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SATURDAY MAY 15, 2010 VOLUME 4 NO. 19 PUSD ISSUES LAYOFF NOTICES $23 Million Deficit Will Raise Class Sizes, Close School Libraries Pasadena, CA – The Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) Board of Education voted on Tuesday to issue final layoff notices to 207 teachers, librarians, administrators, nurses, counselors, psychologists, clerical and maintenance workers to meet a $23 million budget deficit and to prepare for possible additional reductions in state funding. PUSD had hoped to rescind and/ or avoid some layoff notices with funding from the Measure CC parcel tax, which failed to earn the super-majority of votes required for passage. The Board voted to finalize the layoffs in time to meet a May 15, 2010 deadline required by state law. “These layoffs mean that class sizes will rise, libraries will close, and it will become more difficult to deliver enrichment and support to students,” said Bob Harrison, President of the PUSD Board. “As we approach June 30, we will continue to examine our resources and maximize every dollar to ensure that academic achievement continues to progress.” Final layoff notices will be issued to 158 certificated employees, including teachers, administrators, counselors, nurses, and psychologists as approved by the administrative law judge. Certificated employees received preliminary reduction notices on March 15. Layoff notices will be issued for 49 “classified” employees this week, including 15 elementary school library coordinators. Hours for another 25 classified employees were reduced. Classified public school employees perform a wide range of essential duties, including security, food services, office and clerical work, school maintenance and operations, transportation, academic assistance and para-educational services, library and media assistance, and computer services. In California, reduction in force notices for classified employees require a 45-day notice. PUSD has cut $33 million from its budget since 2005 as part of organizational restructuring to reduce the district’s central bureaucracy and to absorb the decline in state funding during the current economic crisis. “I don’t want to have to lay off anybody. That is not my preference. Raising class sizes is not my preference,” said Board Vice President Renatta Cooper. “Our schools just don’t have the resources to do everything. This is painful and this is cutting to the bone.” In the next two months, Superintendent Edwin Diaz and district staff will deliver specific recommendations for the 2010-11 budget. Issues for consideration include flexibility for school expenditure of categorical funds; allocation of restricted funds for class size reduction; and adjustment of budget cuts to preserve critical positions. At its upcoming meetings, the Board will also discuss policy recommendations to align categorical funding to identified priorities such as preservation of class size, dropout reduction, and parent engagement. The 2010-11 budget is scheduled for a first reading on June 8, second reading on June 15 and must be finalized by June 30. “The severity of the budget shortfall requires that we target our available resources to support instructional and strategic priorities,” said Superintendent Diaz. “Our primary focus will be to keep class sizes below 31 students.” City Council Awards Contract for Renovation of Sierra Madre Room At the regular meeting of May 11, 2010 the Sierra Madre City Council awarded a contract for the construction of Sierra Madre Room building improvements to CA Construction in an amount not to exceed $933,116. The project includes the following improvements to the existing facility: new ceiling, energy efficient roofing and air conditioning, energy efficient recessed lighting, new entry and restroom additions to the Sierra Madre Room with ADA access, replacement of exterior doors at north side of room for ADA access, removal of the existing west side interior stairs and landing as well as replacing the existing ceiling and north doors of the Fireside Room and upgrades of the Fireside Room restrooms. According to the bid documents, the project schedule includes 90 working days. Assuming necessary contract documents are in place and issuance of official Notice to Proceed takes place on June 1, 2010 the project is expected to be complete by approximately October 7th. During the project, the Sierra Madre Room and adjoining Fireside Room will remain closed to the public. The remainder of the building, including the YAC, the Pool House, and the office spaces will remain open and in operation. The Sierra Madre Room project is funded through grants from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in the amount of $570,000 and Los Angeles County in the amount of $350,000. Additional Workforce Housing Reward Program funding was recently identified by staff and approved by the City Council for use in defraying design costs on the project in the amount of $13,116. Thus, the available funding for the project stands at $933,116. Additional Background: The Sierra Madre Community Recreation Center was constructed in 1969. Initial public discussions about renovating the facility centered on demolishing the facility and replacing it. Unfortunately the costs for a project of that magnitude were more than the City could afford at that time. Consequently, a phased approach to renovating the facility has been taken; projects have been initiated and completed only as funding has become available. Previous remodel projects have rehabilitated the pool house, the staff offices and a portion of the Fireside Room, and added the second-story YAC. The remaining original sections of the building are showing the wear of their nearly 40 years of hard use. The Sierra Madre Room project is the last phase of the renovation of the Sierra Madre Recreation Center. This portion of the Recreation Center includes the Sierra Madre Room, the un-renovated portion of the adjacent Fireside Room, the existing kitchen, and the existing (original) restrooms which serve the Fireside Room. The project does not include the second story of the building which is currently used as the Youth Activity Center. A True Sierra Madre Treasure On Friday, Sierra Madre resident Fran Garbaccio was honored as the city’s 2010 Older American Of The Year. Fran is an active member of the Sierra Madre Friends of the Library Board and United Methodist Church, past Scout Leader, strong supporter of the Sierra Madre Environmental Action Council and much, much more. Each year the President of the United States, the Governor of California and the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors designate the month of May as Older American Month. This year’s theme is: “Age Strong! Lice Strong!”, a motto certainly appropriate for the effervescent, ever busy Garbaccio. In a room filled with family and friends, Fran was presented with honors from Mayor Mosca and the City of Sierra Madre, Congressman David Dreier, and David Monroy from State Senator Bob Huff’s Office. The event was sponsored by the Sierra Madre Senior Services Commission. Sierra Madre’s Art Faire Clarification: In the story about Sierra Madre’s very successful Art Faire, we inadvertently failed to mention that the event was sponsored by the Friends Of The Sierra Madre Library. Sierra Madre Little League Closes Out Its 2010 Season With FUN Saturday, May 22! Sierra Madre Little League invites everyone in the community to attend Closing Day in Sierra Vista Park on Saturday, May 22. The day starts with a pancake breakfast and two farm prep (6 & 7 year olds) games, with the popular carnival starting at 10:00A. The carnival includes obstacle courses, a rock wall, a giant slide, a bounce house, milk bottle toss, football toss, speed gun and face painting. And the world famous Heasley Diner will be open all day for hamburgers, hot dogs and pizza. After all the games on Heasley Field, a league photo will be taken, followed by Closing Ceremonies and the traditional league slide show and baseball movie. Families are invited to bring lawn chairs, blankets and picnic items to the outfield, where the slide show and movie will be shown. The day’s schedule for Heasley Field and Sierra Vista Park: 8:15A Lugnuts v. Bats/Diner Opens 8:30A Pancake Breakfast Start 9:00A River Dogs v. Iron Birds (T-Ball Field) 9:30A Scrappers v. River Bandits 10:00A Carnival Opens (goes until 6:00P!) 11:00A Farm All-Star Game Grasshoppers v. Rock Hounds (T-Ball Field) 1:00P Coaches Softball Game 2:45P Minors Playoff/Final 5:00P Majors Playoff/Final 7:15P League Photo 7:30P Closing Ceremonies (with tribute to longtime announcer Tom Canterbury) 8:15P SMLL Slide Show/Movie For more information, call SMLL president Pete Siberell at 355-6746. Sierra Madre Woman’s Club Awards Scholarships On Thursday, the Sierra Madre Woman’s Club made their annual Scholarship Presentation to three outstanding young women. Receiving the awards were: Filomena Pirrone, Pasadena High School $3,000.00 Tracy Sullivan, La Salle High School $1,500.00 Deanna Palazzola, La Salle High School $1,500.00. President Janet Ten Eyck was proud to announce that this was the first time that the club had awarded scholarhips to local students. Club member Marilyn McKernan, coordinated the effort. Sheila, mother of Deanna Palazzola, who was unable to attend, ,Tracy Sullivan, and Filomena Pirrone Photos by D. Coutant Pasadena Playhouse Bankruptcy Could Leave The City on the Hook For Its’ Debt In attendance at the event (above) Front row: Filomena Pirrone, scholarship winner; Tracy Sullivan, scholarship winner; Sheila Palazzolo, mother of scholarship winner Deanna Marilyn McKernan, Sierra Madre Woman's Club Philanthropy Chairman Betty Mackie, Sierra Madre Woman's Club Treasurer Back row: Allison Steppes PHS counselor of Filomena Pirrone Mrs. Pirrone, mother of scholarship winner Filomena Mrs. Sullivan, mother of scholarship winner Tracy Mr. Pirrone, father of scholarship winner Filomena Janet Ten Eyck, Sierra Madre Womans' Club President By Dean Lee Although city officials say they remain optimistic that the Pasadena Playhouse will emerge from Chapter 11 Bankruptcy soon, they also said the 90-year-old theater still has an obligation to produce plays. “While there is no specific term before they would be found to be in violation of the lease,” said Mayor Bill Bogaard, “at some point, if there are no plays produced by this operator then the question has to be raised, as to whether or not they get to continue to control that space.” The theater operators could be out of bankruptcy as soon as this fall according to Bogaard although reluctant to give an exact time. He also said the city extended a $750,000 line of credit in 2004 with the expectation that a $1 surcharge on every ticket sold would pay the debt off. “But there is an amount outstanding of $440,000 from that line of credit,” he explained later saying, “from the city’s point of view, that is potential indebtedness we would have to pay if the Playhouse doesn’t. We want that situation to be carried through to the new operation [out of chapter 11].” Bogaard added, “We expect them to live up to their agreement and pay us off.” Other reports also said there was a $49,000 loan from the city, something Bogaard said he was unaware of, “I don’t know where that came from or what it’s for,” In a prepared statement, Playhouse Executive Director Stephen Eich said about the bankruptcy filing, “This is a necessary step in our strategy to reorganize the Playhouse for the benefit of our creditors and the Pasadena Community at large,” Playhouse Artistic Director Sheldon Epps added, we (cont. on page 4) SIERRA MADRE’S FARMERS MARKET! Wednesday 3-7 pm Fresh vegetables and seasonal fruits from California family farms. Specialty foods, vegetarian and vegan dishes, ethnic foods and hot food - Everything you’ll find at the farmers market has been made or picked fresh, is pesticide-free and preservative-free. Free public parking on Mariposa. MountainViews-News 55 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. No. 302, Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.609.3285 Email:
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Mountain Views News 80 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. #327 Sierra Madre, Ca. 91024 Office: 626.355.2737 Fax: 626.604.4548 |