Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, October 17, 2020

MVNews this week:  Page 15



Mountain View News Saturday, October 17, 2020 

626-355-5700245 W Sierra Madre Blvd,
Sierra Madre, CAEven though you need help 
each day, we agree thatyou’re still in chargeLimited senior living suites are available.
Reserve yours today!
any seniors fear that moving out of their home into an assisted living 
residence means forfeiting control of their lives. At e Kensington, 
nothing could be further from the truth. We believe it is our role to 
support our residents, not to assume complete decision-making authority. Of course, 
as specialists in caring for older adults, we monitor routines, behavior and mood 
every day. If we see changes that concern us, then we talk with residents and their 
families immediately. Together, we all decide about making adjustments to care and 
services to preserve comfort, wellness and morale.
We regard ourselves as our residents’ champion, not their boss. 
Call or visit soon to learn about our collaborative approach to assisted living.

Well, we've made it to another Birthday! Since 2006, I have been publishing 
a weekly newspaper in the San Gabriel Valley specifically covering 
the cities of Sierra Madre, Arcadia, Monrovia, Duarte, Pasadena, and also 
South Pasadena, Altadena and San Marino. It was August 4, 2007 however, 
when the first edition of the Mountain Views Observer (now know as the 
Mountain Views News) was published! My how time flies! That is a total 
of 698 CONSECUTIVE weeks; approximately 12,564 pages; more than 7 
million print readership! Our website traffic exceeded 4 million page reads 
in 2019 alone! I am pretty proud of what we have accomplished over the 
last 14 years, despite huge economic challenges, such as the 40% tariff on 
newsprint that comes from China and has adversely impacted print media 
in the United States or California's AB5 which is another threat to newspapers 
statewide, we survived.

 And then.....2020 and COVID-19 happened! To date, we are still alive 
and moving forward. We are proceeding cautiously and are committed to 
continue providing you with accurate information about your community. 

 In March, when we reached out to you for help we expected that by May at 
the very least the Emergency would be over. We could not have imagined 
in our wildest dreams that in August the crisis would still be with us. As indicated 
in the beginning, the Mountain Views News has survived primarily 
on the paper's ability to publish legal notices and the support of our advertisers 
many of whom are also impacted by the COVID19 virus. However, 
that has all changed. We were informed mid-March that the County of Los 
Angeles closed all public access to buildings that process legal notices. Such 
action, while absolutely necessary means that the income generated from 
the publication of the Fictitious Business Notices came to an abrupt halt 
and that has not changed. Without the ability to publish those legal notices, 
continued publication of the Mountain Views News remains in jeopardy.

 With your help, however, we can continue to sustain the only paper where 
your community news comes first while we work on alternatives to the current 
legal notice processing is found or LA County Buildings allow public 
access again.

 Remember, print media is the only source of information that CANNOT 
BE HACKED! What you read in the Mountain Views News is accurate 
and as publisher, I stand behind every word. Our sources are reliable and 
dependable. Our Opinions share both sides of the argument. Community 
events and local organization activities are also an integral part of what we 
provide each week. And, while we do have an online presence, each week 
thousands of print copies are distributed. 

 Below are 4 ways that you can help sustain your local paper. All support 
is greatly appreciated. 

Thank you in advance. Susan Henderson, Owner/ Publisher/Editor

#1 Make an ONLINE 
help us recover from the 
COVID-19 interruption 
of legal notice revenue.

#2 DONATE BY CHECK: If you would rather make a donation directly 
to the paper, you can send a check. Make it payable to the Mountain 
Views News and mail to: Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre 
Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024

impact of COVID-19, newspapers are also adversely impacted by 
California Assembly Bill 5 (AB5), which eliminates the use of independent 
contractors and triples costs. Become a Sustaining Supporter 
of the Mountain Views News by making an annual contribution of 
$120 ($10 a month). Sign up and get home delivery for free. Cancel 
at anytime. Please send check to: Mountain Views News Sustaining 
Supporter 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024


Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: