Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, September 18, 2021

MVNews this week:  Page 8

Mountain View News Saturday, September 18, 2021 


Picture Courtesy of the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services 

In 1954, polio was a terrifying reality. The vaccine began as a large clinical trial of 1.3 million kids around the 
country. They called themselves Polio Pioneers, the first to try a new vaccine in the hopes of ending a grave 
Nine months after the trial ended, the vaccine was declared safe and effective. In 1955, mass inoculation 
against polio began. 25 years later, domestic polio transmission had all but vanished.
Polio is now a mandated vaccination in all 50 states. The kids you see pictured made this a reality for us all. 


Bradbury, California – What is the City of Bradbury’s (‘City’) redistricting and why is it so important? Every 
ten years, the City of Bradbury’s City Council is responsible for redrawing the City’s Council Member district 
boundaries based upon census data, and is informed by community input and understanding of critical communities 
of interest. 

 The Bradbury City Council’s goal is to promote more citizen participation in government and to make the 
government of Bradbury more transparent and responsive to the community’s needs. The Bradbury City 
Council encourages participation from the public through an outreach effort to engage the community at 
several virtual Public Input Hearings and a Public Input Workshop. The Bradbury is invested in ensuring that 
underserved and underrepresented communities are engaged in the redistricting process.

 For more information about the City of Bradbury’s redistricting, please visit:
government/city_council/redistricting.php. For information regarding the upcoming meetings, please contact 
Kevin Kearney, City Manager, at or call Bradbury City Hall at (626) 358-3218, 
Monday through Friday from 8:30am – 5:00pm.

All redistricting meetings will be held virtually or at the Bradbury Civic Center, located at 600 Winston Avenue, 
Bradbury, CA 91008. These Public Workshops and Public Input Hearings will be held on: 
Pre-Draft Map Public Hearing September 21, 2021 @7:10pm 
Public Workshop *October 4, 2021 @ 6pm 
Draft Map Adoption/Pre-Final Map Public Hearing *October 19, 2021 @ 7:10pmFinal Map Adoption (First Reading) *November 16, 2021 @ 7:10mFinal Map Adoption (Second Reading) *December 7, 2021 @ 7:00pm*NOTE: These meeting dates and times are tentative and can be changed. It is expected that tentative dates/ 
times will be finalized during the September 21, 2021 meeting. 

TABLE FOR TWO by Peter Dills 


My friend, and super car salesman Chris McCarty, says "top shelf " or "third 
floor" when he wants a good brand-name drink when he is at a bar. Reader 
Manny “The Cuban” Almeida might think I have lost my mind, but friends 
and readers, we are moving to the high rent district today. It took me a 
few years to figure out (and maybe just in time now) that when you are at 
a supermarket looking for your favorite wine and frustration sets in, you 
should search by price - the most expensive wines are on the “top shelf ” 
and the bottom shelf is usually where you’ll find lowest prices. You’ll find 
me somewhere in the middle. Please let me, just for this one week, introduce 
you to the top shelf at your local wine department because that is 
where I found the Storm Watch 2015 by San Simeon, Yes indeed, the technology 
of blends and business is all a part of the STORMWATCH story of 
San Simeon is a family-run business since 1917. 

As we have learned over the last couple of years, I do believe in “blends”, 
and this Stormwatch is “top shelf ”. The grapes are sourced from vineyards 
in the area including cabernet from their Vineyard in Paso Robles. I am 
told that Black Bart used to rob the stagecoach that ran from St. Helena to 
Paso Robles. If Bart could have gotten his hands on some San Simeon wines, he would have appreciated the 
fruitiness of the first taste. The tannins are very smooth, and like many blends that include petit verdot (regardless 
of the price) has a touch of boldness and a bit of spice. This blend is perfectly balanced, and I recommend 
a pairing it with spare ribs, chicken or steak. No BBQ sauce, though, as that will take away some of the natural 
flavors from your wine. Price is $50 - top shelf, indeed, but when it’s time to treat yourself, stormwatch is a great 

Dills Score 90 
Retail Around $60 on sale $45 limited distribution throughout So Cal Vons 

Each week I will give you my Dills Score. I have added points for value. I’m starting with a base of 50 points; I 
added 8 points for color, 7 points for aroma or “nose”, 8 points for taste, 8 points for finish, and 9 points for my 
overall impression, which includes my value rating. Email Peter at and follow me 
on Twitter @KINGOFCUISINE, listen to my radio show on Sundays at 5Pm on AM 830 

The Los Angeles County Health Officer Order was modified Friday to require vaccination 
verification or a negative test prior to entry to all mega events and event venues by October 
7; children under 12 years of age are exempt. The Health Officer Order also requires 
vaccination verification for customers and employees at indoor portions of bars, lounges, 
nightclubs, breweries, wineries, and distilleries.

 The requirement for vaccine verification or a negative test within 72 hours prior to attending 
an out-door mega event aligns with the recently announced national strategy and 
includes venues and events with more than 10,000 attendees that are ticketed and/or have 
controlled points of entry to a well-defined area, such as sport and music arenas and theme 
parks. This is similar to the requirement for vaccination verification or a negative test prior 
to entry at all indoor events and arenas with more than 1,000 participants; this requirement 
has been in place since August 18. Many mega event ven-ues established verification 
systems during the spring in response to previous capacity restrictions and Public Health 
will offer large venues and organizers of mega events technical assistance to assist with 

 The requirement for vaccine verification for customers in the indoor portions of bars, 
wineries, brew-eries, distilleries, nightclubs, and lounges and their employees applies to 
drinking establishments with either no restaurant permit or a low-risk restaurant permit 
and requires that all customers and em-ployees have at least one dose of the vaccine 
by October 7 and full vaccination by November 4. These establishments primarily serve 
adults and already require patrons to show proof of age; and while children do not usually 
enter these establishments, children under 12 are exempt from these re-quirements. 
Full vaccination verification for services in the indoor portions of restaurants is strongly 

 This modified Order aligns with the continued need to reduce risk for transmission and 
increase vac-cination coverage offering a reasonable path forward.

Increasing the proportion of the population that is vaccinated remains one the County’s 
highest prior-ities. As of September 12, 91% of L.A. County residents 65 and over have received 
at least one dose of the vaccine, 77% of residents 16 and over and 76% of residents 12 
and over. Sixty-seven percent of residents 12 and over have been fully vaccinated. Sixty-five 
percent of L.A. County teens between the ages of 12 and 17 received at least one dose and 
56% are fully vaccinated. Out of the nearly 10.3 million L.A. County residents, including 
those who are not yet eligible for the vaccine, 65% have re-ceived at least one dose, and 
58% are fully vaccinated. Countywide, nearly 68,000 third doses have been administered to 
immunocompromised people.

 Among the more than 5.4 million fully vaccinated people in L.A. County, Public Health 
identified 47,276 people fully vaccinated who tested positive for COVID-19 as of September 
14. While this is an increase of 8% from last week, less than 1% of all those vaccinated 
have become infected with COVID-19. Of those who tested positive, 1,359 were hospitalized, 
up from 1,243 the week prior. This translates to 0.03% of all fully vaccinated people 
being hospitalized. Deaths in this group over this interval increased, from 165 to 199, to 
0.004%. While not 100% perfect, the data provides reassur-ance that the COVID-19 vaccines 
provide excellent protection from COVID-related hospitalizations and deaths. And 
because the vaccines don’t provide 100% protection, we need to continue to layer in other 
protections where there is high risk of transmission and vulnerable residents. 

To find a vaccination site near you, make an appointment at vaccination sites, and much 
more, vis-it: (English) and 
(Spanish). If you don’t have internet access, can’t use a computer, or you’re over 65, you can 
call 1-833-540-0473 for help finding an appointment, connecting to free transportation to 
and from a vaccination site, or schedul-ing a home-visit if you are homebound. Vaccinations 
are always free and open to eligible residents and workers regardless of immigration 

COVID-19 Sector Protocols, Best Practices, COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard, COVID-19 
Surveillance In-teractive Dashboard, Recovery Dashboard, and additional actions you can 
take to protect yourself, your family and your community are on the Public Health website, 

LOCAL STATISTICS 09/10/2021 vs. 09/18/2021 


Cases: 1,425,806 

Deaths: 25,563 


Altadena 43,260 3,920 80 
Arcadia 57,754 3,221 143 
Bradbury 1,069 41 0 
Duarte 22,016 2,667 98 
Monrovia 38,800 3,759 80 
Pasadena 141,371 12,891 356 
Sierra Madre 10,989 580 13 


Cases: 1,440,721 

Deaths: 25,799 


Altadena 43,260 3,954 80 
Arcadia 57,754 3,266 145 
Bradbury 1,069 42 0 
Duarte 22,016 2,689 99 
Monrovia 38,800 3,839 81 
Pasadena 141,371 13,018 359 
Sierra Madre 10,989 594 13 


LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles County Department 
of Public Health (Public Health) has 
confirmed the first death due to West Nile virus 
(WNV) for the 2021 season in Los Angeles 
County. The patient, a resident of the eastern 
region of Los Angeles County, was hospitalized 
and died from WNV-associated neuro-invasive 

 “To the family and friends feeling the sorrow 
of losing this person due to WNV, we send you 
our deepest sympathies,” said Muntu Davis, 
MD, MPH, Los Angeles County Health Officer. 
“West Nile virus can be a serious health threat 
to people who get infected. People should regularly 
check for items that can hold water and 
breed mosquitoes, both inside and outside their 
homes, and to cover, clean or throw out those 
items. I encourage everyone to protect themselves 
from diseases spread by mosquitoes by 
using EPA-registered mosquito repellent products 
as directed, and wear clothing that covers 
your arms and legs.”

 Humans get WNV through the bite of an infected 
mosquito. Most mosquitoes do not carry 
the virus; therefore, most people bitten by a 
mosquito are not exposed to WNV. Those who 
do get WNV may experience mild symptoms 
including fever, muscle aches, and tiredness. In 
some cases, especially in persons over 50 years of 
age and those with chronic medical conditions 
such as cancer and diabetes, severe WNV infection 
can occur and affect the brain and spinal 
cord causing meningitis, encephalitis, and paralysis. 
There is no specific treatment for WNV 
disease and no vaccine to prevent infection.

 A total of 10 cases have been documented in 
Los Angeles County so far this year (excluding 
Long Beach and Pasadena as cases identified 
in those cities are reported by their local health 
departments). WNV-infected mosquitoes, dead 
birds, and sentinel chickens have been identified 

across Los Angeles County. Public Health monitors 
cases of WNV infection and collaborates 
with local vector control agencies to reduce the 
risk of WNV to humans by promoting prevention 
and mosquito reduction. 

Decrease your risk of exposure:

PROTECT YOURSELF: Mosquito repellents 
can keep mosquitoes from biting you. EPA-registered 
repellents containing DEET, picaridin, 
IR3535, 2-undecanone, and oil of lemon eucalyptus 
are the longest lasting and most effective. 
They are available as sprays, wipes, and lotions. 
Find the repellent that’s right for you here. Consider 
wearing long-sleeved clothes and pants 
when outside. 
sure that your doors and windows have tight-
fitting screens to keep out mosquitoes. Repair or 
replace screens with tears or holes.
REDUCE MOSQUITOES: Mosquitoes lay their 
eggs on standing water.
Check for items that hold water inside and outside 
your home once a weekCover water storage containers such as buckets 
and rain barrels. If no lid, use wire mesh with 
holes smaller than an adult mosquitoClear standing water in flower pots, saucers, 
birdbaths and other containers 
Clean and maintain swimming pools, spas and 
drain water from pool coversCast out (throw away) old items in your patio or 
yard that can hold water, e.g., old car tires and 
children’s toysCall 2-1-1 or visit to 
report persistent problems to your mosquito 
control district. 
More information and resources: 

West Nile virus in LA County: http://publichealth. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: