Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, July 1, 2023

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Mountain Views-News Saturday, July 1, 2023 

2023 FOREST 



Forest bathing under the full moon offers a 
unique experience of nature immersion in the 
quiet after hours of the Arboretum. Feel at 
peace and join us for some moon watching. Inspired 
by the Japanese practice of shinrin yoku, 
Full Moon Forest Bathing has been sci-entifically 
proven to boost immune strength, reduce 
stress, and improve cognitive functioning. But 
beyond these physiological changes, 

Full Moon Forest Bathing also offers us the opportunity 
to deepen our relationship with the 
natural world.

By slowing down and carefully observing with 
all our senses, we may begin to notice incredible 
things that may have eluded us for our 
whole lives. In escaping the rapid pace of our 
daily routines, we may find unparalleled beauty 
in the moment and in doing so, relax into the 
beauty all around us.

On your walk, a certified guide will offer a series 
of guided invitations to assist you in finding 
your own authentic way of interacting with the 
land at the Los Angeles Arboretum. There’s no 
right or wrong way to do it; just come and be 
yourself. It’s all welcome in the forest.

Advance online registration is required for Full 
Moon Forest Bathing. We do not allow any 
drop-ins or walk-ups. Because of the meditative 
nature of this class, we strongly recom-mend 
that participants be 12 years old and older. 
Please arrive 10 minutes before class to ensure 
you are not left behind! Refunds will not be 
granted to registered guests who miss the walk 
due to tardiness.

If you are interested in requesting a specific 
guide, please contact the Education Depart-
ment at


$25 for Arboretum members

$35 for non-members

Call for Artists


MONROVIA, CA –Artists are encouraged to submit proposals for the Issac Epperson 
Neighborhood Treasure Program.


The Neighborhood Treasure program celebrates Monrovia’s unsung heroes for 
their contributions to the community through public art. The art is unique to the 
specific person being honored, will enrich the lives of those who view it, and improve 
neighborhoods just by its presence. The City of Monrovia will honor the life 
of Issac Epperson. 


Issac Epperson was the first President of Monrovia’s National Association for the 
Ad-vancement of Colored People (NAACP) – a position he held for over 20 years. 
Under his leadership, the Monrovia NAACP broke barriers with the integration 
of Monrovia’s swimming pool, stores and restaurants. His leadership also helped 
black women ac-quire jobs in retail stores, banks, the school district and utility 
companies. Vis-it Monrovia’s Change Makers for additional information on Issac 


Established in 2004, Art in Public Places supports the creation of public art through 
a variety of programs and projects. The program extends the reach of public art into 
the community by sponsoring artists to paint utility boxes, mu-rals, Samson the 
Bear statues and Neighborhood Treasures.


The deadline for artwork submittal is July 12, 2023.


For questions regarding the Neighborhood Treasure Call for Artist, contact Kerri 
Zessau at 626-932-5564 or emailing at 

Mountain Views News 80 W Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email: Website: