Mountain Views News, Combined Edition Saturday, October 7, 2023

MVNews this week:  Page 16



Mountain View News Saturday, October 7, 2023 

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We are a few games into this college football season. Am sure 
fans all have an opinion about what is happening with conferences, 
divisions etc. Strength, highlights for conferences and 
teams within conferences.

Let’s look first at our PAC 12, (in its final year?) Looking at all 
12 teams, not just the two that are left. Over the past two years, 
most of the teams in the conference have probably improved in terms of football team development. 
Level of competition is probably as good as any other conference, but it did not survive 
because of revenue generated (and NOT GENERATED) from TV networks over the past few years. 
This is certainly sad management.

In the conference there is great talent, especially at the quarterback position. The games are fun to 
watch with really 11 competitive teams. Other teams in other conferences realize this as does the 
national media. However, because of the current PAC 12 set up, some of the teams have not gotten 
the attention they should have. 

In the PAC 12 alone there are at least three Heisman Trophy candidates. Bo Nix at Oregon, Mike 
Penix at Washington, and Caleb Williams at USC or Cameron Ward at Washington State. If Cam 
Rising at Utah was playing he could have been. There are also several other great candidates for 
All-Americans at different positions… backs, linemen, receivers and defensive players as well. 

Speaking of attention, there’s Coach Deion Sanders, “Coach Prime” as in “Prime Time Deion” 
when he was an especially talented defensive back for Florida State and several NFL teams. His talent 
even then included not just on-the-field skills, but also his interest in media and publicity. He 
has certainly carried this over into his coaching positions as well. University of Colorado has had 
great exposure due to how he is using that talent in Boulder. Sometimes, however, this may not be a 
positive situation. It does seem that Boulder was not ready for this kind of build up. The attention 
and emphasis the “Prime” has brought to the university has been a bit more that they could handle. 

According to those familiar with this, the parking is terrible, the press box is too small and can’t 
handle the credentialed media and press. In addition the facilities at the stadium, (including food 
stands and restrooms) are very outdated. When games are now sold out this only focuses on the 
problems with the stadium. The sidelines are narrow, and the presence of celebrities and “guests” 
who want to join the Buffalo bandwagon crowds the benches. So far none have been injured during 
out of bounds plays. (I don’t think) and no one yet during the storming of the field after games. 

We can look at how many PAC 12 teams are ranked in the Top 25 teams in polls. In spite of today’s 
records, I would be surprised if anyone in this conference will go undefeated. All of these top 
teams better be ready to play each and every game day.

It is a shame that when the PAC 12 can finally compete nationally, it is virtually destroyed. ( Just 
saying, poor administration. ) The next several weeks will be very interesting when we look at 
wins and losses and great performances of both players and coaches. As the pressure on each team 
grows, the fans will become even more involved and vocal in all aspects of team play. This will 
make the season especially exciting.

The other conferences involved with play are also facing new opponents from the PAC 12 as they 
join the conferences. They will be evaluating and prepping for new opponents in the coming year. 
With additions to the Conference the PAC 12 will survive, but in what form, and with new faces 
and personalities. With a loss of some records and traditional rivalries. 

But all said, lets enjoy this football season. It won’t be forgotten. The last of this PAC and with such 
great talent and competition, what a way to bring down the curtain. Is it possible that a PAC 12 
team could win the National Championship? We’ll wait and see.

By the way, the first Pasadena Quarterback Club of the year was awesome. Anthony Davis and local 
coaches sold out the place. Next meeting is October 27th 11:30 lunch at Elks Club in Pasadena 
with David Baker. His excellent football background with his last position as Executive Director 
of the NFL Hall of Fame. Enjoy your season! 

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