Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, April 1, 2023

MVNews this week:  Page 4



Mountain View News Saturday, April 1, 2023 



 The Santa Monica developer for the 
"Meadows" project, which ironically will 
obliterate the existing meadow, is threatening 
to stick Sierra Madre with a worse 
project if the residents don’t agree to their 
housing tract of 42 McMansions. In other 
words, if you don't agree to our demands, 
we will inflict even further harm on your city. I think there's a name for that: it’s 
called extortion. But it's an empty threat. It's analogous to me trying to add on to 
my home in violation of the building codes and telling the City: "If you don't agree 
to my building plans, I'm going to build a 50 story skyscraper on my property". It's 
preposterous but that's exactly what this developer is doing. 

 All they've done is submitted an application for a bigger project and are threatening 
to take away a few perks. But an application doesn't equate with an approval. 
Anybody can apply for anything. It doesn't mean a thing. But I can hardly blame 
them. It's a typical developer gambit to take attention away from their existing 
"Meadows" project that was unfortunately approved by our City Council despite 
hundreds of residents who are opposed to a project that violates our General Plan, 
destroys over 100 mature trees, cuts into Bailey Park, destroys the wildlife habitat 
and creates excessive traffic and congestion on streets that don't have sidewalks. Do 
we really want to open the flood gates to predatory developers particularly with the 
Stonehouse land up for sale and Alverno High School closing its doors. It's only a 
matter of time before our "Village of the Foothills" has parking meters downtown.

 If the citizens of Sierra Madre vote No on Measure M, perhaps the developer 
should listen to the concerns of the residents and re-submit a better project and not 
threaten the residents with an even worse project. This is the oldest trick in the 
world: present the residents with a false choice between an existing bad project and 
a worse project when the real choice is between their bad project and no project. 


 The "Meadows" project is the result of what happens when maximizing profit is 
the primary goal. The good residents of Sierra Madre should Vote No on Measure 
M and tell the Santa Monica Developer and Chicago property owner that Sierra 
Madre residents don’t want your 42 McMansion project and will stop your threatened 
50 house project as well!

Matt Bryant, Sierra Madre resident


If you’ve been listening to those who oppose Measure M 
there is something you won’t hear: anything about SB 330. 
That is because they know they have no good argument for 
stopping a state sanctioned SB 330 project.


At Tuesday’s city council meeting four regulars hit all the 
normal talking points. Increased traffic, trees being cut 
down, five years of construction, they don’t want large 
homes, and impacts on water.


We’ve heard it all before, but thanks to those who filed the referendum, a door has been opened to 
an even worse project built under state standards.


Whining about these issues is now moot. Homes are going to be built under either project as large 
as the largest homes already in the neighborhood, trees will be cut down and replaced, traffic will 
minimally increase by one more car every two minutes, construction will take years, and water 
will be impacted. This ship has already sailed, and the opponents don’t want you to know that.


In public comments, Mrs. Sheridan accused Yes on M of spreading misinformation and lies without 
providing any evidence for the claim. Right after that she gaslit everyone by saying she is running 
an honest and dignified campaign. This is the same old trope she pulled out during Measure 
HR. “Dignified” isn’t really the MO of her side, as earlier in the comment period one of the opponents 
of Measure M was told to leave after he yelled something about the mayor being a “piece 
of garbage.” No one ever apologized for his comment.


The closest thing we heard to the honest truth was Mrs. Beckham saying that she knows something 
is going to be built. That is right, and we know if Measure M is defeated the already submitted 
alternate SB 330 project with 50 homes and no park will move forward. It is delusional 
to think the developer will just walk away from the millions they have already invested with the 


What you can do is vote YES on M to limit the number of homes, minimize the water impact, 
guarantee open space, make sure traffic is spread out over two streets, and see that the trees are 
replaced at a 5:1 ratio. That is the only rational option. A lie of omission about the SB 330 project 
only hurts Sierra Madre. Smaller development is off the table and you cannot stop development by 
voting no. You missed that boat, but not the vote for the best project.

Vote Yes on M


Dear Editor,:

My name is Enrique Villasenor, and I am a Traditional Healer in the Southern California 
region. It is with great concern that I write to you regarding the sudden departure 
of Ms. Helen Wong from the Eaton Canyon Nature Center. 

Over the last decade, I have frequently arranged Medicinal Plant Walks/Classes at 
the center for a variety of groups and docents. Nonetheless, I was taken aback to 
discover her absence when I attempted to contact her recently. 

Upon inquiring about her departure, I was met with reticence and suspected there 
may be more to the situation than what has been disclosed to the public. As a veteran 
employee of over 25 years, Ms. Wong's departure deserved to be met with appropriate 
respect and recognition.

During my interactions with Ms. Wong, I have always found her to be a consummate

professional whose dedication to the center's success has been unwavering. She 
spearheaded numerous programs, including increasing the number of Native 
American powwows, expanding the docent program, and showing great commitment 
to preserving the wildlife preserve. Her efforts have not only improved the 
center but also fostered a positive relationship with the local community. Thus, I call 
for her immediate reinstatement to the Eaton Canyon Nature Center. 

If this is not possible, Ms. Wong, her colleagues, and the community deserves a 
transparent explanation regarding her departure.


Enrique Villasenor, Traditional Healer

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