Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, July 13, 2019

MVNews this week:  Page 7


Mountain View News Saturday, July 13, 2019 



SCAG - The Southern California 
Association of Governments The 
Southern California Association of 
Governments (SCAG) is the largest 
Metropolitan Planning Organization 
(MPO) in the nation, with nearly 19 
million residents. The SCAG region 
includes six counties (Imperial, Los 
Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, 
and Ventura) and 191 incorporated 
cities. In addition, the SCAG 
region is a major hub of global economic 
activity, representing the 16th 
largest economy in the world and is 
considered the nation’s gateway for international 
trade, with two of the largest 
ports in the nation. 

The SCAG region is the also the most 
culturally diverse region in the nation, 
with no single ethnic group comprising 
a majority of the population. With 
a robust, diversified economy and a 
growing population substantially fueled 
by international immigration, the 
SCAG region is poised to continue its 
role as a primary metropolitan center 
on the Pacific Rim.

The purpose of this report is to provide 
current information and data for Los 
Angeles County for planning and outreach 
efforts. Information on population, 
housing, transportation, employment, 
retail sales, and education can 
be utilized by the city to make well 
informed planning decisions. 

The report provides a portrait of the 
County and its changes since 2000, using 
average figures for SCAG Region 
as a comparative baseline. In addition, 
the most current data available for the 
region is also included in the Statistical 
Summary (left). This profile report 
illustrates current trends occurring in 
Los Angeles County. Factors Affecting 
Local Changes Reflected in the 2019 
Report Overall, member jurisdictions 
since 2000 have been impacted by a 
variety of factors at the national, regional, 
and local levels. For example, 
the vast majority of member jurisdictions 
included in the 2019 Local 
Profiles reflect national demographic 
trends toward an older and more di-
verse population. Evidence of continued 
economic growth is also apparent 
through increases in employment, retail 
sales, building permits, and home 
prices. Work destinations and commute 
times correlate with regional 
development patterns and the location 
of local jurisdictions, particu-larly in 
relation to the regional transportation 

To see the complete report go to:

Chart Prepared by MVNews


Additional Measles Case Confirmed



In view of the recent 
high desert earthquake, 
this would be 
a good time to discuss 
what is perhaps 
the single most important 
part of earthquake 
Storing water. Keep 
in mind that approximately 
75% of our water in Los Angeles 
County comes from 3 aqueducts, 
over 300 miles away. Yes, there is local 
water from springs, and under-ground 
water from the rivers flowing from the 
mountains’ snow melt. But because of 
our large population, we rely on distant 
water sources for our daily water, and 
that “pipeline” could be broken and disrupted 
with a major earthquake.

Until supplies were restored, you’d want 
to have your needed water on-site at 
your own home.

Every home has a toilet tank and water 
heater, two sources which should 
provide you with water for Day One. 
There are also water pipes that could be 
drained, and ornamental fountains, and 
even swimming pools. Yes, you could 
use the swimming pool water in an 
emergency, but I’d cook it first.

Water dripping from an AC unit is generally 
safe to drink, and, assuming you 
have electricity, you could collect this 
water and maybe get more than a gallon 
a day. Water from the AC is water that 
is condensed out of the air, and so the 
only impurity would be stuff inside the 
copper tubes of the AC, and that’s usu

ally not a big deal unless the AC has 
been sitting unused for a period of time.

In a very serious emergency, you could 
obtain water from the soil via a solar 
still, and from a tree via a transpira-
tion bag. To learn how to do those, you 
should come to one of my classes where 
we actually do that, or check out one of 
the many videos on Youtube that deals 
with survival topics.


How much? Realistically, you 
need about 11 gallons a day. Store as 
much as you can for a week or longer, 
for the size of your family.

You can store water by filling your used 
plastic or glass litre bottles . Clean them 
first, and store them in the shade. You 
could also buy blue “food grade” containers, 
as well as discarded white bakery 
buckets, once you’ve cleaned them.

Just fill them with tap water. “Bleach” is 
already in the tap water – it is added as 
a purification component. Rain can also 
be collected, but the first rain cleans all 
the dirt from your roof, so don’t begin 
to collect for consumption until the first 
rains cleans your roof.


Water can be purified by heat (meaning, 
fire), the sun, chemicals, and various 

TO PURIFY WATER but it only deals 
with biological contaminants, and NOT 
chemicals in the water. Distillation is 
perhaps the ultimate way to purify water, 
though generally requires some specialized 

According to hydrologist Talal Balaa, 
you should follow the WATER OBSERVATION 

Does it look good? Does it smell good? 
Does it Taste good?

Balaa also suggests you follow the 

IF you suspect the water is impure, you 
should 1. Filter the water through a 
cloth, and 2. Allow the sediment in the 
water to settle, and 3. Boil the water or 
use chemicals. If anything is left, your 
immune system should protect you, if 
it can.

This is just a quick overview of the necessity 
of water storage. If you live in Sierra 
Madre, I strongly recommend that 
you attend the monthly CERT meetings. 
You can learn more about Sierra 
Madre CERT group by checking them 
out on Facebook, or their web page at 

Also, the fine details of this are available 
in my books, such as “How to Survive 
Anywhere,” “Self-Sufficient Home,” and 
“Extreme Simplicity.” These can all be 
purchased today – at a discount – at, as well as from the Store 

The Los Angeles County Department 
of Public Health (Public Health) is investigating 
an additional confirmed 
case of measles in a Los Angeles County 
resident. This is the twelfth measles 
case among Los Angeles County residents 
this year. Public Health is looking 
to identify others who may be at risk 
for measles and have been exposed to 
this individual. Public Health urges 
residents, especially those who travel 
internationally and those who have not 
been fully protected against measles, to 
get the measles immunization in order 
to better protect their individual health 
and to prevent the spread of measles to 

Other people may have been exposed 
to measles since public locations were 
visited by a person with measles while 
infectious. Potential public exposure 
location and times were as follows:

There is no known current risk related 
to measles that exists at this venue at 
this time. This case is not related to the 
previous measles exposure at UCLA.

Anyone who may have been at this location 
on those dates may be at risk of 
developing measles for up to 21 days 
after being exposed. People who were 
in the location above around the same 
time should:

• Review their immunization and 
medical records to determine if they are 
protected against measles. People who 
have not had measles infection previously 
or received the measles immunization 
may not be immune and should 
talk with a health care provider about 
receiving measles, mumps and rubella 
(MMR) immunization.

•Contact and notify their health care 
provider as soon as possible about a potential 
exposure if they are pregnant, an 
infant, have a weakened immune system 
and/or are unimmunized.

•Monitor themselves for illness with 
fever and/or an unexplained rash from 
7 days to 21 days after their exposure 
(the time period when symptoms may 
develop); if symptoms develop, stay 
at home and call a healthcare provider 

Currently, there have been 12 measles 
cases among Los Angeles County residents 
in 2019, in addition to 8 non-resident 
measles cases that traveled through 
Los Angeles County. Most of the cases 
were unvaccinated.

“For those who are not protected, measles 
is a highly contagious and potentially 
severe disease that initially causes 
fever, cough, red, watery eyes, and, finally, 
a rash,” said Muntu Davis, MD, 
MPH, Los Angeles County Health Officer. 
“Measles is spread by air and by direct 
contact even before you know have 
it. The MMR immunization is a very 
effective measure to protect yourself 
and to prevent the unintentional spread 
of this potentially serious infection to 

Date 7/2/19 & 7/3/19 

Court of Sciences Student Center on UCLA Campus 
(Food court; also known as The Bomb Shelter) 
617 Charles E. Young Dr. LA, CA 90095 9:00 – 11:30 AM

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