Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, September 19, 2020

MVNews this week:  Page 11


Mountain View News Saturday, September 19, 2020 


Dear Savvy Senior:

My wife and I have thought about purchasing a 
long-term care insurance policy, but we hate the 
idea of paying expensive monthly premiums for 
a policy we may never use. Is there a good rule of 
thumb on who should or shouldn’t buy long-term 
care insurance? Getting Old

Dear Getting:

There are two key factors you need to consider that can help you determine if purchasing a long-term 
care (LTC) insurance policy is a smart decision for you and your wife. One factor is your financial situation 
and second is your health history. Currently, around 8 million Americans own a policy.

Who Needs LTC Insurance?

As the cost of LTC – which includes nursing home, assisted living and in-home care – continues to 
rise, it’s important to know that most people pay for LTC either from personal savings or Medicaid 
when their savings is depleted, or through a LTC insurance policy. National median average costs for 
nursing home care today is around $92,000 per year, while assisted living averages around $50,000/

While national statistics show that about 70 percent of Americans 65 and older will need some kind of 
LTC, the fact is, many people don’t need to purchase a LTC insurance policy.

The reasons stem from a range of factors, including the fact that relatively few people have enough 
wealth to protect to make purchasing a policy worthwhile. Seniors with limited financial resources 
who need LTC turn to Medicaid to pick up the tab after they run out of money.

Another important factor is that most seniors who need LTC only need it for a short period of time, 
for example, when they’re recovering from surgery. For those people, Medicare covers in-home health 
care and nursing home stays of 100 days or less following a hospital stay of more than 3 consecutive 

So, who should consider buying a policy?

LTC insurance policies make the most sense for people who can afford the monthly premiums, and 
who have assets of at least $150,000 to $200,000 or more that they want to protect, not counting their 
home and vehicles.

Another factor to weigh is your personal health and family health history. The two most common 
reasons seniors need extended long-term care is because of dementia and/or disability. And, almost 
half of all people who live in nursing homes are 85 years or older. So, what’s your family history for 
Alzheimer’s, stroke or some other disabling health condition, and do you have a family history of 

You also need to factor in gender too. Because women tend to live longer than men, they are at greater 
risk of needing extended LTC.

Choosing LTC Insurance

After evaluating your situation, if you’re leaning towards buying a LTC policy, be sure to do your 
homework. The cost of premiums can vary greatly ranging anywhere between $2,500 and $8,000 per 
year for a couple depending on your age, the insurer, and the policy’s provisions.

Also note that because of coronavirus, it may be more difficult to qualify for coverage now if you’re age 
70 or older, in a high-risk group or have had a positive COVID-19 test.

To find a policy, get a LTC insurance specialist who works with a variety of companies. See the American 
Association of Long-Term Care Insurance website ( to locate one. Also shop insurers 
like Northwestern Mutual and New York Life, who work only with their own agents.

Another option you may want to consider are Hybrid policies that combine long-term care coverage 
with life-insurance benefits. These policies promise that if you don’t end up needing long-term care, 
your beneficiaries will receive a death benefit.

Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Jim Miller 
is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! …September Birthdays*

Clem Bartolai, Pat Hall, Donna Anderson, Teresa Chaure, Cathy Gunther, 
Esther Macias, Sheila Pierce, Nancy Sue Shollenberger, Patti O’Meara, Judie 
Cimino, Mary Steinberg, Geri Wright, Parvin Dabiri, Denise Reistetter and 
Nehama Warner. 

 * To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 
626.355.2737. YEAR of birth not required


The City of Sierra Madre is following these procedures to provide current communication in light of 
COVID-19 and keep the Senior Community and families informed of essential information and resources. 
City staff are monitoring email communication daily, and although employees are minimizing 
direct engagement and practicing social distancing in the community, please note that voice messages, 
emails, and social media responses are being addressed in the most efficient and timely manner.

If at any moment additional information is needed, please contact City Hall Administrative Services at 
(626) 355-7135, Monday-Thursday from 7:30a – 5:30p, as they are taking messages and e-mailing the 
appropriate person.

For messages that may trickle in otherwise, please note our team is remotely checking voicemail daily at 
the Community Services Department, (626) 355-5278 x702.

Community Services Department will continue email communication with Senior residents and aging 
community members.

If you know of family members or neighbors who may benefit from accessing information electronically, 
and to receive the department’s Seniors Newsletter via email but may not otherwise have been included 
on an email group list, please send your request with email address to the following team members:

Lawren Heinz and Clarissa Lowe

Community Services Department will continue Electronic Seniors Newsletter on a weekly-basis 

Community Services Department will continue with mail drop-off of newsletters at the Sierra Madre 
U.S. Post Office Box (unless otherwise advised).

City Social Media will continue via Facebook as well as Instagram, and information sharing will include 
updates as details becomes available.

Mater Dolorosa - Sierra Madre Meal Pick-Up Program provides seal-packaged frozen meals, 5-per 
person every Thursday, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. at Hart Park House Senior Center 222 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. 
Donations are accepted. Call (626) 355-5278; x702 or 704.

YWCA Intervale Meal Program - Effective Wednesday, April 1, 2020

YWCA has transitioned their distribution of take home meals at the Sierra Madre Hart Park House Senior 
Center to a home-delivery meal program. Participants previously reserved for meal pick-up as of 
Wednesday, 3/25/20 were informed that they would begin to have their meals delivered to their homes, 
beginning Wednesday, April 1, 2020 until further notice.

For any additional participants calling in that are at a high risk and need meals delivered to, please 
provide us their name, date of birth (they must be 60+), address and phone number and Community 
Services Department will for-ward this information to our County Contact.

Food Banks Support: Seniors & Families:

If someone is outside of our local area and in need of a food bank, they can find one nearest them by 
going to and typing in their zip code; or call from the list here:

First Church of the Nazarene-Pasadena 3700 E. Sierra Madre Blvd. 626-351-9631

Wednesday 10:30 am-12 pm 

Pasadena Senior Center 85 E. Holly St. Pasadena 626-685-6732

Foothill Unity Center 415 W. Chestnut Ave. Monrovia 626-358-3486 Monday 1 pm-3:30 pm, 
Wednesday & Friday 9 am-11:30 am

Lifeline Community Services & Economic Development 2556 N. Lake Ave Altadena

626-797-3585 2nd and 4th Wednesday 12 pm-2 pm & 8:15 pm-9 pm

Morning Star Outreach Ministry 1416 N. Mentor Ave Pasadena 626-794-4875

2nd & 4th Saturday 11 am-1



While estate planning is probably one of the last things your teenage 
kids are thinking about, when they turn 18, it should be one of their 
(and your) number-one priorities. Here’s why: At 18, they become legal 
adults in the eyes of the law, so you no longer have the authority to make 
decisions regarding their healthcare, nor will you have access to their 
financial accounts if something happens to them. 

With you no longer in charge, your young adult would be extremely 
vulnerable in the event they become incapacitated by COVID-19 or 
another malady and lose their ability to make decisions about their own medical care. Seeing that 
putting a plan in place could literally save their lives, if your kids are already 18 or about to hit that 
milestone, it’s crucial that you discuss and have them sign the following documents.

Medical Power of Attorney 

A medical power of attorney is an advance directive that allows your child to grant you (or someone 
else) the legal authority to make healthcare decisions on their behalf in the event they become incapacitated 
and are unable to make decisions for themselves. 

For example, a medical power of attorney would allow you to make decisions about your child’s medical 
treatment if he or she is in a car accident or is hospitalized with COVID-19. 

Without a medical power of attorney in place, if your child has a serious illness or injury that requires 
hospitalization and you need access to their medical records to make decisions about their treatment, 
you’d have to petition the court to become their legal guardian. While a parent is typically the court’s 
first choice for guardian, the guardianship process can be both slow and expensive.

And due to HIPAA laws, once your child becomes 18, no one—even parents—is legally authorized 
to access his or her medical records without prior written permission. But a properly drafted medical 
power of attorney will include a signed HIPAA authorization, so you can immediately access their 
medical records to make informed decisions about their healthcare. 

Living Will

While a medical power of attorney allows you to make healthcare decisions on your child’s behalf 
during their incapacity, a living will is an advance directive that provides specific guidance about how 
your child’s medical decisions should be made, particularly at the end of life.

For example, a living will allows your child to let you know if and when they want life support removed 
should they ever require it. In addition to documenting how your child wants their medical 
care managed, a living will can also include instructions about who should be able to visit them in the 
hospital and even what kind of food they should be fed. 

Durable Financial Power of Attorney

Should your child become incapacitated, you may also need the ability to access and manage their 
finances, and this requires your child to grant you durable financial power of attorney.

Durable financial power of attorney gives you the authority to manage their financial and legal matters, 
such as paying their tuition, applying for student loans, managing their bank accounts, and 
collecting government benefits. Without this document, you will have to petition the court for such 

Peace of Mind

As parents, it is normal to experience anxiety as your child individuates and becomes an adult, and 
with the pandemic still raging, these fears have undoubtedly intensified. While you can’t totally prevent 
your child from an unforeseen illness or injury, you can at least rest assured that if your child 
ever does need your help, you’ll have the legal authority to provide it. Contact us if you have any 

Dedicated to empowering your family, building your wealth and defining 
your legacy,

A local attorney and father, Marc Garlett is on a mission to help parents 
protect what they love most. His office is located at 55 Auburn Avenue, Sierra 
Madre, CA 91024. Schedule an appointment to sit down and talk about 
ensuring a legacy of love and financial security for your family by calling 626.355.4000 or visit www. for more information.


A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder


I must admit I don't get away 
with very much, and I never 
have. It's not that I never try. 
It's just that whenever I try to 
get away with something, it always backfires.

I wish there were a class somewhere entitled, 
"How You Can Get Away with Anything." I certainly 
would sign up. But I haven't found it yet.

Every time I do something behind the Gracious 
Mistress of the Parsonage's back, she always 
turns around. I don't know if she has eyes in the 
back of her head or if it's just women's intuition. 
Believe me, I will not investigate this subject.

The many times she has fooled me is beyond calculation. 
I am probably the easiest person to fool 
in all the world. A salesman, I am not.

As a kid, I made little dishes out of popsicle 
sticks. Then I went around the neighborhood to 
try to sell them. My sales pitch was, "You don't 
want to buy one of these, do you?"

I didn't sell any.

I complained to my mother, and she said, "You 
need to try again. Maybe this time it will work."

The next day I put together my material and 
went door to door in the neighborhood. Much 
to my surprise, everybody bought one of my 
little dishes.

I went home very excited and told my mother 
how many I sold. In the next couple of days, I 
worked to produce these little popsicle dishes. 
As I was working on them, I was whistling and 
sometimes singing.

Years later, I discovered the real story. Remember, 
Paul Harvey, who used to say, "Now for the 
rest of the story."

Behind my back, my mother called all the neighbors, 
up and down our street explaining the 
situation and asked them to purchase one of my 
popsicle dishes. I don't know this for sure, but 
she may have paid them to do that. I've never 
been able to find out the truth.

If you can’t put one over on me, you might as 
well hang up your boots and go to bed.

During this "in-house season," the Gracious 
Mistress of the Parsonage put me on a diet. What 
am I to do? I'm not allowed in the kitchen because 
of the catastrophe that happened the last 
time I was in the kitchen. Don't ask.

She put together a diet for me that was supposed 
to be very healthy.

My diet is simply anything I can get into my 
mouth at the time. Barring, of course, vegetables. 
Her diet composed of nothing but vegetables.

Her idea is I am a little bit overweight. I then 
remind her of my favorite Bible verse that says, 
“all the fat is the Lord's” (Leviticus 3:16). When 
I quote this verse, I always smile and counter it 
with a grimace I cannot overcome.

She will pat my stomach and say, “That’s not 
what that verse means.”

Never argue with a wife, especially your wife.

All the cookies have been eradicated from our 
premises. Believe me, I've searched everywhere 
and I have not found one cookie crumb.

She made a mistake the other day. As we were 
sitting down to watch a little TV, she brought 
over one cookie and said, "Since you have been 
good with your diet, here is your reward."

I wish she would not have done that. Once I start 
something, I have an obsession with completing 
it. And believe me, when I say, one cookie 
doesn't complete the obsession.

I smiled and thanked her and graciously 
munched on the cookie.

That gave me an idea, I had to pass a little store 
the next day, and they sold cookies. I thought to 
myself, "Well, what's another cookie going to do 
to hurt me?"

I only bought one little bag of cookies; that's how 
disciplined I am. I thought one little bag could 
easily be hidden. At least that's what I thought.

When I got home, my wife was not there yet, so 
it allowed me time to conceal my little cookie 
obsession. I concealed it near my easy chair, so I 
could access it without her knowing it.

I love it when a plan comes together.

I forgot about the bag of cookies because days 
can get hectic. After supper, we sat down in the 
living room to relax and enjoy just a little TV. It 
suddenly dawned on me that I had a little stash 
of cookies underneath my chair. The more I 
thought of it, the more I thought of it.

During a commercial, my wife got up to go to 
the bathroom, so I thought this would be a great 
time to sneak a cookie. I reached under my chair 
to grab the bag of cookies, and I couldn't find 
it. I searched and searched and searched, and it 
wasn't there. I started to scratch my head and 
wonder where I put it.

Then my wife came into the room and said, "You 
weren't looking for this, were you?"

In her hand was the bag of cookies I hid under 
my chair.

Wearing a little grin on my face, I thought of a 
verse of Scripture, "But if ye will not do so, behold, 
ye have sinned against the Lord: and be 
sure your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23).

Try as we might, our sin will finally catch up 
with us.

Dr. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of God 
Fellowship, Ocala, FL 34472. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: