Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, June 17, 2023

MVNews this week:  Page 3


Mountain View News Saturday, June 17, 2023 


by Deanne Davis

Peter Dills Knows 

“…And so, God created dads so that there 
would forever be bedtime-story-readers and 
cover-tuckers, shoulder-carriers at parades 
and star-pointers on clear nights, bike-riding 
coaches and driving instructors, love-providers 
and proud protectors. And He saw that it 
was good.” Melvina Young

“Any man can be a father, but it takes someone 
special to be a dad.” Anne Geddes

Tomorrow is Father’s Day, one of those days 
when I miss John – the best father I ever 
knew – more than usual. He is now with the 
eternal, loving Father…Our Father, Who art 
in heaven… 

When you have an enormous family, as we 
do, there are fathers all over the place. At best 
count, we currently have seven fathers with 
a total of 22 children between them. I think, 
friends and neighbors, that’s got to put us in 
some sort of record book. The picture today 
is of my grandson-in-law, Trevor, his two 
little girls, Addison and Charlotte, and the 
brand-new little guy in our family, Brannan 
Austin Johnson, who was born May 21st. 

I was fortunate to have married an exceptional 
man who was a fantastic father. As I 
grew up without one, I had no clue how this 
worked, but John showed me that a father 
is patient, he is kind, he isn’t proud, doesn’t 
dishonor the children or his wife, is not self-
seeking, not easily angered, keeps no record 
of wrongs. A good father rejoices with the 
truth. Always protects, always trusts, always 
hopes, always perseveres. That means explaining 
the same algebra problem for the 
nineteenth time without throwing the book 
or the child on the floor. It means going to get

a daughter and bring her home from a bad 
situation. It means staying awake at night 
when someone isn’t home who should be, 
and gently grounding them for a year or till 
they’re 30. It means being proud of every 
achievement, no matter how minor. This 
sounds a whole lot like that

1 Corinthians 13 in the Bible thing, doesn’t 
it. I have frequently said, and totally mean 
it, that John raised all five of us: Leah, Patti, 
John, Crissy and me! I wrote this column a 
few days before June 16th, which would have 
been his birthday. He is celebrating in heaven 
but his legacy of being a loving husband and 
father lives on in his children. We see his example 
through the behavior of all the men 
in our family. How blessed we all are and so 
grateful for his influence.

I could go on for several columns on the 
virtues of all these men, my son, John, son-
in-law, Dave, grandsons Michael, David and 
Chad, and grandson-in-law, Trevor, but today 
I’m going to talk about just one of them.

My Arizona son-in-law, Chris, is the father 
of two little girls, Jessie who is 15 and Emily 
who is 12. These girls are adopted foster children, 
born of drug addicted mothers. 

These are not easy little people, but Chris 
and Crissy will keep on keeping on, being 
the best parents possible, rejoicing in these 
girls’ accomplishments and dealing with the 

I don’t know about you, but I have a mental 
image of Jesus, who loved hanging around 
with little kids, in addition to tax collectors 
and ladies of questionable virtue, laughing 
heartily at “Cheez- its loves me, this I know.” 
This comes from the first year Jessie and Emily 
went to Vacation Bible School. They were 
both so little that the VBS t-shirts fell to their 
knees. They had a great time and came home 
singing “Cheez-its loves me!” Like I said, I 
know Jesus would have loved it.

Take a look at the guys around you who are 
fathers, and remind them they are God’s appointed 
and anointed men and you appreciate 
them. I got to tell my Dad I loved him 
many times before he died, we missed that 
father-daughter thing, but I’ve seen the best 
at work in my family. I hope you have, too. 
Happy Father’s Day!

If you want an easy dessert to go with your 
Father’s Day barbeque, try this one:


2 cups Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, 
cut in good sized chunks

1 cup sugar - Place apples in a bowl and 
add sugar. Let stand 30 min. (That part 
is really



1/4 cup oil

1 egg beaten

1 tsp vanilla

Blend well. 


1 cup unsifted flour

1 generous tsp. cinnamon

1 tsp. soda

1/4 tsp. salt 

Stir into apple mixture. 

Add 1/2 cup or so chopped pecans or walnuts. 
Spoon into well-greased 8” square 

Bake at 350, 35-40 minutes till cake tester 
inserted in middle comes out clean. Cut 
into squares and dust with powdered sugar. 
Best served warm, and it doubles and 
triples beautifully.

“My father didn’t do anything unusual; he did 
what dads are supposed to do –

Be There.” Max Lucado

My book page: Deanne Davis

Where you’ll find the Emma Gainsworth 
Kindle novelettes, 

Along with other goodies like “A Treasure 
Map, A Drunken Owl

And 47 Rattlers in A Bag” True Tales of 
Early California

Happy Father’s Day

It has been said, that there is no substitute for time. Only through 
its passage can many of life’s experiences be fully understood. 
This Fathers Day I reflect back on a lesson of life and a Father that 
has ceased to teach and comfort me. I would like to invite you 
along for a single night with a man that has left this Earthy place 
but dwells eternally within my heart. The article below was written 
and published before his passing.

My Evening with a Restaurant Critic.

My entire life has been an eight course meal. In my late teens I had 
the distinguished position of bagger at the local supermarket, and 
later with references, I was able to move to Jurgensen’s Gourmet 
Grocery. There I was to learn about fine wines, exotic cheeses and 
my kryptonite, dry aged beef. I guess it all started there because 
at twenty-three I was pretentious about food. For many years I 
thought that was where it all started for me, there in those markets, 
but I have come to realize that I was wrong. For some in life 
it is the famous baseball player; or possibly a religious figure, for others it is a musical master 
or the profound artist. How many times in life, if ever do you get a chance to sit with those that 
inspire and challenge life with a depth of wisdom? For most they will never get the opportunity. 
I can claim one prize in this life; I have had the opportunity to observe, speak with and lastly 
follow in the footsteps of one person that holds that place for me. They have been labeled “The 
greatest generation” for a reason. Each day another from that stratum of America, “slowly goes 
into the night.”

Many of you know that my Father Elmer Dills was on TV and radio for twenty-eight years here 
in Los Angeles. I had the opportunity to dine and share with my mentor a few weeks ago. I have 
been out with my Father at least five hundred times but as a fine wine, wisdom increases in its 
depth and flavor as it ages. 

On this night our adventure took us to Madeleines(since closed) in Pasadena. Seems that my 
Dad is a regular there and lately he’s been a little under the weather. I have heard him say nothing 
but praise of this place, so it’s off to Madelienes. 

“Table for three, please,” on this evening we have, my daughter Lauren (the budding Critic), 
Pops and Me. Whenever I see courteous, well behaved children; I know their parents are invariably 
going to be respectful people. Likewise whenever I get a compliment, I know it goes beyond 
just me. As we sit to dine, there is no call for attention and gratification, just a smooth easy in 
being in his court. As we talk, I am struck that there is no air of condemnation but rather one 
of deep respect for the people that more often than not get it right in this business. My Dad the 
legendary restaurant critic doesn’t even ask what the ingredients of the dishes are as he orders. 
He doesn’t request to see the sommelier. Is he a restaurant critic, I am waiting for a sign? It is 
just as natural as going to dinner with a group of friends, I think.

The restaurant is quietly attractive, cozy and well spaced. You feel a little smarter here, knowing 
that Albert Einstein often slept upstairs while he was visiting Cal Tech. 

We began with a cheese plate ($9), nice but it could have used less nuts and more of cheese and 
crackers. My Dad is a creature of habit, just like many of us. He orders the Rack of Lamb, “I just 
loved it,” just like a young kid would say. The waiter was kind enough to have it cut for him. 
Daughter Lauren ordered the Pork Chops and gave it two training thumbs up. Now that is a 
compliment. Not sure if high heels work in this business though, as you never know when you 
may encounter a chef that feels you have leveled capricious discourse with your pen on the one 
hand and possess a frying pan in the other. She will discover soon enough why I wear running 
shoes and a sport coat.

I order the Spencer Steak, of course I am the difficult one, so once we get the steak the way I 
wanted it cooked, it vanishes quickly. 

Back to Dad, the waiter asks, “How was the meal” and I know 99% of you when asked would 
give the response, “Fine, Thank You.” Nope, the restaurant critic said, “The lamb chops were 
great!!!” “And the dessert was?” A shrugged of the shoulders told it all. That is the honesty and 
passion that got me involved in this business. Today, I still work at a restaurant to keep up on 
the trends and I even get a crazy dream that I may own 
one someday. You can be sure he will be one of the first 
to give a thumbs up or a shrug of the shoulders if I do. 

Happy Fathers Day – I would never trade sitting across 
the table from you for anything.

This was a re-print and may just run it every year at 
this time just to remind you and all to hold these special 
days near your heart.

My Radio Show is back on AM 830 KLAAA Sundays 
at 5 PM


WEEKLY ACTIVITY REPORT June 4 – June 10, 2023

The following represents a summary report of some of the major incidents handled by the 
Sierra Madre Police Department during this period. This list is not intended to be considered 
exclusive or all-inclusive.

Sunday, June 4 Theft from Motor Vehicle

At approximately 7 AM, officers responded to the 400 block of N. Grove St. for reports of a possible 
theft from motor vehicle. The reporting party discovered that unknown suspect(s) smashed 
the rear window to their vehicle. The Detectives Bureau is following up on this incident.

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: