Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, June 5, 2021

MVNews this week:  Page A:7

Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 5, 2021 7 Mountain Views-News Saturday, June 5, 2021 7 
These are new public health recommendations for fully vaccinated people. They 
are based on guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 
(CDC). They will be updated over time as we learn more about the impact of 
vaccination on the spread of COVID-19. 
What does it mean to be fully vaccinated?
You are considered fully vaccinated when:
• Two weeks or more have passed since you received your second dose in a 
2-dose vaccine series (PfizerBioNTech or Moderna); or• Two weeks or more have passed since you received your dose of a single-dose 
vaccine (Johnson& 
People Who Are Fully Vaccinated Can:
• Visit indoors with a small number of other fully vaccinated people without 
wearing a mask or physicallydistancing;
• Visit indoors with unvaccinated people from one other household without 
wearing masks or physicaldistancing, unless any of those people or anyone they live with has an increased 
risk for severe illness 
from COVID-19; 
• Travel, provided they take precautions described in the LA County travel 
• Refrain from quarantine and testing if they have been exposed to a person 
with COVID-19 and they do not have symptoms. 
People Who Are Fully Vaccinated Should Continue to:
• Take steps to protect themselves and others by wearing a mask, staying at least 
6 feet apart from others, and avoiding crowds and poorly ventilated spaces. These 
precautions should be taken whenever they are: 
o In public 
o Gathering with unvaccinated people from more than one other householdo Visiting with an unvaccinated person who is at increased risk for severe 
COVID-19 disease or who lives with a person at increased risk. 
• Avoid medium- and large-sized in-person gatherings• Watch out for symptoms of COVID-19, especially if after contact with someone 
who is sick. If they have symptoms of COVID-19, they should get tested and stay 
home and away from others. 
For more information 
• Visit the “After you get a vaccine’ webpage on (scan 
the QR code to view)
• Visit CDC’s webpagesInterim Public Health Recommendations for Fully 
People (detailed) or When You’ve Been Fully Vaccinated (basic) 
Cases: 1,244,662 
Deaths: 24,378 
Altadena 43,260 3,350 75 
Arcadia 57,754 2,732 137 
Bradbury 1,069 37 0 
Duarte 22,016 2,319 98 
Monrovia 38,800 3,190 78 
Pasadena 141,371 11,287 346 
Sierra Madre 10,989 470 13 
Just picked up the Quintessential book on one of my favorite 
subjects and the book is titled “Meat”. It’s a coffee table book 
full of pictures and recipes on the art of making anything and 
everything to do with meat - pork, chicken, lamb, you name it! 
Author Pat La Frieda’s award winning book is truly everything 
you’ll ever want to know with plenty of full diagrams and 
explanations of each part of your favorite protein!!. 
Here are a few excerpts from the book. 
It is ok to refreeze most seafood. Seafood is mostly frozen on the 
boats so that the fisherman can stay out longer, so go ahead and 
refreeze your seafood. 
Why is it bad to defrost meat and then freeze it again?
There’s an old wives tale that says you’ll get sick from eating 
refrozen meat. That’s not entirely true, that will only happen 
if you leave your meat out overnight and it has time to attract 
bacteria. The truth is, many restaurants will thaw steaks and 
chickens and cut them up and wrap the portions for later use. 
Buying BeefThis might be a bit of a challenge when going your local market, 
but I love going to a butcher. We have a few in town, ask them for Angus cuts of meat and the cattle 
should be under 2 years of age. The dry age term that you’ve probably heard refers to once the cattle has 
been cut into quarters. Dry aged could have a smell of corn, but steak should be odorless. The visual 
test is the steak evenly colored? Dark purple would indicate the cattle itself was older. 
Cooking the SteakThis is where the controversary begins, charcoal or gas, though 
I suggest using the 165 degree rule, that way you know that any 
bacteria has been killed off. I personally enjoy cooking steaks at 
home opposed to going out, so that I can watch and make sure the 
steak is perfect. When using coals never put the meat on till the 
coals are almost white and you can no longer put your hand over 
the BBQ. Pro Tip If you must use sauce, wait till you are ready to 
take your meat off the grill, you’ll avoid burning the skin. 
Well, that’s a wrap I have learned a lot from this book and will 
continue to use it as my holy grail of cooking tips. 
For additional tips tune into my radio show Sundays at 5PM on 
AM 830 KLAA, I’m usually on right after the baseball game. 
After 22 years of service, Foothill Unity Center Executive Director, Betty 
McWilliams is retiring. Betty faithfully led Foothill Unity Center through 
many exciting and challenging growth periods including the expansion of 
the Food and Health Services Departments and the creation of the Work-
force Development Department. She also guided the organization during 
its historic purchase of and relocation to its 28,000-square-foot Monrovia 
Betty, who plans to remain actively involved at the center, looks forward 
to spending time traveling and having quality time with her family during 
her retirement. 
Congratulations on your retirement and thank you for all that you have 
done for the Monrovia community and beyond, Betty! 
While case numbers and other metrics continue to re-
main low and stable, there is still potential for trans-
mission of COVID-19 at worksites among unvacci-
nated workers. It will continue to be important for all 
businesses to comply with infection control require-
ments and all Cal/OSHA requirements at worksites 
past the June 15 reopening. 
Yesterday, the Cal/OSHA standards board recom-
mended relaxing physical distancing and masking 
requirements for fully vaccinated workers, and other 
adjustments to align with the June 15 reopening. If 
the standards are approved by the Office of Adminis-
trative Law in the next 10 calendar days, the standards 
are expected to go into effect no later than June 15. 
The revised standards include the following: 
Face Coverings: Fully vaccinated workers without 
COVID-19 symptoms do not need to wear face cover-
ings in a room where everyone else is fully vaccinated 
and not showing symptoms. In rooms where every-
one is not vaccinated, face coverings continue to be 
required for everyone regardless of vaccination status. 
Both fully vaccinated and unvaccinated workers with-
out symptoms do not need to wear face coverings out-
doors except when working at “outdoor mega events” 
with over 10,000 attendees, which may include events 
or theme parks. 
Physical Distancing: When the revised standards 
take effect, employers can eliminate physical distanc-
ing and partitions/barriers for employees working 
indoors and at outdoor mega events if an employer 
provides respirators, such as N95s, to unvaccinated 
employees for voluntary use. After July 31, physical 
distancing and barriers are no longer required (except 
during outbreaks) provided all unvaccinated employ-
ees are offered respirators for voluntary use. 
Exclusion from the Workplace: Fully vaccinated 
workers who do not have COVID-19 symptoms no 
longer need to be excluded from the workplace after 
a close contact. 
Special Protections for Housing and Transportation: 
Special COVID-19 prevention measures that apply 
to employer-provided housing and transportation no 
longer apply if all occupants are fully vaccinated. 
Employers will still be required to maintain a written 
COVID-19 Prevention Program with the following 
Employers must review the California Department of 
Public Health’s Interim guidance for Ventilation, Fil-
tration, and Air Quality in Indoor Environments. 
COVID-19 prevention training must now include in-
formation on how the vaccine is effective at prevent-
ing COVID-19 and protecting against both transmis-
sion and serious illness or death. 
“We extend our deepest condolences to the many 
people across L.A. County who have lost a loved one 
or friend to COVID-19," said Barbara Ferrer, PhD, 
MPH, MEd, Director of Public Health. "Businesses 
following required safety modifications at worksites 
remains an important strategy to keep COVID-19 
transmission low as we increase the number of people 
vaccinated. A fully vaccinated workplace is the saf-
est worksite to prevent COVID-19 infection and will 
allow for the fewest worksite requirements. We urge 
employers to make it easy for all workers to get vac-
cinated by bringing vaccines to the worksite or offer-
ing paid time off for staff to get vaccinated. Ensuring 
worker safety is essential.” 
Public Health is connecting businesses and work-
places needing vaccinations to County mobile units 
and vaccination partners throughout the community. 
If there is a workplace where people need to get vacci-
nated, Public Health encourages you to visit the Find a 
Vaccination Provider page to request an on-site clinic 
at your workplace, business, or special event from one 
of the mobile vaccination units or other vaccination 
partners in the community to provide vaccines. 
Beginning today, Friday, June 4 to next Thursday, June 
10 at County-run vaccination sites, participating LA 
city and St. John’s Well Child and Family Center sites, 
everyone 18 and older coming to get their first vac-
cine or who brings a first-time vaccine recipient with 
them to their second dose appointment, will have an 
opportunity to win a pair of tickets to the 2021-2022 
home season of either the LA Football Club soccer 
team or the LA Dodgers. Official rules and partici-
pating site locations will be posted on the Los Ange-
les County Vaccination Sweepstakes page online this 
Anyone 12 and older living or working in L.A. Coun-
ty can get vaccinated. To find a vaccination site near 
you, to make an appointment at vaccination sites, 
and much more, visit: www.VaccinateLACounty.
com (English) and 
(Spanish). If you don’t have internet access, can’t use 
a computer, or you’re over 65, you can call 1-833-540-
0473 for help finding an appointment, connecting to 
free transportation to and from a vaccination site, or 
scheduling a home-visit if you are homebound. Vac-
cinations are always free and open to eligible residents 
and workers regardless of immigration status. 
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285Email: Website: