Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, July 17, 2021

MVNews this week:  Page B:1

Mountain Views News Saturday, July 17, 2021 
Mountain Views News Saturday, July 17, 2021 

LOS ANGELES COUNTY —The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously ap-proved a motion 
authored by Supervisor Kathryn Barger and co-authored by Supervisor Hilda Solis to support SB 219 
(McGuire) which would enable the local auditor or tax collector to can-cel any penalties or costs resulting 
from property tax delinquency due to a documented hard-ship arising from the COVID-19 “Safer-at-Home” 

“The Safer-at-Home orders impacted every single resident and business throughout Los An-geles County, and 
it is imperative for the County to partner with the State to support our tax-payers who suffered financially,” 
said Supervisor Kathryn Barger. “SB 219 is one opportunity to provide much-needed relief and assistance for 
those negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.” 

“Support for SB 219 aligns with the County’s approach to ensuring an equitable recovery for all, especially 
among our hardest hit residents who are still reeling from the economic, social and psychological impacts 
of the pandemic,” shared Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Chair, Hilda L. Solis. “The economic 
recovery of our residents is dependent on how well we support them, which is why I authored a motion last 
year with Supervisor Barger directing the Treasurer and Tax Collector to consider the impact of COVID-19 
on delinquent property own-ers and cancel any late penalty. SB 219 reinforces our authority and empowers 
counties statewide to provide the same support to their residents who may face economic hardships brought 
on by COVID-19.” 

If passed by the State Legislature, SB 219 would codify the County tax collector’s ability to can-cel tax delinquent 
penalties when failure to make the payment is due to a documented finan-cial hardship arising from a 
shelter-in-place order, and if the principal amount of tax due is paid no later than June 30 of the fiscal year in 
which the payment first became delinquent. This bill would change the enforcement of late payment penalties 
to individuals who have been impacted through no fault of their own. SB 219 is supported by the California 
State As-sociation of Counties, the Urban Counties of California, and the Rural County Representatives of 
California as a much-needed tool for County tax collectors that can maintain predictability of critical revenue 
support for local agencies. A copy of their support letter can be found here.

 As a result of today’s board action, Los Angeles County legislative advocates will actively support SB 219 for 
passage in Sacramento 


Must admit with all the past political non-sense (I said it) 
and trivial trivia, I almost missed out on National Nachos 
Day and National Cappuccino Day, and what type of foodie 
would I be, but fear not friends, I did partake in a Margarita 
and a plate of Nachos. I have to take my Andy Rooney Card 
out again and give you my fellow diners the rules of Etiquette 

101. I love my daughter, and some of my friends kids. But 
here goes. 
I am asked frequently asked about etiquette and table 

manners, so I compiled this simple list based on the most 

common questions.

Your napkin goes in your lap, folded in half, as soon 

as you sit down. Many people wait until the food arrives, but 

the proper form is to be prepared.

If you leave the table, place the napkin to the left of 

your plate, loosely draped.

A napkin is never for blowing your noise or wiping 

your mouth. Use it to dab at the corners of your mouth or 

your fingertips. If you need to cleanse further, leave the table 

and use the appropriate products in the restroom.

 In formal dining, a charger will be under the place 

setting. It remains there during the starter course and is 

removed at the main course. 

Your eating utensils go in the order of use, starting 
from the outside (furthest from the plate) and working their 
way in. Forks go on the left; knives and spoons on the right, 
as you face the plate. Dessert utensils are placed at the top of 

the plate, sideways.

The bread and butter 
plate goes to the left, above the 

 The water glass goes 
above the knives (behind the 
wine goblet, if there is one).

 Food should be passed 

 It is considered 
impolite to start eating before 
everyone is seated and served, 
including your host.

Only the meal settings and food belong on the 
table. Do not place your elbows, eyeglasses, notebook, pen or 
other objects on the table.

 Cut no more than two bites of any item at a time. 
When it comes to bread, tear off one bite at a time and butter 
it, rather than buttering a whole roll.

 Do not season your food until you have tasted it.

 It is permissible to use a piece of bread to wipe 
up excess gravy, as long as you use your fork and not your 

 If you need to leave the table, place your utensils 
on the edge of your plate so that the tips point to the plate’s 
center, in a V-shape. To signal when you are finished, lay 
your utensils side by side diagonally on the plate.
Listen live to Dining with Dills at 5 PM Sundays KLAA AM 

Community transmission of COVID-19 has 
rapidly increased from Moderate to Substantial, 
based on the trend in daily new cases of COVID-
19. The Los Angeles County Health Officer 
Order will be modified to require masking for 
everyone while indoors, regardless of vaccination 
status, as Los Angeles County sees more than a 
seven-times increase in new cases since the June 
15 reopening. Wearing a mask when indoors reduces 
the risk of both getting and transmitting 
the virus. This additional layer of protection can 
help to slow the spread and does not limit business 
occupancy and operations. 

The L.A. County indoor masking requirements 
for everyone will be effective Saturday, July 17 at 

11:59 p.m. Some exceptions will apply, similar to 
masking requirements that were in place prior to 
the June 15 reopening. The modified Health Officer 
Order will be posted online by Friday, July 
16 and will become effective at 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, 
July 17. 
On June 15, the day of the full reopening, the 
County saw 210 new cases and today the Los Angeles 
County Department of Public Health (Public 
Health) confirms the highest number of new 
COVID-19 cases since mid-March with 1,537 
new cases. Today’s test positivity rate is 3.7%; on 
June 15, the test positivity rate was around 0.5% 

Because of this rapid rise, as well as the increasing 
presence of the more easily transmitted Delta 
variant of the virus, and the millions of people 
potentially at risk of infection, together we must 
reduce our risk of infection and our risk for potentially 
infecting others. 

Tracking the proliferation of the Delta variant is 
a priority because the Delta variant is more easily 
spread between people – more than other variants 
of concern. And while emerging data affirms 
that fully vaccinated people are well protected 
from severe infections with Delta variants, people 
with only one vaccine are not as well-protected, 
and there is evidence that a very small number of 
fully vaccinated individuals can become infected 
and may be able to infect others. From June 27 
to July 3, the number of sequenced Delta variants 
was 124, 71% of all sequences collected that 
week. Given that slightly under 4 million residents 
in L.A. County are not yet vaccinated, the 
risk of increased spread of this variant within the 
County remains high. 

"We share our deepest condolences with those of 
you who have lost friends, loved ones, and family 
during this difficult time,” said Muntu Davis, 
MD, MPH, Los Angeles County Health Officer. 
“We expect to keep masking requirements 
in place until we begin to see improvements in 
our community transmission of COVID-19. But 
waiting for us to be at high community transmission 
level before making a change would be 
too late. Masking indoors must again become 
a normal practice by all, regardless of vaccina

tion status, so that we can stop the trends and 
level of transmission we are currently seeing. We 
continue to urge all eligible residents to get vaccinated 
in order to protect themselves and their 
family and friends. Becoming fully vaccinated 
against COVID-19 remains the best protective 
action that people can take if they are eligible for 
it. Although not at 100%, it significantly reduces 
the risk of infection and, for the small number 
of people that get infected, it reduces the risk of 
hospitalization and death once you are fully vaccinated 
against COVID-19.” 

While requiring masks in schools is an excellent 
way to prevent transmission among children, 
now is a great time to plan on vaccinating your 
children who are 12 and older against COVID-19 
before the school year starts. The Pfizer vaccine is 
approved for use in children aged 12 and older. 
If your child begins their two-dose series for the 
Pfizer vaccine today, they would be able to get 
their second dose of the vaccine on August 5 and 
would be fully vaccinated as of August 19. As a 
reminder the first and second doses of this vaccine 
need to be given three weeks apart, and a 
person is not considered fully vaccinated until 
two weeks after the second vaccine. 

Beginning Friday, July 17 through next Thursday, 
July 22 at County-run vaccination sites, LA City 
sites, and St. John’s Well Child and Family Center 
sites, everyone 18 and older coming to get a vaccine 
will have an opportunity to win one of seven 
packages of tickets to family fun at the Staples 
Center, including performances by the Harlem 
Globetrotters, Disney on Ice, and the Gold Over 
America tour starring Simone Biles. The Celine 
Dion, Grupo Firma, Kane Brown, Luke Bryan, 
and Dan and Shay at Staples Center tickets, and 
box seats to four classical concerts at the Hollywood 
Bowl sweepstakes is in effect through 

 Anyone 12 and older living or working in L.A. 
County can get vaccinated against COVID-19. 
To find a vaccination site near you, make an appointment 
at vaccination sites, and much more, 
visit: (English) 
and (Spanish). If 
you don’t have internet access, can’t use a computer, 
or you’re over 65, you can call 1-833-5400473 
for help finding an appointment, connecting 
to free transportation to and from a vaccination 
site, or scheduling a home-visit if you are homebound. 
Vaccinations are always free and open to 
eligible residents and workers regardless of immigration 

COVID-19 Sector Protocols, Best Practices, 
COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard, COVID-19 
Surveillance Interactive Dashboard, Recovery 
Dashboard, and additional actions you can take 
to protect yourself, your family and your community 
are on the Public Health website, www. 

LOCAL STATISTICS 07/09/2021 vs. 07/16/2021 


Cases: 1,253,536 

Deaths: 24,514 


Altadena 43,260 3,378 76 
Arcadia 57,754 2,772 137 
Bradbury 1,069 39 0 
Duarte 22,016 2,333 97 
Monrovia 38,800 3,227 79 
Pasadena 141,371 11,388 350 
Sierra Madre 10,989 481 13 


Cases: 1,262,578 

Deaths: 24,566 


Altadena 43,260 3,378 76 
Arcadia 57,754 2,772 137 
Bradbury 1,069 39 0 
Duarte 22,016 2,333 97 
Monrovia 38,800 3,227 79 
Pasadena 141,371 11,484 351 
Sierra Madre 10,989 481 13 

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