Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, April 16, 2022

MVNews this week:  Page 6

Mountain View News Saturday, April 16, 2022 
Holden’s Camp Safety BillAB 1737 Passes Committee 

Last week, 

Assemblymember Chris 

Holden’s bill, Children’s 

camps: local registration 

and inspections, which is 

in response to the wholly 

preventable drowning death 

of 6-year-old Roxie Forbes 

at a Los Angeles County 

summer camp, as well 

as a history of traumatic 

incidents at children’s 

camps statewide, passed 

the Assembly Committee 

on Health . AB 1737, a

long overdue measure camps prior to and during 

that establishes health and operation of the children’s 

safety standards to protect camps. The bill would also 

millions of child campers require children’s camps to 

and counselors. include in their operating

“We owe children and plan submitted to their local 
their guardians the promise agency normal operation 
of safely returning home” procedures, security and 
Holden said. “With AB 1737, emergency procedures, 
we establish safety protocols health and safety policies, 
for the security of children and indicate whether the 
throughout California.” camp offers any high-risk 

AB 1737 would clarify activities, such as swimming 
that day and overnight and horseback riding. 
camps attended by children “It is our responsibility as 
are subject to California the adults in the room to 
Department of Public provide supervision while 
Health (CDPH) regulations parents/guardians are at 
and specifically outline the work,” Holden said. 
obligations of CDPH, local For more information visit: 
agencies, and children’s 

Art Talk and 
Painting Demo

 Join the Altadena Public 
Library for a talk and live 
painting demonstration byKeni Arts Saturday, April 
30, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. at the 
Main Library Pocket Park. 
Registration is required.

Keni Arts is a plein air plain air. He will also discuss 
painter. ‘Plein air’ is French marketing and selling 

for one who paints outdoors artwork along with the tools 
or on site. Keni has been and supplies of a plein air 
plopping his easel down on painter. Q&A included. (It is 

sidewalks, from Altadena recommend you bring your 
to New York and points in own chair.) 
between for many years. This program is made 

Keni will provide a possible by the Friends of 
breakdown of the process of the Altadena Library. 
plein air painting, including For more information 
the motivation, rewards and and to register visit: 
challenges for painting en 

South Pasadena Be Kind 
to Animals Art Exhibition

 The Community Services Department is hosting a Be 
Kind to Animal Art Exhibition on Monday, May 2. They 
are looking for students to create artwork that reflects this 
year’s theme, Animals Are My Neighbors, Too!

 This event is open to all Pre-K through 8th graders. They 
are asking participants to make some art sized 8.5” x 11” 
and drop off at the Recreation Office by 12 noon on April 
25, 2022. The Recreation Office is located at 815 Mission 
Street and is open Monday – Thursday, 10am-6pm.

 The form to submit to participate can be found at: under “Be Kind to Animals Art 

 For more information, call our Community Services 
Department at (626) 403-7380. 




San Marino Police set to 
Hold DUI / DL Checkpoint

 The San Marino Police risk.” 
Department will hold a DUI San Marino Police 
/ Driver’s License Checkpoint Department reminds the 
April 23, 2022 from 8:00 PM public that impaired driving 
to 2:00 AM at an undisclosed is not just from alcohol. Some 
location within San Marino prescription medications 
limits. or over-the-counter drugs

Checkpoint locations are may interfere with driving. 
chosen based on a history Always follow directions for 
of DUI crashes and arrests. use and read warning labels 
The primary purpose of about driving or “operating 
checkpoints is not to make heavy machinery,” which 
arrests, but to promote public includes driving a car. While 
safety by deterring drivers medicinal and recreational 
from driving impaired. marijuana are legal, driving

During the checkpoint, under the influence of 
officers will look for signs marijuana is illegal. 
that drivers are under the If you plan on drinking or 
influence of alcohol and/or taking medications that maydrugs, as well as, checking impact your ability to drive 
driver’s licenses. safely, plan on staying at

 The San Marino Police home. 
Department is committed to Drivers charged with 
keeping the traveling public a first-time DUI face an 
safe. average of $13,500 in fines

 “The safety of our and penalties, as well as a 
community is and always suspended license. 
will be our mission,” Chief Funding for this program 
John Incontro said. “We are was provided by a grant 
looking for impaired drivers from the California Office 
because driving under the of Traffic Safety, through the 
influence is dangerous and National Highway Traffic 
puts others on the road at Safety Administration. 

City ManagerRecruitment 
Now Open 

Pasadena city officials 
announced Wednesday that 
they have opened recruitment 
for the position of city manager.

 “We are a world class city 
that prides itself on providingfull service to our residents 
including our own police,
fire, utilities and health 
departments,” Pasadena Mayor 
Victor Gordo said. 
“We understand the complexity 
of local government and strive 
to recruit a city manager 
who can lead a dynamic and 
complex municipality and is 
passionate about serving the 
people of Pasadena,” saidThe new city manager will 
oversee a public sector agency, 
public/private partnerships, 
and a full-service City with 
robust services with 

an approximate budget of 
$900 million and a staff of 
approximately 2,000. They 
will support an experienced 
and committed City Council 
and an engaged community of 
approximately 140,000.

In addition to overseeing 
the municipal administration, 
the ideal candidate will also 
partner in the oversight and 
management of the City-
owned Rose Bowl Stadium,
Convention Center and 
Visitors Bureau, and Pasadena 
Community Public Access 

 Candidate interviews are 
scheduled for June 3 and June 
4 in person.

 The salary range is listed as 
$290,000 to $330,000 and is 
negotiable depending upon 
experience and qualifications.

 For more information 
including the application and 
a recruitment brochure visit: 


At its meeting on Tuesday, April 12, the Duarte City Council completed the redistricting process 
and established a new City Council district map by adopting Ordinance No. 909 approving Map 103Revised. 

City Council seats for Districts 1, 4, 5, and 6 will be up for re-election this November, while the election 
in Districts 2, 3, and 7 will occur in November 2024. The new Council District map pairs Mayor 
Margaret Finlay and Mayor Pro Tem Tzeitel Paras-Caracci in District 1. It also pairs Councilmembers 
Jody Schulz and Vinh Truong in District 3. Two of the new Districts - District 2 and District 
4 - have no incumbent Councilmembers. 

The City began the redistricting process in September 2021 and hired National Demographics Corporation 
(NDC) as the demographer. Early in the process, Duarte created a dedicated redistricting 
website, which is a one-stop-shop for all matters Duarte redistricting. It provides education about 
the redistricting process, answers to frequently asked questions, a schedule of upcoming meetings, 
a contact us page, a subscription form to receive districting news, and mapping tools. Residents also 
had the ability to pick up paper map kits from City Hall and the Senior Center to submit hand-drawn 

To gather public input and insights on the district formation process, the City Council held six Public 
Hearings, a Special Meeting, and a Regular Meeting: 

Public Hearing #1 - September 28, 2021: Identify neighborhoods, communities of interest, and secondary 
areas; mapping tools overviewPublic Hearing #2 - January 11, 2022: Identify neighborhoods, communities of interest, and secondary 
areas; mapping tools overviewPublic Hearing #3 - February 8, 2022: First presentation of maps and discussion of election sequence 
Public Hearing #4 - February 28, 2022: Review draft maps and identify a preferred mapPublic Hearing #5 - March 8, 2022: Discuss and consider draft maps; identify a preferred mapPublic Hearing #6 - March 22, 2022: Discuss and consider draft maps; identify a preferred mapSpecial Meeting #7 - April 4, 2022: Second presentation of maps and first reading of the ordinance 
to adopt the preferred map and its election sequenceRegular Meeting #8 - April 12, 2022: Review of the selected map and second reading of the ordinance 
to adopt the preferred map and its election sequence 

More information regarding the November 2022 election will be available in the coming months. 
Residents are encouraged to stay updated through the City’s platforms including the website, CityNews, and social media. To learn more about the redistricting process and to view the selected map, 
visit the City’s redistricting website. 


The Monrovia City Council proclaimed the week of April 18 as California Mosquito Awareness 
Week. Warm weather allows mosquitoes to breed, bite, and blossom in our neighborhoods. 
This is when fatal diseases like West Nile virus can be transmitted to humans. Keep 
mosquitoes and their diseases out of your home with 3 easy tricks. 

Tip and Toss Stagnant Water Weekly -Did you know that mosquitoes need 7 days in water 
to grow into biting adults? Scan your yard each week for water-capturing containers and tip 
them out! 

Use Repellent - Enjoy your spring festivities without worrying about getting bit outside. There 
are only 4 repellents recommended by the CDC! 

Spark Some Spring Inspiration - Create a healthy community for yourself, and your loved 
ones. Gather your neighbors and join us in Biting mosquitoes Back in your community! 

As you may recall, in 2020, the Monro-
via City Council Meetings became fully 
remote as a safety precaution. Beginning 
on Tuesday, April 19, the Monrovia CityCouncil will return to in-person meetings 
at the Council Chambers in City Hall. For 
those wanting to tune into the meetings, 
meetings will continue to be broadcasted 
on KGEM-TV and streamed on YouTube. 
With the return of in-person meetings, 
there are some changes to Public Input. 
1. The public can now attend allCity Council meetings and provide pub-
lic comments, in-person, in the CouncilChambers. 
2. Public comments will continue 
to be accepted via email, but they will nolonger be read out loud during the Coun-
cil Meetings. However, the full text will 
be provided to all members of the CityCouncil prior to the meetings.

3. Community members can continue 
to provide public comments usingthe audio features through Zoom. Due totechnical limitations, the video functionality 
will not be available.
Those participating remotely may observe 
a slight delay in the live-stream.
And to provide the best viewing experience, 
we do ask for Zoom audio participants 
to mute themselves to prevent feedback. 
As we return to in-person meetingsw/ virtual and television feeds again, weask for your patience and understandingas we may need to work out a few issuesthat could arise. 
For more information on participatingin City Council meetings and links to thelive meetings, the community is encouraged 
to visit the City’s website. 
Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 
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