Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, September 19, 2020

MVNews this week:  Page 3


Mountain Views-News Saturday, September 19, 2020 


 by Deanne Davis

“Firefighters never die. They just burn forever in the hearts of the people

 whose lives they’ve saved.” Susan Murphree

“Thank you for putting your life on the line to keep us and our community safe.

We are so thankful for your commitment, dedication and service. Our prayers remain 
with you as you faithfully serve in harm’s way.” 

Sierra Madre was my home for 51 years, most of which my darling husband, John, and 
I spent at our house on Alegria. We saw many fires come and go over the years but 
never anything as bad as this past week has been. Many years ago, during a fire which 
came very close, I packed my car in readiness. So funny…people ask you what you’d 
take if you had to evacuate. Here’s what I packed: Most of my Dad’s art, all the afghans 
I had crocheted, the photo albums and my jewelry. No clothes. 

This time, when our beloved city is so threatened, I am far from my friends and family 
but so very grateful for the pictures Lisa Cardella, Bob Gollihugh, Lawrence Taylor, 
Susan Henderson, our Police Department and many others have posted on Facebook. 
Most of all, huge thanks to Robert Gjerde for his concise reports on what is going on. 
So many Sierra Madre residents have posted excellent pictures of the firefighters, the 
helicopters and those with “boots on the ground.” I am praying for rain!

A Firefighter Poem

“He stares in the face of death without a second thought,

To save that one special life, that he so bravely sought.

He has walked as close to ‘hell on earth’ as any man could do,

And he’s so proud of the job he did for people he never knew.

He puts his life on the line every time duty calls,

Always doing what needs to be done, without a single pause.

He is a fireman with overwhelming pride, 

Never afraid to take a chance when saving someone’s life.

If you ask him, he says, “it’s my job.”

But we know he’s someone so special,

And always ready to go.

So when you hear the sirens wail, or see the flashing lights,

Stand aside and look with pride,

He’s going to save a life.”

We are so grateful for these people who are putting their lives on the line to save the 
homes of those who live in the beautiful foothills of our own personal mountains. 

I saw this prayer, The Firefighter’s Prayer, and thought I’d close with this. Know, dear 
friends and neighbors, that my prayers are with you and the home…the city I loved for 
so many years. I miss you.

The Firefighter’s Prayer

“Lord, I ask you to be with me in a very special way,

As I face the challenges of a firefighter’s day.

I pray that you will help me to be the best I that I can be,

For there are many people who are depending on me.

When duty calls to danger, walk closely by my side.

Instill in me great courage, be my strength, my guide.

And whatever I am called to do, always thankful I will be,
That you have been the unseen guest

Walking next to me.”

The picture is one that is very close to my heart. It is of our Sierra Madre EMT’s there 
at our Fire Department, with John, after they had assisted him and taken him to the 
hospital. It was only weeks after that he went to heaven but I will never forget how 
wonderful and kind they were to both of us.

Like you, I am praying that this fire will be contained, controlled and that no homes 
will be lost. May God bless Sierra Madre and all the towns around us that are in danger. 
Take care of yourselves, dear friends and may God bless us and keep us and make His 
face to shine upon us and give us peace and hope.

My book page: Deanne Davis

Where you’ll find “Sunrises and Sunflowers Speak Hope”

And “A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter”

Both of these books are stuffed with hope and a good recipe or two.

There’s a new Emma Gainsworth Kindle novelette available right this minute:

“Emma’s Intergalactic Institute” 

It’s on and here’s the link:

If you haven’t read “Emma’s Etouffee Café” you need to! It’s also on, 

You can follow me on Twitter:


Missing orange tabby with green eyes named 

Last seen on Esperanza & Baldwin (below 
the post office) on the morning of September 

If you have seen Henry or have any information 
please reach out to Rebecca Liston 
at (626)372-7364 or email 14listonk@gmail.


Sierra Madre Playhouse’s marquee honors our amazing firefighters. Without their 
commitment, our town might be just a memory! We thank them for their bravery and 
dedication to tirelessly keeping us safe from the fires.

Our marquee looks a bit ragged now, but SMP is in the midst of a renovation of the 
marquee that is long overdue. SMP’s current Light the Lights campaign is in progress 
to support needed renovation to the 1910 building. The marquee transformation 
should take several weeks, at which time its former brilliant face on the Boulevard will 
continue to be a source of inspiration for Sierra Madre while we remain dark until we 
can gather again.

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: