Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, October 17, 2020

MVNews this week:  Page 3


Mountain Views-News Saturday, October 17, 2020 


by Deanne Davis

“You will have much to give 
thanks for in life.”

“Strong and bitter words 
indicate a weak cause.”

“Be indifferent to snide 

“Adversity reveals genius. 
Prosperity conceals it.”

“A dream is just a dream. A goal 
is a dream with a plan and a 

Wow, you’re thinking…what 
a lot of great, pithy thoughts. 
Yes, friends and neighbors, they 
are. And where did I get all this 
deep wisdom? Fortune cookies. 
I’ve been collecting them for a 
while now and the first one is 
the one I opened last Monday 
when daughter, Crissy, and I 
went to P F Chang’s for lunch 
to celebrate the return of her 
daughters, Jessie and Emily, to 
school. In the school building. 
Wearing masks, working on 
Chrome books, distanced in the 
gym, but out of the house and back with many of their peers. The picture isn’t the girls as they were 
too giddy to photograph.

What a delight to see George Maurer’s picture on the front page of last week’s Mountain Views 
News, celebrating his 98th birthday. I have to say he looks great. I’m sure all of you have a George 
Maurer story and I’ve told this one before, but in honor of his 98th birthday, I’m going to tell it 
again. In 1974, John and I and our family were living there on Alegria and our youngest daughter, 
Crissy, (yes, that same one mentioned above) was four years old. John and I had gone to one of the 
Museum buildings in Exposition Park to record a concert for the jazz station which is now KKGO 
–Go Country. John worked for Mt. Wilson Broadcasting most of his adult life and did a lot of that
sort of thing. As the evening progressed, he got a page from our own Nancy Shollenberger, who at 
that time was the owner of the local answering service company. As paging was brand new at that 
time, it’s a wonder she got him at all but she was determined and, if you know Nancy, that’s a good 
description of her. Her news was not good. Crissy had been hit by a car, running across the street 
to the ice cream truck. She was horribly injured and as it was hot mid-July, was wearing a bathing 
suit so being dragged along the pavement was awful. Here’s where George Maurer comes in. Sierra 
Madre had a station wagon which was fitted out with paramedic supplies but not at all equipped as 
an ambulance. George and the dear man who was with him that day took a look at our little girl, 
scooped her up and drove her to Methodist Hospital where they saved her life. But if George had 
waited for an ambulance, we’re not so sure she would have made it.

In our eyes he achieved sainthood that day and his service to the community and great man he has 
continued to be to this day have done nothing to change our minds. Happy birthday, George, and 
thank you again for what you did that hot July day so long ago.

“Halloween is a lifestyle...not a holiday!

“Keep calm and carry garlic!”

“When witches go riding and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers...

...tis near Halloween.”

Halloween is going to be different this year and the eggs filled with goodies to be hidden all around 
town – somewhat reminiscent of Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory – with golden ticket 
prizes hidden in just five of the eggs sounds like fun. But just between us, I shall miss Halloween 
days of yore…


All Hallows Eve.... is coming,

A deadly.... dreadly night.....

When ghouls and ghosts and creepies,

And other awful blights,

Are free to roam and wander,

Anywhere they might.

Creating scary terror everywhere they can,

And scream inducing, faint-producing, 

hair-raising, bone-melting, 

What’s that right there behind me...

Quivery, shivery...Fright!!

They creep out of their crypts and graves,

These creatures of the night.

They haunt the roads and byways,

Run rampant through the park.

They hide between the bushes,

And everywhere it’s dark. 

Up and down the streets of town,

They race in search of plunder,

These ghouls and ghosts and monsters,

About three feet tall or under! 

They shriek for treats and threaten tricks,

But are satisfied with candy.

These creatures rule the darkness,

As long as Mom and Dad are handy.

Beware...take care,

Who knows what’s waiting,

Just around the bend.

Could be Jack the Ripper, come to call again,

Or Dracula or Frankenstein, the undead walk tonight.

Maybe just stay safe inside...and turn off that porch light.

However you celebrate Halloween, in costume or out, with candy corn or without, have fun, laugh 
a lot and do everything you can to stay well.

My book page: Deanne Davis

Where you’ll find “Sunrises and Sunflowers Speak Hope”

And “A Tablespoon of Love, A Tablespoon of Laughter”

Both of these books are stuffed with hope and a good recipe or two.

All five of the Emma Gainsworth adventures are available on

They’re guaranteed to make you laugh and want to see what Emma does next.

You can follow me on Twitter:



The SMP marquee has long been a fixture on the Boulevard and a landmark for the 
City of Sierra Madre. While SMP has been closed during the pandemic, the marquee 
has been bearing weekly messages of inspiration and thanks. But as many may have 
noticed, the marquee has been showing its age – with broken neon, dimmed lights, 
and broken acrylic backing.

But recently, you may have noticed quite a bit of activity around the marquee. In 
the spring, SMP’s Board of Directors launched a campaign to renovate the iconic 
sign as proof that, Covid-19 notwithstanding, the Playhouse stands strong and will 
continue as the cultural center of our part of the San Gabriel Valley. Built in 1910 and 
transformed into a movie theater in 1924, the marquee was added to the building 
sometime after that and has been badly in need of a facelift. A grant from the Sierra 
Madre City Council, along with earmarked donations from private Sierra Madre 
residents, has allowed SMP to hire the premier restorer of theater marquees, Yesco, 
to restore ours to its original brilliance.

The Playhouse will host a ceremonial relighting of the Boulevard landmark at 6 pm, 
Friday, October 23rd. The Playhouse looks forward to having our community join 
them in celebrating this long-anticipated moment by watching a live stream of the 
event on their social media – go to their website for links 
to the event. Local and community leaders will be on hand to participate in the 
dedication ceremony; social distancing protocols will be in place. The event will be 
recorded and posted on the SMP website following the event.


October 4, to October 10, 2020 
During this period the Sierra Madre Police Depals for service. 

Drug Paraphernalia 
On 10/4/20 at 2:23PM officers on patrol in the 600 block of W. Highland Ave., contacted the driver of a vehicle for a parking violation. During the field interview, the driver stated 
that he was on parole. Drug paraphernalia was discovered in the vehicle. The driver was cited and released in the field. Case to DA’s office 

Theft of signs 
A female RP called to report a theft of several political campaign signs. The signs were taken from various locations within the city limits, by unknown suspect(s). The thefts occurred on various dates and 
times from 9/5/20 to 10/5/20. Officers checked the area but were unable to find the suspect(s). Case to Detectives 

Phone Scam 
10/5/20 at 10:50AM in the 400 block of W. Sierra Madre Bl. 
A resident in the 600 block of W. Sierra Madre Bl. was befriended by a suspect via text messages. The suspect sent checks to the resident and convinced him to cash them. The resident deposited the checks 
and sent the cash to suspect via gift cards. The checks bounced and the resident was at a loss for a large sum of money. The resident has received additional checks but has not cashed them. 
Case to Detectives 

Theft from a vehicle 
On 10/10/20, Officers responded to the 1000 block of Vista Ave in regards to a grand theft from vehicle report. The resident’s vehicle was parked in the driveway of the residence. The 
resident discovered her vehicle was ransacked with several personal items stolen on Friday, October 09, 2020. 
Case to Detectives

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: