Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, April 8, 2023

MVNews this week:  Page 8



Mountain View News Saturday, April 8, 2023 



MONROVIA, CA – Monrovia Chief of Police Alan Sanvictores 
announces three promotions within the Monrovia 
Police Department. Effective May 2023, Sarah 
Covarrubias will be promoted to Police Cap-tain, John 
Donchig will be promoted to Police Lieutenant, and Luis 
Villalobos will be promoted to Police Sergeant.


“These individuals performed excellently during their 
promotional exams, and the Department is in-credibly 
excited and supportive of these new promotions. I know 
they will continue to be exemplary leaders of our team 
and believe they will continue to serve and protect the 
people of Monrovia,” said Chief Alan Sanvictores.


“There are over 60 years of institutional knowledge between 
these three employees, and we are ex-cited to see 
them grow in this new capacity and rank. The Monrovia 
Police Department and our com-munity are lucky to 
have such compassionate and empathetic leaders who not 
only bring their wide breadth of training, but also a deep 
respect for this profession and the people they serve,” said 
City Manager Dylan Feik.


Captain Sarah Covarrubias has been an employee of the 
City of Monrovia for over 20 years and began her career 
as a Police Cadet in the Explorer Program. She became a 
Police Officer after serving in the United States Marine 
Corps Reserve. Captain Covarrubias has served in a variety 
of assignments within the Department, including Patrol, 
the Special Enforcement Team, Investigations, and 
was a Crisis Ne-gotiator on the Regional SWAT Team. 
Captain Covarrubias previously served as a Patrol Watch 
Com-mander, and is currently serving as the Detective 
Bureau Commander. She has earned the Basic, In-termediate, 
Advanced, Supervisor, and Management Peace Officer 
Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) Certificates. She 
completed her Master’s Degree in Public Administration 
and her Bachelor’s Degree in Criminology from the University 
of La Verne. She recently graduated from P.O.S.T. 
Command College, a 14-month graduate-level program 
focused on Leadership and Futures Studies for law enforcement 


Lieutenant John Donchig began his career with the Monrovia 
Police Department in 2006 as an Officer and was 
promoted to Sergeant in 2017. He has served in many 
capacities, including the Foothill Special Enforcement 
Team (FSET) / Crisis Response Team, Crimes Against 
Persons Detective, First Sergeant, and most recently as 
the Community Activist Policing (CAP) Sergeant, an 
award-winning program dedi-cated to building meaningful 
connections and strengthening relationships between 
law enforcement and those they serve. As the City’s 
CAP Sergeant for several years, Lieutenant Donchig has 
led the De-partment’s homeless outreach and works 
closely with our designated school resource officer across 
all Monrovia Unified School District schools. Lieutenant 
Donchig received his Master’s Degree in Criminol-ogy 
from UC Irvine and a Bachelor’s Degree in History from 
the University of Southern California.


Sergeant Luis Villalobos joined the Department in 2001 
following his service in the United States Army. Sergeant 
Villalobos has worked various assignments, including 
Gang and Narcotics Officer in the Spe-cial Enforcement 
Team, Tactical Operator and Sniper in the Foothills Special 
Enforcement Team, an Agent, Field Training Officer, 
Patrol Supervisor, and Property Crimes Investigator. 
Prior to this promo-tion, his last assignment was as 
a Crimes Against Persons Detective, where he was responsible 
for in-vestigating homicides, weapon offenses, 
felony assaults, domestic violence, sex crimes, elder and 
child abuse, and other felony crimes. Sergeant Villalobos 
studied Administration of Justice at Rio Hon-do College 
and Criminal Justice at the University of Phoenix.


Monrovia’s Police Department consists of 79 sworn and 
non-sworn personnel and has an operating budget of 
over $18 million. 


– Alex Tachiki has been named as 
the Director of Public Works for the 
City of Monrovia.


“I am pleased to appoint Alex to this 
position. Alex has grown within 
this Department since he started his 
service with the City and currently 
serves as the Interim Director of 
Public Works. He displays our organizational 
values of being humble, 
hungry, loyal, and smart. He has an 
exceptional ability to man-age and 
oversee a complex department and 
continues to go above and beyond 
in all aspects of the position. It is always 
exciting to see individuals professionally 
grow within our organization. 
Alex is an exemplary leader, 
and I know he will bring innovative 
ideas as he continues to serve the 
people of Monrovia,” said Dylan 
Feik, City Manager.


Mr. Tachiki joined the City of Monrovia 
in 2016 and has held various 
roles within the Public Works 

Department. Professionally, he has 
extensive experience with multiple 
disciplines, including budget and 
operations, public relations, community 
engagement, transportation, 
water conservation, storm-water, 
solid waste and recycling, project 
and construction management, and 
municipal planning.


“I am humbled and honored to embark 
on this new role and carry out 
the responsibility to lead the Public 
Works Department. Monrovia has 
been an incredible place to learn and 
grow, and I enjoy serving our team 
and the Monrovia community. I am 
excited to serve in this new capacity 
and I love working with our public 
works staff. I recognize the vital 
role public works plays within our 
community, and we will continue to 
strive to provide excellent service to 
our residents and businesses,” said 


Mr. Tachiki will oversee all aspects 
of the Department, which includes: 
the City’s water and sewer utili-ties; 
maintaining safe streets and sidewalks; 
supervising the maintenance 
of the City’s nine parks and a variety 
of open spaces; maintaining 
public facilities and infrastructure; 
managing the City’s transportation 
and environmental programs, and; 
administering the City’s Capital Improvement 


Alex holds a Master’s Degree from 
the University of Southern California 
in Public Administration with 
a Public Policy Certification and a 
Bachelor’s Degree from California 
State Polytechnic University, 

Pomona, in Political Science. Most 
recently, Alex completed an Executive 
Certification with a Concentration 
in Public Policy from the Harvard 
University Kennedy School 
and is in the process of completing 
his second Executive Certification 
with a Concentration in Public 


Alex was born and raised in Southern 
California and resides in the San 
Gabriel Valley. He enjoys playing 
basketball, spending time with family 
and friends, and watching the Los 
Angeles Dodgers and Los An-geles 


Monrovia’s Public Works Department 
consists of 36 staff members 
and has a total operating budget of 
over $50 million. As a Department 
that focuses on a variety of projects, 
including large-scale capital 
improvement projects, they also respond 
to over 3,000 service and project-
related calls annually. 


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