Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, February 25, 2023

MVNews this week:  Page 9

Mountain Views-News Saturday, February 25, 2023 9 Mountain Views-News Saturday, February 25, 2023 9 
Peter Dills Knows 
OOOPs here is My Presidents Day Run DownA week Late 

I must admit as a schoolboy I looked forward to the month 
of February. Mostly because I knew a holiday was soon to be 
mine and I could escape my teacher’s scrutiny for a day, and it 
didn’t hurt that most years there were 28 days. To say I loved 
summer vacation would underplay the rapture I found each 
June. Every moment in the penitentiary of school was a clock-
watching moment until my release for Summer Vacation. 
Show me a boy that doesn’t love summer and I will show you a 
boy that has read Huckleberry Finn but doesn’t practiced the 
spirit. These days I look forward to Presidents weekend once 
again, because my home away from home, Santa Anita Race 
Track is now (barring rain) open. Don’t worry my concerned 
readers, I might have a champagne appetite but this writer’s 
budget is strictly on a beer allowance. A $2 exact box is about 
all this hopeful gambler can muster. 
As I researched the Presidents this year I uncovered an assortment 
of tastes comprising our highest office. Here is what my research came up with. 

My favorite Executive of the Oval Office - JFK. 
John F. Kennedy: 35th PresidentJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy was the first president to shine a spotlight on the White House chef. 
His staff approached chef Jacques Pépin, but having already served for France's President 
Charles de Gaulle, he turned down the generous offer. 
"I loved Kennedy, but I had no inkling for the potential publicity in the White House," recalls 
Pépin. Turned out John Kennedy wasn't a big foodie; instead, he often had to be reminded to 
dine. When at the table, President Kennedy was true to his New England roots, munching on 
New England clam chowder, corn muffins, and baked beans. 

Here are a few more favorites: 
Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969): Ice cream, 
pancakes, seafood, spinach soufflé, and sweet 
potatoes with toasted marshmallows 

Richard Nixon (1969-1974): meatloaf, dried 
figs, and cottage cheese 

Gerald Ford (1974-1977): pot roast, red 

Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) eggplant, chicken, 
sirloin steak, cornbread 

Ronald Reagan (1981-1989): Jelly beans, macaroni and cheese, monkey bread 

George H. W. Bush (1989-1993): pork rinds, hated broccoli 

William Jefferson Clinton (1993-2001): enchiladas, ribs, hamburgers, and pie 

George W. Bush (2001 – 2009): Mexican food, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches 

Barack Obama (2009-2016): Chili, hamburgers 

Donald Trump (2017-2020) Meat Loaf 

Joe Biden Present Tuna Salad and a Bobbie Salad 

Dining with Dills Saturday at 5 PM AM 830 KLAA 

Join us for a Month of Programs and Events! 
The Sierra Madre Public Library has announced the 2023 selection of One Book 
One City; Flying Free: my victory over fear to become the first Latina pilot on the 
US Aerobatic Team by Cecilia Aragon. 

One Book One City is a community reading program that invites everyone in Sierra 
Madre to read and discuss the same book during February 2023 and participate in 
exciting programs and events. 

This fabulous community program includes an Author Talk with Cecilia Aragon, 
a tour of the San Gabriel Valley Airport, a kids STEAM Dream Workshop with local 
teacher Dany Richey, a kids paper airplane competition, a movie night with the 
documentary Fly Like a Girl through our new streaming service Kanopy, and inspirational 
presentations on women in flight. 

Aragon’s memoir, Flying Free, shares her own journey of breaking past her own fears to 
become a champion aerobatic pilot. Aragon was a timid child, painfully shy and afraid 
of everything from heights to people. How did she become a death-defying daredevil 
and aerobatic pilot? In her memoir, she bares her life even though writing it “scared me 
more than pointing my single-seat experimental plane at the ground and opening the 
throttle until I was roaring earthward at 250 mph”. 

Connect all month long through engaging themed programs that are free and fun for 
the whole family. Call the Library at (626) 355-7186 for more information. 
177 East Colorado Boulevard, Suite 550, Pasadena, California 91105 
(626) 792-2228 | 
Providing Objective and Experienced 
Investment Counsel to Financially 
Successful Families since 1915 

LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles County Health Officer is issuing a Cold Weather Alert due 
to the National Weather Service’s forecast for low temperatures. Wind chill temperatures are 
expected to be below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Affected areas include: 

• Santa Clarita Valley - Friday, February 24, 2023 to Sunday, February 26, 2023 (continued) 
• Lancaster (Antelope Valley) – Friday, February 24, 2023 to Tuesday, February 28, 2023 
• Mount Wilson (LA County Mountains) – Friday, February 24, 2023 to 
Tuesday, February 28, 2023 
• Woodland Hills (West San Fernando Valley) – Sunday, February 26, 2023 
• Burbank (East San Fernando Valley) – Sunday, February 26, 2023 
• San Gabriel (West San Gabriel Valley) – Sunday, February 26, 2023 
• Pomona (East San Gabriel Valley) - Sunday, February 26, 2023 
“Taking extra precautions amid cold weather events is especially important for children, the 
elderly, those with disabilities, and those with special medical needs,” said Muntu Davis, MD, 
MPH, Los Angeles County Health Officer. “Shelters and other public facilities are open for 
those who have no access to a warm space. It’s also important for everyone to make sure they 
are staying warm safely—never heat a home with a stove, oven, or barbeque as this could lead 
to carbon monoxide poisoning.” 

During these cold weather conditions, you can do several things to help yourself and others 
stay safe: 

• Avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Never use a generator inside a home, shed or garage 
even if doors and windows are open. Keep generators outside and far away from windows,
doors and vents. 
• Never use charcoal grills or camp stoves indoors. Deaths have occurred after peopleburned charcoal or used camp stoves in enclosed spaces, which produced lethal levels of carbon 
• Never heat your home with a gas stovetop or oven. 
• Do not touch or approach a downed power line; call 9-1-1 if you see a downed or damaged 
electrical line.
• Avoid using candles. If possible, use flashlights instead. If you must use candles, do notburn them on or near anything that can catch fire. Never leave burning candles unattended ornear children or bedding. Extinguish candles when you leave the room.
• Have a plan for back-up power if you or someone in your family is dependent on electricity 
for medical devices.
• Wear layers and have blankets available to add additional warmth. Layers will keep youwarmer than a bulky sweater. Stay dry to avoid hypothermia.
• If it is safe, check on neighbors who may need assistance — older adults, people with 
disabilities and young children are more at risk in extreme cold. 

Hypothermia: People exposed to cold weather for prolonged periods can lose body heat 
develop hypothermia. Symptoms vary depending on how long you are exposed to 
cold temperatures. Early symptoms of hypothermia include shivering, fatigue, loss of 
coordination, and confusion and disorientation. Late symptoms of hypothermia include 
no shivering, blue skin, dilated pupils, slowed pulse and breathing, and loss of 

Frostbite: People exposed to extremely cold weather conditions with snow and freezing 
temperatures may be at risk of frostbite. Frostbite is a bodily injury caused by freezing 
that results in loss of feeling and color in affected areas. The most common affected 
areas are the nose, ears, cheeks, chin, fingers, or toes. Gently warm the person and seek 
immediate medical care if you believe someone is showing signs of hypothermia or 

Carbon monoxide poisoning: Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless, colorless gas that 
can kill you. It is found in fumes produced any time you burn fuel in cars or trucks, 
small engines, stoves, lanterns, grills, fireplaces, gas ranges, or furnaces. Carbon monoxide 
can build up indoors and poison people and animals who breathe it. Symptoms 
include shortness of breath, headaches, muscle and joint pain, and nausea. Exposure to 
high levels of carbon monoxide can lead to death within minutes. Those suffering from 
carbon monoxide poisoning should be immediately taken outside, into fresh air, and 
should be rushed to the emergency room for immediate medical treatment. 


The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) emergency shelters offer temporary 
shelters across the County to protect people experiencing homelessness during 
colder months. These beds are available through March 2023. 

Persons seeking shelter services to stay in a warm place can visit
shelter, dial 2-1-1 or call the Winter Shelter Hotline at 1(800) 548-6047. Transport 
services are available for those in need. 

Los Angeles County residents and business owners, including people with disabilities 
and others with access and functional needs, may also call 2-1-1 or visit www.211la.
org for emergency preparedness information and other referral services 24 hours a 
day and seven days a week. For the deaf and hard of hearing, call the TDD line at 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 
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