Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, September 18, 2021

MVNews this week:  Page 12

12 Mountain View News Saturday, September 18, 2021 12 Mountain View News Saturday, September 18, 2021 

A Weekly Religion Column by Rev. James Snyder 


I do not quit easily. When I 

It’s one thing to have a project, but it’s another 
start a project, I like to work 

thing to have the tools to finish the project on 
until it's finished. I hate to 

quit before something is 

There is one project that I have been working 
on for years. Maybe it’s about time I quit that 
One thing I have learned through the years is 

not to start something unless I have the time 
and resources to finish it. How many projects 

The project is, to understand how my wife man-
I started in the past and somehow ran out of 

ages to do all of those things? 
steam or resources and never got to finish it. 
I good go and ask her but you know what that 
When I start a project, I am obsessed with fin-

would mean. I wouldn’t understand anything 
ishing it on time. 

she was saying. 

My problem is I have difficulty planning, sched-

Where she got all that skill to work with all the 
uling and balancing certain projects. I often 

tools that she has is far beyond me. 
take on more than I could possibly do. 
I must say she has saved me a lot of money 
Such is not the case with the Gracious Mis-

through the years. If I had something sound 
tress of the Parsonage. Whatever she takes on 

wrong with my vehicle, she would immediately 
and how much she takes on can always be fin-

go out, lift the hood, and in a few moments deished 
on time. How she does it is beyond my 

termine what the problem was and then com-

mence to fix it. 

The only project I can finish on time is eating. 

One time the back bumper of my truck broke 
I have no problem finishing this project every 

and I didn’t quite know how to fix it. I was plan-

ning to take it to the garage and get them to fix 
it when my wife came out and asked what was 
The thing that bothers me is that many times I 

take on several projects and get them confused. 
I see a project I want to do and I jump at it. It 

I told her about my rear bumper and she went 
doesn’t matter if I have half a dozen other proj

to look at it. 
ects on the table, if I like it, I want to do it. 
I had one of those “aha” moments where I 
One time I thought I would partner with the 

thought here was a project she couldn’t fix. It 
Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage for several 

needed a professional. 
projects. As I looked at her project list, they all 
had something to do with crafts. I may be a lot 

In a few minutes, she went into the house and 
of things, but I certainly am not crafty. 

I thought she had given up. I didn't blame her 

because I didn't quite know how to fix it myself. 
I can go into her craft room, look at all of her 
tools, and not know what in the world they are 

Then she came back outside with one of those 
or what they are for. I’m not a tool kind of a per-

large universal paper clips. When I saw her 
son like my wife is. 

with it I started to laugh. She just looked at me, 
grinned and went over to the rear bumper and 
Last summer, for example, we had the air con-

in a few moments, she had it fixed. 
ditioner guy come to fix our air conditioner. He 
looked at it and said he knew exactly what was 

That was four years ago and it’s still fixed. 
wrong, but he didn’t have the right tool to fix it 
and so he had to go back to his office and get it. 

So, I have come to that point in my life where I 
am ready to quit. Ready to quit trying to figure 
“What tool,” my wife said to him, “do you need 

out how she knows so much of everything as-
to fix it?” 

sociated with tools. 

He looked at her, laughed, and said, "Ma'am, 

I am ready to quit trying to understand the othI'm 
sure you don't have anything near the kind 

er side of our marriage. 
of tool that I will need." 
Every man that thinks he understands a woman 
“Tell me what it is?” 

has never yet been married. 

He looked at her, smiled, and then describe the 

There are so many mysteries in life and I have 
tool that he needed to fix the AC problem. 

come to the point where I have quit trying to 

figure out most of those mysteries. 
“Oh,” my wife said as she made her way back 
to the garage. “I think I have that tool in my 

A verse of Scripture came to my mind, “Can 

two walk together, except they be agreed?” 

(Amos 3:3). 
He laughed until she came back from the garage 
with the exact tool he needed to fix the prob-

Sometimes that agreement is simply a mutual 
lem. He just stared at her and didn’t know what 

understanding of the differences between each 
to say. 

other. The secret to this is not to quit but to keep 

moving forward. 
If she doesn’t have the tool, there is no problem 
and nothing to fix. 

Dr. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of God Fellowship, 
Ocala, FL 34472 


HAPPY BIRTHDAY! …September Birthdays* 

Clem Bartolai, Pat Hall, Donna Anderson, Teresa Chaure, Cathy Gunther, EstherMacias, Sheila Pierce, Nancy Sue Shollenberger, Patti O’Meara, Judie Cimino,
Mary Steinberg, Geri Wright, Parvin Dabiri, Denise Reistetter and NehamaWarner, Virginia Mullaney, Gwen Robertson.

* To add your name to this distinguished list, please call the paper at 
626.355.2737. YEAR of birth not required. 



All Classes and programs will maintain a distance of 6 ft between participants. All equipment 
used will be sanitized after each use before it is stored. Each participant is responsible for providing 
their own water, masks and additionally needed supplies for each class. 

Please call the Community Services Department at 355-7394 with any questions or concerns. 


ANASTASIA, Wednesday 9/8 Could an amnesiac refugee named Anna Anderson truly be the Grand 
Duchess Anastasia, purported sole survivor of the execution of the Tsar Nicholas II and his family 
during the Bolshevik Revolution of 1918, and therefore the rightful heir to the Czar’s fortune? Backed 
by a group of White Russian exiles led by General Bounine, she faces her possible grandmother, the 
imperious Dowegar Empress Maria Feodorovna, and the fortune hunting Prince Paul. 

QUEEN BEES, Wednesday 9/22 

Helen is an independent widow who moves into the Pine Grove Senior Community and discovers 
it’s just like high school—full of cliques and flirtatious suitors. What she initially avoids leads her to 
exactly what she's been missing: new friendships and a chance at love with newcomer Dan. 

TEA AND TALK, SENIOR BOOK CLUB 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 9:00 am

Staff has launched a new book club series, Tea and Talk, which meets twice a month to discuss the 
fun, suspense, intrigue, love and so much more that each selection will have in store! 

FIBER FRIENDS Every Friday, 10-10:45 am 
Bring a lei, your flower skirt or just your desire to dance! Hula in the Park is back and waiting for 
you to join in on all the fun! Memorial Park Pavilion. 


Friday, October 8th, 3:00-5:00 pm

Stop by for some bingo, tea and conversations with Sierra Madre Fire Chief Bartlett and crew. Reserve 
your spot with Lawren. 


Lawren is making a colorful and artistic piece to brighten up the Hart Park House! We will have 
fun with tissue paper, coffee filters and food coloring. All supplies will be provided for you and we 
will meet in the Hart Park House. Please wear clothes you don’t mind getting messy. To reserve 
your spot or ask questions please call Lawren Heinz at (626) 355-7394 or 
email at 


Wednesday, 9/22 and Wednesday, 9/29 5:30-7:30 pm—Hart Park House 

Have you wanted to join in on one of these fun and popular classes but didn't know where to go? 
Well look no further...Paint and Sip has come to the Hart Park House! Select one of the two choices 
available and enjoy this fun paint by number with a glass of red or chilled white wine. We will spread 
the fun over two days to ensure we are not rushed and have more time with our art and like minded 
friends. The cost is $10 per person, space is limited so make sure to reserve your spot with Lawren 

POKER DAY -Tuesday, 9/7, 1:00-3:00 pm—Hart Park House 

Interested in a game of Texas Hold’em or 5 Card Draw? Bring your best poker face and join us in a 
friendly bout of card savvy competition. If this doesn't suit your card playing desires then help introduce 
your fellow seniors to a new and exciting card game. Cards and poker chips will be provided. 

BINGO -Tuesday, 9/14, 1:00 pm—Hart Park House 

Hart Park House Senior Bingo is back by popular demand! Come on down to enjoy this time honored 
game with some old and new friends. We are trying a new spin on your BINGO fun so please 
bring your good luck charms and BINGO markers! 


Micro is Metro’s new on-demand rideshare service, offering trips within several zones in LA County. 
The new service is for short local trips and uses small vehicles (seating up to 10 passengers). Micro 
is part of Metro’s family of services and has been designed hand-in-hand with Metro’s NextGen Bus 
Plan. The service is meant to be a fast, safe and convenient option for quick trips around town, Monday-
Sunday, 5:30 am-9:30 pm. At this time, a promotional fare of $1 will run six months from the 
date of service launch. The $1 will not include a transfer to Metro bus and rail. Customers can pay using 
their TAP Card/account (stored value only) or with a credit card (no cash). Metro staff will return 
to the Board at the end of the six-moth introductory period to consider potential fare adjustments. 
Service hours of operation are: 
Monday—Sunday between 5:30 am-9:30 pm. 
Download the Metro Micro App: visit: 
call 323-GO-METRO (323) 446-3876 


Dear Savvy Senior:
What are the rules regarding inherited IRAs? 
When my mom died this year, I inherited her 
traditional IRA and would like to know what 
I need to do to execute it properly. Confused 

Exceptions to the Rule 

Dear Confused:

 There are several exceptions to the IRA 10

I’m very sorry about the loss of you mother. 

year rule, including for a surviving spouse, 

Inheriting an IRA from a parent has a unique 

minor child, disabled or chronically ill bene

set of rules you need to know, which will help 

ficiary, or a beneficiary who is within 10 years 

you make the most of the money you inherit 

of age of 

and avoid a tax-time surprise. Here are some 
basics you should know. 

the original IRA owner. These beneficiaries 

Set-Up Inherited Account 

may be able to receive more time to draw 

 Many people think they can roll an inheri

down the account and pay the resulting tax 

ted IRA into their own IRA. But if you inherit 


an IRA from a parent, aunt, uncle, sibling or 

For example, when you inherit an IRA from a 

friend you cannot roll the account into your 

spouse, you can transfer the IRA balance into 

own IRA or treat the IRA as your own. Ins-

your own account and delay distributions un

tead, you’ll have to transfer your portion of 

til after you turn age 72. 

the assets into a new IRA set up and formal

Minor children must start required mini

ly named as an inherited IRA – for example, 

mum distributions from an inherited IRA 

(name of deceased owner) for the benefit of 

but don’t become subject to the 10-year rule 

(your name). 

until they reach the “age of majority,” which 

If your mom’s IRA account has multip

is 18 in most states. Disabled and chronically 

le beneficiaries, it can be split into separate 

ill beneficiaries, and those within 10 years of 

accounts for each beneficiary. Splitting an 

age of the original account owner have the op-

account allows each beneficiary to treat their 

tion to stretch required withdrawals over their 

own inherited portion as if they were the sole 


You can set up an inherited IRA with most 

Minimize Your Taxes 

any bank or brokerage firm. However, the 

 As tempting as it might be to cash out an 

easiest option may be to open your inheri

inherited IRA in a lump-sum withdrawal, 

ted IRA with the firm that held your mom’s 

tread carefully. This option could leave you 


owing a hefty sum when it’s time to file your 
taxes. Withdrawals from a traditional IRA ge

10-Year Withdrawal Rule 

nerally are taxable as income, at your income 

Due to the Secure Act, which was signed into 

tax rate. 

law in December 2019, most (but not all) IRA 

 For some people, it can be a smart tax move 

beneficiaries must deplete an inherited IRA 

to gradually draw down the account over the 

within 10 years of the account owner’s death. 

10-year period to avoid a large tax bill in a 

This applies to inherited IRAs if the owner 

single year and potentially being bumped into 

died after Dec. 31, 2019. 

a high tax bracket. Or, if you’re approaching 

 There’s no limit on when or how often you 

retirement, say in five years, you may want to 

withdraw money from the account, as long as 

wait to start withdrawing from the account 

the account is empty by the end of the 10 ye-

until you are retired, and your income dro

ars. That is, you can choose to withdraw all of 

ps potentially putting you into a lower tax 

the money at once, you can leave it sitting the-


re for a decade and then take it all out, or you 
can withdraw distributions over time. But be 

Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, 

aware that with a traditional IRA, each withd-

P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit 
rawal will be counted as income and subject Jim Miller is a contributor 

to taxes in the year you make the withdrawal. 

to the NBC Today show and author of “The 
Savvy Senior” book. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: