Mountain View News Saturday, October 12, 2019
Susan Henderson
Dean Lee
Patricia Colonello
John Aveny
Mary Lou Caldwell
Kevin McGuire
Chris Leclerc
Bob Eklund
Howard Hays
Paul Carpenter
Kim Clymer-Kelley
Christopher Nyerges
Peter Dills
Rich Johnson
Lori Ann Harris
Rev. James Snyder
Dr. Tina Paul
Katie Hopkins
Deanne Davis
Despina Arouzman
Jeff Brown
Marc Garlett
Keely Toten
Dan Golden
Rebecca Wright
Hail Hamilton
Joan Schmidt
LaQuetta Shamblee
Perhaps, just like me, you live in a pretty safe bubble.
We Sierra Madreans live in a beautiful area, especially
in the canyon. I happen to have a wonderful wife (who
possibly will type this for me) and my car is almost paid
off and we can make our house payments and still take
an occasional vacation even though I plan on retiring at
the end of the year.
Well, as I am sure you are aware, times are changing.
When my wife and I came back from our Alaska Cruise
about two weeks ago I stopped as usual at Coco’s
Restaurant for breakfast before work. Coco’s serves (or
did serve) fresh fruit topped blintzes that reminded me
of the ones I wished my mother had made. I confidently walked to the front door
of Coco’s, mildly aware that there were few cars in the parking lot and the big sign
had disappeared. The sign at the locked front door read CLOSED. How could
that be? I had been going there for years? I survived and got a quick coffee and a
pastry at Starbucks. While savoring the pastry, I looked up Cocos on the internet
and learned that Cocos, Carrows, and Marie Calendar (all places basically in my
price range) were closing or had closed!
All right, much as I hate change, I adapted. A few days later I ordered a
coffee latte and after finishing, asked the server to refill my cup with regular coffee
just as I had been doing for years. The server, someone who had been serving me
for years, apologetically informed that I would have to pay an additional charge
as if I was ordering another cup of coffee. I was incensed; I asked to speak to
the manager who, after a brief but brittle conversation, allowed me “just this one
time” to have the refill without paying an additional charge.
Yes, I survived but I wondered what was going on in the world to cause
such drastic changes. Eventually it was explained to me that the closings and
changes in policy were the result of the new minimum wage law that required
all employees to be paid at the rate of fifteen dollars an hour. I responded to
this information in typical fashion by saying “What’s that got to do with me. I
haven’t worked in a restaurant since my first job at Bob’s Big Boy for which I was
paid ninety cents an hour and glad to receive it”. Of course I understand, but
speaking of Bob’s I remember that first day of work when I was fifteen and a half.
A customer threw up all over the floor and I was delegated to clean it up. This was
a mere sixty years ago and I still remember it clearly. It was probably the first time
I had to clean up someone else’s vomit. Yes I have had a pretty charmed live and
I adapted and ten years later became a lawyer cleaning up other kinds of vomit.
Bob’s was probably beneficial experience.
As I looked at the ridiculously inflated gas prices of today I wondered
how we all would survive these additional costs. Somehow it reminded me of my
year in Law School when I had little money to afford rent. I somehow worked
out a schedule where I would couch surf at friends or sneak into an office that
was associated with a work-study job that I had. That year I had a girl friend
who lived in the Dorm and worked late as a switchboard operator. After work
we would head to a friend’s house or to my office. The point is that I had little to
do until her shift was over so I spent the time, generally in the library, studying.
Yes for that year I was kind of homeless but never really thought of it that way. In
fact, largely because of the extra time to kill, and as I recall did quite well getting
the high grade in a couple of classes.
My point, of course, is that hat having to adapt to changing conditions
can bring about unforeseen benefits. The unique characteristic of human beings
is our ability to adapt and thrive in seemingly unthinkable conditions. Of course
there are conditions and there are conditions. The need for Americans to adapt
to the behavior of a President who openly disobeys the law and dares the rest
of us to do something about it is something neither I, nor almost anyone else,
ever contemplated. Well maybe James Madison thought about it and believed
the system of checks and balances he and Alexander Hamilton devised would
be strong enough to survive most anything. Of course, neither Madison nor
Hamilton probably ever conceived that Hamilton would be shot dead by the
sitting Vice-President of the United States. Still, the system survived, and we
will adapt and do what is necessary to adapt to the unimaginable conduct of our
current President. Really though, I hope he doesn’t test us further by shooting
someone in broad daylight as he has already threatened.
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Sure, I
could write about
again this week,
and probably for
countless weeks
to come. But I
think we all could
use a diversion,
what with the
24/7 news coverage,
analysis, and editorializing that
passes for news coverage. It makes you
wonder if the earth is still turning on
its axis.
So, I thought it a public service to highlight
some news stories you might have
missed because they were barely covered
or buried somewhere within the
depths of your favorite online news
outlet. Here they are, in no particular
- The Nobel Prize for medicine was
awarded to three men who have spent
years studying oxygen, specifically how
“cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability.”
The research could lead to new
strategies in fighting cancer and other
diseases. If you’re looking for further
explanation, I’ve gone about as far as
my “C+” in chemistry will take me.
- Scientists claim they’ve seen pigs using
tools to dig. The pigs were observed
in a French zoo using sticks. I watched
a video on YouTube and was unimpressed.
It looks to me like the pig is
just moving the stick around with his
snout. When a pig walks into a café and
orders a croissant, I’ll pay attention.
- President Trump’s new bestest buddy,
Kanye West, is stumping for the
president. West, a Trump supporter,
told a crowd Sunday that political loyalties
and decisions based on race are
“mental slavery.” He went on. “And we
got the right, right? We got a right to
our opinions, right?” Not according to
some of the emails I receive.
- Russian President Vladimir Putin
turned 67 (I forgot to send a card).
Putin did what most of us do on our
birthday - he posed for a bunch of
weird photos in the Siberian mountains.
In a surprising turn of events, he
kept his shirt on.
- Miley Cyrus says she can date other
people. The singer split from her husband,
actor Liam Hemsworth, in August.
She now says she’s “all grown up”
and can do what she wants. What do I
know but it seems as if “doing what she
wants” hasn’t been an issue for Cyrus,
before or since she became an adult.
- A truck carrying 38,000 pounds of
frozen bagels caught on fire in Indiana
Sunday. No one was injured but the bagels
were burned beyond recognition.
- Acting Homeland Security Secretary
Kevin McAleenan showed up to speak
at Georgetown Law School Monday,
but was shouted down by protesters
who take issue with the Trump administration’
s immigration policies.
McAleenan walked of stage before he
got started. So much for constructive
- Democratic presidential candidate
Kamala Harris detailed her plan to give
workers up to six months of paid family
and medical leave - twice the length
of time included in any family leave bill
to date and way more generous than
any other proposal by a presidential
candidate. No word on what it will
cost. Who’s going to pay for it? If your
answer is “other people,” well done.
- I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again,
most of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s
ideas are terrible, but she is prolific.
The New York Democrat unsheathed
another gem this week – abolishing
prisons in the U.S. “We need to have a
real conversation about decarceration
& prison abolition in this country,” she
tweeted. Like I said, awful and unrealistic
but she never fails to disappoint.
- Rising fuel prices in Ecuador triggered
angry protests. The Ecuadorian
government had an interesting response
- it left. The short story is the
country is broke and had to end subsidies
that had been keeping fuel prices
down. The government, such as it is,
is now operating in a remote location,
away from the capital of Quito.
- As long as we’re talking about the
consequences of irresponsible government,
a gallon of gas in California is
now approaching $5. Part of the reason
is that the state’s environmental
regulations have reduced oil production.
Some refineries have even closed.
California’s gas prices are the highest
in the country. Rising fuel prices, crippling
taxes, an out-of-control homeless
problem and a median home price of
more than $600,000. No wonder people
are leaving.
OK, I promised different, not good.
And if you still want to hear more
about impeachment, you won’t have
long to wait.
Rich Manieri is a Philadelphia-born
journalist and author. He is currently
a professor of journalism at Asbury
University in Kentucky. His book, “We
Burn on Friday: A Memoir of My Father
and Me” is available at amazon.
A Jeb Bush tweet this week got me thinking
about some of the ways our nasty partisan
politics has been hurting our kids.
Paraphrasing Jeb, he asked, “How can
parents teach their children that using
bad language is wrong when we have a
president and members of Congress who
constantly use profanity to talk about
each other?”
Jeb’s tweet also reminded me of something
a wise Sunday school teacher of
mine said once: “There are more things
‘caught’ than ‘taught.’ ”
I often quote that line when I’m invited
to speak to parents, and I thought about
it again on Wednesday when I took some
kids on a tour of my dad’s library in Simi
It was nice to go to the Reagan Library
and be reminded of the positive attitude
my father had about politics, his political
opponents and people in general.
On my father’s tomb, for example, is the
message, “I know in my heart that man is
good, that what is right will always eventually
triumph and there is purpose and
worth to each and every life.”
I don’t know how many of the kids I was
with the other day were equipped to catch
that optimistic message.
It’s really sad that they’re growing up in
such a hateful political and cultural environment
that has so little room for tolerance
or civil debate.
Even a beloved liberal comedian like Ellen
DeGeneres can get blasted by the Hollywood
left just for sitting with her friend
George W. Bush at a football game.
What happened to DeGeneres is a sign
of how stupid and low our nasty partisan
politics are.
Liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican,
you can’t be seen in public with
someone from the other political tribe
without catching hell or hate from your
own tribe.
Those kids I was with at the library were
too young to know it, but there was a time
before Twitter, Facebook and 1,000 cable
TV channels when the most powerful
people in politics could disagree vehemently
yet still be civil to each other.
One of the most famous examples of that
political civility and mutual respect was
the relationship my father had with the
Democrat Speaker
of the House,
Tip O’Neill.
Not as well-
known was the
time my father
was asked in 1985
to give a fundraising
speech for
the John F. Kennedy Library.
In 1960 my father had campaigned hard
against JFK. But when he was President
and he was asked by John and Caroline
Kennedy to help them kick off an endowment
drive for the JFK Library, he did it
graciously and enthusiastically.
Praising JFK for being, among many
other things, “a patriot” who had “a good
hard, un-illusioned understanding of
man and his political choices,” my father
admitted he had not supported Kennedy
for president.
“But you know,” he said, “it’s true: when
the battle’s over and the ground is cooled,
well, it’s then that you see the opposing
general’s valor.”
That kind of civility being shown to a
political opponent could never happen
today in Washington, where Democrats
and Republicans hate each other, call
each other bad names and refuse to cooperate
or compromise.
As for our kids today, they’re being taught
by the bad example of adults to hate the
political tribe they don’t belong to. It’s reinforced
24/7 on TV, in social media and
college campuses.
If we’re not careful we’re going to end up
like Israel, where the Palestinian kids and
the Israeli kids don’t play with each other
and are raised from infancy to hate each
Maybe there’s still time for our children
to turn to their parents and tell them it’s
time for them to grow up and stop hating.
Michael Reagan is the son of President
Ronald Reagan, a political consultant, and
the author of “Lessons My Father Taught
Me: The Strength, Integrity, and Faith of
Ronald Reagan.” He is the founder of the
email service reagan.com and president of
The Reagan Legacy Foundation. Visit his
websites at www.reagan.com and www.
michaelereagan.com. Send comments to
Reagan@caglecartoons.com. Follow @
reaganworld on Twitter.
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Integrity will be our guide.
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: editor@mtnviewsnews.com Website: www.mtnviewsnews.com