Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, April 11, 2020

MVNews this week:  Page 9


Mountain Views News Saturday, April 11, 2020 


Dear Friends,

 With the developing news regarding coronavirus COVID-19, I wanted to take a moment to share 
how Pasadena Humane Society & SPCA is addressing the concern at our shelter, as well as our community 
programming and events.

 We are taking all the necessary steps to protect the health and well-being of the animals in our care, 
our staff and the community we serve by modifying our services. At this time, our Adoptions Center 
will be closed to the public - but if you are interested in adopting a pet you have seen on our website, 
we will be open by appointment only during our normal business hours. 

 We have also temporarily suspended the following activities:

 Community outreach programs (including our mobile outreach events). If you are a current event 
registrant, we will communicate with you directly regarding any changes, so please watch your 
email. Updates will also be shared on our social media pages and website.

 Humane Education activities which include our Kids Club, Animal Adventure Workshops, Scout 
Sundays, group tours, Sunday Morning Helpers, and Barks and Books program. 

Public spay/neuter and vaccine clinics

Dog training classes 

Pet Boarding, except in case of emergency.

 The following services will also be available by appointment only:

Reclaiming your lost pet AND Relinquishing your pet

Please limit calls to our Field Services Department to emergencies only. 

There have also been questions about whether pets can get sick from COVID-19 or if they can make 
us sick. According to the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization, there is 
no evidence that companion ani-mals such as cats and dogs have been infected or could spread the 
virus that causes COVID-19.

While animals may not be at risk from this disease, we urge all pet owners to have plans for how 
to care for their animals in case of emergency. COVID-19 is no different, and serves as an excellent 
reminder to pull that plan together now if you don’t already have one. Click here for more 

Right now, more than ever, we need your help. We have a tremendous need for community fosters. 
As the virus spreads, the number of animals in shelters and rescues will continue to increase. At 
the same time, we anticipate de-creased interest and ability to adopt a new pet. So if you’re able to 
foster a dog, cat, or rabbit for the next several weeks, you could help give animals a break from the 
shelter and make room for more animals who are in need. For more information about fostering, 

Thank you for your support!

Happy Tails

by Chris Leclerc



Just when I think I’ve heard it all regarding the non-human creatures we share this planet with, 
I come across yet another interesting fact about how animals survive or why they behave the 
way they do. This is when I am, yet again reminded of how little I actually know. Few things 
stimulate my mind as much as learning the how’s and why’s pertaining to our fellow life forms, 
and this week I thought I’d share a few fun animal facts that I hope you will find stimulating 
as well.

For example, did you know that penguins use their feces to create cozy coves in which to breed 
their young? That’s right, when the time comes to lay their eggs, they gather closely together 
and intentionally deposit their poop within the proximity of their partners in order to melt the 
ice, so their eggs and subsequent hatchlings will have a nice warm spot to hatch and mature in. 
Talk about recycling, penguins put us humans to shame in their practice of the adage, “Waste 
not, want not”!

Another interesting tidbit that I had never before been privy to is one that the average adult 
male human will likely appreciate. We all know that snakes are, by nature, active breeders. But 
did you know that male snakes spend mega calories just doing “the deed”? The fact is, every 
spring, red-sided garter snakes leave their hibernation burrows to engage in a frenzied jumble 
of mating, and studies show that this is no easy feat for the males. Indeed, this particular type 
of male snake spends up to a whopping 18% of his daily energy to ensure his personal mating 

Male red-sided garter snakes use all that energy to create gelatinous copulatory plugs that 
they put on the female after they mate, to trap the sperm inside and prevent other males from 
penetrating and interrupting the process of their own sperm‘s procreation. Unlike many couples 
these days, who question paternal identity after the birth of a baby, red-sided garter snakes 
apparently don’t have to worry about taking a DNA test to know “who’s the daddy” when their 
hatchlings arrive!

And here’s a fun fact about bats that I thought was pretty amazing; It’s no news to most of us 
that bats are excellent flutterers, hoverers and dive-bombers. This is quite obvious to anyone 
who has observed them flitting about in the local skies. Scientists have long known that bats 
owe most of their incredible aerial agility to echolocation. However, recent research results 
attribute the bat’s remarkable navigation skills not only to its brain’s ability to sense space 
through echolocation, but also to sensors instilled in the bat’s wings themselves.

In a relatively recent issue of the journal, Cell Reports, bat wings are described as sporting a 
unique touch-receptor design. The design consists of tiny sensory cells associated with fine 
hairs that enable the animal to change the shape of it’s wings in a split second, granting them 
impressive midair maneuverability that modern-day man-made drones would die for, if indeed 
they were alive to die. Oh the wonders of nature!

Here’s one more new-found fact that doesn’t exactly fit into the category of fun, but it is 
interesting, and could help save a senior feline’s life. The United Kingdom-based charity, 
International Cat Care recently reached out to veterinary specialists after receiving surprising 
complaints from cat owners that their feline friends were apparently having seizures in response 
to high-pitched sounds.

A scientific survey of the cats’ owners revealed that the sound-induced seizures were more 
common in older cats, and the most common triggers were crinkling tinfoil, hitting a ceramic 
bowl with a metal spoon and tapping glass. For all you cat owners out there this may or may 
not be a prevalent problem, but it certainly can’t hurt to be cautious and aware.

In my constant quest to learn more about animal behavior and nature’s wonders, I am amazed 
on a daily basis and I hope you are equally impressed with these off-the-beaten-trail fun facts 
about our fellow beings. Take the time to enjoy nature and the wildlife it inhabits. Although we 
must all comply with the “safe-at-home” mandates for the time being, do try to spend a little 
time outside each day, taking a stroll around the block or sitting quietly, simply absorbing the 
peaceful sanctuary of nature and it‘s ways. Stay safe everyone. Keep a respectful distance. 
Love and let live. Credited Source: 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: