin.
He recalled those walking around with arms
outstretched like in a zombie movie. This was
because with skin burned off it was too painful
to allow surfaces to touch. Another witness
described taking the outstretched hand of a
man on the ground seeking help, and having the
skin come off like a glove. A woman who was
seven at the time and managed to escape her
destroyed home says what she most remembers
is the cries of younger sisters she was unable
to go back and rescue. They all agree that one
thing impossible to forget is the smell.
Estimates vary at around 120,000 deaths in
Hiroshima and 80,000 in Nagasaki – a third of
the populations of both cities. I’ve heard the
effect of a current nuclear weapon targeting
a major population center like Los Angeles
would be a loss of life significant enough to
permanently alter the history of the planet.
Numbers may be incomprehensible, but not
so much the accounts of those who experienced
the history. I wonder, if I’m around a generation
from now, what recollections I might be able to
offer – and if such future “morsels of history”,
whether or not “always valuable”, will at least
be something I can be proud of.
MICHAEL Reagan Making Sense
Donald Trump did wonders for
Fox News' ratings and MegynKelly's star power last week. But
"The Donald" didn't do himself,
the Republican Party or the
conservative cause any favors.
Millions of viewers saw clear
evidence that Trump is not aserious Republican candidate or
really a conservative. He espoused
no conservative principles or
policies. He offered no ideas orspecific conservative solutions toany domestic or foreign problem.
All he proved — as if the whole
TV audience didn't already know
— was that he's an egomaniacal
billionaire who's certain he'd make
a good Republican president.
During the debate, he repeatedhis shallow generalities about
building a high wall to stop illegalimmigration, making better tradedeals with China and the serial
incompetence of our leaders inWashington. And he boasted
that "I'm rich. I buy candidates.
Government is broken. I can fix it."
Because he appeals mostly topeople who listen to conservativetalk radio 24/7, Trump has wonover a large number of Republicansand conservatives who mistakenlythink he is one of them.
Trump's poll numbers in Iowa,
New Hampshire and elsewherehave gone up since last week. Theyremain embarrassingly high forthe Republican Party, but they'll
start falling to Earth soon. It'll
happen when his Don Ricklesroutine wears thin, his liberal
tendencies are exposed and theGOP's bloated preseason roster
gets cut down to Jeb, Scott, John,
Rand, Ted and probably Carly.
Meanwhile, Trump has issued athreat to the Republican Party.
He said that if it does not treat him
"fairly" or with "respect," whateverthat means, he might run next fallas an independent or a third partycandidate. Trump calls his threat"leverage" but I think others wouldcall it "extortion" or "blackmail."
If he doesn't get his way, he'd be
willing to sabotage the GOP in2016 and almost certainly giveHillary, Joe Biden or even Berniethe Socialist the keys to the WhiteHouse.
Meanwhile, as if Trump was notcausing enough trouble for the
GOP, the party has to deal with achronic problem within its own
conservative ranks that cost it the
last presidential election.
For some reason, many
Republicans and conservatives
have become their own worst
enemies. If they don't agreewith 100 percent of everything aprimary candidate says or does,
they call him or her a "Republicanin name only" and they're against
them. It's gotten totally nuts andself-defeating. As a party we laudJeb for his many successes as aconservative governor of Florida.
But because he's in favor of
Common Core or immigration
reform, some conservatives
declare him a RINO unfit to be
It's the same with John Kasich.
Conservatives love him because
he brought us a balanced budgetin Washington as a congressmanand then went on to turn Ohio
around as governor. But because
recently he accepted federal
Medicaid money for Ohio, someconservatives don't think he
should be president. He's a RINO.
To make matters worse, if theirfavorite in the primary doesn't win,
many conservative Republicans
won't show up in the generalelection to vote for president. AskMitt Romney how that works out.
Conservatives love to drop my
father's name and try to findcandidates that act and think like
he did. But they forget that RonaldReagan was an 80-20 guy. He was
happy to agree with 80 percent of
a Republican candidate's views
because he knew that he'd never
find someone with whom he
agreed 100 percent.
He didn't make the perfectconservative the enemy of thegood conservative. And he always,
always, always supported the finalchoice of the Republican Party —
even after they beat him in theprimary.
Finally, may I remind everyonethat as governor, Ronald Reagan,
the great conservative, raised taxesand signed an abortion bill. That
would disqualify him as a RINOby today's standards. Yet he was
the best president in our lifetime.
Michael Reagan is the son ofPresident Ronald Reagan, a politicalconsultant, and the author of "TheNew Reagan Revolution"
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