Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, October 16, 2021

MVNews this week:  Page 5

City FormsTeam to HelpSenior Care 

 Pasadena city officials 
reassured the public Friday 
that they have setup the 
Pasadena Elderly and 
Dependent Adult Liaisons 
(PEDAL) team to help 
oversee Skilled nursing 
facilities (SNFs) that provide 
long-term care services to 
many of Pasadena’s frail, 
older adults with underlying 
chronic medical conditions. 

 According to a statement, 
despite regulation by the state 
and the county, substandard 
care is an ongoing and 
persistent problem in 
many SNFs throughout the 
region, including Pasadena. 
The COVID-19 pandemic 
magnified systemic 
deficiencies at SNFs.

 Unfortunately, the City of 
Pasadena does not have direct 
oversight of SNFs or authority 
to enforce SNF regulations 
and standards.

 In August 2021, the city 
established the Pasadena 
Elderly and Dependent Adult 
Liaisons (PEDAL) team. 
The mission of PEDAL is to 
improve the quality of life for 
elders and dependent adults 
residing in long-term care 
facilities through education, 
community outreach, 
code enforcement, and 
prosecution. PEDAL builds 
upon prior work performedby the city in this arena.

In June 2020, more than 
60 residents were evacuated 
from Golden Cross Health 
Care (Golden Cross) in 
Pasadena after the skilled 
nursing facility’s license was 
suspended by the Licensing 
and Certification Program 
of the CA Department of 
Public Health (CDPH) 
due to ongoing quality of 
care issues reported to the 

licensing agency by the 

City of Pasadena Fire and 
Public Health Departments, 
and the local long-term care 
ombudsman. Less than four 
months later, more than 30 
residents were evacuated 
from Foothill Heights Care 
Center in Pasadena due 
to excessively high indoor 

 Subsequently, the Los 
Angeles County Office of 
Inspector General conducted 
an exhaustive review of 
the county’s capacity to 
perform various licensing 
and certification, inspection, 
and investigative activities in 
long-term care facilities as it 
is contracted with CDPH to 
do, and found deficiencies 
that impeded state and county 
regulators from fulfilling their 
oversight responsibilities. 
The evacuations revealed 
issues with state and county 
mechanisms for triggering 
a crisis response, efficacy of 
LA County Health Facilities 
Inspection Division’s (HFID) 
oversight and enforcement 
actions, and problems 
with coordination and 
communication between 
HFID and partner agencies.

 PEDAL has already 
completed coordinated 
inspections, escalating 
operational deficiencies 
to regulatory agencies 
and is actively addressing 
enforceable violations. 

 PEDAL includes the City 
Manager’s Office; Pasadena 
Public Health, Fire, Police, 
and Planning & Community 
Development Departments; 
Code Enforcement; City 
Prosecutor’s Office; WISE and 
Healthy Aging Long-Term 
Care Ombudsman Program; 
and Huntington Hospital. For 
more Visit: cityofpasadena. 

Council to 
Vote on 
Banning GasLeaf blowers

 The Pasadena city council is 
set Monday to take up the issue 
of gas-powered landscaping 
equipment, specifically gas 
leaf blowers, after years of 
complaints, with the possibility 
of banning them outright from 
being used anywhere in the city.

 The issue stems from 359 
complaints in the last six 
years, the majority (275, or 77 
percent) concerned the use of a 
leaf blower outside the allowed 
hours. The remaining categories, 
exceeding the allowed length 
of use received 52 complaints 
(14 percent), noise level had 
23 (six percent) and blowing 
debris over a property line had 
9 (three percent) complaints 
city officials said.

 According to the city staff report 
currently, all gas and electric 
leaf blowers are regulated in 
the Pasadena Municipal Code. 
This includes prohibitions on 
when a leaf blower can be used 
in a residential area or within 
500 feet of one (before 8:00 a.m. 
and after 6:00 p.m., Monday 
through Friday; before 9:00 a.m. 
and after 5:00 p.m. on Saturday; 
or at any time on Sunday.

 In South Pasadena the city 
council voted August 18 to 
prohibit gas-powered leaf 
blowers. Their ban is set to 
go into effect on October 1, 
2022. The prohibition applies 
citywide and includes the city’s 
use of leaf blowers. According 
to the South Pasadena city 
council’s agenda report, the ban 
also includes penalties of up 
to $500, and makes violations 
the responsibility of the 
property owner or tenant who 
authorized the use, it also adds 
new maximum sound standards 
for leaf blowers, 65 decibels 
measured 50 feet away. 

 If passed, Pasadena would 
also conduct an outreach 
effort that will include virtual 
workshops for homeowners 
and in-person demonstrations 
for gardeners and landscapers. 
Outreach would also include 
an informational webpage, 
social media resources, city 
newsletters, door hangers, 
printed flyers to be distributed 
at city departments, and direct 
mailing information about 
the ban to business owners 
and property management 

 The state is also considering, 
Assembly Bill 1346 (Air 
pollution: small off-road 
engines), to prohibit the sale 
of small gas-powered engines, 
like the ones used in gas leaf 
blowers. The regulations would 
apply to engines produced on or 
after January 1, 2024. 

Photo: South Pasadena city worker uses an electric leaf blower atArroyo Seco Golf Course.

 The council meets Monday at 

4:30 p.m. Visit: cityofpasadena.
net for more information. 
Pasadena Heritage to hostPreservation Pasadena: 
Craftsman to Modern 

Pasadena Heritage will 
be hosting a virtual, 10-day 
celebration of preservation 
and architecture from Friday, 
November 5th through Sunday, 
November 14th and will 
include tours, lectures, panel 
discussions, conversations with 
artists and collectors and more!

 Events will include 
presentations about architects 
Edward Durell Stone by his son 
Hicks Stone; Paul R. Williams 
by Stephen Gee; Irving Gill by 
Allen Hazard; and Bertram 
Goodhue. Other lectures will 
be given on The City Beautiful 
Movement by Kevin Johnson; 
Pasadena’s bungalow courts by 
John Ripley; and Preservation 
Los Angeles by Ken Bernstein;

Virtual tours will include 
our newest National Register 
Historic District of Pasadena 
Avenue, the Civic Center, 
Caltech, and other landmark 
district neighborhoods.

 Other events include a panel 
discussion with professionals 
in the field of restoration about 
remodeling your historic home 
and a panel discussing the top 
ten preservation stories that 
should not be forgotten.

 There will also be a celebration 
on Saturday evening with 
a wine tasting and trivia! 
On Sunday, November 14th 
Pasadena Heritage committee 
members will host small-group, 
informal, themed, round table 
discussions for participants to 
share their questions, thoughts, 
stories, and learn from each 

 Most events will be hosted 
on Zoom and recorded for 
those who cannot attend the 

live Zoom presentations. Tours 
will be made available on the Izi 
Travel App for those who wish 
to drive or walk the tours on 
their own. 

Immerse yourself in great 
architecture as you experience 
over 15 programs throughout 
the week of November 5 – 14, 
2021. Save the dates and visit 
our website for a complete 
schedule of the entire 10-day 
celebration! Each event will 
be recorded and available for 
purchase through December 
25th and viewable through 
December 31, 2021. For more 
information and tickets, click 

This event is sponsored by 
Hartman Baldwin, Pobal 
Construction, Window 
Restoration & Repair, Bradbury 
& Bradbury Art Wallpapers, 
Harvest Architecture, Kelly 
Sutherlin McLeod Architecture, 
Inc., and Susan Masterman 

 Pasadena Heritage is a nonprofit 
founded in 1977 and dedicated 
to historic preservation in 
and around Pasadena. For 
more information visit: 

South Pas 

 The City of South Pasadena 
has officially launched its 
redistricting process with 
an updated website that 
contains all the information 
and resources the community 
needs to get involved:

 Every 10 years, local 
governments use new data 
from the Census to redraw 
their district lines to reflect 
how local populations have 
changed. Members of the 
South Pasadena community 
are encouraged to participate 
in the redistricting process to 
help make sure district lines 
respect neighborhoods, history 
and geographical elements. 
The webpage includes 
background information 
on redistricting, a tentative 
schedule of participation 
opportunities, frequently 
asked questions, and resources 
for drafting maps and sharing 
feedback on previously-
drawn maps. Residents are 
encouraged to visit the website 
to share information about 
redistricting, submit feedback 
and eventually draw maps for 
City Council consideration. 

The first of four legally required 
public hearings is scheduled to 
take place on November 17 at 

7:30 p.m. at the regular City 
Council Meeting. Residents 
have an opportunity to learn 
more about the redistricting 
process, review current district 
compositions and provide 
feedback on where district 
lines should be drawn. 
The city is also hosting two 
community workshops to 
engage the public on the 
redistricting process. The first 
workshop is scheduled for 
October 28 at 6 p.m. via Zoom. 
At the community workshops, 
the public will receive training 
on the mapping tools that will 
be available and an opportunity 
to provide feedback on 
communities of interest.

 To sign up for updates 
and information about the 
redistricting process and 
future public meetings, please 
visit southpasadenaca.

or email redistricting@ 

Mountain Views-News Saturday, October 16, 2021 

Tournament Donates 
250 Boxes of Clothing 

 The Pasadena Tournament 
of Roses, in partnership with 
the Los Angeles County 
Sheriff ’s Department 
Community Advisory 
Council and Crime 
Survivors, donated 250 boxes 
of clothing to Pasadena, San 
Gabriel Valley and Compton 
non-profits focused on 
helping survivors of human 
trafficking, domestic 
violence and families 
experiencing homelessness.

 “The Los Angeles County 
Sheriff ’s Department would 
like to thank Forever 21 
for their most generous 
donation to one of our most 
valued partners, Crime 
Survivors,” said Bruce Chase, 
Assistant Sheriff, LA County 
Sheriff ’s Department.

 Tournament of Roses 
volunteer members sorted 
500 boxes of clothes, which 
were generously donated by 
Forever 21, into 250 boxes to 
kick off distribution October 

“While we are known for 
the Rose Parade and Rose 
Bowl Game, we are also 
about authentic community 
engagement throughout 
the year, with an emphasis 
on collaboration and 
driving impact,” said Carlos 
Illingworth, Senior Director 
Community Relations for 
the Tournament of Roses. 
“Through this effort, we hope 
to leverage the strength of 
our brand to raise awareness 

San Marino 

This year, the San Marino 
Crowell Library is getting 
into the fall spirit by hosting a 
pumpkin decorating contest. 

 All ages are invited to decorate 
a pumpkin like their favorite 
book character and enter to 
win a gift card to Vroman’s. 
Participants may bring in a 
decorated pumpkin (no carving, 
please!) with completed entry 
form to Crowell Library 
and enter it into our contest 

of and support for local nonprofits 
that advocate for 

 Last Saturday, six 
Pasadena-area nonprofits 
picked up boxes of clothing 
for at-risk women and 
the Sheriff ’s Department 
Community Advisory 
Council will continue with 
the distribution to various 
non-profits in Compton. 

 “Home isn’t the safest place 
for victims of domestic 
violence so naturally, the 
pandemic caused abuse to 
drastically multiply,” stated 
Laverne Delgado, Executive 
Director, Freedom and 
Fashion. “These resources 
are needed now more than 
ever and we are grateful 
to receive them in time 
for Domestic Violence 
Awareness Month.”

 “Many families flee their 
abusive relationships 
seeking safety, they come 
with nothing, and no time to 
pack a bag of clothing, these 
donations are sometimes 
all they have, and can 
make a huge difference in 
helping them to feel better 
about themselves in a new 
outfit,” said Jenica Morin-
Pascual, Training Specialist/
Domestic Violence 
Consultant, YWCA SGV. 
“Many times, victims will 
say “wow someone donated 
this to us and didn’t even 
know me or how much I 
needed this” it always puts a 
smile on their face.” 

through October 23. All entries 
must be received by October 
23 at 5:00 p.m..Winners will 
be announced October 30. 
Pumpkins will be accepted at 
Crowell Public Library 1890 
Huntington Drive.

 For more information and the 
full rules visit: cityofsanmarino. 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285Email: Website: