Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, April 11, 2020

MVNews this week:  Page 3


Mountain Views-News Saturday, April 11, 2020 


 by Deanne Davis

Easter is tomorrow! A time of celebration that has a lot to do with bunnies; chocolate ones – yes, 
most of us eat the ears first. The stores have some Peeps candies, now in all sorts of flavors and I’ve 
been trying to find a Cadbury caramel egg with no success at all. This year we won’t be seeing any 
hunts in various parks for tie-dyed eggs and, sadly, you’re not going to get invited anywhere good 
for lunch. Easter might have had something to do with new outfits, but extensive biblical research 
has not proven that, one way or the other and you won’t be out shopping for those anyway. What 
Easter is really about is the fact that the stone was rolled away and there was an empty tomb. As 
the angel said, “He is not here, He is risen!” An amazing concept upon which many of us base our 
lives. You will be live-streaming your Easter service, but it might be the most meaningful Easter of 
your life as our world is a very different place this year. I hope this poem helps you to see that first 
Easter through the eyes of Jesus’ friends. Their world had changed completely, too.

Before Dawn…. Easter Sunday

The sky was gray, 

The world was hushed,

Before dawn… Sunday.

The women walked

Toward a tomb,

Jars of spices in their hands,

To tend the One,

The One Who died,

Crucified that Friday.

The women walked,

Toward the tomb,

Mary Magdalene and another.

They walked, and wondered,

Wondered who would roll away the stone.

The sky was gray, 

The world was hushed,

Before dawn, Sunday.

They stopped to rest,

Await the day,

Sad eyes filled with tears,

Sorrow for the One,

Who died,

Crucified that Friday.

Another dawn, 

Another day,

What did it matter, anyway?

The One who loved her as she was,

Who changed her life, was gone.

She raised her eyes to see the sky,

Streaks of pink and gold.

And then they saw,

The guards were gone,

The stone was rolled away!

The grief she’d felt since Friday,

Like the stone, was rolled away!

She grabbed that jar of spices,

And running like a child, 

Climbed the hill, 

To tend her Lord before dawn, Sunday. 

They looked inside that borrowed tomb,

Petrified with fright,

An angel sat there on the stone,

Clothed in brilliant white.

“I know the one you seek,” he said,

“Jesus, crucified.”

“He is not here, he’s risen!

He’s risen, as he said

He’s risen! He’s risen!

He’s risen, as he said!”

“Now go! And tell the others,

He’s risen, as he said!

Look not for the living,

Here among the dead!

He is not here, he’s risen!

He’s risen, as he said!”

And joy broke free...

Before dawn,

That first Easter Sunday. 

May this Easter bring Jesus closer to you than ever before. Many thanks to Susan 
Blakeslee for the Easter lilies she puts out each year. 


My book page: Deanne Davis 

Check out “The Crown” now that Easter is here,

If you’ve ever wondered what happened to that crown of thorns, 

“The Crown” is perfect for you!


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