Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, July 17, 2021

MVNews this week:  Page A:6

Mountain View News Saturday, July 17, 2021 
Holden’s Social Justice Bills NASA Solar Sail Asteroid LA County SupervisorsPass Senate Committees Mission Readies for Launch Approve Crackdown on

Four of Assemblymember Chris Chris Holden. “We put a lot 
Holden’s bills passed Senate of attention on our State’s Cannabis Water Theft Policy Committees Tuesday. peace officers, but private 
The package of social justice security, who sometimes are During their meeting unregistered hemp crops;
bills that passed include The in similar circumstances, need Tuesday, the Board of and authorize an alternative 
Upward Mobility Act, AB 105; comparable training.” Supervisors approved a means of service of process 
use of force training for private AB 349 would require the motion by Supervisor for commercial cannabis 
security, AB 229; transportation Department of General Services Kathryn Barger and co-businesses when their 

contracts for disadvantaged (DGS) and other state agencies 

authored by Supervisor Shelia business entity status is form 

communities, AB 349; and real and departments, to expand 

Kuehl to curb the significant unknown.

estate appraisal reform, AB 948. outreach to small businesses, 

negative impacts of illegal The motion also asked

AB 105 would address barriers particularly those owned by 
to upward mobility and individuals that identify as large-scale cannabis grows County Counsel to work 
inclusion for people of color LGBTQ, racial minorities, or which includes water theft, with relevant departments 
working in California’s civil women, passed the Senate trespass, use of dangerous and agencies to report back 
services system. Specifically, Governmental Organization pesticides and chemicals, to the Board in 90 days with 
the legislation would require Committee and littered debris. a proposed administrative 
diversity on all state boards “This bill is about ensuring equity “While the national and local nuisance abatement 
and commissions that have and a just COVID-19 recovery,” 

media reports on this issue, ordinance for unpermitted 

volunteers, and reform said Assemblymember Chris 

have focused on the Antelope cannabis activity including

processes that hinder upward Holden. “We know communities 

Valley and surrounding illegal cannabis cultivation

mobility for people of color in of color continue to be sail mission, Solar Cruiser, 

desert communities, illegal and dispensaries; and, asked

the civil service system, giving disproportionally impacted by which will use a sail 16 times 
attention to compliance, the COVID-19 with higher rates of Sailing on sunlight, larger when it flies in 2025. marijuana grows will impact Regional Planning to study a 
appeals process, and annual unemployment, reduced access NEA Scout will the entire County of Los future ordinance to regulate

Sailing on sunlight,

parity goals for upward mobility. to healthcare, and ultimately Angeles,” said Supervisor hemp and report back to

capture images of an NEA Scout will begin an

“Upward mobility is integral to higher death rates. This bill will Kathryn Barger. “As the State the board in 180 days with

approximate two-year

achieving racial justice, and we bring economic opportunities asteroid for scientific 
enters another potential recommendations.

journey to fly by a near-

should be setting the example,” to these communities who are study. drought emergency, we “The whack-a-mole 
said Assemblymember Chris also hit hardest by taxes on gas Earth asteroid. Once it 

need to ensure that this new problem of illegal cannabis

Holden. “The existing systems and transportation.” reaches its destination, the 

activity does not further dispensaries and now illegal

in place at our own state AB 948 would require the NASA’s Near-Earth Asteroid spacecraft will use a science-

exacerbate water scarcity. In cannabis grows popping up

agencies fail to create inclusive Bureau of California Real Estate Scout is tucked away safely grade camera to capture 

addition, I am very concerned throughout the County has

workplace environments, and Appraisals to gather data on inside the agency’s powerful images of the asteroid – 

hinder qualified individuals demographic information of that illegal growers are using been exacerbated by the lack

Space Launch System (SLS) down to less than half an 

to move on up within their buyers and sellers of real estate rocket at NASA’s Kennedy inch (10 centimeters) per unregulated chemicals to of a regulating ordinance,” 
department simply based on the property and compile data of process marijuana and said Supervisor Barger.

Space Center in Florida. pixel – which scientists will

color of their skin.” homeowners from protected selling these products to both

The solar sailing CubeSat then study to further our As part of this effort,

AB 229 would require the Bureau classes who file complaints legal and illegal dispensaries Supervisor Barger allocated 
of Security and Investigative based on low appraisals. is one of several secondary understanding of these small throughout the LA basin $250,000 to finance the 
Services (BSIS) to develop The legislation also requires payloads hitching a ride on but important solar system endangering cannabis Sheriff ’s Department’s curriculum and training courses appraisers to take anti-bias Artemis I, the first integrated neighbors. High-resolution 

users, contributing to continued targeted 

on the appropriate use of force training when renewing their flight of the agency’s SLS and imaging is made possible 

contamination and pollution, enforcement and patrols of

for private security service license. the Orion spacecraft. thanks to the low-velocity 

and threatening water quality the areas impacted by the

employees in consultation “Black homeowners in NEA Scout, a small flyby (less than 100 feet, or 30 
with the Commission on Peace predominately white spacecraft roughly the size meters, per second) enabled and safety.” massive illegal grows and 
Officer Standards and Training. neighborhoods are getting The motion asks the water theft in the Antelope

of a large shoebox, has been by the solar sail. 

security their homes appraised for far Chief Executive Office Valley and has asked the

“When private are packaged into a dispenser The data obtained will 

responsible for the safety of the less than their neighbors,” (Legislative Affairs and CEO to report back on

and attached to the adapter help scientists understand

general public, those private said Assemblymember Chris Intergovernmental Relations potential funding sources 
operators must have the proper Holden. “It’s just another ring that connects the SLS a smaller class of asteroids Branch) to coordinate with for the County to sustain 

training in order to apply example of how bias, whether rocket and Orion spacecraft. – those measuring less than relevant County departments eradication of this serious 

the appropriate use of force explicit or implicit, creates The Artemis I mission 100 meters (330 feet) across 

to support or pursue environmental and quality of

in any particular situation,” inequity for Black Americans. will be an uncrewed flight – that have never been 

legislation at the State level life nuisance.

said Assemblymember This is redlining 2.0.” test. It also offers deep explored by spacecraft. 

that will: provide standing “Finally, when examining the

space transportation for “The images gathered by 

to County Counsel to civilly true impact of illegal grows

several CubeSats, enabling NEA Scout will provide 

prosecute and enjoin water outside of environmental

opportunities for small critical information on the 

theft; provide additional impacts, public safety

spacecraft like NEA Scout to asteroid’s physical properties 

enforcement authority and consumer health, we

reach the Moon and beyond such as orbit, shape, volume, 

for water theft and/or cannot overlook the fact

as part of the Artemis rotation, the dust and debris 

misuse in declared drought that the cartels and growers

program. field surrounding it, plus its 

emergencies; authorize are engaging in human

“NEA Scout will be America’s surface properties,” said Julie 

County Counsel to civilly trafficking and coercion to

first interplanetary mission Castillo-Rogez, the mission’s 

prosecute and enjoin water provide the manual labor in

using solar sail propulsion,” principal science investigator 

pollution from cannabis the fields,” Supervisor Barger

said Les Johnson, principal at NASA’s Jet Propulsion 

cultivation; address potential continued.

technology investigator Laboratory. 

loopholes or exploitation A copy of the motion

for the mission at NASA’s Near-Earth asteroids are 

by illegal cannabis growers approved by the Board of

Marshall Space Flight Center. also important destinations 

and pursue increasing Supervisors can be found at:

“There have been several for exploration, in situ

Armory Center for the Arts, local government controls

sail tests in Earth orbit, and resource utilization, and

Pasadena’s Parks, Recreation Day One and Let’s Teach. over illegal cannabis and 
and Community Services “We invite everyone to we are now ready to show scientific research. In the past 
Department (PRCS) invites the participate in Parks After Dark we can use this new type decade, detections of near-
community to the 10th annual this summer,” said Brenda of spacecraft propulsion to Earth asteroids have steadily Tournament: Royal CourtParks After Dark programs. Harvey-Williams, director go new places and perform risen and are expected to 
Parks After Dark takes of the Parks, Recreation important science.” grow, offering expanded Applications Set to Openadvantage of our beautiful and Community Services The CubeSat will use opportunities as exploration 
summer evenings by activating Department. “We’re proud to stainless steel alloy booms to destinations. applicants who would have 
park spaces that provide open our parks to encourage Participants selected been eligible for the 2021

deploy an aluminum-coated “Despite their size, some of

their healthy living and provide fun,

youth and families plastic film sail – thinner these small asteroids could for the Royal Court, Royal Court. 

opportunities to experience free, family-friendly activities 
healthy recreation and active throughout the city.” than a human hair and about pose a threat to Earth,” are required to be Royal Court members 
lifestyles. Programming is led All activities are free. For the size of a racquetball Dr. Jim Stott, NEA Scout fully vaccinated and experience countless 

court. The large-area sail benefits; becoming part of

by PRCS with strong support a complete list of events technology project manager, 

provide proof of

from partners including and to pre-registration visit: will generate thrust by said. “Understanding their an organization dedicated 
various City departments like Reserving reflecting sunlight. Energetic properties could help vaccination. to hands-on volunteerism, 
Police, Fire and Public Health, is recommended although on-particles of sunlight, called us develop strategies for discovering opportunities to 
and several community-based site registration will also be photons, bounce off the solar reducing the potential Applications for the 2022 connect with and give back 
organizations including the available. sail to give it a gentle yet damage caused in the event Pasadena Tournament of to the local community, 
constant push. Over time, of an impact.” developing public speaking

Roses Royal Court will bePasadena Community this constant thrust can Scientists will use this data available on Monday, July skills, and growing self-
accelerate the spacecraft to to determine what is required 26 on the Tournament of confidence. The Rose Queen 

very high speeds, allowing to reduce risk, increase Roses website. The 2022 and Royal Court are iconic

Redistricting Workshops traditions, steeped in

it to navigate through space effectiveness, and improve Royal Court members the 

Pasadena Tournament of

public is properly informed and catch up to its target the design and operations will each receive a $7,500 

Roses’ history and will

The City of Pasadena invites and engaged,” said Vince asteroid. of robotic and human space educational scholarship and 

continue as a treasured

residents and community Farhat, Redistricting Task “This type of propulsion is exploration, added Castillo-serve as ambassadors of the 
members to learn about Force Chair. “A primary especially useful for small, Rogez. Tournament of Roses, the legacy. 

lightweight spacecraft that NEA Scout is developed Please note that Royal Court

redistricting and share their emphasis of the task Pasadena community and 
ideas about how shifts in force is on public input, cannot carry large amounts under NASA’s Advanced the greater Los Angeles area. interview participants, and 

those who are selected for

population might affect the transparency and education. of conventional rocket Exploration Systems division. All are encouraged to 

the Royal Court, are required

borders of the seven City District elections affect how propellant,” Johnson said. The CubeSat is designed and apply and participate in 

to be fully vaccinated and

Council districts. we elect our representatives NEA Scout is also a developed by NASA Marshall one of the initial interview 

provide proof of vaccination

Seven community on the City Council, so the stepping-stone to another in Huntsville, Alabama, and sessions at Tournament 

during the application

workshops are planned in process is foundational to recently selected NASA solar JPL in Southern California. House on Saturday, 

process before the initial

the coming weeks, the next representative democracy. September 11 or Monday, 

interview sessions. A

workshop is on Thursday, It is an important effort and September 13. Participants 
August 5, in District 5. These a unique civic engagement Dine at El Portal July 20 are selected based upon a person is considered fully


seven identical workshops experience.” combination of qualities, two weeks 

after having all doses of a

will be held in each district Each meeting will last two to Support Senior Center including public speaking 

CDC approved COVID-19

to ensure the process hours. The content shared ability, youth leadership, 

son Armando, is a living academic vaccine; two doses for Pfizer

comes to every corner of will include a history of achievement,

Anyone who dines at legacy for his passionate or Moderna and one dose

the community and allow redistricting in Pasadena, a and community and school 

El Portal in Pasadena on and inspiring advocacy for for Johnson & Johnson.

residents to choose a date review of the current laws involvement. Eligibility

Tuesday, July 20, will have an improving and supporting The 2022 Royal Court will

and location that is most that govern the process, an requirements are on the 

opportunity to help support the lives of older adults, and Tournament of Roses ride down Colorado Blvd.

convenient. Residents overview of the timeline to 

the Pasadena Senior Center. I thank him from the bottom on the Royal Court float

are highly encouraged complete redistricting, an website. 

in the 133rd Rose Parade

to participate, and each explanation of communities The Yucatecan/Mexican of my heart.” With the cancellation 

restaurant will donate 20 El Portal is at 695 E. Green presented by Honda and

workshop is open to all of interest, and a of the 2021 Rose Parade, 

residents in the city. Each demonstration of mapping percent of that day’s and St. in Pasadena and will be those who were looking attend the 108th Rose Bowl 
evening’s profits to the open on July 20 from 11 a.m. Game, both on Saturday,

workshop will be available tools the public can utilize forward to applying for 

center on behalf of everyone to 8:30 p.m. Reservations are January 1, 2022

via Zoom, giving residents to define communities of the 2021 Royal Court, are 

who says they want to help requested. Call 626-795-Royal Court eligibility

a choice to attend in person interest and eventually encouraged to apply for the 
or participate online. submit redistricting support the Pasadena Senior 8553. 2022 Royal Court. Eligibility requirements and additional 

Details about the schedule plans for the task force to Center. Diners can eat at the “’I want to support the requirements have been information can be found 
restaurant or order takeout. Pasadena Senior Center’ will at:

of upcoming workshops consider. extended to include 

“We have been rolling up be music to my ears on July about/royal-court.

can be found on the City’s The task force is composed 

our sleeves and coming up 20,” Gibbs added.

website at cityofpasadena. of 12 members appointed by 

with creative solutions to Anyone who cannot dine

net/redistricting. the City Council. 

help keep our operations at El Portal that day and

“The redistricting process Residents are encouraged 

up and running during the evening will still have an

takes place every ten years to visit cityofpasadena. 

COVID-19 pandemic,” said opportunity to support

in Pasadena. As part of net/redistricting to stay 

Akila Gibbs, the center’s the center by visiting:

this current cycle, there are informed and sign up 

executive director. “Abel

new rules in place set forth for email alerts as new 

Ramirez, founder and co-and clicking on the orange

by the State of California, information and events 

owner of El Portal with his Donate button.

and we want to ensure the come available. 

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