Mountain Views News Saturday, October 10, 2015
The Top 20 Reasons
to do Yoga
1. It’s a quiet place to
go. Let’s be honest,
hardly anywhere
provides the
tranquility of a yoga
2. Your body will love you. We could list 50 more
reasons why your body will love you. Yoga is just like
3. It can relieve pain and help heal injury.
Specifically, yoga can provide care for your back.
How does one care for the back? Learn how in yoga.
4. You’ll sleep better. Many yoga poses are great for
insomnia. A huge trouble spot for so many people.
5. Your digestion and elimination will improve. We
twist in yoga for a reason! Even very gentle twisting
and folding helps.
6. It brings a smile to your face. This can be
contagious, and it can transmit the love you feel.
7. Yoga can improve your posture. We begin to stand
up straight and feel taller.
8. Yoga can have positive effects on one’s self
acceptance & body image.
9. Overall positive effects on your confidence and
even self-esteem. We begin to “hold” ourselves
10. Yoga can be done at any age. 1-99. It is a practice
that can carry you through each stage of your life.
11. Yoga is a workout and it’s a perfect compliment
to any workout.
12. There is a spiritual effect produced in yoga.
Totally expandable or not. This spiritual, ancient
practice is universal and not assigned to religion.
13. People come to yoga to GET flexible, no
flexibility needed when we start.
14. Gained Flexibility. Yoga lubricates the joints and
stretches the muscles & ligaments allowing us to
move more freely.
15. Yoga strengthens the back and spine, hopefully
helping to prevent injury.
16. Yoga brings awareness to us. With this
awareness, we become more aware of others and
aware of the WORLD.
17. It cultivates patience and tolerance. We first learn
this with our own bodies, then it begins to grow.
18. Meditation time. We’re able to dabble or
completely dive into this rich practice. One of the
first fruits is emotional balance.
19. Yoga can ease anxiety and help depression. Yoga
does relieve stress and does help those prone to
anxiety calm down and slow down.
20. Yoga can change the way we breathe forever. No
more shallow, emotional breath. Hello, pranayama!
Hello, life giving breath.
Which one is your favorite?
Namaste and see you in class, Keely Totten
Most people think
of mushrooms as
a vegetable but
mushrooms are
actually a fungus, a
special type of living
organism that has no
roots, leaves, flowers
or seeds. As any
foodie can attest, the
beauty of mushrooms
is their exotic taste
and that they are
hearty. But are they
healthy for us or just
empty calories? Turns
out that mushrooms
are low in calories and high in nutrition.
Just like us, mushrooms are susceptible to
the same pathogens, meaning bacteria and
viruses. Mushrooms have evolved with a strong
defense against bacterial invasion. If fact we
get the antibiotics, penicillin, streptomycin,
and tetracycline all come from fungal extracts.
It’s no wonder that studies have shown that
the cultures who eat mushroom regularly have
stronger immune systems.
Like humans, mushrooms produce vitamin
D when in sunlight. So mushrooms can be
an excellent food source of vitamin D. All
mushrooms contain excellent amounts of
the nutrients potassium, copper, niacin and
The only drawback to mushrooms is that
absorb and concentrate anything that is good
or bad from soil, air and water. We know
that mushrooms are especially talented at
concentrating heavy metals and pollutants so
healthy growing conditions are a critical factor.
To be safe, I recommend organic mushrooms.
I do not recommend picking mushrooms in
the wild unless you are absolutely sure you
know what you’re
picking since
there are probably
more poisonous
mushrooms out
there than edible
After seeing what
little powerhouses
of nutrition
mushrooms are, I
highly recommend
adding some to your
diet. They’re an
excellent addition
to any salad, great
flavor enhancers,
and hearty enough
to replace meat in
many dishes.
Dr. Tina is a traditional
naturopath and nutritionist
at Vibrant Living
Wellness Center
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Many people are familiar with probate and all of
the headaches which it entails. Whether they’ve lost
a loved one or a friend, no one who goes through
the probate process looks at it with a friendly gaze.
I often have clients come into my office having
made an attempt to avoid probate on their own.
Commonly, they have tried to avoid it by adding
children’s names to real property, investment
accounts, or bank accounts. BAD IDEA! While
they may have succeeded in helping their children
will avoid probate, they have usually created a
much bigger problem.
When you purchase an asset (such as stock in a
corporation or piece of real estate) you are assigned
a “basis” in the property. Your basis is the value
you paid for the property. For example, if you
bought an investment property for $100,000, your
basis in the property is exactly that: $100,000. If
you sell the property for more than you paid for it,
you have to pay capital gains tax on the difference.
If you give away your property (or add someone’s
name to the deed), their basis in the property
becomes the same as yours. In the scenario above
for example, if a child’s name was added to a real
property deed, the child’s basis in the property
would be $100,000. When the parent dies and the
child goes to sell the house, the child has to pay
capital gains tax on the difference between their
basis and what sales price of the property.
So how do you avoid forcing your children to pay
capital gains taxes? By NOT adding them to the
deed or account!
If your child inherits the property through a
revocable living trust, your child will get a “step
up” in their basis to fair market value at the date
of your death. Thus, if the property above was
worth $300,000 at the date of death, the child’s
basis becomes $300,000 when they inherit it. This
means that if your child goes to sell the property,
they will pay no capital gains taxes.
Finally, gifting to your children has other
dangerous pitfalls. If you add children’s names
to property or accounts, you are subjecting
those assets to potential risk if your child were
to accidentally injure someone or run up a credit
By far, the safest way to pass your family’s wealth
on to your children is through a fully funded
revocable living trust. Setting up and funding a
revocable living trust avoids probate, protects your
children from unnecessary taxes, and gives you the
ability to protect their inheritance from divorce,
lawsuits, and creditors.
Perhaps you already know all of this. Perhaps
you don’t. But if you’d like more information on
protecting and passing wealth to your children, call
our office to schedule an appointment or to RSVP
for our next free public seminars (at The Lodge in
Sierra Madre: Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015, 6:00 – 8:00
pm & Thursday, Oct. 22, 2015, 10:00 am – noon).
Dedicated to your family’s wealth, health, and
A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on
a mission to help parents protect what they love
most. His office is located at 49 S. Baldwin Ave.,
Ste. G, Sierra Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an
appointment to sit down and talk about ensuring a
legacy of love and financial security for your family
by calling 626.355.4000 or visit www.GarlettLaw.
com for more information.
“I just don’t have time to post on all of the social
media channels.” Sound familiar?
There are lots of choices for on-line marketing
tools and social media. There is always something
new that causes a buzz. All the possibilities and
the hype can make a business owner burn out and
overwhelmed with their marketing.
It’s time to focus on what works.
I know a business owner that uses 3 tools and
gets great results. He uses LinkedIn and Facebook
to bring awareness to his business and find leads.
His monthly Constant Contact email campaigns
are simple and mobile friendly with a single clear
call to action; they bring in the results that really
matter – sales.
Instead of focusing on “I should be posting more
on ________.” Spend your efforts on the 3 tools
that contribute to your bottom line, the tools your
business can’t do without. If email marketing is
important, spend your time growing a quality list
instead of worrying about how many tweets an
hour you should be composing.
Focus on the priorities for a while and ignore the
hype. Figure out works best for your business and
spend your time there.
About MJ: MJ and her brother David own
HUTdogs, a creative services business that
specializes in Internet Marketing strategies and
Social Media. They offer social media management
services and help their clients build a strong on-line
presence. “Like” them on Facebook for trending
news in social media, internet marketing and other
helpful tips, www.facebook.com/hutdogs.
Sign up for their upcoming classes, webinars and
presentations at: www.hutdogs.com/workshops/
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.