Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, October 16, 2021

MVNews this week:  Page 6

Mountain View News Saturday, October 16, 2021 
Mountain View News Saturday, October 16, 2021 

For the period of Sunday, October 3 through Saturday, October 
9, the San Marino Police Department responded to 387 calls for 
service. One residential burglary, zero commercial burglaries, 
and zero attempt commercial burglaries occurred during the 
reporting week. The following is a summary report of the keyincidents handled by the Department during this reporting 

Sunday, October 3

 No incidents to report.

Monday, October 4

 3:35 P.M. / PC 530.5 / IDENTITY THEFT / 2100 BLOCK OF 
HUNTINGTON DRIVE: Officers were dispatched regarding 
a fraud investigation. Upon arrival, officers made contact with 
the reporting party who stated that the suspect, Bunning, Sean 
(DOB 5/25/1988, Hollywood) was attempting to gain access to 
the victim’s bank account by using fraudulent identification 
card. Bunning was issued an own recognizance citation and was 
released at the scene. 
SHERWOOD ROAD: Officers responded and conducted an 
investigation of a non-suspicious death. 
Tuesday, October 5

AVENUE: The reporting party wanted to report fraudulent bank 
activity that happened outside of the country for documentation 
2:22 P.M. / PC 459 / VEHICLE BURGLARY / 500 BLOCK OF LA 
PAZ DRIVE: Unknown suspect(s) smashed the victim’s rear left 
passenger window and removed unknown items. 
involved in a non-injury traffic collision. Both vehicles were 
towed from the scene. 
were involved in an injury traffic collision. One of the parties 
complained of pain, but refused medical treatment. Both vehicles 
were towed from the scene. 
Wednesday, October 6

6:55 A.M. / PC 530.5 / FALSE PRETENSES / 2300 BLOCK OF 
HUNTINGTON DRIVE: Officers were dispatched regarding 
a male subject refusing to leave the area. Upon arrival, officers 
made contact with the male subject, Abrego, Eder, during a 
consensual search of Abrego officers located a credit card in his 
pocket not belonging to him and a driver license not belonging 
to him. Abrego was transported to the City of Pasadena jail for 
booking and housing.
ROAD: Officers were dispatched regarding a stolen license plate 
from a rental vehicle in the City of Los Angeles. 
bicycle were involved in an injury traffic collision. One of the 
involved parties suffered injuries, but refused medical treatment. 
/ GRANADA AVENUE: A vehicle was stopped for a traffic 
violation. A records check of the driver, Barrall, Eric, revealed two 
outstanding warrants out of the City of Los Angeles. Barrall was 
issued an own recognizance citation and released at the scene. 
Thursday, October 7

 11:01 A.M. / PC 451 / PC 602 / PC 459 / ARSON / TRESPASSING 
Officers were dispatched regarding a male suspect who entered 
the victim’s rear yard, started burning wood in a fire pit that he 
made, and pried open the rear door to the residence. The victim 
confronted the suspect inside the home prior to officers’ arrival. 
Upon arrival, officers made contact with the suspect, Schatz, Peter 
Richard, who was transported to the City of Pasadena jail for 
processing and booking. 
AVENUE / MONTEREY ROAD: Two vehicles were involved in 
an injury traffic collision. Both parties complained of pain, but 
refused medical treatment. Both vehicles were driven from the 
8:00 P.M. / PC 647h / HOT PROWL / 2600 BLOCK OF 
LOMBARDY ROAD: Two unknown male subjects entered the 
victim’s backyard by unknown means. The subjects fled when 
they saw the victim opening a window. 
Friday, October 8

 No incidents to report.

 Saturday, October 9

AVENUE / HUNTINGTON DRIVE: Two vehicles were involved 
in an injury traffic collision. One of the parties complained of 
pain, but refused medical treatment. Both vehicles were towed 
from the scene. 
11:48 A.M. / PC 594 / VANDALISM / 2100 BLOCK OF 
HUNTINGTON DRIVE: Unknown suspect exited his vehicle, 
punctured the victim’s tires, and fled northbound on San Marino 
NASA Turns to the Cloud Governor Signs Portantino’s 
for Help With Next-Mental Health Education Bills

 Senate Bills 14 and 224,

Generation Earth Mission by State

authored Senator 
Anthony J. Portantino were

Two of those forthcoming

As satellites collect signed into law last week bymissions, SWOT and NISAR, Governor Newsom – just days

larger and larger will together produce roughly 

before World Mental Healthamounts of data, 100 terabytes of data a day. Day. SB 14 and 224 address the 
engineers and One terabyte is about 1,000 growing mental health crisis 

gigabytes – enough digital 

among California’s youth by

researchers are storage for approximately 

implementing mental health

implementing solutions 250 feature-length movies. education and training in 
to manage these huge SWOT, short for Surface Water schools. 
and Ocean Topography, will 

“I am very thankful to the


produce about 20 terabytes Governor for signing SB 14 and 

of science data a day while 

224 into law and recognizing

The cutting-edge Earth science the NISAR (NASA-Indian 

the urgency of implementing

satellites launching in the next Space Research Organisation policies that give our kids the 

health trainings. CBHA looks

couple of years will give more Synthetic Aperture Radar) 

help they need,” stated Senator 

forward to continuing to work

detailed views of our planet mission will generate roughly 

Portantino. “California is in 

than ever before according to 80 terabytes daily. Data from the midst of a youth behavioral with our elected leaders to 

equip our school communities

NASA officials. "We’ll be able to SWOT will be archived with 

health crisis exacerbated by

track small-scale ocean features the Physical Oceanography the COVID-19 pandemic. with the tools needed to 

destigmatize behavioral health

like coastal currents that move Distributed Active Archive Although the bills don’t nearly 

care and create supportive

nutrients vital to marine food Center while data from NISAR 

go as far as they should, this 

learning environments.” 

webs, monitor how much fresh will be handled by the Alaska 

is an important step forward. 

With no state-mandated

water flows through lakes and Satellite Facility Distributed We need to keep these critical 

health education course at the

rivers, and spot movement Active Archive Center. NASA’s 

policies moving forward and 

middle or high school level

in Earth’s surface of less than current Earth science data 

end the stigma surrounding 

in California, a vast majority

half an inch (a centimeter)." archive is around 40 petabyes the discussion of mental health. 

of California students do not

But these satellites will also (1 petabyte is 1,000 terabytes), 

Mental health education and 

receive instruction in mental

produce a deluge of data that but by 2025 – a couple of 

training is one of the best

has engineers and scientists years after SWOT and NISAR ways to increase awareness health. SB 224 requires local 

educational agencies and

setting up systems in the cloud are launched – the archive is 

and empower students to seek 

charter schools which currently

capable of processing, storing, expected to hold more than 245 

help,” he added. 

offer one or more courses in

and analyzing all of that digital petabytes of data. According to the U.S. 

health education to middle or

information. Both NISAR and SWOT will 

Department of Health and 

high school students to include

“About five or six years ago, use radar-based instruments to 

Human Services, nearly 1 in 3 

mental health content in those

there was a realization that gather information. Targeting California high school students 

courses. SB 224 also requires

future Earth missions were a 2023 launch, NISAR 

surveyed reported feeling sad 

the California Department

going to be generating a huge will monitor the planet’s 

or hopeless almost every day 

of Education to develop a

volume of data and that the surface, collecting data on for two or more weeks in a 

plan to expand mental health

systems we were using would environmental characteristics 

row. Nearly 1 in 5 reported that 

instruction in California public

become inadequate very including shifts in the land 

they have seriously considered 

quickly,” said Suresh Vannan, associated with earthquakes attempting suicide. The Center schools on or before January 1,


manager of the Physical and volcanic eruptions, changes 

for Disease Control reports 

The measure was supported

Oceanography Distributed to Earth’s ice sheets and glaciers, 

that from March 2020, when

Active Archive Center based and fluctuations in agricultural the pandemic was declared, by a coalition of mental health 
at NASA’s Jet Propulsion activities, wetlands, and the size to October 2020, emergency advocates, including the 

National Alliance on Mental

Laboratory in Southern of forests. 

department visits were up 24% 

Illness – California, California

California. Set for a 2022 launch, SWOT for children 5 to 11 years of 

Alliance of Child & Family

The center is one of several will monitor the height of the 

age and 31% for those 12 to 17 

Services, California Association

under NASA’s Earth Science planet’s surface water, both 

years of age, when compared 

of Student Councils, California

Data Systems program ocean and freshwater, and will with the same period in 2019. 

Youth Empowerment Network,

responsible for processing, help researchers compile the 

In the fall of 2020, the number 

National Center for Youth Law,

archiving, documenting, and first survey of the world’s fresh 

of kids with suicide attempts

distributing data from the water and small-scale ocean coming to the emergency room and the Children’s Partnership. 

“We are so thrilled that

agency’s Earth-observing currents. SWOT is being jointly 

at UCSF Benioff Children’s 

Governor Newsom signed SB

satellites and field projects. The developed by NASA and the 

Hospital had doubled since the 

224 into law,” said Jessica Cruz,

program has been working for French space agency Centre fall of 2019. 

CEO of the National Alliance

several years on a solution to the National d’Etudes Spatial.

 SB 14 ensures that student 

on Mental Illness (NAMI CA).

information-volume challenge “This is a new era for Earth 

absences for behavioral health 

“NAMI-CA has been working

by moving its data and data-observation missions, and concerns will be treated the 

on this issue for years, and we

handling systems from local the huge amount of data they 

same as excused absences for 

are so grateful to have had the

servers to the cloud – software will generate requires a new 

physical health concerns. In 

strong leadership of Senator

and computing services that era for data handling,” said addition, SB 14 requires the 

Portantino to carry this policy

run on the internet instead of Kevin Murphy, chief science 

California Department of 

through – and not a moment

locally on someone’s machine. data officer for NASA’s Science 

Education to recommend 

too soon. Every day, we learn

The Sentinel-6 Michael Mission Directorate. “NASA best practices and evidence-

more about the terrible toll this

Freilich satellite, part of the is not just working across the 

based mental health trainings 

pandemic has taken on our

U.S.-European Sentinel-6/ agency to facilitate efficient 

to address youth behavioral

Jason-CS (Continuity of access to a common cloud health, including training for children and youth’s mental 

health. It is imperative that we

Service) mission, is the first infrastructure, we’re also 

teachers, staff, and students on 

enable them to understand the

NASA satellite to utilize this training the science community 

how to recognize, appropriately

cloud system, although the to access, analyze, and use that respond, and seek help for signs and symptoms of mental 

illness, overcome stigma, and

amount of data the spacecraft data.” 

mental health concerns. 

know how to get help early so

sends back isn’t as large as the To explore NASA’s publicly 

The measure was sponsored 

they can thrive.” 

data many future satellites will available datasets, visit: data. by a coalition of behavioral 

“We are so proud of Governor


health professionals and 

Gavin Newsom and his 

mental health advocates led 

Administration for recognizing

Celebrate Latino Heritage by the California Council of the impact that SB 224 willCommunity Behavioral Health 

have”, said Christine Stoner-

Agencies, and supported by 

Mertz, CEO of the California

Join the City of Pasadena a parade or festival but the California Behavioral 

Alliance of Child and Family

and the Latino Heritage instead features an entire Health Directors Association, “Education can


Committee for Pasadena’s month of free, family-Lady Gaga’s Born This Way 

help move mental illness out

23rd annual Latino friendly virtual and outdoor Foundation, Disability of the shadows and build a 
Heritage Celebration. Due events. All events comply Rights California, NextGen path to treatment. SB 224 
to COVID-19, this year’s with Pasadena Public Health California, and importantly, calls for reasonably designed

the voices of students including

celebration does not include Department COVID-19 instruction in middle and high

GenUP, California Association

protocols: schools on the overarching

of School Councils, and

Latino Heritage Concert in themes and core principles

California Student Board 

of mental health. With the

the Park 

Member Association. 

signing of SB 224, California

Saturday, today, 5 p.m., “The California Council of 

will prioritize supporting our

Memorial Park, 85 E. Holly Community Behavioral Health 

children and youth by bringing

St. Agencies (CBHA) and our 

mental health awareness into 

coalition partners applaud

¡Bailemos! Let’s dance! schools. This bill will go a long

Governor Newsom for signing

Latino Heritage would way to improve the well-being

SB 14 authored by Senator

not be complete without a of our children and youth at

Anthony Portantino,” said

celebration of Latin music! school, at home, and within

Dr. Le Ondra Clark Harvey,

Join us for a live music their communities.” 

CBHA’s Chief Executive 

SB 14 and SB 224 were

celebration at the Memorial 

Officer. “As the COVID-19 

introduced earlier this year

Park Bandshell. Dance pandemic continues, youth 

and reflect Senator Portantino’s

to traditional hits with behavioral health needs to 

dedication to improving mental

strong salsa beats. This is be a primary focus to protect 

health outcomes for youth. The 

a great event for the whole and promote the well-being 

Senator previously authored SB

family. Bring your blanket, of our students. California has 

972, which required schools 

once again shown itself to be a

lawn chairs, and dancing to print the suicide hotline on

leader by implementing this life

shoes! Register now at student identification cards. 

saving legislation. The work is Additionally, the Senator

far from done. Youth are dying,

Virtual Event: Día de los dedicated three years to pass SB 

and educators and other school

Muertos (Day of the Dead) 328, which pushes back school 

employees need the tools 

start times for middle and high

Sugar Skull Craft offered by quality behavioral 


Saturday, Oct. 30, 10 a.m.
Participants will follow 

step-by-step instructions Flu Shot Clinics at the Library 
to create a fun and unique 

Pasadena Public Library Library

calavera. Art kits will be 

is set to offer free flu shot - Monday, Oct. 25 • 2-4:30 

available for pick-up for 

and COVID-19 clinics in p.m. • Hill Avenue Branch 

registered participants at partnership with Pasadena 


Villa Parke Community 

Public Health Department. - Wednesday, Oct. 27 •

Center. Registration opens 

Vaccine supplies are limited 2-4:30 p.m. • Allendale

Oct. 1: 

and available on a first-come, Branch Library


first-served basis. Masks are Pasadena Public Library

Pre-registration for 

required. Please wear short offers a free flu shot 

events is recommended 

sleeves. clinic in partnership with

but not required. For more 

Free flu shots are available to Huntington Hospital

information on these and 

those six months and older. Community Outreach. 

other upcoming events, visit: 

COVID-19 vaccines are Vaccine supplies are limited, 

available to anyone 12 years to only 100 flu shots and are 

or call (626) 744-6530. 

and older. Children under 18 available on a first-come,

Pasadena Public Library 

years must be accompanied first-served basis. Masks are

is also celebrating Latino 

by a parent/guardian. required. Please wear short

Heritage month with a wide 

-Monday, Oct. 18 • 2-4:30 sleeves. 
variety of free programs 

p.m. • San Rafael Branch For more information visit: 
and activities. For details 


on these events, visit: 

-Thursday, Oct. 21 • 2-4:30 health or call (626) 744pasadenapubliclibrary.

p.m. • Santa Catalina Branch 6000. 
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 
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